By SadistWhore

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Hideki Mitsuo is a thirty-one-year-old teacher who just so happens to be an omega who hasn't found his mate y... More

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𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘴 <3


11.3K 470 368
By SadistWhore



Dry throat, watery eyes, and an aching back hit me all at once. Resting on my side, I squirmed with my wrists tied behind my back. The cold metal felt rusty against my skin.

Choking on my saliva, I fluttered my eyes open and blinked rapidly until my vision improved. Where am I?

Squinting my eyes, I witnessed two dead bodies in the corner of the room. No, I was in a shed. The wooden double doors were nailed shut and the putrid smell of rotting bodies consumed the air.

Barrels of fireworks were stacked on the opposite side of the shed. I stared forward until a pair of shoes stopped in front of me.

Gagged, my pleas were muffled. My gaze slowly traveled up to find a Ghostface mask staring back at me. Sweet magnolia!

He grabbed my chin, grazing his thumb across my lips to capture my saliva. "When I get back, you're going to die," he softly tells me, his voice modified.

I whimpered, shaking my head until he grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head back, the saliva trickling down my neck.

"Mmm!" I croaked, squirming with the rattling of chains coming from behind me. I lurched forward and realized that I had been chained to the wall by the wrists.

"People like you...will never survive in this world. And you know why? You're weak. You allow people to walk all over you and you do nothing but let them," he says to me. I bit down on the gag, locking eyes with Elijah who stood at the entrance with a gun held to his head.

The man wielding the gun was no other than Killian's brother-Keenan. His knuckles were wrapped in bloody tape as his finger hovered over the trigger.

"Don't hurt Hideki. There's something about him. My wolf yearns to protect him. I've been thin-" A shot let off and the immediate groans were from Elijah.

He fell to the floor, holding his now injured thigh as blood seeped through his pants. He hissed, gritting his teeth as he glared at Killian who wielded the gun with smoke pouring from the bore.

"Did I say you could talk?" He nonchalantly asked, ripping the Ghostface mask off with the other hand, his disheveled inky hair falling onto his forehead.

Elijah bared his canines, glaring daggers into his half-brother, shaking his head. "Fucking bitch!"

His eyes were wild and a sadistic grin twisted his features as he raised the gun to his lips, his tongue darting out and he licked from the trigger up to the bore. "Such profanity from a teacher," he mocked.

"Killian," he gritted.

"You'll heal. You are Kian's son after all. We tend to heal quickly." He turned to face me and the dark abyss left me mesmerized with terror.

Keenan grabbed Elijah by his upper arm and forced him to his feet. He let out an unruly sigh and hopped on one foot until his thigh healed as if the bullet was never there.

"Keenan, cinque minuti," he reminded him, checking his wristwatch as he ushered Elijah out of the shed. He clenched his fist, limping out but not before our eyes locked for a mere moment. He was scared for me.

I squirmed, pushing my forehead against the floor as I tried to lift myself upright. What happens in five minutes?

"Rilascia i fuochi d'artificio al mio comando," Killian in-trusted as he slid the Ghostface mask back on and left us alone.

Fireworks? On his command? I put two and two together and my eyes widened. Using my upper body strength, I forced myself to sit upright. The pain in my abdomen was unbearable.

Keenan stood there in the middle of the floor with blood coating his chest and his damp hair was matted to his head.

I started creating noises to gain his attention but he was ignoring me on purpose. My brows dipped and I started jingling the chains, groaning with purpose. He turned his back to me!

I pushed my tongue against the gag and sunk in my lower lip, forcing the gag down my chin as tears trickled down my cheeks. It felt like my teeth were caving in.

Gasping for air, I spat saliva on the floor and heaved for extra oxygen. "Keenan!" I yelled his name and he continued to ignore my existence. He kept checking the time on his wristwatch.

I've been working on my Tuscan dialect. Hopefully, he notices. "Fuochi d'artificio. Perché?" (Fireworks. Why?)

He leaned against the table, flicking his thumb against his skin as he stared at the corpses resting upright with their throats ripped out. "Keenan," I softly called for him, whimpering with the need to live. I can't let this happen! "Please, release me," I begged.

He rests his butt against the barrel with his thumb pressed against his lower lip while he stared forward into space. Daydreaming?!

"Keenan, tuo fratello ucciderà," I sobbed, swallowing the thickness in my throat. (Your brother will kill)

He checked his watch then pushed himself off the barrel and my heart started to beat fast. He grabbed specific fireworks, preparing for the unknown.

Whatever is in those fireworks is going to kill everyone including my family!

Wiggling my wrist out of the chains, I bit my lower lip to keep from wailing in pain. Twisting my hands, I could feel the metal digging into my skin, irritating me.

"C'mon, Hideki," I prepped myself to pull my wrists out. He started walking out of the shed and I hissed, squeezing my eyes shut.

Using my lip, I pushed the gag back into my mouth and prepared to break my wrists. Inhale. Exhale.

Within seconds, I yanked my wrist out and screamed from the unbearable pain coursing through my arm. The muffled screams were straining my throat as I gagged from the saliva piling in my mouth.

Falling on my side, I brought my broken wrist to my chest and wailed, my muffled sobs were pounding in my chest. I spat the gag out.

I was thankful that only one wrist was broken but my other wrist was bruised. The deep purple tension was thick and tender.

Rising to my feet, I dug into my back pocket and fished for my phone. Turning the device alive, I looked at the time and it was a minute till midnight!

I pushed my phone back into my pocket and then sprinted out of the shed. I needed to get to Keenan before he let off those fireworks!

And so I ran. I ran with every breath in my lungs and the fire within my thighs burned with adrenaline.

The air felt fresh against my skin and the night sky was darker like nightshade with bright burning stars dancing within its embrace.

In the distance, Keenan was kneeling with a lighter in his hand as he prepared to launch the fireworks. I was nearly out of breath but I pushed myself. I pushed myself because I knew what it meant to lose someone.

The many families here were laughing, bickering, and bantering without the knowledge that their lives were going to end tonight. Everyone has a choice.

"KEENAN!" I screamed, and with a very strong step, I leaped forward. "STOP!"

Using my shoulder to brace the collision, my body flew into him and he turned just in time for me to land on his chest as we both fell to the ground.

A hard thud from him hitting his head against the dirt pierced my ears. The lighter flew from his grasp and I panted, resting my head against his chest.

The sound of happy screams and laughter filled the distance and that's when I knew the clock had struck twelve.

Slowly gaining breath, I listened to his slowed heartbeat as I placed my hand down, mistakenly grazing my hand across his arm and my heart stopped.

The intoxicating aroma of his natural smell had filled my senses and the sparks lit the goosebumps within my skin.


I clutched his shirt, trembling with the fear of raising my head to meet his eyes. Oh Moon God...

I raised my head to meet his gaze only to find his eyes fluttered shut, his lips slightly parted, and his crimson hair flawlessly resting over his eyelids.

I knocked my mate unconscious!

"K-Keenan?! My mate!" I grabbed his face, lifting his head, trailing my fingers through his hair and golden blood coated my fingers. "Oh my Moon God! I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry!" I whispered.

My heart fluttered in his presence. This was a moment to be joyous but I couldn't because my heart yearned with the need to help Elijah and the innocents!

"Moon God give me strength," I murmured but I was helpless with a broken wrist. His was too heavy for me to move on my own.

Leaning down, I hovered my ear over his lips and a soft breath fanned my earlobe. He was okay!

A subtle yawn caught my attention. I'd hate for me to finally meet our mate only for him to be dead.

I froze, resting my hand on his hard chest and I looked around myself. "Um? Who said that?" There were only trees surrounding me.

Sitting on Keenan's lower stomach, I quickly got off and searched for something to elevate his head on.

Hmmm. I can be anything you want me to be but I suppose in this case, I'd be considered your wolf.

"My wolf?" I managed to find a rough patch of leaves covering a log. This'll have to do until I get back.

I balanced my foot on the log and applied enough pressure to create force, allowing the log to roll over to my mate. My mate!

"I had a mate after all," I said out loud and allowed it to sink in. Me, Hideki Mitsuo, had a mate!!

Sure he was... thirteen years younger than me and a walking hothead with a history of...killing people.


Ahem, are we forgetting something?

"Yes! Saving Elijah!" I was thankful that my wolf reminded me that time is of the essence!

That's not where I was going with-

"I'll be back, Keenan," I mumbled, lifting his head with my one good hand and gently lowering it on the log.

Hauling back to the party, I pushed through the crowd and squeezed between countless bodies including alphas who all had given me curious glances.

Standing there, behind the podium was Elijah with the mic to his lips. Alpha Kian and Luna Gabriel sat on their thrones until the Luna grumbled something under his breath and he snatched the mic from his grip.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. We are still locating Keenan. He's probably out and about," Luna Gabriel dryly chuckled, glaring at Killian who smirked back. "In the meantime, please enjoy some refreshments-"

"Elijah has some words. He is to be the beta of the pack. Strong, intelligent, and capable," Killian says, discreetly adjusting his gun on his hip, boring his attention into Elijah.

Alpha Kian looked at his son then at my friend who politely took the mic back. The crowd went silent and everyone focused their attention on him.

"I..um I'm not used to these types of things but I suppose since I've been teaching and looking after the twins since they were pups, I should express a few words," he began.

The crowd chuckled, countless eyes on him and he stood there with confidence despite the situation.

My body was burning up, the need to feel Keenan on me was overwhelming. My wolf started to whimper and I couldn't understand why. He was needy.

"Elijah, sit down," Alpha Kian demanded, his eyes hard and calculating.

"Elijah, keep going," Killian ordered, his deep sultry voice cracking with power.

"You see, there is something I've been wanting to say for a long time. I know many of you don't know who I am. Even I don't know who I am most of the time," he joked and the crowd laughed. He's buying time.

Alpha Kian was growing impatient. He gripped the edge of his throne and started to stand until Killian rose from his seat and aimed the gun at his head.

"Sit the fuck down!" He growled.

Gasps came from the crowd and everyone started to grow anxious, holding on to their pups. I pushed my way through them and witnessed alphas surrounding him.

"Moon God protect the pups!" A lady screamed, holding her litter to her legs.

"Killian! What are you doing?" Luna Gabriel asked, his lips twisting downwards. The discomfort was evident in his expression.

"Mama, sit down," he demanded, his voice softer and a bit more understanding when it came to the Luna.

Luna Gabriel sat down, adjusting his kimono as he stared at his husband. Alpha Kian was too focused on his son.

"Many suitors have come to offer their heirs in the hopes that they'll be your mate. Where is your brother?" Alpha Kian was calm, uncaring of the gun aimed at him.

"Is that all you care about?" Killian asked his father, he was intimidating as he wickedly smirked.

With the alphas preparing to attack Killian, Alpha Kian raised his hand to assure them to stand down. He was surprisingly calm when his son was aiming a gun at him.

I found myself at the front of the stage and that's when Elijah noticed me. His eyes went wide as they traveled to my wrist and he frowned. His breathing fanned the mic and his grip visibly tightened.

"Where are the fireworks? This entire thing is a mess! I made sure they were properly assorted," Luna hissed at one of his maids whose face paled at the sight of the weapon wielded by their future king.

"I d-don't know," she stuttered, bowing her head. "I can see!" She turned on her heel and left without a beat.

"You'll be sent back to the academy. I see that you're still rebellious. You have a role and if you can't fulfill it, you are not needed," Alpha Kian informed. "This is not for weaklings, Killian. You are my son. You need to act like it."

I clenched my shirt and started to fan myself as I inhaled sharply. That intoxicating smell returned the closer I reached the podium's stairs.

Killian, aiming the gun, began to falter as his eyes started to soften then his pupils shrunk, the mist in his eyes swirling into that murky crimson as he tilted his head back and sniffed the air. "What..is that smell?"

Alpha Kian's eyes widened and Luna Gabriel's lips stretched into a bright smile. "Your mate! My son! Your mate is here!"

Alpha Kian scanned the crowd. He was searching for his son's mate. Moon God I wanted my mate. I grew excited to see who his mate was. Maybe they can stop him!

Seeing that Elijah was alive settled my nerves. I fell to the floor and noticed my family in the distance sitting at one round table as they talked amongst themselves.

We have attractive mates. Look at him-the way he stands with power and dominance.

"Mates?" I repeated, scowling at the plural emphasis on that word. "You mean mate?"

I meant what I said, my carrier. What name will you give me?

Names were not the main issue in my head right now. I had this longing desire to run as fast as I could and beg Keenan to forgive me. "I don't know," I stammered.

A pair of longing eyes found mine. Throughout the crowd, Killian spotted me within seconds and his eyes never trailed from me. He looked...disgusted.

Everyone started turning their heads, in search of who he was staring at.

We should run. He wants to kill us.

My wolf informed me. I raised to my feet and turned on my heel, sprinting back in the direction I came from.

Pushing past the heated bodies, I held my broken wrist to my chest and escaped the party.

Our mate wants to kill us.

"You're wrong! Our mate is lying in the grass, unconscious!" I denied.

The burning in my throat worsened. Inhaling became a workout as it felt like hot coal was burning the inside of my throat. I needed Keenan. I wanted Keenan.

"Hideki, stop running!" A deep voice commanded but I recognized him instantly. Killian was chasing me and he was alone! "I won't ask you again."

"You want to kill me!" I shouted back, halting in my sprint. We were closer to the forest and if I tried to escape, I knew I wouldn't make it far.

He stood there, his eyes narrowed in on me as he aimed the gun at me. "Where is my brother?"

"H-He..is lying unconscious right now and I need to get back to him!" I breathed. His smell was soothing my nerves and he was no where near me.

"You knocked my brother unconscious?" He asked, almost impressed. "I smell you and my wolf goes wild."

"N-No, you're mistaken. This is all one big mistake because I'm mated to your brother," I whispered, shaking my head in denial. "I touched him.."

If I am mated to both of them then how come I wasn't able to tell Keenan was my mate until after I touched him and with Killian, I smelled him?

His eyes widened as he slowly lowered the gun, staring at me with immense anger then he raised the gun and prepared to shoot me. "It's nothing personal but I can't let you live."

A slow smile twisted my lips. Slowly raising both of my hands for him to see, I whisper, "Now I see why I was brought into both of your lives. The Moon God plays the meanest tricks, doesn't he?"

He looked at me. He expressed no emotion, hovering his index finger over the trigger. "I guess so, Hideki."

"Can I at least touch you? To confirm it?" I didn't know what I was doing but I had to try something.

"No." He shut me down. He wanted nothing to do with me and my soul burned with rejection. One of my mates was rejecting me...

"Please. If you're going to kill me, at least give me the courtesy of that," I bit out. My wolf screamed anxious and he wanted me to take my chances with running.

I find my mates and one of them wants to kill me.

He went silent. The battle brewing in his eyes spoke volumes. Blood trickled from his nose and he growled, touching the liquid with the pad of his fingers.

"Reed, stop fighting me," he gritted, his hand trembling.

My heart fluttered. Reed was on my side?! I started to walk toward him but kept my steps short.

The gun fell from his grasp as he stumbled backward, groaning in pain. He pushed half of his face into his palm, growling with pure agony.

He fell to the ground, holding his stomach as soft grunts released from his lips. "Take...the gun," a deeper voice ordered. Reed?

Quickly, I walked toward him, grabbed the gun then put distance between us. Guns are heavier than they look.

"Don't hesitate to shoot us, little hellion," Reed grunted out, his crimson irises piercing through my soul. I nodded at him but I didn't plan to actually use this weapon.

He breathed out a bitter laugh. His dark eyes pierced me, darkening as his breathing grew shallow. "Hideki, give me the gun back," he demanded as he held his hand out.

Please don't be dumb and give him the gun. No matter how delectable he looks.

I shook my head. He took a step forward and I matched it backwards. "D-Don't come any closer, Killian," I stuttered.

"Come on, you don't know how to use a gun. Save us both the shit and give it back," he demanded, his voice dangerously low.

"N-No. So that you can shoot me? I'm not doing that. I tried to cooperate with you-"

"Don't try and be a hero now. Be a good omega and hand me the gun." He continued to walk toward me and I aimed the gun at him.

"Stop talking to me like that," I growled. Wielding this gun with both hands, a wrathful soul consumed mine.

"Talking to you like what?" He tilted his head, raising his hands just so that I could see them. "We both know you're not capable of shooting anyone."

I hadn't realized that I was shaking immensely. The gun was practically trembling from my fingers. "You talk to me like I'm a weakling who doesn't have a backbone!"

"That's what you are," he cooly replied, his eyes dead and lips stretched into a cruel smile. "What I said earlier was the truth-you'll never stand up for yourself and that shit is pitiful. Even now, you hold a weapon and do nothing."

He is wrong. We are more than what he believes.

Tears swelled in my eyes. I hovered my finger over the trigger, mimicking Keenan. "Look at you, about to cry and you think I could be with someone like that? You think you can rule the lands with a weak mindset?" He darkly chuckled.

"You're..wrong," I whispered, slowly lowering the gun as I pursed my lips. Clutching the gun tightly, I bared my teeth at him. "You don't know anything about the stuff I've gone through! You're my mate and you think you can talk to me like that?!" I held the gun with one hand, pointing it at him.

He narrowed his eyes but I was far from done. I licked my lips, swallowing the words that I'd been dying to get off my chest.

"Killian, you are not the easiest person to get along with! You're fueled by your anger and frustration with your father that you don't see there's people out there who are willing to help you! You kill anyone who tries," I screamed, waving the gun in every direction. His eyes followed the movement.

He stared at me, unmoving. His stance was that of a beast ready to pounce on its next victim.

"You want the gun back? Huh? Come take it," I mumbled. "I dare you."

His brow cocked as he took a step forward and I matched it backwards. He moved at the speed of sound and I closed my eyes, a scream piercing the eerie air.

The gunshot and the air shattered. The bullet tore through oxygen and silence fell upon us. I dropped the weapon then covered my eyes. Why am I not dead?

Slowly opening my eyes, I peeked through the crack of my fingers. Killian stumbled, holding his ribcage as he kneeled. He spat blood in the grass then fell onto his back.

"Killian! I'm so sorry! I didn't actually mean to shoot you," I apologized, walking up to him and my eyes scanned him from head to toe. How did someone look so good after getting shot?

He rested on his back with his hand placed on his wound which was already healing. His eyes were left devoid of life as he stared forward at the night sky.

He swallowed, the adam apple bobbing in his throat as breath escaped his parted lips. His eyes slowly shifted to me. "Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I shot you!" I crouched next to him and then I hugged my knees, staring at his perfectly sculptured face. "I'm sorr-"

"What did I say about apologizing? If you're going to do something, do it without regret. You meant to shoot me," he stated, his breathing slowing. He blinked and his head turned in my direction.

Have the twins always been this attractive?

"I-I...I don't know. I just got so angry," I explained and chewed on my lower lip. He attentively watched and my cheeks heated. "Can I touch you..?"

He turned his head away, grass and dirt covering his neck. "Are you in pain? Wait, you shouldn't be able to feel pain!"

"It hurts like a bitch," he gritted, confusion written on his features. "This is what pain feels like," he stated to himself, a little taken aback.

"Can I touch you?" I repeated. He glared at me and then grumpily replied, "Nothing is stopping you from doing so."

"Yes there is," I mumbled, my eyes enlarged as we locked gazes. "I need your permission."

He searched my eyes and then turned away again, his breathing hoarse then he cleared his throat, throwing his head back against the ground. "Cazzo..." (Fuck...)

"I'm sorry for hurting you," I whispered.

He was about to kill us! Stand up!

My wolf stated the truth but I didn't know how to feel about this. All of this was wracking my nerves.

Gently placing my hand on his cheek, his entire body went rigid and he didn't utter another word. Visibly witnessing his body heal was calming. "Keenan is my mate. You are my mate. I don't know what to say," I mumbled.

The sparks coursing through my fingers felt heavenly as I caressed his cheek with my thumb. I expected him to push my hand away but he lay there, allowing me to feel him. Was he cooperating?

"You may not like it but I feel blessed. For years, I have been wanting a mate for so long. Now, I have two and I don't know how that'll work but I'm not against it," I admitted.

Things will change now.

"Are you done with your monologue?" He nonchalantly asked.

"Are you upset at me for shooting you?" I pondered and he sat there for a moment, debating in his head.

"I thought you were sexy as fuck but I didn't expect you to shoot me. That was new," he admitted and my lips stretched into a smile.

"You thought I was sexy for shooting you?" I placed my hand on his bulging upper arm. "Are you insane?"

He didn't respond. His eyes closed and as they opened, his eyes swirled into that lovely crimson. Reed.

A dashing smirk graced his handsome face as he gazed into my eyes. "I'm so proud of you, my little hellion."

"Reed!" I chirped. A rose hue settled over my heated cheeks. "You're proud of me?"

He grazed his thumb across my lower lip, devouring my scent as he slowly raised, setting his forehead against mine. His breath fanned my lower lip as he smirked. "Don't hesitate to shoot us, little hellion," he leaned forward, our noses inches apart. "We secretly enjoy it."


"I'm sorry for what he did. I'll never let him hurt you again," he whispered against my lips. I guided my hand slowly up his arms.

"D-Do you want to meet my wolf?" I wondered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I can't take over your body like he can with his carrier. I will need to be in our wolf form and he knows this.

"Ah~, no not this very moment. I want to admire you for a second longer." He spoke so softly compared to the time I first met him and Ozzy.

"Where is Killian? Does he not want to speak to me?" I wondered. He placed his hands flush against my hips then gently forced me onto my back. He looked down at me, his eyes traveling further than needed.

I remained still, my breathing erratic, as his hands slid down my waist, my hips, skimming the heated flesh of my thighs. He's so hot.

"You might've bruised his ego and pride," he bit his lower lip. "Good on you, little hellion."

That's never a good thing...

My eyes widened. "Can you help me with Keenan? I accidentally knocked him out."

He started laughing-that deep sultry laugh that I began to adore and those dimples that fit him so perfectly. "You knocked Ozzy out? You're perfect for us."

"I just wish Killian would look at me like you do," I expressed. "I knew there was something that led me to you both, and Keenan and Ozzy."

"I find it amusing," Reed expressed, a grin forming on his flattened lips.

I sat quietly, waiting for him to continue. He tilted his head to the side, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"Isn't it strange how the one living thing in this world, the one thing that's offered to us-that's meant to love us, can harm us? It's exciting, thrilling, almost-," he paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'll save that for another day."

"That is quite a shocker. You think I'm the only person that can inflict pain on you? I don't want to bear that responsibility," I teased.

We are both insane. I just shot him and now he's fascinated with me.

He gave me a lopsided smile with wicked intentions in his eyes. "Whenever you want," he guided my hand up his shirt then down his hardened abs and I felt every detailed muscle tightening upon my touch, "Feel free to use this body to make you cum as many times as you need."

"R-Reed! Let's go get Keenan now, okay?" I begged as he lowered his hips between my thighs and the bulge I felt was nothing I'd ever encountered. "We c-can talk about this after," I sputtered.

Reed was very confident in their body. The amount of jealous slander he'd get if he were to model.

"Anything for you, little hellion. You will rule quite nicely next to us. I can't wait to breed you," Reed confidently expressed.

I didn't know what to say. I was mated to Alpha Kian's sons! Not just one. Both of them! Oh Moon God, what will they say?!

Rising to my feet, Reed helped me up, gently holding my hand. His thumb caressed my knuckles. "Do they know you are their mate?"

"I-I found out when we fell and he hit his head. I'm not too sure he knows unless he can feel it while asleep," I breathed. He walked and bent forward, retrieving the gun that I had helplessly dropped.

We walked next to each other with him twirling the gun with his index finger. Watching him from my peripheral vision, he had a sway in his hips as he walked.

AHEM! You still have not given me a name!

I nervously laughed, scratching behind my ear while pondering a name. I was too captivated by Killian's scent. I hope he learns how to love me.

And I hope my age doesn't bother them. People may think it's weird across the lands that their luna is thirteen years older than their alphas. Oh god, I didn't even think about the ruling part!

"Stop stressing." Reed caressed my shoulder and I diverted my eyes to the ground. Could he feel the anxiety spiking within me?

Anrai once told me that people didn't like older men so it would always be infatuation. It was best to never assume. I'm not too familiar with how the world works nowadays but I hope that's not true.

"Sorry. I'm a little nervous," I admitted, continuing to think of a name for my wolf.

"Why?" Reed surveyed the environment, his tongue darting over his bottom lip. So full...

"Keenan and Killian-what if they don't like that I'm older than them?" I asked quietly, fingering the hem of my shirt. "I want to be a good mate for them."

"And a good mate you will be," Reed softly consoled, his eyes shamelessly traveling down my body. "It is a good thing we found out now."

"Why is that?"

"I'll kill every alpha who looks in your direction," he calmly asserted, his accent thick with richness. "It would have been a shame if you found someone else only for them to die by our hands."

"You'd..kill someone over me?" My heart started to beat with abnormality.

He stopped and then turned to me, a sardonic smile visible, stretching across his chiseled jaw. "You're mine, I watch everything you do. Killing for you might become our favorite hobby. Don't test our patience."

We continued our casual adventure, back to my other mate-Keenan. My heart warmed to greet him and tell him what happened. I hope he accepts me.

My wolf whimpered and I snapped back into reality, gliding my fingers across my palm. "I'll name you.."



┏━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━┓
-ˋˏ [ Candy by Doja Cat - slowed ] ˎˊ-
┗━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━┛

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