Take me (WxIntersex)

By plutowasgay

112K 4.8K 851

"Alekses, why are you doing this," Xhenia cried as she pulled on her chain. Why is she acting as if I'm not h... More

Bonus 2*


2.7K 133 17
By plutowasgay

Xhenia's POV

I'm confused.

Why did she take me off the chain? I shouldn't question this, I know, but why? Maybe it's a test to see if I run. Is that what she wants?

I'm not gonna run. I'm gonna put these shorts back on and wait for her to brush my teeth like she does every morning. Walking to the dresser, I grabbed the shorts, put them on, and made up the bed. Afterward, I went to the chair in the corner and sat in it.

I couldn't play with Paws because he followed Alekses when she left. Why did he follow her? When I got bored, I rocked in the chair, but I kept waiting.

When is she coming back? Will she be back? I mean, she left the door. Did she forget? It'll be easy to make a run for it if she did. But where will I go? I don't know where I am or if I still have my apartment.

My thoughts were starting to get the best of me. I stood up and started walking to the door, but my thoughts intruded again.

What if she's right outside waiting? Plus, Paws is with her. How am I gonna get him and run? What if she catches you? What then? I mean, I still don't know what she wants from me.

"I probably should wait a bit longer."

I walked back to the chair and sat down. Patience is a virtue.

When I heard footsteps coming, I pulled my knees to my chest and placed my head in the small space.

"Xhenia, why are you still in here?"

Huh? It wasn't a test?

"Um, you haven't brushed my teeth," I said loud enough for her to hear. I know she hates it when I speak low, so I've been working on that.

"You're gonna brush your teeth and get dressed after you eat this time," Alekses grinned.

Why is she grinning? Was it really a test? Did I pass?


"Come on."

Getting up from the chair, I followed her to the door.

"Are you sure," I asked, stopping at the doorframe. I don't want to step out and get in trouble. I don't know what she's capable of yet.

She searched my face before pushing her hand forward. "Come on, Xhenia."

I looked at her hand and grabbed it. It felt warm and calming. She pulled me out the door and down a hallway into a dining area. "See, no tricks," she hummed as she let go of my hand.

Instinctively, I reached for her hand but came to my senses and pulled my hand back. I felt confused with myself. Why would I want to hold her hand?

On the table sat a bowl of porridge with strawberries and blueberries with a cup of apple juice. A light breakfast this time. Those other breakfasts were surely adding to my weight.

"Eat. I'll be back," Alekses said and disappeared down the hallway. Is it me, or is her hair messier than usual today? I've also never seen her in her pajamas. A plain black and red plaid pants was a typical outfit for bed. I thought she'd wear something extravagant for bed. Quite frankly, she looks relaxed and comfortable.

Did I almost say she looked pretty? What is wrong with me?

I sat at the table and began eating my breakfast. Once again, it was just me in my own company since Paws followed Alekses to wherever.

It didn't take long for me to eat since it was just porridge. After eating, I waited for her to return which didn't take long. She came down dressed in black pants, a black button shirt, and black socks. She must really like black.

She tossed her hair to the side and tussled it, giving herself the bed-head look, and folded her sleeves back. Honestly, if I wasn't in the situation I'm in and a lesbian, I'd totally jump her bones, but I'm straight and am being held against my will. To put it short, she looked hot.

"Come on. Let's get you clean and dressed," she ordered, still fumbling with her sleeve.

"Okay," I said, grabbing my bowl, but she told me to leave it.

"I'll clean up while you shower."


"Y-you're not going bathe me?"

"Not this time."

What is going on? Am I going crazy? I looked at her and tried to find a hint of a joke, but she wasn't joking. I can really bathe myself.

"O-okay," I mumbled as I stood up.


"Sorry, okay," I said again, but a little louder this time.

"Good. I'll lay your clothes on your bed in a bit," she said while grabbing the bowl. Her behavior was leaving me conflicted. What is she doing? Is this part of a test, too?

I left the dining area and retracted the steps it took here. This place was surprisingly small for a wealthy person, but it was still huge for me. While retracing my steps, I looked around and saw nothing.

The walls were plain white and had nothing on them. No pictures of her, her family, or animals. Not even landscapes.

I entered the room and scurried to the bathroom for a shower. Because I had watched Alekses work the water so many times, I knew how to work it.

I turned the hot water on and added some cold. The water was too cold when I felt it, so I adjusted it. Testing it again, I frowned and readjusted again.

For some reason, I couldn't get the temperature right. Alekses always got it right.

Huffing, I go to try again, but a hand reached out and turned it off. My breath got stuck in my windpipe when she leaned her body against mine. Is my heart racing?

"Watch closely," she said, grabbing onto my waist. Her touch made me feel hot. She's too close.

I tried my best to focus when she adjusted the temperature, but I'm sure I failed. My mind was distracted by her touch, and it was confusing me.

"Xhenia, pay attention."


She turned the water off and adjusted it again. This time, I paid attention to the best of my abilities.

"Now, you try," she said, turning off the water as she let go of me.


Leaning forward, I turned on the water and adjusted like she did, but it was still too cold. I huffed and turned it back off.

Let's try this again. If I get it wrong, Alekses is doing this.

"Xhenia," Alekses called out before I could touch the knob. "Calm down and take your time. It's only water."

"Yes, ma'am."

I'm sure I had a bit of an irritated tone, but I didn't care, and apparently, neither did Alekses. I turned on the hot water first. Not all the way, but enough. Then I added cold water. I let it run for a bit, then checked it. Still wrong.

I turned to Alekses with a huff and pouted. "Do you have magical fingers or something?"

"In more ways than one," she said after laughing. "I'll run the water, and you just get in, okay?"

"Thank you."

She started the shower and looked at me. "Come on, let's get you undressed."

She grabbed the ends of my shirt and pulled it over my head. She kneeled before me and pulled down my bottom wear. All of it in one go.

Why do I let her do this without a fuss? I don't know. She hasn't shown any harm to me or any want to. She's only taken care of me the entire time. Maybe I trust her.

I looked down and saw her staring intensely at my crotch. She's never done that before.

"Are you okay, Alekses," I asked, pulling her out of her trance.

She nodded and lifted my legs to pull the clothes off. "Yep, I'm fine," she forcefully said with a clenched jaw when she stood up with my clothes. "I laid your clothes on the bed. Shower and brush your teeth. When you're done, go back to the dining room and wait for me there."

Her eyes are darker than usual. I don't think she's okay.

She looked at me one last time and left.

What's her problem?

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