Guardians of the Galaxy

By SethCauble

39.2K 917 73

Blake Slader is Peter Quill's, A.K.A Starlord's, partner in crime. They went on adventures together as ravang... More

Blake Slader
Endings and Beginnings
Unexpected Turn of Events
Meet Peter Quill
Retrieving the Orb
Meeting the Guardians
In the Kyln
Meet Drax the Destroyer
Making a Deal
Prison Escape
Making Friends Everywhere We Go
Split up and Dominated
Making a Compromise
Plan out
The Battle Part 1
The Battle Part 2
A Clue
It's her. It's really her.
Day in the Life of Danger
High Priestess Ayesha
Wounds and Scars
Rocket, you Idiot
It Can't Be
The Truth
The Talk
The Ravengers
Not what it used to be
The Escape Plan
Come a Little Bit Closer
We've gotta Save Quill
Let's End This
Final Battle Part 1
Final Battle Part 2
Final Battle Part 3
Goodbye Yondu
A Ravenger Funeral: Father and Son
The Christmas Special
Birth of a New Guardian
A Hurting Brother
An New Familiar Foe
A Kill Switch?!
No Way
Mission Preparation
Breaking into OrgoCorp
Hard to Cooperate
Planning Our Next Steps
Analogies and Metaphors
A Really Weird Planet
Not a Creator
It's a Face-off
The End of Counter-Earth
Ride or Die
Saving Rocket
No Sleep Till Brooklyn
Saving the Children
Rocket's Origin
I Guess This is Goodbye
Let's Celebrate

Let's End This

102 6 0
By SethCauble

Nebula, Mantis, Drax, Mikey and I were thrown into some dark cell. Well at least we can wait for someone to rescue us or just try to get out in peace. I thought that until a I heard a door open. The only thing I thought was that maybe I should bite my tongue off.

Mikey: Dad?

Blake: Stay behind me.

We thought something dangerous was coming, but instead, it was the children on the other side of the cell bars.

Blake: Thank goodness.

Mantis: How did they get down here?

"Joob joob."

Mikey: Hi.

Blake: Mikey.

Mikey: Dad, it's okay. I think they're harmless.

Blake: I'm aware but I don't think they can understand us.

Mikey: Maybe they can help us get out?

Blake: My guess, not likely.

Mantis: Peter will be trying to get to the spaceport. He doesn't know about the children.

Nebula: You!

She frightened the children.

Nebula: We need you to let all the other children on board know to stay away from the starboard walls!

Blake: Do you know how to talk to kids? Talk calmly to them or you'll frighten them.

"Joob joob?"

Nebula: They know three frickin words and two of them are "joob".

Mikey: I'm guessing that the High Evolutionary didn't teach them English.

"Joob joob."

Nebula: No!

Blake: Nebula, stop it! You're scaring them!

Nebula: Listen to me! You need to talk to the other children!

Mantis because using sign language.

Nebula: All of them here, and tell them to stay away from the freaking...

Nebula noticed Mantis trying to communicate through her arms.

Nebula: What the heck are you doing, Mantis?

Mantis had enough.


Blake: Ok, stop it! Both of you! Will you please just get along?! I don't care how you do it! Hug it out, talk it out, I don't care but quit arguing, and help the rest of us deal with problem!

The children began crying.

"Joob joob eo."

We all looked at the children it shock.

"Joob joob eo!"

Drax: You're scaring them.

Blake: (sarcastically) Oh, now you pay attention.

Drax: I've been paying attention. Allow me.

He went up to the kids.

Drax: Hello, dumb idiots.

Mikey: Real smooth, Uncle Drax.

Drax: Let me handle this.

The children stopped crying. Drax went up to one little girl.

Drax: I had a little girl like you. You know what she used to like? She liked when I made monkey noises.

Drax began making a funny noise that didn't sound anything like a monkey, but it made the children laugh.

Mantis: How is that a monkey?

Nebula shrugged.

Nebula: Beats me.

Blake: At least he made them laugh so I don't care if they don't know the difference.

Mikey went up to one little girl and smiled.

Mikey: Hi. I'm Mikey.

The girl giggled and stroked the fur on top of his head.

I couldn't feel any more prouder of my little boy.

Drax walked around still making the funny noise. Drax booped as all on the heads and Mantis laughed. Nebula didn't laugh.

Then Drax spoke in their language.

The girl spoke back in their language.

Drax: Eo, eo. Joob joob.

"Joob joob."

Drax: Yeah. Yeah, joob joob.

"Joob joob."

They agreed and went away.

Blake: What did you say?"

Drax: They're gonna tell the other kids to stay away from the starboard wall.

Nebula: Why didn't you tell us you knew their language the whole time?

Drax: Why didn't you ask?

Me and Mikey facepalmed ourselves.

Blake: You could've told us anyway, it would've been helpful.


Everyone else was getting ready to save their friends.

Rocket: This could be futile, Quill. He's too powerful.

Zoe: That's my husband and son in there. No way we're leaving without a fight.

Peter: Well, then I guess we'll die trying.

Rocket: What is "die trying" gonna accomplish?

Gamora: Or we can just give him the badger.

Zoe: No. I don't care if you still don't like us, that's not gonna happen.

Rocket: Our thing is dying trying.

"I am Groot."

Gamora: I know who you are already!

Peter: Feel free to stay behind in the cargo area.

Gamora: I'm not leaving my sister with that jerk. This you? Feel out of your bag.

She handed him a picture of younger him and his family.

Zoe: (Whispering) You went through his his stuff, didn't you?

Gamora: Don't say anything. Let's do this.

They all readied the ship. Peter put the picture up.

They went through the jump point towards the ship.

Peter pulled a lever to release a smaller pod and two others as they kept flying.

Groot flew one and Rocket flew the other.

Peter: Wait.

On the other side, Knowhere, now automated with rockets, piloted by Kraglin appeared through another jump point.

A gun appeared out of one of it's eyes.

Meanwhile the kids warned the others.

The gun fired and punched a hole.

In our cell, we overheard something being released.

Mikey: Dad, what's that?

Blake: I'm not sure.


Kraglin: Spaceport wide open, captain, but that old missile's all we had.

Peter: Rocket, Groot, go, go! Get inside that spaceport.

Rocket and Groot flew towards the ship but they saw something coming out of it.

Rocket: What the heck?

Alarms beeped. He got closer and realized it was the Hellspawn. Guards designed by the High Evolutionary. They began breaking the glass on Rocket's pod as they piled on. Peter, Zoe, and Gamora's pod shot at them. Unfortunately, they saw Adam, who had escaped with his pet, flying towards them.

Peter: Aw, come on.

Zoe: This jerk, again?

He crashed through the windshield and caused the pod to veer off course.

More of the creatures flew towards Knowhere.

Meanwhile, more doors around us opened.

Mikey: Dad, what's happening.

Blake: I don't know. Stay close.

It was dark until Nebula turned on her flashlight to reveal another one of the creatures that we fought on the Sovereign's planet.

Mikey: Ahh!

There was another one behind us and another one in front of Drax. We were surrounded.

Mikey: What are these things?

Nebula: Abilisks!

One of them fired at us. It started getting heated, literally. Parts of the ship began blowing up.

Nebula ran towards us.

Blake: Look, there's a hole!

Drax: This way!

We all ran towards a hole for a way out but one of them stood in the way, blocking us off. We ran away from it, only to be confronted by another. We ran again and another was in our way. We were surrounded again.

Mikey: What do we do?

Blake: Just stay close.

Meanwhile, the creatures broke through and were attacking Knowhere. Kraglin was watching.

Meanwhile, Rocket was getting pummeled as they kept breaking the windshield. He had struggles trying to drive as an arm kept trying to grab here. He ran against the ship, wiping the creatures off. After they were all off, he saw that Gamora and Peter's pod was still veering out of control.

Peter worked the controls, trying to get them on course again. Adam was back. Zoe got mad.

Gamora grabbed his pet and put a knife against its throat.

Gamora: One more step and this weird thing gets it.

Adam: Don't be rash.

Zoe: No fun when someone you love gets---

Peter grabbed a control and they all finally landed inside the ship. Peter grabbed Gamora and they landed outside. Zoe kicked Adam jumped off on, on her own. The pet survived as well. The ship skidded and crashed.

Zoe: That was too close.

Adam was still alive.

Gamora: What were you programming?

Peter: A self-destruction code.

The ship blew up.

They looked at each other and smiled.

Zoe: Wow. You are ruthless.

Two more ships, Rocket and Groot, flew in and landed.

Meanwhile, we were still surrounded by Abalisks.

Blake: I don't see a way out. And we know we can't injure these things.

Nebula: What are you doing?

Mantis shoved them aside and came towards on of them.

Mantis: It's okay.

Blake: Are you crazy? These are vicious!

Nebula: Mantis, stop!

Mantis: They eat batteries, not people. Maybe they're just scared of what we are gonna do to them.

One of them roared in Mantis's face.

She didn't even flinch.

Mantis: We're not gonna hurt you. Everything is gonna be okay.

She came towards them with hands up.

Mikey went with her.

Blake: Mikey, no!

Mikey: Dad, trust her.

I looked my son in the eyes.

Mantis touched the Abalisk and it calmed down.

Mikey: See, it stopped.

I nodded, trusting my son.

Meanwhile, Kraglin saw the destruction of Knowhere. He knew he had to do something. He picked up the arrow. But he knew how hard it was to control it. But he had to try. For Knowhere and for the Guardians. He closed his eyes to concentrate.

Yondu: Use your heart, boy.

He opened his eyes and saw Yondu. Smiling at him. And then, he vanished. It gave him hope. He whistled. The arrow began flying and he directed where he needed it to go. And he was actually doing it. The Hellspawn came but he kept killing them. Unfortunately, one came and he missed and got it stuck in the wall. He whistled for it to come back. The owl came to attack but was stopped by Cosmo.

Owl: A dog!

Kraglin: Yeah.

Cosmo used her telekinesis to levitate two big pieces of rubble.

Kraglin: She's a good dog.

Then the rubble crushed him in between.

Cosmo jumped up at Kraglin.

Cosmo: I knew you believe I am good dog.

Kraglin: All right, all right, get off me, you idiot!

Cosmo was still happy and kept licking him in the face.

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