English Version: Sands & Spar...

Autorstwa AeonGray

5.4K 134 15

In a world gripped by darkness and despair, Aveline knows only the harsh reality of survival. But when her pa... Więcej



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Autorstwa AeonGray

"Some of the assets will be liquidated. The board of directors' decision will be based upon your future plans, Miss Sinclair," Attorney Del Mundo remarked, presenting the papers to be signed.

Margo leaned back in her chair, the sunlight streaming through the glass window, forming a bright tunnel of light. She reviewed the documents in her hands and signed them.

"The other 30 percent of the company has been transferred to Mr. Veron, just as you requested, Miss Sinclair," Mr. Del Mundo continued.

Margo nodded, her gaze still fixed on the document. "He will supervise the company while I'm out of the country. I can assure you the corporation will be in good hands; his business acumen is impeccable," she responded, signing the final document.

"Your judgment in this matter is perfect, Miss Sinclair. There is nothing to worry about." After a few minutes of discussing some future plans, the conversation came to an end. Mr. Del Mundo stood up, holding his briefcase. "I'll be going now, Miss Sinclair. I wish you a safe flight and happiness in your new life abroad." He extended his hand for a handshake.

Margo stood and warmly accepted it. "Thank you, Mr. Del Mundo."

Mr. Del Mundo nodded at her. "Goodbye, Miss Sinclair." He walked to the door and left.

Margo sighed as she sat down. It would only take a few days until her departure. She had been to many countries, and after all, there was no need to worry. Yet, there was a part of her that would be missing if she went. She drank the remaining whiskey; there was no turning back from her decision; there was nothing to compromise.
Her phone rang; the screen lit up, and she noticed the name.

Margo picked up the phone, then leaned back in the chair and stared at the blue sky outside the window. "Hello? Melinda?"

Melinda's response was immediate, her tone laced with concern. "How are you doing? I heard the news that you're going abroad."

A smile tugged at the corners of Margo's lips, warmed by Melinda's unwavering care. "You always look out for me, Nay Melinda. I'll miss you," she admitted.

Melinda's worry was palpable. "Why do I have this feeling that you won't return?"

Margo was taken aback by the question. "How can you say that?" she asked, seeking reassurance in Melinda's voice.

There was a heavy sigh from the other end of the line. "Is this a permanent goodbye, Margo?"

The sadness in her green eyes grew dimmer as the sunlight painted her face. "I have to do this; you know that."

Melinda's voice was barely a whisper, filled with unspoken emotions. "Are you going to leave without asking Sophia?"


"Sister Clara smiled gently. 'You're not going to hold back your decision, Sister Sophia? Are you sure?'

Sophia folded her hands in her lap. She nodded, smiled, and lowered her head. 'Yes, I have decided to serve God and find my happiness.'

Sister Clara placed her hands on the table. A small crucifix was hanging on the wall near her seat, and books were laid on the desk. 'I'm glad you still want to serve the church. You have an undying devotion to our lord.'

Sophia acknowledged it with a tiny smile. 'It's my passion to serve our Lord.'

Clara noticed the sadness in her eyes. 'Are you sure about that, Sophia?' she asked softly. 'Can I ask you a question, Sister Clara?'

She nodded at her. 'Go ahead, Sister Sophia.'

'How can I find the courage to change? I'm used to the world I live in. But there is a part of my life that is missing. I don't know how to be happy. But how can I be happy?'

Clara gave her a thoughtful smile at her question. 'You must pursue your happiness, Sister Sophia; only a few are courageous enough to hold on to the things that make them happy... I've read a book once, and I will share the words with you, once you started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing. If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing. You cannot have heaven and hell together; you can have only one. It is your choice...Sister Sophia.'

'I'm confused, Sister Clara. I don't know what to do.'

Sister Clara looked at her while Sophia lowered her gaze. A wave of empathy was seen on her face. She picked a book on the table, then turned the pages. 'I liked this book by Rajneesh. It's quite unconventional, with its own philosophy.'

Sister Clara pursed her lips, then started to read the words with a gentle voice, 'Man ordinarily lives in loneliness. To avoid loneliness, he creates all kinds of relationships, friendships, organizations, political parties, religions, and whatnot. But the basic thing is he is very much afraid to be lonely. Loneliness is a black hole, darkness, a frightening state almost like death...as if you are being swallowed by death itself. To avoid it, you run out and fall into anybody, to hold somebody's hand, to feel that you are not lonely.'

'Nothing hurts more than loneliness. But the trouble is, any relationship that arises out of fear of being lonely is not going to be a blissful experience, because the other one is joining you out of fear. You both call it love. You are both deceiving yourselves and the other. It is simply fear, and fear can never be the source of love.'"

She paused, momentarily looked at Sophia, then continued reading. "Aloneness is our nature. You were born alone; you will die alone. And you are living alone, not fully understanding or being aware of it. You misunderstand aloneness as loneliness. You are sufficient unto yourself." She closed the book. "Are you lonely, Sister Sophia?"

"I'm happy to be a nun in this church, not afraid to be alone, yet I feel something is missing that I need to find."

"You love not out of fear of loneliness; you have already accepted yourself, Sister Sophia. You must find your happiness. God will understand. Faith is the only thing that matters."

"Do you accept who I am, Sister Clara?" She asked with uncertainty in her voice.

Sister Clara nodded with a tiny smile on her lips. "You've found it already, don't let it go."


The sun on a hot afternoon shone on everyone's faces, making Sophia's sweat trickle down her forehead. She stood at the bus stop, behind her was a long line of people waiting patiently under the heat of the sun. After a few more minutes, the bus arrived, stopping with a murmur.

Everyone pushed onto the bus, their bodies almost blocking the view for those still outside. The bus sighed, as if reminding itself of the heavy load it was going to carry for the rest of the day, and started moving at a slow pace. Meanwhile, Sophia looked for a seat. Passengers tried to settle down, some squeezing into whatever space their bodies could occupy.

"Terson Avenue! Terson Avenue!" The driver's assistant announced the next stop while trying to squeeze his way through the crowded bus.

After failing to find a vacant seat, Sophia resorted to standing and held one of the handles. Her nose was assaulted by a mix of pungent smells, most of them unpleasant. Sweat from the underarms of a man beside her, who held a high handle, permeated the air. Then there was the smell of vanilla shampoo, coming from the black hair of a young woman sitting near the aisle.

At the far back of the bus, a group of high school students sat, one of them looking out the window as if to avoid any human interaction in the crowded space. Sophia looked out too; she observed traffic both inside and outside the bus. The place seemed familiar to her, a recognition confirmed as she read the address on a piece of paper in her hand. The engine sighed, and so did Sophia.


"Miss Sinclair, the reporters are waiting in the lobby. Would you like to make an appointment with them?"

Margo looked up at the secretary standing in front of her, then returned her gaze to the laptop. "I'll meet them later. Let them wait," she replied coldly.

"You have an appointment this afternoon."

"Cancel it. I have no time for that."

"Yes, Miss Sinclair," Diana confirmed by crossing out the appointment on her schedule. "I'll be going now...Miss Sinclair." She started to walk toward the door.

Margo briefly raised her eyes. "Oh, Diana? Could you order lunch for me?"

Diana glanced in her direction. "The usual from the French restaurant?"

Margo stared blankly upon hearing this, then sighed in disappointment. "Never mind, I'll take my lunch later."

"Are you sure, Miss Sinclair?"

Margo nodded.

"Goodbye, Miss Sinclair. I'll see you later." Diana headed to the door then left.

Silence once again surrounded the office. She lightly massaged her temples, drew in a deep breath, and then carefully closed the laptop. Margo leaned back in her swivel chair and faced the glass window. She stared at the blue sky, now veiled in clouds, as a memory unfolded before her eyes.

"You forgot to eat lunch again," Aveline whispered to her from behind. Margo was standing in front of the window, quietly watching the sky. "Are you sneaking up on me again?" A tiny smile crept across her lips while she held the hands wrapped around her waist.

Aveline simpered, leaning her cheek against Margo's shoulder. "I always find you standing in front of the window... What are you looking at?"

"I like to watch the sky; it relaxes my eyes. The warmth of the sun comforts me."

Aveline softly kissed her shoulder, "Hugging you is my favorite thing to do while you gaze into the sky."

Margo slowly rose from her chair and placed her palm against the window, feeling the warmth of the sun's rays as she looked at the sky. Sadness gradually filled her eyes as she muttered the words of her heart. "You won't sneak up on me again?"


"We're here at the Horus Building!" The driver announced their arrival and brought the bus to a halt near the Horus Building. Sophia started looking for the nearest door as the engine gave another sighing jerk. She thanked the driver, who smiled at her genuinely, as if hearing those words for the first time.

The bus had already left, but Sophia remained standing in front of the building. For reasons she couldn't explain, the place stirred a sense of familiarity within her. Fear and excitement slowly crept inside her, mingling in an intoxicating mix. She could feel a deep sense of connection to her surroundings.

Her hand started to turn cold and sweaty. Anxiously, she rubbed her palms with a handkerchief and began observing her surroundings. She watched the huge monitors adorning each building, displaying commercials and flashing stock market numbers.

Sophia's surroundings suddenly dimmed as a helicopter passed overhead, and large airships floated through the sky, bearing a logo familiar to her eyes. Deciding to walk towards the entrance, her heartbeat intensified with each step, and she felt a surge of anxiety again. A cold wind blew, sweeping strands of her hair aside, instilling a sense of urgency as she entered the building. The glass door automatically closed behind her the moment she stepped inside, bringing shivers to her skin with an unexplained sensation.

The other elevator opened, and Margo emerged, immediately swarmed by a group of reporters.

"Miss Sinclair!"

"Can we have a minute of your time?!"

"Miss Margo Sinclair!"

Sophia stood motionless upon seeing her. Fear curled up inside of her, settling in her heart as a stark reminder of her existence. The sight of Margo rendered her helpless, draining her courage, compelling her to decide to leave. Margo, on the other hand, was astonished to see Sophia. "S-Sophia?" she muttered in shock, the flickering lights from the cameras creating a rain-like ambiance in the lobby.

"Get the car!" she yelled to the security personnel, who were holding back the media. Margo rushed to the door just in time to see Sophia getting into a taxi.

"Follow that cab! Hurry!" Margo instructed as she hurriedly entered her car, leaving no time for the driver to close the door properly.

"Where are we heading, Miss?" the taxi driver asked, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.

"T-train station, please," Sophia managed to say, her voice nearly choked with tears.

The announcement echoed through the subway, a voice cutting through the clamor: "Attention please, the train now standing at platforms 7, 9, 12, and 14 are being prepared for service."

Sophia positioned herself behind the yellow line, her eyes fixed on the dark tunnel ahead, anticipating the arrival of the train.

"Where are you? Where are you?" Margo muttered under her breath as she navigated through the dense crowd, her frustration mounting. "Damn it!" she sighed, feeling overwhelmed by the sea of people, the view of the platforms obscured on both sides of the rail. Then, the train glided to a stop in front of the waiting passengers.

"Attention please, the train now standing at platform 9. Please board immediately."

Passengers began to board the train in an orderly line. Sophia moved towards the door, hesitating just before entering. The closing alarm of the door sounded, a signal urging her to make a decision. She paused at the entrance, taking a deep breath. With one step forward, she knew a chapter in her life would conclude. A sad smile touched her lips; she was prepared to embrace her destiny, to return home.

As the last call from the train echoed in the distance, Sophia approached the door.


A hand reached out, grasping her arm and pulling her back just as the doors were closing. Sophia turned in surprise.


The train pulled away, its movement sending a tremor through the platform, papers fluttering in the air as the rails hummed with the force of departure.

They stood there, locked in a gaze, words lost amidst the chaos of their surroundings. The noise around them faded into insignificance...

Sophia's heart skipped a beat as she looked into Margo's vibrant green eyes.

"Why are you here? Why did you come?" Margo's voice broke the silence.

"I-I miss you..." Sophia's voice trembled, tears brimming in her chocolate eyes.

Margo's hands gently cradled Sophia's face, her voice laden with pain. "Why are you doing this? I already set you free. Why do you keep on ruining my plans?"

"Tell me, do you like me?" Margo's question hung in the air, charged with emotion.

Sophia shook her head, her whisper barely audible, "No...I never liked you."

Margo couldn't bear the pain that lingered in her eyes; the words were heartbreaking. Her eyelashes fluttered for a moment as she held back tears that threatened to fall. With trembling hands, she cradled Sophia's face. "T-the best thing I ever did was to give my heart to you...it's killing me because I can't unlove you." Her voice faltered on the last word, and then she let go, turning her back to leave.

"You're not going to ask why I never liked you?" Sophia called after her.

Margo stopped in her tracks; tears welled up as she tried to muster a bitter smile. "What for? It hurts more than ever." She took a step, intending to walk away.

"So that's it? You'll leave again without asking me why?" Sophia's voice was tinged with desperation.

Margo stood still, choosing not to face Sophia. The pain was too much, feeling as if she were slowly breaking into pieces. Why listen when rejection was already tearing her apart?

Sophia began to cry, wiping her tears with her hand. "I never liked you because you confuse me! You're always on my mind, and that's why I don't like you!"

"It's because of you I never wanted to stay to be a nun! I don't like you at all!" Her voice trembled with her confession.

Margo slowly turned, surprise etching her face. "I can't believe you!"

As people streamed out, Margo and Sophia remained locked in a gaze. A smile found its way onto Margo's lips, the immortal's beauty undiminished by time, while Sophia smiled through her tears. Among the crowd, there was only one face Margo sought, the one person she couldn't stop seeking in a sea of strangers. With each step she took towards Sophia, the world around them seemed to fade, as if they were the only ones in existence at that moment. One step closer, and memories flooded back—of a universe conspiring, of a stranger's kiss bestowed. Another step, and she remembered a magical night when they met again, greeted with a tender, "Hello...stranger."

Sophia's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I think I've known you for so long, and it hurts to know you might have been gone. I got scared and ran away, but now...you're here." She sighed, her nerves palpable. "I want you to know that I never liked you. My feeling is much deeper than that."

As Margo drew closer, Sophia smiled softly. "Let me love you."

Margo kissed Sophia, and in that moment, the world seemed to stand still. The kiss was gentle, soft, and slow—comforting in its silence, as if weaving poetry without words.

A fast train whizzed by, sending a gust of wind in their direction, but their embrace remained unbroken. Their lips melded together in a magical connection, warm and intoxicating. Margo's kisses were tender, each one a caress that seemed to heal the deepest wounds.

To be kissed by someone who understood her pain was the most soothing balm Sophia could imagine—like the fairytale that Aveline had cherished.

The Queen would always love the Sparrow, in a love story that defied the bounds of time and reality.


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