A Wind After The Winter • Boo...

By LucaYukimi

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Winds have always been together with the other elements, Storm; Rain; Sun; Lightning; Mist; Cloud. Making the... More

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29 1 0
By LucaYukimi

The White Chrysanthemum's Eighth Petal

After that meeting about Byakuran. Tsunayoshi has realized that he doesn't know some things about Yuki at all.... He thought he does... But probably only the things she tells him.

Well, he respects her decisions and life. So he won't say anything about it.

What makes him wonder was what Byakuran said. About him and Yuki being alive. He indeed felt he died after that battle at the Meron Base.

However... He thinks it was just a dream... In that dream, he felt someone... But he's probably just hallucinating. Exhausted from the battles. That exhausted body of his continued until Dino arrived. He wasn't able to see Yuki those days, because she was out cold and he wasn't allowed at the foundation. Reborn has been stopping him as well from meeting her.

But then Dino arrived and gave him a bracelet. Tsunayoshi thought it is pretty and simple. It is just a simple bracelet yet it brought him comfort and the exhaustion on his body all disappeared.

Ever since he wore that bracelet, even when he is beat up from training, the pain is not that painful than usual. It's like the bracelet is absorbing the pain from his body. He liked it so he didn't dared to take it off with the fear that the pain that it absorbed from him will return to his body abruptly.

He wonders how is Yuki doing. She looks exhausted as well. Her eyes looks so tired and she seems to be stressing herself. He wanted to visit her at the foundation, but he have a feeling that he will only add to his exhaustion if he will. So he didn't visit.

And today, she gave them information about Byakuran.

He was worried that Yuki didn't showed herself to them after that. The person who is going out and in of the foundation is Fuuta and he asks about Yuki to him on the moments they cross path. The young man answers the question with the same response, "Sister is doing great. Please do not worry. She is also training just like all of you."

"I see... Thank you, Fuuta." He smiles.

Tsunayoshi has noticed the change of air around Fuuta as well. Ever since he stayed with Yuki to take care of her, the air around him changed. He seems... distance to them now. Maybe he and Yuki are talking about somethings. Well, he is okay with them talking. He just hopes that they'll be fine and okay.

Reborn goes in and out of the foundation too. But not often as Fuuta. And Tsunayoshi can sense that he knows something. Well, he is Reborn, he knows everything.

The next moment that Tsunayoshi saw Yuki was the day of the battle. She is wearing the uniform of the Guardians and Reborn gave it to her. She have the very right to wear it, after all she The Snow Guardian of the Vongola Decimo. But there is something different about her.... It's like... she's fading. Yuki's eyes is softer and her eyes are full of regret and sorrow. But she looks happy. She looks grateful. When she smiled at him, she is happy.

Yuki called him her family. She passed her family tradition to her. He is honored to have Yuki think of him that way.

But there is still that feeling of a distance between them.

Tsunayoshi have a foreboding feeling.

The whole walk to the Namimori Shrine, Yuki is silent and only Fuuta is beside her. They are walking behind everyone. No one bothered with them, but at the first few moments, the girls talked with Yuki because they were worried when they didn't saw Yuki at the hideout for almost a week.

They finally arrived at the Shrine and some were surprised that their base is like that. Though, the inside is not like that. Shoichi and Spanner tried their best to have everything they needed in there for the past days.

Yuki look around, 'It seems the non-trinesette radiation weakened.' She then look at Tsunayoshi and Reborn, 'It's fine as long as they are fine.'

"Mr. Hibari!! Yamamoto!!" Tsunayoshi shouted but there is no responses. The Vongola begun to panic quite a bit, "What are those two playing at!! This is the final battle!!" Ryohie shouted. They look around and Giannini is the next who spoke, "They couldn't have decided not to come. Could they...?" 

"There's always the possibility that their training wasn't successful..." Reborn mused. Everyone stayed silent. Yuki look at Fuuta beside her and smiled, "Calm down.." She hold his hand tightly, sending Sky flames. Fuuta look at her and smiled, "I am just... It's my first time in this..."

"You don't need to do anything. I'll do my best." 

"Yes... Good luck."

"It'll be fine!! They'll be here any minute!!" Basil tried to lighten up the mood, "At any rate, not a single member of the Millefiore has showed up yet, so there's no problem!!" He added. Spanner who is looking at his laptop all this time notices something, "There are Dying Will Flames approaching... and they're incredibly huge."


"They're closing in fast."

  The Dying Will Flames is located at just where they are, yet there is nothing, which made Spanner confused, until a shadow hovered over them, "Hm... That's odd... They ought to be right on top of us by..." He finally noticed it and look up, "Up there!" They all look at the sky and sees a huge black cloud swirling round surprising everyone, except you know who.

"What the...?!" 


A ray of light came from the center of the cloud and it lights the Vongola. Something slowly came out of the center and it was a huge face, of Byakuran. Yuki certainly looks unimpressed by this, 'What a show-off. He could've just sent a clone or virtual version of himself.' She thought as she holds Fuuta's hand.

"Hey there, everyone." Byakuran greeted with a smile.

"Byakuran!!" Tsunayoshi shouts in surprised. While Lambo cried, scared of the huge face up above, "Gho~st!!" Kyoko looks at the sky with an amazed face however, "It's like candy floss...!" As well did Haru. Bianchi reminded them of something, "The real thing has arms and legs as well, you know."

"An illusion...!!" Gokudera concluded but Chrome said otherwise. 

Spanner continued to look at his laptop, "I'm reading metallic signatures... It's a gigantic apparatus." 

"Hmmm? I thought I told you to make sure everyone was here...?" 

A smile came across Yuki's lips when she sees Tsunayoshi's unwavering eyes. 

The giant Byakuran above continues, "Ah, well, never mind. You're only putting yourselves at a disadvantage, after all."

"You're the one breaking the rules here!! That apparatus is far too big to serve as a base unit!!" Shoichi. Byakuran then said, "You always like to jump to conclusions, Shou." The redhead was shut-up, "All this is for to transport you all to the stage where we'll be holding our game of choice. A hyper-flame ring transfer system." Byakuran explained.

"Transfer system...?!!" 

"That thing you used to get rid of Melone base?!!" 

"In other words, the battleground... isn't here in Namimori." Reborn concluded. The Byakuran above agreed, "Yup, that's right. However, as you already know, this apparatus doesn't activate all that easily. So it's also going to serve as a little test, to see if you're qualified to take part in today's game." 

(A: let me summarize because I am lazy with a bad mental health.
– Before the time limit ends, Yamamoto and Hibari arrives and gave the transportation machine it's designated flame volts and even doubled it. That's just how strong the Vongola is even without Yuki and the girl is proud of it.
Fuuta hold Yuki tightly as they get shallowed by white light and soon was transported to the lighting battle ground which is full of skyscrapers.
Byakuran greeted the Vongola and explained everything. Yuki stayed silent all this time, staring at Byakuran and she seemed to have a surprised face on her. After the choosing of fighters, Byakuran changed the topic. )

Byakuran clapped his hands to stop the atmosphere and smiled, "But before everything, it seems like you are ready for your match, Yuki." They all look at the girl in front of Fuuta with surprised, 'That was serious?' They all thought. They just thought that that conversation was random; believing that Yuki could not fight in the future.

Yuki took a breathe and started to walk to the front. She glances at Tsunayoshi and the boy look at her with worry, making her smile, saying for him not to worry.

Yuki stops in front of Tsunayoshi and stood with confidence in front of their main enemy surprising them, 'Yuki's... confidence..' Tsunayoshi thought while Reborn smiled, 'She would've been a good boss.'

"Yuki..." Dino mumbled in worry. The girl only smiled, "Don't worry, I'll be careful." Dino flinched when Hibari suddenly glared at her, "It's her choice! I didn't told her to join the battle!" The older blonde defended himself.

They heard a sigh from Yuki and they saw her taking off her gloves, "It is my choice to join the battle." Yuki siled confident as she takes her gloves, looking at Byakuran who is smiling at her, "I couldn't bring down Byakuran's wonderful offer."

"I appreciate you accepting it."

Yuki throw her gloves to Fuuta who catched them, "You look like you have something to say, Yuki. I'll hear it out." The older albino says so nicely.


The Vongola hold their breathe when the Guardians of Byakuran suddenly got on their knees and bow their heads, "Wha-What's happening?" Tsunayoshi asks.

Byakuran's smile became slight sinister, "But before that, a formal greeting..."

"Fuuta." The said boy immediately got in front of the Vongola non-ring users, "Yes." The boy opened his palm and created a barrier that only mana users can see in front of the people.

Byakuran walk to Yuki, while Yuki placed a hand behind her back and one on her chest. Byakuran stood a meter in front of her, and placed his hands behind him and in front of his chest, Yuki put her left leg behind her right leg; they both bowed

"It's an honor to meet you, Byakuran Gesso."
"It's a pleasure to stand before you, Yuki Kazehaya."

Yuki slowly straighten her body when her right hand was suddenly taken by Byakuran, and kissed it. Yuki blinks, everyone gaped, everyone have their eyes widened.

Yuki took her hands off Byakuran's and wiped it on her skirt, "You really know how to insult, Yuki." Byakuran smiled as cherry as ever. While the Vongola sweats on just how daring she is in front of the enemy they fear.

After wiping the back of her hand she part her lips, "Yes... I have something..." She look behind Byakuran where his guardians are, "I think they'll die if you don't stop." Byakuran smiles, "Why don't you stop first?"

"You were the one who started it."

Byakuran took a breathe and the Guardians fall to the ground, heavily panting from the pressure of two powerful mana users.

"Wha-What happened?" Tsunayoshi look at Yuki, who finally looked at him with a smile, "Do not worry about it, Tsunayoshi. I will protect you." She then look at Fuuta, "You can stop now."

Yuki look at Tsunayoshi again and blinks in confusion. His face have shock all over it. She also look at everyone and they have the same expression, "What is it?"

"Your eyes..."

"Ahh.... Is it the first time you all saw it?" It seems like her eyes turned back to its original form, 'At least Tsunayoshi's eyes didn't changed.'

Yuki could only smile weakly, "I'm sorry, but I have some business with Byakuran right now." She doesn't have to explain anything to them. She turned her back to them and look at Byakuran who's eyes is also at its original form.

"I want my battle to be outside of them." When she meant them, she meant the Vongola. Byakuran hummed, "Oh, why is that? You want to fight alone? Or is there something else..." Byakuran's eyes glowed a little.

Yuki smiled confidently at Byakuran, "You said a battle that could kill me...." Her eyes glowed, "But it seems like I wouldn't be the one that will be killed by it if I play with them."

"I see."

"I also have another reason." A white coat with snowflakes designs at the bottom and at the sleeves appeared at Yuki's arm. Byakuran's eyes look at it, "I see.." His eyes then look at the Vongola behind Yuki, "Would like a different location to talk about this?"

"No." Yuki take the coat from her arm and wore it slowly, slipping her arms inside the sleeves, "We will talk about this in front of the Vongola." She smiles as the coat lands on her shoulders, "That should be fine right?"

"It is not forbidden so it's fine."

Looking at Yuki's back, Tsunayoshi thought of something, 'Yuki feels so far away..." Unreachable. It's almost like they don't live at the same world. Yuki... looks so reliable and strong. They are not the same... Yuki is far beyond him. She is able to stand so confident with high chin in front of a person he couldn't look without fear.

He will never be able to reach Yuki.

Paper scroll appeared at Yuki's hand, "I made three copies of these. These are my rules for my battle." She looks at Byakuran, "Is that alright?"

"Of course."

Yuki throw one to Byakuran and one to Tsunayoshi, "You can open it." She smiles. Reborn jump to Tsunayoshi's shoulder as the boy open the Scroll, "Can you see it?" Tsunayoshi was confused by that question, "Y-Yes.. I can see it."

Yamamoto and Gokudera walk behind him to also look but they're eyes widened, "This is blank, Tsuna/Tenth."


Reborn who can see it didn't say anything. Yuki didn't explained it as well.

"The first rule in that is. The prizes of my match." Yuki continues, "That will be... me."

"What?! Yuki!" Yuki turn to Tsunayoshi, "Tsunayoshi... Calm down." She turns to Byakuran, "You will take me if I do not win my battle... However, if I win my battle..."

Byakuran who knows where this is going smirked, "I see... That's your plan." Byakuran flick his fingers and a screen mid-air, beside them appeared and there is a woman on that screen.

She is sleeping in a white bed, under the white blankets. She have long black hair spread on the white sheets and a really beautiful face. She looks like a princess when is sleeping. Tsunayoshi stared at the woman... and thought, 'She's beautiful...' Which is an understatement.

(A: sleeping beauty anyone?)


They all look at Dino who instinctively shouted the name upon seeing her.

"A woman who almost have the same value as you."


Byakuran look at Yuki and then to the Vongola, "Is that fine?" Tsunayoshi flinched, "H-Huh?" He is surprised that Byakuran asked him about the battle of Yuki. He thought that only him and Yuki will be talking about it, "Uhm..." He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know about these. The prize will be Yuki, and he doesn't want that. Yuki is not a prize. But there is this woman as well. It seems like Byakuran have his hands on this woman and Yuki wants to get her. 

His thoughts were cut off when he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Tsuna." He look at his side to see Dino, "Mr. Dino..." The blonde's eyes looks different from usual... Serious, he would say, "You should agree." 


"You should agree with the prizes for this battle, Tsunayoshi. Trust, Yuki. She will win it." Dino smiles at him. Tsunayoshi look at the young lady who is already looking at him. A smile that says trust and confidence. Tsunayoshi thought of it thoroughly and look at Dino, "Mister Dino... Who is that girl?" He at least wants to know that woman. 

"Well..." Dino look at Yuki who giggles confusing them, "I'm sure you'll like her, Tsunayoshi? She is pretty isn't she?" That is not denying. The woman's beauty on the screen is not something can be lied about. Tsunayoshi could say that, if Yuki is the most beautiful he has yet seen... This woman could surpass her, 'She must be prettier if she's conscious...'

"She will be able to bring you all to the past without any problems." 

They all hold their breathe.

"Even if you are not able to defeat Byakuran. She will do it for you... After all, she is a strong member of the Court." She glances at Byakuran, "Right?" Byakuran's smile drop for a second before it returned, "She is. I had help from the outside just to make her sleep." 

"I see." Yuki's smiles brighten in insult.

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