By SadistWhore

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Hideki Mitsuo is a thirty-one-year-old teacher who just so happens to be an omega who hasn't found his mate y... More

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𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘴 <3


8.3K 386 191
By SadistWhore



It had been a couple of hours and the room was starting to get warmer. That wasn't a good sign because sickness and warm climates didn't go together.

Elijah was burning up. He constantly coughed and sweat coated his face and toned abs, trickling down each defined muscle.

"You're Alpha Kian's firstborn," I softly stated while watching his features tense. I needed to keep him distracted.

That explains why he knows Italian and why I've never seen him transform in front of others. He didn't want others to know where he came from despite the royal blood pumping through his veins.

He wasn't getting better. I could tell his body was fighting off the illness but his skin was turning pale and red spots were popping up on his body like zits.

"Stay awake!" I crawled over to him then gently patted his cheek but he groaned in protest. "Elijah, please. You can't sleep."

"I'm not sleeping, Mr. Mitsuo," he swallowed thickly as he breathed out his nose. "Just resting my eyes."

"You have to open your eyes then so you don't accidentally do it." I pout.

I watched the way his toned chest rises and falls as he breathes. Elijah was fit. There was no doubt about it even when he was sick, his body looked immaculate with the sweat glistening off of his olive-tanned skin.

"I won't," he gruffly says.

"Why?" I question. He has no say in his body shutting down. Especially when it's this weak right now.

"Because I'm starting to hallucinate," he grunts out while positioning himself further up my thighs as he pulls the sheets further up his toned stomach.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched him in silence. This is my fault. If he never came to save me then he'd be as healthy as a newborn baby. Instead, my new friend came to my rescue.

But now it was my time to save him.

"Elijah, I'm gonna try and break us out of here," I say, knowing I'm weak but I have to try. I gently lifted his head and rested it against the floor.

The pain coursing through my broken hand was unfathomable. My healing rate wasn't as good as an alpha's but it was still there. I just needed a little more time.

Rising to my feet, I ran over to the bed to grab two pillows and rushed back over to the naked alpha.

I slid the two pillows underneath his head and he sighed in contentment. "Not gonna lie, your thighs felt softer," he muttered.

"Oh, hush." With heated cheeks, I started searching the room for any possible way out; tossing clothes out of drawers, looking under the bed, and peeking into the closet but to my luck, there were only clothes.

"Elijah, are you still awake over there?" I peered from the other side of the bed, squinting my eyes at him.

"Unfortunately," he deadpanned.

I turned around and ran to the window, sinking my fingers underneath the lever and yanking it open or attempting to; Anrai nailed bolts into the cushioned part, sealing our only way out.

"I would've suggested your boyfriend should be sent to the academy but he's way too old and he's not an alpha," Elijah started mumbling as his eyes flickered around the room.

"An alpha academy but you're opening up positions to others like humans and me," I shrugged. "It's not like it will stay an only alpha academy forever."

"You're right," he coughed, sweat beads coating his neck. "Next year, President Vellamo is planning to open the academy with risks though. We won't be held liable for anything that happens."

"That's dangerous-"

"That's life."

My eyes flickered to the door and I exasperated a sigh before asking, "Next year? Why next year? Why would anyone want to come to this academy?"

"Simple, Mr. Mitsuo," Elijah looks at me through those dark lashes. "Alphas are naturally smarter, stronger, and flexible to their environments. Who wouldn't want their shapeshifter child to be taught by the best? But it comes with a price; alphas are dominant in nature. We can't help if we're too aggressive. At least the teens."

"The president would be willing to risk that?" I sighed.

What has the world come to? Things have drastically changed since I was a pup.

Elijah groaned, thrusting his head back. He coughed, using his elbows to prop himself up. His cheeks were reddened and his eyes softer, he spat, "My body feels like it's shredding me from the inside."

"I'm trying to find us a way out but I have a broken hand-"

"You saw that part in Breaking Dawn where Bella is going through the transition-her organs are rotting and it shows visuals of her screaming if she was conscious?" Elijah asked.

"Are you serious right now? You're thinking about that movie in your last hours of possible death?" I deadpan.

"That's how I feel right now. I can understand the pain she's going through," he rests his hand on his torso. "She's a true warrior."

"Elijah! Please! We need to stay serious!" I continued to search the room while he continued to ramble.

He started laughing out of nowhere and my eyes went round. His laugh was throaty and raspy. "I'm hurting so bad," he covered his mouth and laughed harder.

"Is there laughing gas in that tranq dart or something?!" I placed my good hand on my hip.

"I don't know but," he started giggling. "Mr. Mitsuo, have I ever told you that your face gets really red when you're flustered or angry?"

My cheeks heated and I walked over to him and placed my hand on his chest, forcing him to lay flat on his back. "You need to rest, Elijah."

His smile reached his ears as he thrusts his head back against the pillows. "I wouldn't have minded if you were my mate," he muttered.

My body went rigid and I stared at him as he caught his breath from laughing hard. He seemed out of it, blinking rapidly. "Why are there four of you?"

"You're hallucinating," I informed. He was too high from the poison to realize what he was saying so I ignored his last comment.

He released a soft breath and then adjusted himself to where his body was angled towards me. "I feel like I'm on fire, Mr. Mitsuo," he lowered his voice as he stared at me.

My cheeks were rosy from his heated gaze. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you." His brows furrowed and I knew he was no longer under the laughing gas.

"You did enough. Since I've been here you have been nothing but sweet. Pinkie promise me that you won't die." I lifted my hand and extended my pinkie out.

He looked at it and then back at my face. "I can't promise something so risky."

"Just do it," I demanded. "It gives me peace of mind."

He wrapped his pinkie around mine and we locked our fingers together. "I'm going to get us out of here."

"I believe you," he softly murmured and we stared at each other for a moment before I turned my head and stood up.

"Okay!" I walked over to the closet and started searching deeper for something. Anything.

"Hideki," he coughed.

"Yeah?" I sat on my knees, pushing my clothes to the side.

"You hear that?" he breathes.

"Hear what?" I turned my body to look at him and he weakly raised his hand, pointing at the door.

"Someone is here.." he finally confirmed and his hand fell back down. My eyes went round and I ran over to the door, pushing my ear against the wooden door.

I heard movement coming from the living room and a smile spread across my face. "Bless your alpha ears!"

Elijah rolled his eyes and then closed them. I started pounding on the door. "HELP! PLEASE! WE'RE STUCK AND MY FRIEND IS WOUNDED!"

A silhouette of a man stood on the opposite of the door and I backed away as the doorknob started to turn but since it was locked, it didn't open.

"Please! We're locked in here! If you can find-"

"Hideki, I need you to get Elijah and move away from the door," a man on the other side instructed in his vaguely familiar baritone voice.

"H-how did you know it was-"

"I can smell him." His voice was velvety, soothing my anxieties like a warm blanket given to a toddler.

And that's when I knew we'd be okay.

"Okay! Just give me one moment!" I shouted while jogging over to the disoriented alpha. "Elijah, you have to help me move you. Help is here!"

Excitement was evident. Elijah wasn't going to die and I was sure of it!

He groaned a reply and used his elbows to lift his body weight. "Fuck.." he mumbled, breathing hard. I placed my unwounded hand on his soaked shoulder and then helped him sit up.

I know it's not much but I'm trying. We managed to drag ourselves out of the way. Elijah rests his back against the bed rail while panting with his lips ajar.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and then shouted, "Okay! We're ready!"

There was silence until a force so powerful knocked the door back and it flew into the far wall, breaking upon impact. I flinched at the sight.

I turned my head and my breath hitched once I saw Killian standing at the door with his hands deep in his pockets as he lowered his foot back on the floor.

His eyes scanned the room, only stopping once on me and I frowned. "How are-" I paused once I saw Diesel rounding the corner with his arms crossed.

"What the hell happened here? There's a dead body lying here. We could get in serious trouble," Diesel waltzed in and examined Elijah. "Damn it!"

"We need to get him to Dr. Alvaro. He was shot with a deadly virus," I quickly explained.

Elijah peeked from underneath his lashes and stared at Killian. "Why is he here?"

"They insisted they came," Diesel sighed.

"They?" Elijah cocked his brow.

And that's when Keenan peeked his head from around the corner, glancing at us from behind his brother's shoulder.

Elijah coughed into his fist. "This could be a serious violation if their father found out."

"Then don't let him find out," Killian growled, standing in the doorway, leaning on the doorframe while examining the room with a calculating glint.

"It's not that easy," Elijah mumbled, wiping the sweat beads off of his forehead with the back of his hand.

"I'm gonna pull the truck around. Get Elijah and meet me downstairs!" Diesel ordered the twins, rushing past them.

I held my wrist while standing to the side. Killian scowled as he stood in front of him. "Can you stand old man or do I gotta do everything for you?"

Elijah glared at him. "If I could stand on my own, I would've already."

Killian slid his inked hands from his pockets and then easily helped Elijah to his feet before lifting his large body and tossing him over his shoulder but made sure the bedsheets were still covering his private parts.

My eyes went wide. He picked Elijah up like he was a baby! The King Court bloodline was phenomenal.

"You need to lay off the fucking bacon." Killian firmly carried the injured alpha. "You could lose a couple of pounds."

"That's the weight of my dick," Elijah snapped back and Killian purposely angled himself, walking through the doorframe to where Elijah's head collided with the wall.

"Oops," Killian nonchalantly expressed with dead eyes but the small smirk on his lips said it all.

They naturally acted like siblings and I found myself somewhat smiling at their actions but concerned for Elijah's well-being.

Elijah scoffed and then rubbed his head, mumbling, "Vaffanculo." And Killian ignored him until he added, "Mr. Mitsuo is injured as well." (Translation: Fuck you)

Killian halted in his step and glanced at me from over his shoulder then looked at his brother before stepping over Harvey's dead body. "You did a number on this one. What did he do?"

"He's the reason Mr. Mitsuo's hand is broken," Elijah softly replied.

"You should've killed his entire-" I zoned out when I saw Keenan approach me and he stared at me with a stoic expression. He opened his arms.

My brows creased. "Um, you want a hug?" I asked him and he blinked, extending his arms out further and it took me by surprise.

Did he want to carry me because Killian had been carrying Elijah since he was injured? I waved my hand at him, nervously chuckling. "No, no, I'm fine. Thank you. I'm able to walk."

Keenan stood there with his arms still out and I blinked, pinning my wounded hand to my chest.

"I'm okay. Please, just worry about Elijah," I sent him a soft smile. He tilted his head to the side as his brows creased. I wish I had my phone to translate.

"You are-" he paused, searching for the words. "-the hurt? You are the hurt. I will carry," he says and he looks determined, keeping his arms open.

"No grazie." I craned my neck to look into his mist-swirling irises. He looked confused about my reaction and then his arms fell at his sides. (Translation: No thank you)

"Ma mio fratello ha portato quel grosso idiota ed è ferito. Anche tu sei ferito," he replied and I knew I had to look dumbfounded. (Translation: But my brother brought that big idiot and he's hurt. You are hurt too.)

I massaged my wrist, mumbling, "I don't understand what you're saying. I wish I had my phone to translate-," My eyes widened and I smiled. "My phone!"

Keenan blinked.

"I mean! I just don't want you to waste your energy! I can walk!" I quickly tried to explain but he remained expressionless, showing no emotion to my explanation and that meant he didn't understand.

He stood tall just like his brother with his red hair resting over his eyelids. "You just gave me an idea!"

Keenan rubbed the back of his neck while he continued to watch my lips.

"My phone! If Anrai still has my phone then we can track him like that! That's if the doctor isn't able to cure Elijah!" I excitedly explained.

"Elijah?" Keenan repeated the only word that he understood from that sentence. His accent was deceivingly thicker than Killian's.

"Yes! Elijah!" I smiled.

Keenan inclined his head and his eyes were slightly wider as he gently grabbed my elbow and led me out of my soon-to-be old apartment.

Once outside, he pointed down since we were on the higher floor and Killian was standing in the parking lot with Elijah still resting over his shoulder.

"Elijah," Keenan says. "My brother keep of him because he's hurt," he explained.

I nod and then patted his shoulder, cocking my head to the side to let him know that I was leaving to join his brother.

He silently followed and I got on the elevator with the alpha joining me. I pressed the button to floor one and Keenan leaned against the metal rail with his muscular arms crossed over his torso as he watched the numbers count down.

I wonder if they knew Elijah was related to them but he probably kept that from them to hide the fact that Alpha Kian committed infidelity.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped off first but I noticed how Keenan always kept his head down to hide his eyes away from the sun.

I frowned and then tore half of my shirt off and provided him with it. He looked at it and furrowed his brows.

I used my hand to cover my eyes to let him know what I was giving the shirt for. His eyes glinted and he took the piece of shirt. "Grazie," he mumbled and used my shirt to cover his eyes.

"Di niente," I proudly replied. I've been studying the basics of Italian. Replying to thank you-you could say Prego which means you're welcome or Di Niente-not at all.

Keenan looked taken back for a mere second before diverting his eyes away to his brother.

"You know, you could hold me a little more gently," Elijah groaned.

"Quit bitchin'," Killian nonchalantly replied as Diesel pulled up in a black truck.

Diesel quickly hopped out and then jogged around to the passenger side. He opened the door. "Put Elijah in here. Quick."

As they guided Elijah into the passenger seat, I frowned at the fact that it was a four-seater. The twins were too large for me to fit!

Diesel closed the door and then looked at the twins. "Alright. In the ba- oh shit, I forgot about you, Mr. Mitsuo."

"It's fine. You all just go ahead without me. I'll find a way to the academy. Just make sure-"

Elijah rolled the window down. "Leave the twins behind and let Mr. Mitsuo in the back."

Diesel and Elijah started chuckling at his comment while Keenan stood there with a blank face, unaware of what was happening. Poor thing.

"You are so fucking dramatic," Killian deadpans and then sweeps me off of my feet, ignoring the two alphas bantering.

"H-hey!" I squealed and placed my hand against his hot chest while keeping my wounded one from being crushed.

Keenan jumped up into the truck while Killian stepped in, holding me to his chest. Keenan sat behind Diesel and Killian sat behind Elijah..with me in his lap.

"Maybe I should just try to..squeeze in the middle of you two-" I stammered.

"You're fine on my lap," he snapped and he pushed his hips forward. I nearly squirmed.

The car started to accelerate and Diesel kept his eyes on the road. Elijah was softly groaning.

"I knew something was wrong when you two didn't come back. It's nearly dusk," Diesel stated.

"Yeah. I need to see Dr. Alvaro," Elijah lowly replied.

Sitting on my student's lap is highly inappropriate but it was too late to get out now. This is embarrassing...

I looked to my side and saw Keenan staring at the torn material with creased brows.

"Who shot you?" I zoned back into their conversation and Elijah replied, "Mr. Mitsuo's boyfriend."

"Wait, how did you all know that we were at my apartment?" I chimed in.

"It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist. Elijah left with you which could mean you're at one of two places; your apartment or probably out shopping-," Killian observed. "-and since you're broke, you probably denied taking Elijah's money since your boyfriend is a piece of shit and never spoiled you a day in your life so you don't know what receiving means."

My cheeks reddened as I kept my eyes on my lap. Was it that obvious?

The car fell silent. And I'm sure Keenan was quiet because he didn't understand a thing his brother said but Diesel and Elijah were taken back.

"You got all that from his apartment?" Diesel asked, peeking into his rearview mirror to glance at Killian.

"If you didn't notice, majority of the expensive shit in that apartment was a medium size too big to fit Hideki Mitsuo," Killian bluntly replied. "And he's too much of a prude to do drugs. That apartment reeked of it."

Killian was too observant and that somewhat terrified me. I glanced over my shoulder and our eyes met for a mere second before I quickly turned back around.

My heart was beating loud in my chest and I couldn't control it. His thigh clenched underneath my weight and his hand rests on his leg, close to my hip. My lips set in a firm line as I kept my thoughts to myself.

"Anrai has my phone. If Dr. Alvaro can't cure him then we can find him like that." I bit my lower lip.

"That's possible if the cunt hasn't destroyed it yet if he's smart," Diesel says, gripping the steering wheel with both hands.

"Anrai can be smart-"

"Let's be honest," Killian deadpans, shifting me on his lap as he adjusted himself and I squirmed, resulting in a low grunt escaping his lips.

"Sorry," I muttered. God I wanted to get out of this truck as soon as possible.

"As I was saying," Killian was a bit breathless. "Anrai is not intelligent. Trust me."

"Trust you?" Elijah pikes.


"And how would you know?" Diesel cocked his brow, turning on the gravel road that led to the academy.

"Don't worry about how I know. Just trust me. It's that damn simple," Killian grumbled, tapping his inked finger on my thigh.

I frowned and silently pushed his hand away only for him to put it back and tap my thigh aggressively as if saying try me and I'll cause a scene.

"I'll take my chances with the unknown." Elijah coughed into his fist. He didn't sound better...

"Should've left your old ass to die." Killian raised his leg, gazing out the window with his hand on my thigh. He gently squeezed and I studied the tattoos branded on his knuckles.

I rubbed my arm and glanced to the side to see Keenan resting his head against the window with his eyes shut, sleeping soundly. His hoodie covered half of his face as he kept his arms crossed over his torso.

Living arrangements crossed my mind. I had nowhere to go and I surely wasn't going back to live with my parents. I was alone and that was my biggest fear.

Is that why I clung to Anrai so much?

What am I gonna do now?

We arrived at the academy and the guard recognized Diesel's truck so he wasn't required to give an ID.

Maybe if I can save up enough, I can buy my own place but that may take some time since I still have to pay off this apartment. I knew Anrai wasn't going to care to pay anything.

Elijah breathes. "I remember something. Mr. Mitsuo's boyfriend said he was going to return to the apartment in twenty-four hours to see the condition I was in. If he was telling the truth then that can be a game changer."

"You want me to gather up some alphas?" Diesel asked.

"I want you to convince General Mikko. He's skilled and I trust that he won't fail." Elijah pursed his lips and he started to gag, leaning forward with his hand on the glove compartment.

"We're here! Don't vomit in my truck!" Diesel yelled and came to an abrupt stop. "Help him out!"

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