Lost in Paris(Brollins)

By tropicalpunch123

6.4K 655 160

-A sequel to "Lost in the City"- Rebecca and Colby are now living their new and happy life in Paris. They bot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 49

83 10 8
By tropicalpunch123

When the group was done talking, Jonathan, Renee, and Joseph all stood up to leave, but when Rebecca stood up, Colby motioned for her to sit back down.

Rebecca sighed and sat down facing him. "What's wrong?"

Colby then fought a smile. "Why did you give Elena and Theo a gun."

Rebecca smirked and shrugged. "I thought it was funny."

Colby shook his head. "And what if they used that against us?"

Rebecca sighed. "They can't. You can't unlock that window from the inside. And the cage is bulletproof, they won't be able to do anything with it besides shoot each other."

Colby cleared his throat and just looked at her. Rebecca pressed her lips together. "What?" She asked.

Colby shook his head again and stood up. "You're crazy."

Rebecca laughed. "And you're just now realizing that?" He just smiled and walked to the kitchen.
. . . . . .

It was now Saturday morning, and Rebecca was putting on her shoes. She would be leaving to go wedding dress shopping with Gemma, Alice, and Marie today, and she was starting to feel nervous. Gemma was not only picking out her dress, but she was making her bridesmaids try on theirs—and of course, Gemma had already picked them out.

"Where you going?" Roux asked walking up to Rebecca.

She smiled as she finished tying her shoe, and picked Roux up. "Mama is going dress shopping!"

Roux smiled and rested her head on her mothers chest. "Do I get to go? I wanna look like a princess."

Rebecca kissed her forehead. "You're already a princess, baby. And mama would let you go, but there's just going to be adults there so you won't get to play."

Roux nodded. "Will you be back?"

Rebecca squeezed her softly. "Of course I will, sweetheart." She then brushed back some of Roux's curls with her fingers. "In the meantime, you get to spend the day with Dada, your uncles, and your aunt!"

Roux smiled. "Can we play dress up?"

Rebecca smiled. "Of course you can!"

Rebecca then stood up with Roux in her arms, and walked to the office where Colby was. "I'm about to leave, but someone has requested that everyone plays dress up."

Colby stood up from the desk chair and smiled. "Alright, dress up it is." Rebecca moved Roux from her to Colby, and once he had ahold of her, Rebecca stood back. "Be careful, and call me if anything happens."

Rebecca smiled. "I will." She then leaned forward and kissed Roux's cheek.

Roux smiled but then pursed lips. "You didn't give Daddy a kiss."

Rebecca and Colby glanced at each other. "Mommy has to leave, Roux bear."

Roux looked up at him. "But—"

"Bye Roux." Rebecca said walking out of the office. She swallowed her emotions, grabbed her purse and phone, and walked out the door.

Three hours later, Rebecca, Alice, and Marie sat together, waiting for Gemma to try on her seventh dress. As soon as the four walked through the doors of the shop, Rebecca was hit with a wave of deja vu. Seeing all the wedding dresses made her heart tug, and she wished so badly she could go back to that time. Where no one was trying to kill them. Where no one knew who they were. Where they were all happy.

"Do you remember how many dresses you tried on?" Alice asked, making Rebecca snap out if her haze.

Rebecca sighed. "Ten, maybe? I'm not a big dress shopper."

Marie and Alice both sighed. "We'll be here all day."

Rebecca then chuckled. "What makes you say that? Gemma might find one quicker than I did."

Marie looked at her and shook her head. "We're talking about Gemma here...if you tried on ten, she's going to try on one hundred."

Rebecca laughed, and turned towards the dressing room. "Gemma, you doing okay?"

Gemma grunted. "Yeah, just trying to...zip this up."

Alice rolled her eyes. "Poor thing." She then cleared her throat. "Have you ever heard from Theo?"

Marie sighed. "No...all I know is that him and that girl went on a date and he's not texted me back since." Marie swallowed her emotions. "I feel like something is wrong, but I'm trusting him, ya know?"

Rebecca tensed up. Maybe I should get him to text her back..."I'm sure he's okay, Marie." She said. "You know how boys are, he's probably vacationing somewhere and doesn't want to socialize."

Alice nodded her head in agreement. "He was really serious about that girl too...I'm sure they're off together."

Marie took a deep breath and moved her eyesight from Alice and Rebecca to the woman behind them. "Holy, crap."

Alice and Rebecca both turned around and saw Gemma standing there in a beautiful, white silky dress. "What do you think?"

Rebecca smiled. "You look absolutely beautiful, Gem."

Alice placed a hand on her heart. "Oh my gosh. I don't think you need to try anymore on...if that isn't the one none of them will be."

Gemma smiled and did a small twirl. "I love it! It's got a big bow on the back too!" She then turned towards the girl who had been helping her. "I think this might be the one."

She smiled and headed back to get the tags. "It's stunning, Gemma." Marie said. "Really really stunning."

Gemma shrugged with a huge smile. "I know." She then clapped her hands together. "Oh my god, before I take this off, you three need to try on your dresses. That way I can get a vision of what it will look like on the wedding day."

Gemma walked over to where they were sitting, and grabbed the dark green dresses hanging behind the counter. "Here, go try them on."

The three moved into dressing rooms, and tried them on. Once Rebecca had hers on, she ran her hands down her sides. She turned around and looked in the mirror, and a smile crept across her face. Thank you Gemma!

The three walked out at the same time, and Gemma's face lit up almost as bright as her dress. "Absolutely gorgeous!" She yelled. She then motioned for them to join her on the stage in front of the big mirror. "We all look amazing!"

Rebecca smiled as she stared into the mirror. She felt beautiful...sexy, and it was good to finally feel that way again. I guess fashion is all a girl needs to feel better...Rebecca then posed with the girls as Gemma took a picture, and she felt a warmth of excitement for next weekend.

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