Par SadistWhore

575K 23.8K 12.4K

Hideki Mitsuo is a thirty-one-year-old teacher who just so happens to be an omega who hasn't found his mate y... Plus

𝒹 𝒾 𝒶 𝓁 𝑜 𝑔 𝓊 𝑒
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀
𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘴 <3


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Par SadistWhore



Sleepless nights. Tired days. I've grown used to it. I had fallen asleep due to the amount of pain that Killian inflicted on me from tattooing my bottom.

I woke up in an empty room. Silence greeted me and I began to wonder where the twins had gone.

Where am I?

I was lying in a furnished room with an elegant chandelier hanging from above. This was a king-sized bed.

Pulling the sheets from over my chest, I carelessly tossed them from over my legs until movement coming from the corner of the room caught my attention. "Is someone there?"

The smell of pine trees and chemicals infiltrated my nose. With creased brows, I leaned forward and tried to adjust my sight to see who was sitting there in the corner of the room.

An alpha.

He flicked the lights on and the chandelier lit with life, allowing me to drink in the luxurious room. "What day is it? Did I sleep a long time? What time is it?"

This man who sat quietly has gorgeous violet hues for eyes. His grey hair was slicked back with perfection as he wore a black tailored suit.

"Mr. Mitsuo," he addressed. His voice was the softest I've ever heard in a while. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" I blinked rapidly, hugging the sheets to my chest. "And I was with two students. Are they okay?"

"You may call me Vellamo," he offered.

My eyes widened. "You're President Vellamo!" I pointed my finger at him. "I've been wanting to-"

"Shh. We will have plenty of time to address whatever it is that you want to talk about." He sat with his hands interlocked in front of him, sitting up straight. "I want to talk to you."

"Wait, is the lockdown over with?" I wondered. I needed to know if Shadow, Zade, and Elias were alive and well.

He blinked. His eyes slightly squinting at my question before he slowly breathed. "You'll be getting up to start your classes. I wanted to personally congratulate you on surviving the annual lockdown."

"Well, it wasn't easy. Why..are you-"

"And I wanted to tell you that you have personally been requested to attend the twin's celebration," he informed, swirling his glass of liquor. "You're a bit confused, aren't you?"

"Yes. I know I've been invited by the twins. Did someone else request me?" I gulped. He rose to his feet and my heart dropped at his height. "Where am I?"

"My mansion. Don't worry. I've had your width and other things measured to fit you for your classes today. I was a little worried since you were unconscious for an entire day," Vellamo chuckled while taking a sip of his liquor.

"That..long?!" My eyes widened and then I looked around me. "Whose bed am I in?"

My butt was aching. I was never getting another tattoo for the rest of my life. I refused and I won't be looking at mine until I get them removed.

"Mine. You're in mine. Technically, you're in my guest quarters but everything here is mine." He walked around the bed, grazing his fingers across the custom sheets. "Classes start in," he checked his watch. "In about forty-five minutes. My butler will drive you there so don't worry."

"Okay. Thank you. I also wanted to talk to you about something else if you don't mind," I whispered, slowly gauging his reaction.

His eyes were soft and welcoming. He sat on the edge of the bed, close to my feet. He rests his hand on top of my ankle. "Of course. What is it?"

"Um, well, I don't think your academy is for me. I've tried teaching your students and the requirements are a little absurd for an omega like myself. I'm not fit to teach your acad-"

"So you want to quit?" His tone did a u-turn, deepening and a little sharp.

"U-Um," I breathed, looking down to see that I was in a pink gown that spectacularly hugged my body but I don't remember changing. "It's not that. I mean, I love your academy. I think it's good or um, I don't, I..." I stuttered.

My shoulders deflated. "I'm sorry."

I expected him to get upset at me or something but he started chuckling while gently caressing my ankle and my lips pursed.

"Silly omega. You don't quit my academy. No one ever quits my academy," he muttered. His thumb grazed my lower lip and I politely scooted away, pulling my ankle from his grasp.

"Well, I was told that I have to put in my notice before I could quit. Is that not allowed anymore? Has the policy changed?" I pondered.

"The policy?" Vellamo tilted his head back and gulped down the last bit of liquor before licking his lower lip and his eyes returned to me.


"The moment you are accepted into my academy. You should feel privileged. So, why in the Moon bane, would you ever want to leave?" He questioned.

"I'm an omega."

"And?" He quietly sat the glass down, dead eyes focused on me.

"It's an academy for alphas." I reminded him while tugging at this pink gown.

"Hmm. That's a good point," he replied, tapping his fingers on his knee while appearing deep in thought.

"Would you consider?" I grew hopeful that he'd understand why I felt this way.

"No," he replied, tilting his head as his eyes traveled around the room. "I don't think I will, Mr. Mitsuo."

Releasing a sigh, I quietly rose to my feet and angled my body at him. "Why am I here? In your mansion."

He cocked his brow and stood up, towering over me with a smug expression. "Don't question my motives. I believe you should get ready to reach your class."

Without another bat in my direction, he started to walk out of the room but paused, resting his hand on the doorframe. "Also, no one alive leaves my academy. Am I understood?"

Something deep inside of me burned but I couldn't bring myself to say anything. His presence terrified me. "Yes, President Vellamo."

"Splendid. Now, get dressed. You have a long day ahead of you." He sweetly smiled at me and then removed his presence.


Arriving at Woodcreek Academy, there was a bunch of construction going on. His butler dropped me off at the entrance before driving off.

The sun was slowly rising and the way it rose, bringing light to the lands warmed my heart. My eyes diverted down and what I witnessed nearly made me vomit.

There was a bunch of soldiers apart of the alpha corps carrying deceased students and disregarded them in the back of a dumpster truck.

I covered my mouth. I saw a few familiar alphas and lecturers being tossed away like they were nothing.

One nurse that I recognized was Paige. Her face was cut up in ways that made a butcher look innocent.

She was thrown over a soldier's shoulder and then he tossed her corpse into the pile of dead bodies.

My heart pained for her. She deserved to live a better life than this one. Tears pricked at my eyes but I wiped them away quickly.

The smell of rotting flesh was consuming the yard.

How did they expect classes to go on with all of this commotion happening?!

General Mikko was standing firm with his arms crossed over his torso. "Pick up the speed! There's more corpses to clean up and classes start in five minutes!"

"Yes, General!" They synced. All of the soldiers began jogging. I couldn't take more of this.

I sprinted into the double doors and saw students were already making their way to classrooms as if they were not just annihilating each other hours ago!

When I was about to enter my classroom, I noticed a familiar alpha standing in the doorway down the hall and my eyes widened once he turned his head. It was Nash!

Nash stood there with his hand over his mouth, clutching the strap of his book bag with the other.

What was he looking at?

Other students began surrounding him and their eyes widened. Curiosity plagued me. I quickly jogged down the hall to see what everyone was looking at.

"Fuck me dude. That's..fucked up. Even for lockdown," a student I was unfamiliar with stated. They backed away when they saw me approaching.

"What's going on?" I asked. None of them answered, staring in shock. A student pointed into the classroom and I gently squeezed my way through their bodies.

My jaw dropped and I tilted my head back, eyeing the situation in front of me.

"This is our homeroom too," Nash mumbled. His bag dropped from his grasp as he backed away then ran to get help, pushing the other students out of the way.

Hanging from the ceiling with rope around their neck, Dolph, Fang, and Balto were swinging due to the breeze coming from the open window.

They didn't commit suicide...

"Yo, look, Fang's nails are peeled off!" A student whispered, bringing my attention to it.

That's when I noticed that all of their bodies were symbolizing something.

I studied Fang. All of his fingers were broken with his nails peeled off with force. Fresh blood still coated his hands which meant that this had to have happened a couple of hours ago. Perhaps last night...

My eyes diverted to the next body carelessly hanging from the ceiling. Dolph's eyes were gauged out of his skull. Blood trickled down his face, creating a puddle underneath them.

My stomach churned while I slowly looked at the last victim-Balto. His jaw was broken and his head was angled oddly as if his neck was already broken before whoever did this hung him.

"T-This is.." I struggled to find the word. This is not how I expected my day to start off.

"Never liked them anyway," an alpha expressed and another alpha hissed, "Venus, shut the fuck up!"

I swallowed hard, standing there in the center, just gawking at the bodies hanging. Was this because of me?

Slightly turning my head, I caught a whiff of a scent and recognized it was Keenan's! That's when I saw him.

He was walking down the hall toward my classroom as he glanced at me from over his shoulder with his hair flawlessly resting over his lashes.

When he noticed that he acquired my attention, he turned around and started walking backward. His eyes traveled down my body slowly before they raised back up to meet my tedious glare.

He looked me up and down with delight!

His tongue darted out as he raised his palm to his lips and licked the fresh blood. His lips slightly lifted into a sly smile and his attention never strayed from me.

I looked around me and everyone was too focused on the sight before them that they didn't see the person responsible for this. Keenan could mask his presence when he wanted to.

If I hadn't witnessed this for myself, I would've thought Killian was responsible for this. Keenan continued to surprise me but I had to remember where I was.

This academy was contaminated with mentally ill students. They were all unpredictable.

And I was alone with the scariest one of them all.

But that's not what pierced my soul with terror. It's the fact that Keenan held this...drive for it in his eyes. He taunted me, telling me with those mystic eyes that he'd do it again if given the opportunity.

Maybe Killian wasn't the one I should've been watching out for but I can't think like that.

As soon as I turn my back, the other twin finds a way to surprise me more.

A hand came down on my shoulder and I squealed, quickly turning around to find Elijah standing in front of me. My heart screamed with excitement.

"E-Elijah!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around his waist, tightly hugging him until I saw the look in his eyes and my smile dropped. "Elijah?" I whispered, unwrapping my arms from around him.

He stood there in his forest green tuxedo with his hair combed back and glasses resting on his temple as he studied me with cold eyes.

"Mr. Mitsuo, class is starting. I suggest you head back to your classroom," Elijah suggested. He called me by my surname.

His entire demeanor was different compared to last time and I wanted to question him about it but I tend to forget that Elijah is a different person on campus.

"S-Sure. Sorry," I muttered, bowing my head at him then turned around to leave until his hand reached forward, halting me. "What's wrong?" I asked.

His eyes shifted to the floor and mine followed to where he was looking at. It was Nash's bag. He prevented me from tripping.

"Watch your step," he coldly exhorted, nodding his head. "Have a good rest of your day."

"Thanks," I replied but it was barely over a whisper. I didn't like this. Not one bit. "You too..."

He turned his attention to the crowd of students and began yelling at them to return to their classes. He started to enter the class and paused once he saw the students hanging from the ceiling.

That's when I saw Mirror walking this way with Dr. Alvaro next to him. Students stepped to the side, allowing them to pass.

I didn't want to be part of this so I quickly made my way to my classroom.

I thought they said Elijah would be out for the rest of the week. Did he recover quickly because he's a King Court wolf? Did they know that he is one?

Everything was starting to drive me mad. So much going on and I just couldn't help myself.

A lot of lives were lost over this lockdown. My ex died because of me. It doesn't feel real.

All of this has to be one big dream! I refused to believe any of this happened today. I've suffered so much that it's unbelievable. Someone would think I'm insane if I ever explained what happened here.

My heart yearned for Paige. I frowned and clenched my fist. I walked into my classroom and was shocked to see my students were all sitting there.

Elias was swaying back and forth with bags under his eyes as he sneezed into his hand. He looked exhausted with irises that were bloodshot. "Elias..?"

He weakly smiled at me, waving at me and I almost cried at the sight of him. He didn't look like himself.

No one here did.

As I scanned the room, I noticed Shadow wasn't here and my heart started to skyrocket. "Where is he?" My hands started to tremble with adrenaline.

"Who?" Elias tilted his head. "Oh. Shadow? He's not here." He hazily swayed, humming to himself. "I got two packs of ketchup but only one pack of mustard and that's so weird."

"Elias, what?" I crossed my arms, slowly walking up to him then turned my focus to the back of the class.

Desperately trying to keep his eyes open, Zade rests his chin in his palm with creased brows until he starts to shift in his seat. He was uncomfortable.

I turned my focus to Enoch who was restrained in his wheelchair. He winked at me then started laughing, tossing his head back.

"Enoch, are you okay..?" I bit my lower lip, watching him wiggle in his restraints.

He looked at me and his eyes were warm as he bit his lower lip with tinted cheeks. He licked the upper rack of his teeth. "I can't fucking breathe, Mr. Mitsuo. You should release me," he whispered. "I'll be a good boy."

"Huh?" I tilted my head at his question. "Enoch, stop this. Right now."

He licked his lips with his dark curls falling helplessly over those emerald hues. "Please..just rape me," he whimpered, leaning forward, watching me with those attentive dead eyes. "I swear I'll be your good boy."

I swallowed hard. I noticed the twins weren't in class today so I had time to get ahold of my students.

"Enoch, please, rape is never good. Okay?" I slowly walked up to him and adjusted his wheelchair. "Never let someone rape you."

"What about consensual rape?" He pondered, leaning back into his wheelchair, tilting his head back, smiling widely as he breathed slowly, his chest rising slow and falling at the same rate.

He was fantasizing...about it.

"There is nothing consensual about rape!" I assured him. My lips twisted downward while I paced back and forth, staring at my student.

His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he slowly inhaled then reopened his eyes. "You're so fucking exciting, Mr. Mitsuo."

"I'm not doing anything!" I clasped my hands in front of me, observing his behavior. "And the vulgar words need to stop."

Elias snorted. "He's just a hornball," he stated, looking at him. "I bet you liked to get fucked in the lockdown-the most play he gets." He turns to me, smirking. "Are you a bottom, dearest Enoch?"

"Oh," he hummed, a rose hue coating his cheeks. "I can assure you that I'm a top."

Top? Bottom?

"Tch," Elias barked in laughter, wiping away tears as he held his stomach. "Enoch, the only thing going for you is your height, the dark curls, and the eyes. Your personality is shit. You'd be better off getting fucked."

"Elias!" I scolded. "You don't talk to your classmates like that! Words can hurt others."

"No, no, no, please, Mr. Mitsuo. I want him to continue insulting me," he groaned. Thrusting his head back, he mumbled, "Shit like that turns me on."

My jaw dropped. Fiddling with my shirt, I rounded my desk and then plopped down in my seat.

"See, like that," Enoch cocked his head at me and my brow raised at what he was getting at.

"Like what?" Elias raised his perfectly arched brow at the deranged man.

"You can plop down on my dick like tha-"

"Okay! That's enough!" I interjected. "It's inappropriate so stop."

Enoch closed his eyes, lowly chuckling to himself while I tried to gather my thoughts. Elias went back to his usual routine-humming a song while swaying.

A soft knock came from the door and I rose from my chair. It was unusual since alphas thought they could just waltz in here whenever they pleased.

Opening the door, I carelessly combed my fingers through my hair until the sight of the most beautiful man graced my presence.

Gripping the doorknob, I inhaled a soft gasp when our eyes connected-golden to hazel. "Hello," he greeted me with a gentle nod and a smile so radiant that his dimples were on display.

It's like everything he did was elegantly arranged.

His vibrant scarlet hair carelessly cascaded down his back. He carried a perfect facial structure that looked out of a model magazine.

Although his features were soft, he radiated power and warmth, standing with royal posture and gentle hues.

Breathing the same air as him was almost impossible to believe.

"H-Hey!" Immediately bowing my head in respect for the Luna over the lands, I interlocked my hands in front of me.

I never thought I would get to meet him in person!

"Oh dear, you are not an alpha!" His gorgeous golden eyes traveled down my body as he fanned himself with a shan-the general term for Chinese fans. "Stand up straight. You're an omega. Wear it with pride."

His accent was thicker than a bowl of butter!

I obeyed, standing with perfect posture with my chin raised and chest out. "U-Um, I was not expecting to meet you! I'm so sorry! I would've prepared!"

He continued peeking over my shoulder, searching the classroom. "Dove sono i miei ragazzi?" (Where are my boys?)

Two guards stood quietly behind his majesty as he continued to spur words in his home barriers while fanning himself. "They're supposed to be in class!"

He closed the fan, resting it in his palm while studying me. Before I could reply, he asked, "Who is the alpha over this classroom? I would like to have a word with them."

I slowly raised my hand, trembling at the knees as I softly answered, "I am..minus the alpha part."

He took a step back as his eyes widened. He covered half of his face with the shan, narrowing his eyes at me. "Who are you? State your name."

"Hideki Mitsuo and I'm their assigned lecturer," I introduced myself. "I've been teaching for-"

Sweat trickled down my neck when I saw the horrid expression on Luna Gabriel's face.

"I am well aware that this is an alpha academy if that is what you're worried about," I quickly addressed but he continued to stare at me...in silence.

Bowing my head once more, I prayed that he didn't think of me as some professor with social issues.

He lifted my chin with the fan and his eyes drank me in as his lips slowly lifted into a warm smile. "Oh my, so you are my sons' chosen mistress! Have you packed your bags yet?"

"P-Pardon?" I raised my brows, shaking my head. "I'm not your sons' mi-"

"Nonsense! My guards will get your bags and whatever it is that you need!" He chirped, circling me with wide eyes, looking me up and down.

"A little old in the hips but overall, you are a desirable one," he complimented, patting my cheek with the fan as he assessed me. "My sons have impeccable taste!"

Thee Luna Gabriel just complimented me...

"I-I wasn't told that I was leaving today," I nervously chuckled. "The celebration isn't for a few days."

"The celebration lasts a week! You were personally invited by my sons and they don't like anyone," he declared, giggling while covering his face with the fan.

I glanced over my shoulder to witness my students gawking at me. Well, not Enoch since he was fast asleep with his chin on his chest.

The sound of heavy footsteps approaching caught our attention. Multiple alphas were rushing to greet the Luna including Elijah, Levi, Mirror, and Alvaro.

"Luna Gabriel! We were not informed that you'd be arriving so early!" Elijah bowed his head in respect at the royal omega.

"Forgive us. We would have prepared for your arrival if we had known," Levi finished, bowing his head.

"Mirror is delighted!" Mirror bowed his head, leaning forward with his hand crossing his chest, bowing in respect. "It is an honor!"

Luna Gabriel extended his hand out, quirking his brow in expectation, observing the alpha men standing in front of him. He radiates confidence...

Mirror gently caressed his hand, planting a soft kiss on his knuckles. "Mmm, like sweet orchids!"

"How kind of you all to finally greet me," Luna Gabriel nonchalantly expressed, wiping his knuckles on his flora print kimono.

Mirror frowned.

"Where is Alpha Kian?" Dr. Alvaro questioned. "We should be greeting him too."

"My husband is off with his alpha business. I'm here to collect my sons," he affirmed then twisted his body to face me. "And this dashing omega."

All of them turned to me with cocked brows and I nervously shrugged my shoulders with sweat beads coating my forehead. Oh dear...

Thoughts on Luna Gabriel?

┏━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┓
-ˋˏ [ Fancy by TWICE ] ˎˊ-
┗━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━┛

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