Twins of Mewni

By YvieLeaf

40.2K 1K 59

What if Star had a twin sister named Comet ? What if they were complete opposites of each other? How will t... More

Star and Comet come to earth part 1
Star and Comet come to earth part 2
Star and Comet come to earth part 3
Star and Comet come to earth part 4
Star and Comet come to earth part 5
Party with a pony part 1
Party with a pony part 2
Party with a pony part 3
Match Maker part 1
Match Maker part 2
Match Maker part 3
School Spirit part 1
School Spirit part 2
School Spirit part 3
Monster Arm part 1
Monster Arm part 2
Monster Arm part 3
The Other Exchange Student part 1
The Other Exchange Student part 2
The Other Exchange Student part 3
Cheer Up, Star part 1
Cheer Up, Star part 2
Cheer Up, Star part 3
Quest Buy part 1
Quest Buy part 2
Quest Buy part 3
Comet Celeste Butterfly
Diaz Family Vacation part 1
Diaz Family Vacation part 2
Diaz Family Vacation part 3
Pie Butterflies
Brittney's Party Part 1
Brittney's Party part 2
Brittney's Party part 3
Mewberty part 1
Mewberty part 2
Mewberty part 3
❄️ Christmas Special ❄️
Pixtopia part 1
Pixtopia part 2
Pixtopia part 3
Lobster Claws part 1
Lobster Claws part 2
Lobster Claws part 3
Sleep Spells part 1
Sleep Spells part 2
Sleep Spells part 3
Blood Moon Ball part 1
Blood Moon Ball part 2
Blood Moon Ball part 3
Fortune Cookies part 1
Fortune Cookies part 2
Fortune Cookies part 3
Freeze Day part 1
Freeze Day part 2
Freeze Day part 3
Royal Pain part 1
Royal Pain part 2
Royal Pain part 3
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses part 1
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses part 2
St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses part 3
Mewnipendence Day part 1
Mewnipendence Day part 2
Mewnipendence Day part 3
The Banagic Wand part 1
The Banagic Wand part 2
The Banagic Wand part 3
Interdimensional Field Trip part 1
Interdimensional Field Trip part 2
Interdimensional Field Trip part 3
Marco Grows a Beard part 1
Marco Grows a Beard part 2
Marco Grows a Beard part 3

🎆 New Year's Special 🎇

142 6 3
By YvieLeaf

Mild winds swept across the corn fields of Mewni on the evening of the last day of the year. Comet was in her room, getting ready for the celebration her parents would hold with a small group of family friends. She sighed when she was done, and let herself fall back on her bed. She wasn't one for long social events, and if she were to choose, she'd probably have spent the night in her room, under her blanket and with a good book and tea.

"Hey Comet!", Star entered the room, once again without knocking. She had changed into a teal dress, and was wearing her sparkler headband. Behind her, Ponyhead floated in, "Hey C!"

Comet sat up again, and Star pulled her from the bed. "Aww! You look amazing! Ponyhead, doesn't she look amazing?", Star cheered. Comet smiled bashfully. "You look good too, Star. You too, Ponyhead." "I know!", Ponyhead confidently replied, showing of the braid she had (somehow) braided herself. A knock on the door interrupted our talk. "Come in!", Star called out. In came Tom. "Hey", he greeted. Star came up to him and he slung his arm over his shoulder.

"You look beautiful", he told her, to which Star blushed and giggled, before pecking him on his cheek. Comet discreetly looked away, while Ponyhead mocked hyper-disgust. "Eww, get a room you two!", she exclaimed. Tom gave her a small glare, while Star merely laughed it off. Comet didn't feel like participating in their banter: these were Star's friends, not hers. And in Tom's case, it was her boyfriend, so mingling around seemed to be even more inappropriate.

"Your mom told me to go down soon", Tom nonchalantly informed. Star nodded happily. "Let's go, let's go!", she cheered, and was the first to exit the room, closely followed by Tom and Ponyhead. Comet followed them, keeping some distance between them and herself.

They entered the ball room, which was bustling with family and family friends. Comet was about to go look for her mother, when Star pulled her to her side. "Why're you back there? Come, join us!" She then continued talking with Tom and Ponyhead.

"Any affirmations for the new year?", Star asked. Tom scoffed. "Like those ever work. People just end up following through with their affirmations for maybe a week or two, before completely discarding of them and return to their old habits."

"Well, I'll have you know that my affirmations have all gone perfectly, and they will continue to do so", Ponyhead defended, "My affirmation is to be my popular, pretty, perfect self everyday." "You mean obnoxious?", Tom mumbled under his breath. "I heard that, dimwit!"

"What about you, Comet?", Star quickly asked me. "Me?", I stiffened, realizing all of them looking at me. Flustered, I looked to the ground, and let my hair hide my face. "Umm... I don't really have any... If I want to make a change in my life, I'd rather just implement the change as soon as possible than waiting for New Year to roll by..." They seemed to be satisfied with that answer, for Star continued, "Well, I'm planning on finally taming a warnicorn this year. And to think of lots of new spells! We only have a year left till Comet and I finally get the royal wand from Mom!"

Comet played with the bow of her dress, as she listened intently on what they were saying. Sometimes, one of them would direct a question towards her, and she would give as short of an answer as possible. The group stopped their chatting shortly, when Queen Moon gave her speech and opened the buffet.

The sound of dish wear and idle chatting filled the room. Servants were playing soft music in the background, as the day grew older and gave way to the night, and the first few stars. Star and Ponyhead were having a small competition on who could take the bigger bite out of a muffin. "Star definitely won", Tom said, looking at their cupcakes. "What?! You're biased, Tom. You're just saying that cause Star's your girlfriend", Ponyhead complained. Comet smiled a little, drawing in the small sketchbook she had brought with her. "Ooh, let me see whatcha drawing!", Star said, grabbing the notebook from me. "Star, it's not finished yet", Comet stammered.

Star gasped, and her eyes grew wide with excitement. "Hey, that's us! Look Tom, that's you! And here is me, and that's Ponyhead!" Star pointed at the sketches of them three sitting at the table. "I didn't know you drew", Tom said, mildly surprised. "I- uhh... I only do it for fun, nothing serious", Comet shyly said.

"And is everything alright over here?", Mom asked, coming over to our table. "Oh, hey Queen Butterfly!", Ponyhead greeted. Tom raised his arm as a greeting. "Everything's fine, Mom. Look what Comet drew!", Star assured, before showing off the sketch to their mother. "That is beautiful my dear", Moon said to Comet, "Well then, I see you're getting along well. When you're finished here, you're welcome to come to the balcony to watch the firework show", Mom said, and walked to the next table.

The group of four would spend another 30 minutes at the table, before deciding to make their way to the balcony. The light of day had already left the land. Instead, the dark blue sky of night embraced them. Stars shone in the sky, competing for attention.

Comet took a deep breath. Here, where it wasn't as full, and where the mild breeze flowed through her hair, she felt like she could finally breathe freely again. "24 seconds till New Year!", Star announced, looking at the clock on her portable mirror, "21, 20, 19, 18..." Ponyhead and Tom, as well as the other people on the balcony started counting down with her. Even Comet joined in.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

The first fireworks were lit, and rockets flew into the sky, exploding into vibrant flowers of turquoise, gold and pink. Star took a sparkler that was offered to her and lit it."Let's get a picture!", she cheered. "Yeah, group selfie!", Ponyhead exclaimed. They pushed Star's portable mirror into someone's hand, asking them to take a picture of the friend group.

"Alright, is everyone in the picture?", they asked. "Wait. Comet, what are you doing, get into the picture!", Star called out. "Yeah C, it's a friend group photo!", Ponyhead agreed, pushing her next to Star. Comet was a bit surprised by their gesture, before smiling at them. Maybe they were her friends too, after all. "Alright, everyone say corn!" "Corn!", the children yelled, as the light of the portable mirror flashed.

"Thank you!", Star said, taking her portable mirror from them. "Anytime Princess Star", they said.

"Aww look!" Star showed the picture to the rest. "I look amazing. As always", Ponyhead said, "B-fly, send me that pic, will you?" "Of course!", Star assured, "I'll send it to you too, Tom."

We turned around to watch the fireworks again, and Star put her arms around the other three. "Group hug!", she exclaimed cheerfully. The other laughed, embracing each other too, "Group hug!" 

A/N: Happy New Year! This year. There was no Christmas special, so instead, you're getting a New Year one. 

Again, I can't thank you enough for all the support you've shown me. The next chapter is going to be Blood Moon Ball, and it's the episode that first inspired me to create Comet ^-^

I wish you all fortune and health for the new year! I hope you'll keep finding joy and entertainment in reading and any and every hobbies you have!

CU, YvieLeaf ★

PS: Picture is my original drawing! Please don't use without my consent. Thank you! ^∇^

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