Memories - King's Return (Wak...

By MooseyGirl16

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This event starts taking place during the finale of the second season of Wakfu on Netflix. Watch the show for... More

Concept Art
A Change of Perspective
Chapter #1 - Add Insult to Injury
Chapter #2 - The Deceivers and the Deceived
Chapter #3 - A "Great" Reunion
Chapter #4 - Revalation
Chapter #5 - The Little Remains
Chapter #6- The Rulers
Chapter #7 - To The Public's Mercy
Chapter #8 - To Amelka
Chapter #9 - The New Problem
Chapter #10 - Delirious Yugo
Chapter #11 - Elicatt
Chapter #12- Mistake
Important Clarification and Joke Skit Featuring: My Sweet Boy (:
Chapter #13 - Tuto's Theory
Michell says Hi
Chapter #14 - Tuto's Test
Chapter #15 - Q
Chapter #16 - The Protege
Chapter #17 - Chibi
More Important Notice
Chapter #18 - Ralo the Captor
Chapter 19: Kerquek
Good day~
Chapter #21: Sadidan Outskirts
Chapter #22: Ralocolcourtay
Chapter #23 - Open up Your Eyes
Chapter #24: Moments Slow
Chapter #25 - Shaken
Chapter #26 - Recall
Happy Thanksgiving!
Chapter #27 - Falling Tree Branch
Chapter #28 - The Torntam
Chapter #29 - Ceriian
Chapter #30 - Adamai's Journey
Chapter #31 - Reasoning
Chapter #32 - Reunion
Chapter #33 - Shinonome's kept secret
Chapter #34 - Xenlyr
Chapter #35 - An Escape
Chapter #36 - An Arrest
Chapter #37 - Not Coilcarairienmeianzenmarlei
Joke Skit #2
Chapter #38 - The Tale of the Villian's Leadership
Notes and Other Clarifications
Chapter #39 - The Sadidan Forest
Chapter #40 - Dreams
Chapter #41 - the Ashnuks
Chapter #42 - Queen Annefarr
Chapter #43 - Eniripsa Concernment
Chapter #44 - Arbitration
Chapter #45 - The Story of Lukeus
Chapter #46 - Soup

Chapter #20 - Kolor

24 0 0
By MooseyGirl16

OH my goodness I've been so busy that I think late posts are going to become regular...I probably shared this a while ago, but I'm too tired to remember. Oh well~

The Council simply blinked.

"I'm being serious! Ralo's gone crazy! He healed me and told me to 'get out of here and don't hesitate to run!'" Yugo again insisted. Adamai stopped what he was doing to look straight at him.

"He healed you? Ralo could never do such a thing! His report said that when he arrived in Amelka, you were crazily delirious," he remarked, showing Yugo the official document. "Are you sure that you're not misremembering things?" Yugo let out a short sigh and took off his hat. The council stared in shock.

"It's a miracle! Your right antler is DOUBLE the size from when I last saw it! You must be feeling energized then, yes?" Kolor excitedly said. The rest of the council still sat in awe. Nothing like this had ever been achieved! "On the other hand, Chibi was only heavily medicated with Kerqek," he finished, sighing.

"The point still stands. We must leave!" Yugo reminded them. Quickly glancing at Chibi, Grougaloragran stood up realizing that he was serious. Seeing that one of themselves made up their mind, the whole council stood.

Grougaloragran, you take Chibi. I'll lead us and Kolor will ensure everyone evacuates the city. Yugo, you stay with him," Adamai commanded. With a swift nod from all those addressed, the council hurried off.

Yugo and Kolor exchanged glances before each taking half of the castle. In less than a wing beat, there was no one left in the area. They quickly moved on to the citizen count and evacuated them, too.

Just as Kolor and Yugo were running to escape, Ralo blocked the small one-way doorway.

"Because I wish not to hurt the innocent, why don't you hurry up and escort the last citizen out of here!" he demanded of them. Yugo encouraged the small, shaking child behind him into the doorway, before turning to face Ralo. He nervously laughed a small laugh.

"Right. Yugo, step aside. I want to deal with my dear mentor first," he added to the commands. Yugo, confused, ran over to a ditch to watch safely. 'Mentor...?' Yugo thought to himself. 'They must go back a while. I wonder what Kolor did to offend him...'

"Ralo, where is your scarf?" Kolor asked him concerned. "You're not in your right mind!" Ralo pulled his hand into a tight fist. He started to laugh in an evil and twisted sounding tone.

"Does it matter, Q? I feel fine besides the fact that you betrayed me," Ralo darkly told him. Even though he was clearly trying to look threatening, Yugo could clearly tell he was holding back tears, as he always did. Yugo found the fact funny, almost.

"Ralo, that name is private!" Kolor, or Q Yugo supposed, yelled back at him.

"If I can't call you that, then why don't I call you name that the child will find more, hmm, sensitive?" Ralo suggested. Kolor obviously was uncomfortable and heavily against the idea. Yugo then remembered that Ralo teased him a few times calling him short and regarding him as 'the child'. 'What is Kolor hiding then? I obviously don't know him very well, and I don't think he wants me to,' Yugo thought curiously.

"No! Ralo, please... I don't have many relationships with others. You can't take this away from me," Kolor quietly tried to convince him. Ralo started laughing again. 'Such a fool. He can't just underestimate my power,' Ralo told himself.


Kolor quickly said a spell to cause him to speak in Dragonish for a while. Ralo kept yelling at him regardless. Yugo could clearly see their mouths moving and could even hear the words, but understanding the conversation was impossible.

Out of nowhere, Ralo jumped on Kolor and flung his sword into his chest, causing him to fall on his knees. Kolor shouted at him in Dragonish before gripping his chest in pain. Yugo leaped up to go assist him but realized that he was in a barrier commonly used by Fecas. How had he not noticed?

Kolor hesitated but stood. He grabbed a long strip of cloth from the bag that had been slung around his shoulder and rapped it around himself a few times. Clearly agitated, he made a portal and started shooting at Ralo to supposedly shut him up for just a few moments. 'He must have realized that the more he says, the faster the spell will wear off,' Yugo guessed through his thoughts.

"You ca------- the name that you----- didn't Qilby------ you think?" Yugo made out from Ralo. It didn't make sense to him because he didn't know Dragonish yet. Kolor refused to speak in English, though. 'Why is Ralo bringing up Qilby at this time, though?' Yugo wondered.

"Iop head! ----- whole Krozmos------- infiltrated council, I saw---!!" he heard Ralo shout again. He was getting bored but remained engaged in their battle. Kolor was keeping up well from the start but had less energy and persistence than Ralo. He feared the outcome. Kolor stopped fighting, briefly nodded to Yugo, and then fled from the field.

"That ignorant-------- bouftou! I'll just have to----- you now, child!" Ralo yelled at him, breaking the protection cage. 

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