By SadistWhore

575K 23.8K 12.4K

Hideki Mitsuo is a thirty-one-year-old teacher who just so happens to be an omega who hasn't found his mate y... More

𝒹 𝒾 𝒶 𝓁 𝑜 𝑔 𝓊 𝑒
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𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘴 <3


9.2K 392 224
By SadistWhore



I slid this fucking ghostface mask off as I entered my cell. The cool brisk air was the only thing satisfying here.

The scrawny boy I had undeniably put my dick in a few hours ago was still here, sitting there, nestled in the corner with blood coating his trembling body.

Instead of attending that boring ass class, I felt the need to get a release and the only alpha who I had trained to take me perfectly was this brown-doe-eyed, pink-haired boy who had no self-worth.

He whimpered at the sight of me. Cuts, swollen skin, and a busted lip is the punishment for denying me what I wanted. And what I wanted from him? Well, I needed information.

On a particular omega.

I sat down, spreading my thighs. I patted my lap and he knew what that meant. No words, no expression, just action.

His body was covered in dirt and his eyes were emptied of life. He pushes his palms against the bloody floor as he rises to his feet.

"Any day now."

He climbed onto my lap with both of his slender legs hugging my thigh as he slowly grinds against the material of my pants and I watched him as he relieved himself.

His small cock was already oozing pre cum, dripping at the tip. His lip was flattened against the upper rack of his teeth as he breathed, afraid that I'd deny him this pleasure.

This needy bastard was clingy as fuck but his perfect small body was cute enough to fuck until I got who I really wanted. I was going to break that omega and paint him into the perfect little slave for me.

The hard-on I was getting was undeniably painful, practically about to bust through my zipper but this bitch on my lap assumed it was from him.

He smiled in contentment as he palmed the bulge of my pants and he started to kiss my neck. I tilted my head, allowing him better access while I grabbed a fistful of his pink hair.

He groaned as I yanked his head back and dug my teeth into his neck, breaking flesh as he clawed my favorite fucking shirt.

He could feel the tension rising and he immediately apologized. He stroked himself, thumb grazing the head. He enjoyed the pain I inflicted on him.

Rubbing his own blood into his skin with my thumb, he bit his lower lip hard until blood greeted oxygen.

Fucking miserable.

"K-Killian, do you still plan to protect me during this lockdown?" Balto reluctantly asked with my thumb forged into his skinny neck. "I did like you said. I got info on him. He's not important and he's not from any rich family pack."

Releasing his neck, he began kissing my heated flesh near my collarbone, tongue tracing the outline of the tattoos burned into my skin but I gained no arousal from the action.

No rich family, huh? That information wasn't the tiniest bit useful to me. If I wasn't so caught up with these lab experiments, I would've done research on him my damn self.

Next week, I was going to kill him but until then I needed more information on Hideki Mitsuo. The one thing I hated more than a defying bitch was a secretive one.

Balto pouted, fluttering his lashes at me. Sure, he was cute in the face with a nice ass but Hideki's ass was firmer and plumper.

I've never had my hands on an omega and I was needy to know what it felt like to have my dick so far inside of him that he's screaming my name. Begging me to stop while he climaxes helplessly on my cock until his weak little body gives out.

I could tell he was dick deprived. His body spoke more than he knew. His legs were desperately wanting to be forcefully spread and he wanted someone to take full control over him.

That innocent act he fucking pulls doesn't work on men like me.

"You're not thinking about me, are you?" Balto asked me with tears swelling in his eyes and then anger built inside of him. I should kill him for questioning me.

He leaned in with pouty lips and I placed my hand over his mouth and shoved his head away. I'll shatter his windpipe if he ever tried that again.

I don't do kissing.

And he knew that.

With rosy cheeks, he got on his bruised knees, uncaring of the pain, and then trailed his hands up my thighs until he snagged the zipper of my pants.

And I let him.

My cock was as hard as stone as he pulled the aching organ out with a lick of plump flesh. It was amusing to watch him attempt to fit the entire thing in his mouth.

He could only make it a little past halfway before his gag reflexes kicked in and tears of pleasure trickled down his flustered cheeks. But he was persistent.

"Who...are you thinking about?" he demanded to know and I collided the back of my hand across his face. His head flew to the side as his body tumbled over, cheek hitting the puddle of blood he created.

"I should make you clean up this fucking cell," I huffed as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a cigarette.

There's a reason I only ever fuck in this particular cell and never in my room. These sluts didn't deserve it and I didn't want their fucking germs all over the place.

I checked the time and I had about thirty minutes to return to my dormitory before Elijah stuck his nose where it shouldn't be.

I cupped the head of the cigarette while thumbing the bic, igniting a spark before the flames heated my skin and I couldn't feel it at all.

The smell of burning chemicals infiltrated my lungs and I inhaled swiftly before exhaling the toxins from my nose. I watched him helplessly weep, throwing a temper tantrum.

Spoiled little slut.

"It's..it's that omega, isn't it?" he croaked while wiping his face with the back of his hand only smearing blood on his cheeks and lips. His hair was damp with sweat and completely covered in blood which caused his shit to be matted to his head.

He turned on his ass, uncaring of where his blood went and I didn't either. The sight of blood was nothing to me but I'm sure that omega would die at just a lick of it.

"Killian!" he sobbed. His face looked a hot mess. He was not a pretty crier. "P-please! Say something! What can I do to make you want me?! I can please you better than that teacher!" The desperation was clear in his voice.

I leaned forward with my thighs parted, elbows resting on my knees as I took a drawl from the cigarette while witnessing the acts of a spoiled brat who couldn't get what he wanted; my attention and love.

I wasn't capable of such acts.

And I refuse to reproduce just to spite my father. The generation of King Court blood will end with my brother and me.

"He's not even all that! He's just another fucking teacher who will die in the lockdown and then you'll get another one just to kill him too!" Balto shouted, voice echoing through these lonely, cold halls.

He was starting to piss me off.

The sound of him choking on my cock was better to listen to than his pitiful attempt in convincing me that Hideki Mitsuo wasn't fit to be my whore.

Balto always had some type of infatuation with me, wanting to uncover the unknown. I saw the thrill and excitement in his eyes from the previous lockdown as he watched me unalive two of his classmates while he hid in a fucking closet like a little pussy.

I took another puff from the cigarette until my fingers practically had nothing left to hold.

I smoked it that fast. It was hard to get high because my body just burned everything off.

When I stood up, his eyes went wide and he swallowed thickly, asking, "W-where are you going?"

I stride out of the cell after flicking the last of the cigarette bud on the floor next to his feet.

He scurried to his feet and then ran toward me but he was too slow. They're always too slow.

I slid my hands into my pockets as I watched him grab the cold, thick bars as he pushed his face in between. "What the fuck?!" he screams. "Let me out of here!"

"This cell better be spotless by tomorrow or your classmates will be starting their morning devotion with your blood painted on their marble wall."

I kept my voice low and cool despite how pissed I am right now. It took everything out of me not to wrap my hands around his neck and choke him until the life drained from his eyes.

"Killian!" Balto softly whimpered, cheek flat against the metal bar. "Please..how am I supposed to clean it if I can't even get out?"

I slid my hand through the bars and trailed my finger down the center of his neck while gazing into his eyes and his cheeks reddened, thriving in my touch.

The pad of my thumb grazed over his adam apple and it bobbed in thirst. "You know what I have to say to that?"

His lips parted and his cock hardened. His tongue darted past his lips, wetting the lower plump of pink flesh while he stared up at me. "No.."

I wrapped my hand around his neck, forcefully yanking his head into the bar.

He sobbed on impact, whimpering at the sound of his head connected with the metal. Blood trickled down his face and his eyes slightly dilated as he stumbled.

He didn't lose an excessive amount of blood..

My mouth twisted into a sickening grin at the sight that I might be able to get rid of him sooner.

I let go of his bruised neck and then shoved my hand back into my pocket, turning on my heel to walk away until the softness of his voice pleads with me.

"Please..I have t-to pee r-really bad," he sobbed while sliding down the bars until his ass met the floor.

"The floor is your toilet since it's painted with your blood. My shit better be clean tomorrow," I calmly reminded him while walking past Marie who was reading a magazine.

'Why Do Alpha Women Get Less Attention?' read the front of the magazine and I rolled my eyes, uncaring to speak to her.

"Done fucking him already?" Marie asked while adjusting the cup of her bra, exposing the gap of her big tits like the whore she is.

I pressed the elevator button and patiently waited for it to arrive while enduring the heated gaze of her eyes on my back.

"You know.. you got that omega smell all over you. I hope you're not planning to ruin him too," she put her two fucking cents in. "He's a sweet man and I sure hope you don't sink your poison into his veins and watch him bleed out slowly like you did the last one."

"You're like forty years old with no man in your life. I think you have better things to worry about than who I want to ruin," I hummed while keeping my eyes on the number, listening to the cords rapidly moving behind the doors.


"I can get a man if I want," Marie flirtatiously hummed back. "You're seventeen preying on a thirty-one-year-old omega who wants nothing to do with you nor your angered brother."


"I don't think anyone would want that worn-out pussy since the entire academy of straight alphas had a taste. I wonder what it felt like-to have their dick swallowed by a sunken abyss."


I slid my hands out of my pockets as the elevator doors opened. Stepping into the elevator, I turned around to find Marie glaring at me, fury bleeding from those eyes.

"Buona notte, Anna Marie," I coolly bid as the doors closed and the floor ascended.

Hideki Mitsuo was moved to temporary housing until they rebuilt the house that I burned down. Setting it ablaze made my cock twitch and the simple game of him possibly being there nearly made me cum at the thought of him dying by my hands.

That is why I'm going to pay my favorite teacher a little visit while Elijah isn't breathing down my neck about hurting him.

If I didn't know any better I would think he wants to fuck my omega too.


I stood outside of his house just watching for any signs of movement. The lights were off and I made sure to avoid CCTV cameras which wasn't hard. I moved with the darkness around me, becoming one with it.

It wasn't hard to pick a lock. Quick and diligently, I opened the front door and slid myself in, eyeing the furnished living space. No one in sight.

Upon entering, his scent consumed the oxygen and it was the sweetest smell I've ever encountered. No smell was this addictive and it kinda pissed me off.

Walking through this house, I followed his scent where it was strongest. It led to a door which I assumed was the bedroom.

I stepped forward and a creaking noise followed. I nearly hissed. Fucking old ass house. Can't their cheap asses buy something else? I knew they were loaded.

I grabbed the doorknob, twisted it, and then pushed the door open to find the room consumed in darkness. The only light came from his open laptop that I already had access to.

Logging into his social media accounts was a piece of cake. One thing I learned about this oblivious omega is that he isn't very good with his cyber security which made it easy for me to gain access to his iPhone messages too since it's linked to his Macbook.

T̶e̶c̶h̶n̶o̶l̶o̶g̶y̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶.̶.

I crept around his bed to the side he was resting his tired little body on. With half his face hidden in the pillow, he clutched the bedsheets as his dirty blonde hair rested over his tired eyelids.

He had a habit of chewing on his lip in his sleep and I watched the way his brows creased ever so slightly. I didn't care to hide my scent.

I want you to know that I was here, blissfully watching you during your most vulnerable state where you should feel safest.

I crouched so that I could be at eye level with him and he breathed so softly. Like a little lamb and I was the lion, preying on you, patiently waiting for you to give in to me.

Cause' if you're gonna survive this damn school then you're gonna need me and once you come running with those blissful tears in those dove eyes, I'll make you beg.

I wondered why you came here in the first place; to this hell full of sinners judging sinners for sinning differently.

My cock was aching until the soft ping announced itself on his Macbook located on his drawer.

My brow cocked as I stood upright, walking around his bed to get a closer look. I touched the finger pad and the screen lit up. Three messages from Anrai, his boyfriend, came through.

My lip twitched with angst as I clicked to view it until it required a password to enter.


Shit was pitiful.

The time caught my attention and it was near midnight. I didn't have time to snoop from this computer.

Opening his drawer, I saw his underwear folded neatly by color and my eye twitched. Who takes the time to fold their underwear by color?

Omegas are soft-spirited species compared to alphas just like your father Luna Gabriel.

My wolf Reed commented but I ignored him for the time being as I slipped a pair of underwear into my pocket, gently closing the drawer back.

The sound of stirring caught my attention. I glanced over my shoulder to see the omega twisting onto the other side, pulling the sheets up to his chin, and then went back to cuddling his...pink pillow.


Stalking consumes a lot of my time. I twirled my lighter, sitting in my dormitory with my brother sleeping on his side of the room.

I pulled my laptop off the desk and then placed it on my lap. Sitting on my bed, I leaned until my back was against the wall, spreading my thighs slightly to keep the laptop hoisted.

After lighting another cigarette, my lips welcomed it between and I drew breath, allowing the toxins to consume me.

Logging into my laptop, I instantly hacked into his Macbook. I'm in within seconds. I scan through all of his messaging apps including his Gmail.


They've been texting today.

What the hell kind of contact name? I nearly said fuck it and tossed my laptop across the room just to sleep this boner off. This omega was ridiculous the more I dug into his shit.

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨𝐒𝐧𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐠👨‍❤️‍👨

U been ignoring me and think
I'll let u say sum bs excuse?

No, I swear it's just a
I didn't have my phone with me!
I'm texting you off my
laptop by the way.

It's obvious ur just
fucking cheating tbh

I took another puff from the cigarette, scrolling down to see his response. This is the guy he's denying us for?

Please believe me. I'm not cheating!
I love you too much...

Not yet...

Then where did ur phone go?

Um...well, long story. Something
happened in class and a student
accidentally stepped on it.

You don't want him to know about me. I took a slow drawl from the cigarette before releasing it back into the air. "Good boy..."

I lightly tap the head of the cigarette into the ashtray, discarding the excessive ash. I scrolled further down to the most recent message he sent.

Deki I need u

The fuck kind of nickname is Deki? Isn't that a Pokémon?

Im horny n need u

My brow cocked at his horrible texting. I was about to click off until another message pinged.

Attachment: 1 video

Don't look at it, Reed begged.

I spread my thighs, sitting myself up a little taller as I clicked on the file sent and once it opened, a video started playing.

I sat there, straight-faced, watching a video of Hideki Mitsuo's boyfriend stroking his cock. I squinted my eyes at the video of two girls kissing playing in the background.

His moans were loud enough to wake the entire fucking dorm lodge. My ear twitched at the sound of my brother turning in his bed.

Keenan was lying on his back but propped himself up using his elbows, peeling his eyelids open to scowl at me. His crimson hair was messy, standing on top of his head so I couldn't take him seriously.

"Stai davvero guardando il porno all'una di notte? Pensavo che avessimo superato quell'età," he rasped. (Translation: Are you really watching porn at 1am? I thought we were past that age.)

"I'm watching Hideki Mitsuo's boyfriend beat his small dick to two girls kissing," I bluntly replied, closing the attachment. How the fuck does he get off to this shit?

At least there's no competition, Reed proudly stated.

Keenan blinked then raked his fingers through his hair with confusion in his eyes so I repeated what I said in Italian.

He paused for a moment, searching for the words then he suggested, "Just do the killing of him already." His accent butchered the words but it wasn't a bad idea.

He sent me one last look before turning over, thrusting the sheets over his head.

Compared to his boyfriend, I would destroy his sweet ass. If only he gave me one night..just one. He breathes to please me and only me.

Since Hideki was asleep, I started to reply to convince him to pay us a little visit until I saw the blue bubble appear. "You're awake.." I muttered.

Sorry.. I fell asleep. I can't do it
tonight. I have to teach classes.

"Good fucking boy." His reply was nearly sending my dick into a frenzy.

Guessing u already got off to
one of those alphas?

As long as it's me then I don't mind this insecure fucker accusing him. But what was his obsession?

What kind of weirdos do you date, sweetheart?

Before I pursued Hideki Mitsuo, I checked his background history to the deepest of secrets.

Remember kids, stay safe if you're putting your dick in strangers or if you're letting strangers put their dicks in you!

But I needed a fucking release. I thought this would've been easier said than done but he's too hell-bent on pleasing his boyfriend and his microscopic dick.

I could always kill his boyfriend but he seems like the type to go into depression and it might take me longer to get what I want.

I breathed, fishing into my pocket for the underwear I stole from inside of his drawer while in his room. I brought it to my nose and inhaled, getting lost in his sweet scent.

I've never desired to fuck someone so bad before but I wanted him to give in to me. I want him to come crying to me once he sees how fucked up this academy is.

This academy didn't deserve someone so innocent that I could ruin all on my own.

I slid my hand into my pants and pulled out my aching dick. The material of his underwear was smooth against my skin as I wrapped it around my shaft.

I moved my hand up and down at a slow pace, losing my sanity in the fantasy of my sweet little omega.

His face flooded my mind, his body between my thighs as he struggles to swallow my dick whole, fear and pleasure mingling in his eyes.

But it wasn't enough. I want to carve my initials into his smooth, unblemished skin and mark him as my fucking property. Own him in a way no one can.

His body writhing beneath mine as he begged me with those delicate dove eyes of his as I plunge myself into his tight little ass. Cause I know for fucking sure that boyfriend of his ain't stretching shit.

The thought of it, of him, marked with my initials burned into his soft skin, sends a rush of pleasure through me.

"Cazzo.." I grunt, stroking my swollen dick faster with his underwear building the friction as I pictured his small little mouth around the tip and I nearly lost it.

This wasn't enough. It never is.

My stomach clenched and my lips parted while I lifted my hips, bucking to meet my strokes halfway.

The slick of my pre cum was enough for the pace to quicken. Hideki Mitsuo, on his knees, begging me to rip him a new ass clouded my vision, feeding my delusion.

Those pretty fucking innocent eyes of his. I closed my eyes, imagining them just perfectly in my mind.

The pleasure builds up with the tightening of my stomach and with a rippling guttural groan, my dick spilled the seeds of my unborns over the fabric of his underwear.

Swallowing hard, I tossed my head back as I took a moment to catch my breath with my chest heaving slower by the second.

I should've recorded myself and sent him a tutorial on how to properly send a dick video and for wasting my time watching him beat his cock.

Sated, I wipe my dick clean with the spare cloth I always keep on my bedside then tossed his cum stained underwear back into my pocket.

Insomnia is a bitch.

I'm going to let loose in this book. Reminder-I do not condone anything that I write!

┏━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━┓
-ˋˏ [ When we by Tank - slowed ] ˎˊ-
┗━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━┛

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