
By Beijing_Aru

1.2K 94 115

4 ordinary girls' lives become more whimsical beyond imagination when they each follow a watercolor butterfly... More

Amy: The Adventure Begins
Piper: The Adventure Begins
Rowan: The Adventure Begins
Christina: The Adventure Begins
Amy: The Book
Piper: Alternete Universe
Dan: A Dark Secret
Rowan: Shattered Hearts
Christina: The 5 Spirits of Legend
Amy: Stone Empress
Piper: Diamond Queen
Rowan: Gold Lady
Christina: Sliver Princess
Dan: Emerald Knight
Amy: The Prophecy
Piper: Fishing
Rowan: Navagation
Christina: Cooking
Dan: Leaving
Amy: Twister
Piper: Useful
Rowan: Sharks
Christina: The Dark Totem of the Sea
Dan: Rescue Mission
Amy: No Worries
Amy: Nightmares
Piper: The Trap
Rowan: Nightmares
Dan: Nightmares
Piper: Nightmares
Christina: Nightmares
Rowan/Christina: Hope
Dan/Christina: Hope
Amy/Christina: Hope
Piper/Christina: Hope
Amy: United
Piper: Truth Dare and Water
Rowan: Flying!
Christina: Air Sick
Amy/Piper: Pineapples CAN Fly!
Piper: Anime is Life (Extra Chapter)
Rowan: The Sky is Falling!!!!
Dan: Eyes
Christina: Doppelgänger
Amy/Rowan: Jade Mist
Dan: Voices in My Head
Piper: Inner Darkness
Christina/Piper: Control
Piper/Christina: Angels and Demons
Some Facts About the Characters
Rowan: The Forest of Memories
Dan: Foggy Past
Amy: Through Space and Time
Piper: Through Space and Time
Dan: Through Space and Time
Christina: Through Space and Time
Rowan: Stars in my Sky
Rowan: How the End Began
Chrisitna: Even When all Hope is Lost.....

Dan: A Quote a Day Keeps the Depression at Bay

12 1 2
By Beijing_Aru

Sorry guys, I know I haven't updated in week but I have been having major writers block and IDKed what to write. Not only that but if you haven't heard yet but my dear cousin and BFF FoxieKitty was forced to quit wattpad. If you haven't heard the news yet here it is, FoxieKitty 's mom didn't approve of wattpad because she views it as 'unsafe' (idk why, don't ask me). To some extent I would agree, there are a lot of trolls and bad people out there and there are some liars and con-man too but the majority of the people here are really nice and kind. I have met a lot of very friendly people here and made a few friends too. All in all I think that this entire thing is ridiculous but it's not my decision. Currently, I'm afraid to say that FoxieKitty is not doing all that well, she has plummeted into depression. Wattpad was basically her life..... This chapter is dedicated to her and how great of a friend and cousin she is. Long Life FoxieKitty !!!!!!!!
"What's with the post-its?" Rowan asks to no one in particular as we look at all the post-its that were all over the place. And when I say everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE it honestly looks like the boat-plane (as Christina calls it) was taken over by and angry army of post-its. They were posted on the mast, the sides, the floor, they even were on the force field Christina put up!
"I think there is writing on it" Amy says as she looks at the post-its, "Glitter can't shine without the sun, be the sun and bring out someone else's inner glitter, Piper" Amy reads off the posty
"Leave a trail of glitter where ever you go, who knows, someone might follow it, Piper" I read off of another blue post-it
"Are all of these about glitter?" Rowan asks as she looks at another post-it
"No, this one says, We don't always get to decide where we are planted, but we always get to decide if we are to bloom, Amy" I read off of a green posty
"Yea, and this one says, The strongest person is not the strong oak standing in the wind, usually the strongest person is the weed, admitting to the wind's strength, Unknown." Christina reads off a yellow post-it
"Well I see you found my post-its!" We hear Piper say as we look in her direction, she was holding stacks of post-its and a pencil
"Ummmmm... How could we not, they are literally everywhere" Rowan says while gesturing to the large mass of postys
"I know! Isn't it great! It's a sea of inspiration!" She shouts to us
"Yea, great, now we can't walk" Rowan tells her
"Oh? Sorry" She apologizes with a smile
"Ummmm... Why are there post-its everywhere again?" Amy asks
"I don't care why! It's colorful and cool!" Christina shouts
"Well you know what they say, A Quote a Day keeps the Depression at Bay!" She shouts to us and she skips over to us, surprisingly not stepping on any of the post-its
"Uhhh... Who says that again?" I ask
"Me of course!" She tells us
"Since when?" Rowan asks
"Since today!" She shouts, "Any quotes you want me to add?" she asks
"Hmmmm.... Oh I got one!" Amy says, "F.E.A.R. has two meanings, Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise, the choice is yours." Amy says in her 'poet' voice
"Great one!" Piper praises while she writes it down on another green post-it and sticks it on a random railing
"Are these color-coded?" I ask
"Yup! The blue ones are my quotes, the green ones are Amy's quotes, and the yellow ones are the quotes that my 'friends' at school told me or are by strangers" She tells us
"STRANGER DANGER STRANGER DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!" Christina starts screaming and flapping her arms around like she just went looney
"Hey! Why don't I have a quote color?!" I ask, offended
"What?" Piper asks while cocking her head to the side, "You have never told me any quotes...." she tells me
"What?!" I shout, "I have!!!!" I protest
"No you haven't....." she tells me
"Fine! Here's a quote! Tell those you love you love them, you don't know how much time you have left" I tell her
"Good one!" She says and scribbles it down on a purple post-it, "There ya go!" she tells me and sticks it on my forehead
"Hey!" I tell her and un-stick the posty and stick it on her forehead
"Aiyah, all these sticky notes are a safety hazard, someone could slip and fall!" Amy exclaims
"Sorry....." Piper mumbles
"It's fine just I'm saying, with Dan being so accident prone it could be a real hazard" Amy tells her
"HEY I'M NOT ACCIDENT PRONE!!!!!!!!" I shout at her, you could practically see the fire surrounding me
"Dan's on fire!" Christina shouts while jumping up and down and pointing at me
"Yes you are" Rowan tells me bluntly
"NO I'M NO-" I shout but am cut off when I slip on a post-it that somehow ended up under my foot
"Yes you are" Rowan says bluntly again while looking down at me
"I hate you all" I say, not really meaning it
"Love is stronger than hate but hate is stronger than you think" Piper quotes, "No hate please" she tells us
"Highly dislike is a better term" Amy tells me
"That is the literal dictionary definition of the word 'hate'" Piper informs her
"It's a better term isn't it" Amy tells her
"I guess, not what I meant but I guess" she says with a shrug
"I hate to interrupt your chat but, CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME UP?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I ask/shout
"Why can't you just get up yourself" Rowan asks me
"That's so much work!" I whine which just gets me a eye roll from her
"Your not a child and we're not your servants, get up yourself" Amy tells me
"Your so mean!" I whine as I get up
"I know" she tells me bluntly, I mumble inaudible words under my breath as I pout
"Piper, get this cleaned up before Dan falls off the boat.....again......then we can write all these quotes in a journal" Amy tells Piper
"Okie Doke Artichoke" she says while she begins to peel all the post-its off
"I'm gonna get lunch ready, Christina and Rowan help Piper please, Dan....... Don't fall off the boat" Amy tells me as she walks off
This chapter was dedicated to FoxieKitty. She is both my best friend and my cousin, I really do owe a lot to her, I mean she saved me from depression once and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be writing this here for you today...... She literally saved my life....... I owe many things to her and to see her so sad and depressed as she is now breaks my already glued together heart. FoxieKitty set out to do something, to inspire others. She put her entire heart into this ambition and I want to be the on to continue the legacy that she started, I want to finish what she started. Let's all set out to inspire others! Give at least one person a inspirational quote once a day, let's inspire a wave of change. One quote, one person, once a day, you could save a life. Let's give others the gift of smiles! If you are with me comment here, Long Live FoxieKitty, Inspire to Inspire. Spread the word! Let's Inspire!
~Digipop :)

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