Connected (Teen Wolf) Book 4

By jinx1996

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Anna and Scott are now bonded. He can help her control the Nix, but it still seeps through occasionally in he... More

Preface - Can't Go Back
Chapter 1 - Mexican Rave
Chapter 2 - Echoes
Chapter 3 - You Won't Find God
Chapter 4 - Brake Down
Chapter 5 - Watched
Chapter 6 - Smugglers
Chapter 7 - Time Travelling
Chapter 8 - The Return Of Miguel
Chapter 9 - Friendship
Chapter 10 - 137
Chapter 11 - Calling France
Chapter 12 - Game Locker
Chapter 13 - Story Time
Chapter 14 - Never Ending Night
Chapter 15 - Fashion, Flirting, and Falling
Chapter 16 - Bouncer Duties
Chapter 17 - Deadpool
Chapter 18 - Pillow Talk
Chapter 19 - American Beauty / American Psycho
Chapter 20 - Bone Chilling Fear
Chapter 21 - Big Macs and Pringles
Chapter 22 - The Locker Room Again
Chapter 23 - Aiden
Chapter 24 - The Orphans
Good evening :)
Chapter 25 - Hey Parrish... So... You're On A Hit-list
Chapter 26 - Banshee Screams
Chapter 27 - Third Cypher
Chapter 28 - Thanks Buddy
Chapter 29 - CDC
Chapter 30 - Quarantine
Chapter 31 - Shut Out
Chapter 32 - Reishi
Chapter 33 - As I Lay Dying
Chapter 34 - Plan Z
Chapter 35 - Countdown
Chapter 36 - Naked Deputy Jordan Parrish
Chapter 37 - Rain and Thunder
Chapter 38 - Food and Sleep
Chapter 39 - Bacon
Chapter 40 - I Think I Created A Lynch Mob
Chapter 41 - The Big Reveal
Chapter 42 - Peter Hale
Chapter 44 - Safe
Chapter 45 - Going To Church
Chapter 46 - Lydia Was Right
Chapter 47 - The Monsters Inside
Chapter 48 - Carnage
Chapter 49 - Bittersweet
Chapter 50 - Contained and Monitored
Chapter 51 - Anna's Lullaby

Chapter 43 - Ranting, Raving Lunatic

4.8K 241 36
By jinx1996

Peter sat opposite Meredith looking very pissed while Jordan stood across the room from them keeping an eye on things as Lydia, the Sherriff and myself were behind the glass.

"He does not look happy at all. I really think I should be in there."

"No, that's why Parrish is in there." Stilinki explained.

"Parrish may be supernatural, but we don't know what he is and he doesn't know how to use whatever abilities he may have. I may not have amazing control myself, but I do know how to use strength and speed, which could come in handy against Peter. Plus he listens to me, he's not going to listen to Parrish." Lydia gave me a sceptical look, "Okay, fine, he sometimes listens to me... sort of... maybe... occasionally. Well, more than anyone else here, that's my point!"

"No." The sheriff said bluntly making me sigh and turn back to the window in the viewing room.

"Okay... Meredith... where's my money?" Peter asked, getting right to the point. "Or more correctly, what's left of it."

Meredith looked at Peter oddly before slowly lifting up her hand and reaching it out, gently brushing his cheek. Like a snake Peter whipped his hand up and latched onto her wrist, pulling her hand away.

"Let her go." Jordan said in a warning tone as he reached for his gun. "Let her go." He said more sternly when Peter did nothing. His grip slowly loosened before he lowered Meredith's hand back to the table.

"Why did you do that?" He asked, not looking up at her.

"They're all gone." Meredith stated. "The burns... they're all gone."

"How do you..."

"I saw them."

"We've never met before." Peter stated as Meredith nodded silently saying that they had. Peter shook his head, "Meredith, you put everyone including my nephew and my daughter on a death list. Don't you think you owe us the slightest explanation of why?" Peter asked, ignoring her.

Meredith lowered her head and whispered, but not low enough to keep it from hearing volume. "You said it had to be kept secret." She nodded.

"I said? I said that to you?"

She nodded, "You said it."

"Meredith... Allow me to remind you yet again that we have never met. Ever."

"You don't remember?" She asked.

"No..." Peter said harshly and I could sense something bad was about to happen. I ran for the door just as I heard him add, "But maybe you do." And Lydia yell out "No, don't!" as I heard a table being pushed out of the way.

I barged into the interrogation room just as I saw Jordan knocked down and Peter immediately dig his nails into the back of Meredith's neck. Not bothering with them, knowing I couldn't do anything now, I went straight to Jordan and helped him up. He slowly began to recover and get to his feet as the Sheriff and Lydia joined us.

"Don't touch them." I said right away when I saw both Jordan and the Sheriff reach for guns, the Sheriff using his left arm while his right remained in a sling from where he was shot.

"If you brake the bond you would kill them, both of them." Lydia explained quickly.

"What are we supposed to do?" The Sheriff asked.

"Leave them." I stated as I looked over at where Meredith sat in her chair and Peter stood in front of her, his nails digging into the back of her neck, accessing her thoughts. "He can pull back anytime and he will once he has his answers, but you can't rip them apart."

Both men lowered their guns, "What the hell is he doing to her?" Jordan asked.

Meredith inhaled deeply as her eyes opened and she began to mumble something far from coherent.

"She's saying something." The sheriff whispered.

"Can you hear it?" Jordan asked me.

I shook my head, "No, that's gibberish, it's not words." I whispered back, being able to hear the mumbles a lot clearer than the others.

"I can. I can hear it perfectly." Lydia said as she stepped closer, "She was in a hospital." Lydia began to translate. "The same hospital."

"Same as who?" Jordan asked.

"Peter." I answered. "He was catatonic for six years." I explained briefly.

"It was right after the fire. Meredith could hear him."

"Hear what?"

"Everything. She was hearing every thought in his head." Lydia said. "Like they somehow found the same wave length. Everything that was going through his mind was also going right into hers."

"For how long?"

"Weeks, maybe even months. It was almost like he was standing right over her bed talking about the fire. About getting revenge."

"What did he say?" The sheriff asked.

"He said that he predicted it, the fire. That he tried to warn Talia, but she didn't listen. She said that everything would be fine and that they were all safe. He thought that Talia made the pack weak. He said he'd start over. Take out all the shape shifters and then remake the supernatural in Beacon Hills in his image. That he'd hire people, professional assassins like The Mute and the Chemist. He'd use the barrow bonds in the vault to pay them and then disseminate the deadpool further to the public. He said it would work because when it comes down to it everyone can be corrupted by money." Lydia concluded just as Peter pulled back from Meredith, stumbling as the banshee gasped again, Jordan running to help her as I went to a now fallen down Peter who was sitting up against a wall.

The sheriff pulled his gun out again and pointed it at Peter, "Anna, get back." He said, but I only looked up at him.

"It was your idea and you don't even remember." Lydia stated as Peter's gaze flicked from me up to the barrel of the gun. I felt a hand grip my arm and pull me back over to Lydia, away from Peter. I went to glare at Jordan, but he paid no attention as he kept his eyes on Peter.

"Are you kidding me?" Peter asked as he continued to stare at the gun pointed to his head.

"Hands where I can see them." Stilinki demanded.

"How the hell was I supposed to remember any of that?" Peter asked as he slowly got to his feet.

"But she got it from you." Lydia stated.

"I was out of my mind. Do you know what it's like for one of us to be in a coma? Paralysed, but cognizant? You try not going crazy."

"But she was listening to you." Jordan said.

"She was listening to the ranting and raving of a lunatic." Peter stated adamantly as my heart started pounding in my chest, but not because of what was happening here. Scott was fighting someone. He was operating on pure adrenaline and rage. The assassins must have found them. "A former lunatic, I'm much healthier now." Peter added. "I had nothing to do with this."

"If she was following your lead on this then how do we know there isn't more?" The Sheriff asked, none of them having any idea that I was now loosing interest in this and focusing hard on Scott, trying to sense any flicker of fear or want of help.

"Stealing my own money? Really?"

"Well you were going to use it anyway."

"Stop. Stop it, this is what she wants, it's why she's here." Lydia cut in. I didn't see Peter's reaction as my eyes were trained on the floor continuing to focus on Scott, as I was on the verge of running out the door, but I felt no sense of needing backup coming from him. He seemed like he was handling things, like whatever fight he was in he believed he had it covered, that it would be an easy win. "Look around Sheriff, there a four people in here right now, four people still on the deadpool. Me, Anna, Parrish and Meredith."

"But not him." Jordan stated.

"Lydia's right. We don't want to kill each other."

"The only person I'm pointing a gun at is you." Stilinksi stated.

"Then you better make it a perfect shot Sheriff because I don't go down easy." Peter taunted.

"Well I'm willing to bet that a bullet between the eyes doesn't heal real fast. Not even for your kind."

"This department is getting more corrupted by the second. What are you going to charge me with, Sheriff? How are you going to explain this to a judge? Telepathic girl overhears thoughts of comatose werewolf and decides to enact his plans for retribution. Hmm, I think they're going to be pointing a gun at your head and asking you to go quietly."

"Let him go. You have to let him go." Lydia stated.

"I'd take the word of a Banshee, Sheriff. I leave. No triggers pulled and no blood shed."

Scott was still fighting and wining, adrenaline and rage pumping, but also seeming oddly calm. I couldn't explain it. Scott was so much better at the bond than I was, but the harder I concentrated and the further I dug I realised that he was in trouble, he was in danger, but he only barely seemed to notice. His judgment suddenly becoming clouded by something... not bloodlust, but not all that far from it.

"Anna?" Lydia whispered, apparently realising my sudden lack of interest. I felt a hand on the side of my arm that I think belonged to her, but I ignored it. "What is it?" She asked.

"It's Scott." Peter stated. My heart pounded and my breath deepened. "Oh no, get out of here."

"What?" Jordan asked.

"Scott's loosing control, which means she's loosing control and trust me... an out of control Anna... not good." Peter stated.

"How do you know?" The sheriff demanded.

"Because I've been trying to teach her control... Believe me, I know when she starts to lose it. Shaky breathing, rapid heart beat and since it appears to have escaped your notice allow me to bring to your attention the claws." Peter listed out.

Claws. Huh. I hadn't even noticed. I thought calmly, a growl escaping from deep in my throat.

"Out. Everyone out." Peter demanded, but I felt my heart rate slow again.

"No." I whispered. "I'm fine."

"Fine?" Peter asked.

I looked up at him and then over to the Sheriff, Jordan, Lydia and Meredith who were close to the door. "What the hell was that?" Lydia demanded.

"Scott. It was Scott. I think the assassins found them, he was fighting." I said as I shook my head.

"Scott was loosing control?" Lydia asked clearly shocked.

"Of himself or the bond, I don't know. I have to go and you have to let him go, you have nothing to hold him with." I stated before sprinting out the door and too my car.

Whatever laps Scott had had it appeared to have calmed now, but he was still fighting someone. I didn't need direction, I just knew which way to head to find him, but it still took me fifteen minutes to get there and by the time I had I knew that Scott had stopped fighting.

"What happened?" I demanded as I jumped out of my car and saw Scott exiting the warehouse I had found, clearly knowing that I had been close and had come out to greet me.

"They retreated." Scott replied.

"How many of them were there?" I asked, "A lot. They were hunters that went rogue, but they got a text saying that all contracts were terminated. Stiles and Malia went to the lake house to try and find a way to shut down the money transfers, I guess they did."

"Okay." I nodded. "And you?"

"What about me?"

"Scott, you lost control, I felt it."

"I'm fine. I did for a moment. I was angry with everything and in the middle of the fight, when everyone was in danger, I guess it just all caught up. I pulled myself out of it though, I'm fine, it won't happen again."

"As long as you're sure." I said just as Derek, Braedon, Kira and Liam came out of the warehouse (Liam wasn't actually there, but we're pretending he was). Kira went straight to Scott's side while Liam made his way over to us right behind her.

"You good?" I asked a slightly shaken Liam. He nodded his head a little as a reply. "Jump in the car, I'll shout you a hot chocolate." He sighed and rolled his eyes, but I didn't hear any complaints. I was about to follow him when I saw what was in Derek's hand. "Why do you have a gun?"

"We were just fighting." He nodded over his shoulder at the warehouse like I was insane.

"You hate guns, Derek."

"They come in handy." He shrugged.

"You. Hate. Guns. Derek." I repeated more sternly. "What are you hiding? What is he hiding?" I spun back around to Scott who almost jumped back at my gaze.

"I'm not..."

"Is that blood?" I cut Derek off. "I smell blood." I stated, snapping back to him.

"We're all kind of covered in..."

"No, it's yours, I've dealt with bleeding you enough to know and it's still bleeding, why aren't you healing?" I rattled. I couldn't actually see the wound, but he was definitely bleeding although there certainly wasn't enough of it to be anything major, probably just a small cut. But if it was small it definitely should have healed by now.

"Wolfs bane. I didn't want to worry you, but I'll just head home now and..."

"I would be able to smell wolfs bane, Derek, it's not wolfs bane. Plus, your heart just gave you away. Why are you lying, why aren't you healing?" I demanded again, stepping towards him as Braedon who was standing next to him seemed both amused and awkward. "Show me your eyes." I commanded, crossing my arms.

"Well I don't see how that..."


"I can't." He finally gave in. "I'm human."

"You're what? He's what?!" I spun back to a now terrified looking Scott who could quite clearly feel how angry I was. "Since when? Why are fighting? It was Kate wasn't it. Oh, I'm going to kill..."

"No." Scott cut in. "No killing. I told you she'd be like this." Scott shot over to Derek. I pinched Scott's arm. "Ow!"

"How long have you known?"

"Not... that long..."

"Are you kidding me!" I spun back to Derek who resisted the urge to take a step back. "You! This is... this is not over! And you," I turned to Braedon, "you watch him. He lost enough fights when he was a werewolf."

"Wait, hang on..." Derek went to protest.

"Oh, Derek, please, you almost died on a daily basis. At one point we actually thought you were dead, but now... now your freaking name has been brought up in a Banshee's prediction of death and you have lost your ability to heal, so excuse me, but I don't think I'm overreacting! You're retiring." I stated.

"I'm what?"

"You're going home, you're going to stay home, you are not leaving the loft until we know for sure that this deadpool nonsense is over. We're going to wait, like a week or something. We can rotate guarding shifts."

"I don't need a bodyguard."

"Scott, tell him." He did nothing at first, but eventually sighed.

"Maybe you should just lay low for a little while."

"A-huh, alpha's orders. Listen to the alpha." Derek sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but not a week and I'm not having around the clock supervision." I narrowed my eyes.

"This isn't over."

"Yeah, I know." He said in an almost worried and frightened voice.

"Alright... I'm getting hot chocolate. I recommend you ring Lydia." I said too Scott before going to the car. (I would have had Anna explain it to them, but you've already heard it once in this chapter, you don't need to again).

Liam was sitting quietly in the passenger's seat as I drove off, speeding down the road. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him lean over and look at my dashboard. I slowly turned my head to him, "You're speeding." He stated like he thought I didn't realise. "That's fine." He added quickly when I continued to glare and went back to his seat. "So... Derek's your ex, right?" I snapped my head back to him, "Never mind." I turned back to the road. "His uncle is the serial killer though, yes? I mean that's what I've been told."

"Peter is not... well he's... okay fine, yes, he was a ranting, raving lunatic, but he's much healthier now." I used Peter's earlier words while Liam just looked at me like I was crazy. "Do you want a hot chocolate or not?"

He huffed and looked back out the window, "Do I get marshmallows?" I heard him ask in a small voice making me chuckle.

"Yes, Liam, you can have Marshmallows."

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