Risk // Sebastian Sallow


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Olive is distraught after the events of her first year attending Hogwarts. Just when she thought things were... Еще

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Sunrise
Chapter 3: Crossed Wands
Chapter 4: The Room
Chapter 5: St Mungos
Chapter 6: You Love Her
Chapter 7: The Bet
Chapter 8: Shit Families
Chapter 9: Hungover
Chapter 10: Treasure Hunters
Chapter 11: Date*
Chapter 12: Reconciliation*
Chapter 13: Potions
Chapter 14: Detention*
Chapter 15: The Promise
Chapter 16: I've Never*
Chapter 17: Mandrakes
Chapter 18: Recovery
Chapter 19: Scones
Chapter 20: Jealous Games*
Chapter 21: Confessions
Chapter 22: The Boat House
Chapter 23: Second Date
Chapter 24: Third Date*
Chapter 25: Library*
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: Christmas Pt. 2
Chapter 28: Christmas Pt. 3*
Chapter 29: Fort
Chapter 30: Grovelling
Chapter 31: Goblin Deals
Chapter 32: Gaunt
Chapter 33: Done Deal*
Chapter 34: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 35: Bittersweet
Chapter 36: Sebastian's Return*
Chapter 37: Empty Hourglass
Chapter 38: The Stages of Grief
Chapter 39: The Third Artefact
Chapter 40: Gaunt Manor
Chapter 41: No One Else*
Chapter 42: Realm
Chapter 43: Chivalrous
Chapter 44: Marvolo
Chapter 45: The Heist
Chapter 46: Pain
Chapter 47: Changes
Chapter 48: Big Choices
Chapter 49: The Perfect Day*
Chapter 50: The Last Night
Chapter 51: Veela
Chapter 52: New Places*
Chapter 53: Careers
Chapter 54: Space
Chapter 55: All Hallows Eve*
Chapter 56: The Morning After
Chapter 57: End of an Era
Chapter 58: New York
Chapter 59: The Auror Programme
Chapter 60: Learning*
Chapter 61: Letters
Chapter 62: Rebelling
Chapter 63: The Task
Chapter 64: Liberation
Chapter 65: I'm Ready*
Chapter 66: Three Galleons
Chapter 67: Excitement
Chapter 68: Delaying
Chapter 69: Trial
Chapter 70: I Screamed
Chapter 71: Home
Chapter 72: Adjusting
Chapter 73: Eloise's First Day
Chapter 74: Building Bridges
Chapter 75: Rekindling*
Chapter 76: Growing
Chapter 77: Old Names
Chapter 78: Reckless Sebastian
Chapter 79: Deja Vu
Chapter 80: Escape
Chapter 81: Commitments
Chapter 82: Professor
Chapter 83: The Countdown
Chapter 84: The Sallow Home*
Chapter 85: Epilogue
Chapter 86: Epilogue Part 2 - Ominis & Lawson


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Start this immediately after Chapter 69.

Warning: Extremely, EXTREMELY sad, includes major character death. Read at your own risk (then go back and read the happy ending, I beg of you). Also it is in 3rd person to get everyone's points of view. I apologise in advance. There's a reason this stayed in my head 🫠

The transfer from the custody of MACUSA to the British Ministry of Magic wasn't as smooth as Olive had hoped. She spent many weeks stuck in transit with miscommunications from both ends and she had hoped for a brief moment that they'd all just think it was too hard and let her go. But what a ridiculous thought that was.

Because in the end, she wound up in the cold, damp cells of Azkaban Prison.

Time there meant nothing. She tried to keep track of the days at first, lining up small rocks in the corner to mark the days went, hoping she'd be able to keep track of her pregnancy too, but that faded quickly when she became unaware of when a day had actually passed.

She quickly learned to stay quiet. She'd remembered from her classes at Hogwarts that Dementors fed on happy moments and when she screamed, they came closer to her, filling her with that dark and dreary feeling that made her hope that she would simply die.

She was sure months had passed now, and while normal expectant mothers would find joy in feeling their baby move around, Olive did not. When she thought of it, it brought the Dementors near again.

So, she ignored it. When a foot got particularly caught in a rib, causing a pain she could not ignore, she would slam her head back into the brickwork behind her cot, sometimes drawing blood, sometimes not. The pain was better than drawing a Dementors attention.

But Olive's tactic worked. At some point, she couldn't pinpoint when, she didn't feel the baby anymore. Whether that be that her ignorance worked or the baby was no longer there, she couldn't be sure.

Until one particularly rainy evening, she felt a pain like she never had before. Olive didn't like it. This didn't happen in her day so now her schedule was all off.

And it didn't stop.

In fact, it got worse. And the Dementors came.

They began to swirl around her cell, seemingly enjoying her pain. The pain that was getting so bad, she couldn't help but scream.

And every time she screamed, others would too.

The prison was filled with a symphony of wailing.

Olive writhed on the cold, damp floor of her cell, hands over her ears, as each wave of pain more intense than the last.

In the midst of the agony, a sudden realisation struck Olive. Baby Sallow was still there, Baby Sallow was coming, and there was no stopping it. Panic set in as she grappled with the harsh reality of giving birth in the darkest depths of Azkaban like she'd been sentenced to do months earlier.

Truthfully, she didn't even realise that much time had passed.

Olive's breaths came in ragged gasps as she clenched her fists, the pain becoming relentless and she felt a surge of pressure.

She had remembered a book Sebastian had made her read on this when she first found out she was pregnant. It scared her, so she put it to the side. But when she tried to picture the words she'd read now, they were scrambled and made no sense.

What did she need to do?

But thankfully her body took over her brain, automatically starting the process of bringing Baby Sallow into the world.

She gritted her teeth and bared down, tearing off her pants in fear as they became stained with blood.

And before she could even think for another second of what she might need to do next, the cries of a newborn joined the cacophony of the other screams.

Olive looked down and found a tiny, squirming and screaming baby on the cold damp floor.

"N... no, no... shhh." She whispered, the first words to come out of her mouth since the day she arrived in prison.

She didn't recognise it, it didn't sound like what she thought she sounded like before.

Olive scooped up the baby and held it close, realising that Baby Sallow was a baby girl.

"Yeah, it's been born."

That was another voice.

It wasn't Olive's.

It certainly wasn't the babys... was it? Babies couldn't talk, Olive thought.

The cell door opened and two large men walked in with blankets and without a word, walked right up to Olive.

One of the guards, the taller of the two, spoke in a gruff tone. "The baby needs to be taken. We can't have infants in Azkaban."

Olive clutched Baby Sallow protectively to her chest, her eyes flickering between the guards and the newborn. "No. Mine," she protested weakly.

The second guard, seemingly unmoved by Olive's plea, reached for the baby. Olive recoiled, a desperate maternal instinct taking over. "Please," she implored, tears streaming down her dirt-streaked face.

But her attempts to keep Baby Sallow with her were futile. She was weak and tired and she remembered this is what they said would happen.

Maybe it was for the best.

So she let her go.

With a heavy heart, Olive relinquished her grip on Baby Sallow as the guard took the newborn from her arms. The infant's cries echoed in the cold cell as the guard carefully wrapped her in a blanket, obscuring her tiny face from view.

Once Baby Sallow was sufficiently warm and settled, the guards left, the cell door slamming closed behind her like nothing happened, so she slipped her blood-stained pants back on and crawled onto her cot.

Baby Sallow was escorted straight onto a boat amongst the choppy waters as they headed back to the mainland to hand over the baby.

To the unsuspecting, grieving husband who was still forced to slave away at the Ministry of Magic despite the sentence his wife was serving under them. He needed to stay an Auror. Just in case.

Sebastian was bored, flicking through papers at his desk when there was a gentle knock at the door to the office.

"Yeah." He said without so much as raising an eyebrow.

"Mr. Sallow?"

Sebastian didn't recognise that voice.

He glanced up from the paperwork, his expression now pure annoyance. "What?"

The door creaked open, and a witch stepped in, carrying a bundle in her arms.

"I have someone for you." She said, extending her arms and holding out the baby.

Sebastian's eyes widened and he jumped up from his seat quickly. "I—what? Is this..."

"Olive gave birth."

The witch was casual. Too casual. It annoyed Sebastian even more.

"In Azkaban? They let her give birth there?" He said, scooping the baby from her arms immediately.

"Yes, Mr. Sallow. Those were the conditions of her incarceration."

"This is fucking barbaric! Where do you draw the line!? My newborn baby has been subjected to Dementors, things they don't even let most adults do!"

Sebastian held Baby Sallow tightly, shock, anger, and concern etched across his face. The tiny, fragile life in his arms seemed unphased with the harsh reality of Azkaban thankfully.

"What kind of twisted system allows a baby to be born in Azkaban?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration. He cradled the baby protectively.

"I'm sorry. Good luck with your daughter." The witch said, ignoring his questioning before turning on her heels and leaving.

Sebastian looked down at his baby, finally getting to take in her features. She looked like her mother. Her little button nose, her porcelain skin... the only feature Sebastian had apparently passed down to her was her dark, thick head of hair.


It was the only girls name they seemed to agree on when Sebastian suggested they talk baby names before they even knew she was pregnant.

His daughter was Eloise. Eloise Olive. After her mother.

Then Sebastian was suddenly aware he had nothing for a baby. He was certain he would have earned Olive's freedom by the time Baby Sallow was due. But he supposed he ran out of time.

Sebastian's office suddenly felt inadequate for a newborn and as he looked at the innocent face of his daughter, he made a quick decision. Leaving the paperwork behind, Sebastian briskly walked out of his office, Eloise held close to his chest. The Ministry of Magic could get fucked.

Sebastian left and made his way to a nearby store, his mind racing as he picked out the essentials for Eloise. Cloth nappies, clothes, a small bassinet—all the things he hadn't had time to prepare. The reality of fatherhood hit him as he looked around at everything he needed, finally allowing the tears to roll down his cheek.

As he stood in line to pay, Eloise still peacefully in his arms, he couldn't shake off the anger at the system that allowed a newborn to be born in Azkaban. The image of Olive, alone in a cold cell, haunted him and though he tried, the tears were visible and the shopkeeper asked him if he was alright.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just new dad things, you know?" He replied with a gentle smile.

The shopkeeper threw him a sympathetic look and finished ringing up his purchases, promising to get them to the apartment by this afternoon and when he got back, the items were already there. Thank Merlin because Eloise was hungry.

He managed to successfully make her a bottle and she made contented, happy feeding noises as she drank, though he couldn't even bring himself to crack half a smile.

He went to work that morning expecting another mundane day at the office and instead, he was thrust into fatherhood, thrown straight into the deep end.

Sebastian didn't sleep for days. 3 straight to be precise. Until Ominis and Lawson popped by the apartment when they hadn't heard from Sebastian or seen him at work.

They last thing they expected to see when they stopped past his home was an infant in his arms with his eyes nearly falling out of his head.

"Jesus, Sebastian! Are you alright?!" Lawson said with a fright as he barged his way in.

"No. I need to sleep." Sebastian croaked, tossing Eloise into Lawson's arms and turning to head back to his bedroom.

He collapsed on top of the bed spread and succumbed to sleep for the first time in days. His dreams were filled with the cries of a newborn that seemed to linger in his ears even when he was comatose.

Lawson and Ominis exchanged worried glances as they watched over Eloise, trying to make sense of the situation. The apartment was a mess, baby supplies scattered across the living room, and it was clear that Sebastian was running on fumes.

Over the next few days, Lawson and Ominis took turns caring for Eloise, allowing Sebastian much-needed rest.

Sebastian awoke after a prolonged sleep, feeling more like a human and less like an inferius. He stumbled out of his bedroom to find Ominis and Lawson quietly chatting in the living room, with Eloise happily asleep in Ominis' arms.

"What day is it?" Sebastian asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Friday. You've been out for a while," Ominis replied, concern still etched on his face.

Sebastian ran a hand through his disheveled hair, trying to process everything that had happened. "Thanks."

"Don't mention it." Lawson forced a small smile.

Sebastian took the baby back and cuddled her tightly.

"Am I failing her?" He asked softly, shaking a bottle ready to feed her.

Lawson sighed, taking a moment before responding. "Sebastian, you're doing the best you can in an incredibly tough situation. No one's ever prepared for something like this. You're not failing her. You're doing everything you can."

Ominis chimed in, "It's okay to feel overwhelmed. I'm certain fatherhood is a learning curve for everyone, and you've been thrown into the deep end. The fact that you're here, taking care of her says it all."

Sebastian nodded, a mix of gratitude and lingering exhaustion evident in his eyes. "I just want to make sure she has everything she needs. I want to give her a good life, a life her mother would be proud of."

Tears welled in his eyes and he tilted his head back to try and suck them back.

"It's just not fair. We were supposed to do this together. Be parents together. We planned for Eloise. We wanted her. She was going to be so loved by us both..."

Lawson threw him a somber glance and placed a hand on Sebastian's shoulder, offering silent support. Ominis spoke gently, "Sebastian, life doesn't always follow the plans we make. But what matters now is that you're here for Eloise. You're not alone in this."

Sebastian nodded, his grip on Eloise tightening. "I know. It's just hard to shake off the feeling that I failed her mother and now I have to make it right for Eloise."

"You're not alone in this, mate," Lawson reassured. "We're here for you."

Weeks turned into months and despite Sebastian's tireless work to reopen Olive's case and even try and visit her, every request was denied, every appeal rejected.

The weight of the situation became scarier with each passing day. Sebastian juggled the demands of work, caring for Eloise, and tirelessly fighting for Olive's release. Justice seemed unlikely, and Sebastian's frustration grew.

Sebastian's daily routine became a monotonous cycle of work, caring for Eloise, and sleepless nights spent researching legal avenues to challenge Olive's incarceration. The long nights persisted, haunted by the cries of a newborn and the face of the woman he loved, imprisoned in a place that seemed devoid of justice.

One day, after another unsuccessful attempt to visit Olive, Sebastian returned home to find Lawson and Ominis deep in conversation. Their expressions were somber, and Sebastian immediately felt a knot tighten in his chest.

"What's going on?" he asked, his voice trembling.

Lawson sighed, glancing at Ominis. "Sebastian, we need to talk. Sit down."

Sebastian's heart pounded as he sank onto the couch, Eloise cradled in his arms.

"What is it?"

Ominis tried to speak, he really did. His mouth bobbed open, but he simply made choking noises as tears welled in his eyes.

"Tell me. What's happened?" Sebastian repeated.

Lawson sighed, his chest shuddering. "Olive... she... um..."

Lawson struggled to find the right words, glancing at Ominis who was visibly shaken. The room fell into a heavy silence, broken only by the soft sounds of Eloise sleeping in Sebastian's arms.

"She's gone, Seb."

Sebastian felt as if the air had been sucked out of the room. The words hung heavily, almost tangibly, in the air. For a moment, time seemed to stop. The world blurred around him, and all he could hear was the rushing sound in his ears.

"No... No, that can't be true," Sebastian whispered, his voice barely audible. His grip on Eloise tightened, as if he could shield her from the devastating reality that was crashing down on him. Her mother was dead.

Lawson's eyes were filled with sorrow, and Ominis, usually composed, struggled to maintain his composure. "Sebastian, we just got the news."

Sebastian's mind raced, emotions colliding like a storm within him. Denial, grief, anger, all swirling into a tumultuous whirlwind. He couldn't accept the truth, he couldn't fathom a world without Olive.

"Where's the proof?" he demanded, his voice rising. "I need to see her. I need to... I need to make sure."

Lawson hesitated before speaking, "Seb, it's Azkaban. Getting any kind of confirmation... it won't be easy. But we're trying. We'll find out more."

Sebastian's apartment felt like a cage, the walls closing in on him. Without saying another word, he stood up, cradling Eloise in his arms. He needed air, space, something to break free from the suffocating reality.

And as Sebastian walked out, his steps heavy and disjointed, Lawson and Ominis could only watch helplessly.

Outside, the world continued with its mundane activities, oblivious to the shattering of Sebastian's world just a few steps away. Sebastian wandered aimlessly through the streets, Eloise still held close.

As night fell, Sebastian found himself in a quiet park. The weight of grief pressed on him, threatening to pull him under. He sank onto a bench, cradling Eloise against his chest.

"I promised her, Eloise. I promised I would keep you safe," he whispered, his voice breaking. "Now... now, I don't know what to do."

Eloise, oblivious to the pain that gripped her father, stirred in her sleep, her tiny fingers curling around Sebastian's thumb. It was a small, comforting touch in the vast emptiness that surrounded him.

He collected himself and made his way back to the apartment where Ominis and Lawson were still sat around the table, both of them comforting each other.

"Sebastian!" Lawson said, jumping up from his chair.

"There's something I need to do." Sebastian said, passing Eloise over to Lawson and kissing her on the head. "Watch her for me?"

Lawson nodded and Sebastian left.

He headed out to a quiet alley and let the tears stream down his face. There was only one thing he could think to do right now.

He shut his eyes and focused. This required all of his attention. He had done it once before, he could do it again despite the swirling state of his mind.

And with a pop and a pull and tugging, he opened his eyes. He'd done it again.

It was day time there.

He pulled his coat over his head and walked down the familiar streets he hadn't been down in years. They felt familiar yet so far away.

The MACUSA building looked the same as it did. Just as cold and bland.

Sebastian took a deep breath, steadying himself before walking through the doors. The receptionist gave him a cursory glance but continued writing away on her parchment.

Sebastian navigated the halls with a sense of purpose, his mind focused on one thing—Amelia Walters.

He remembered where her office was. Straight down the hall and to the right. He dropped the coat from his head to look less suspicious, but kept his head low.

As Sebastian approached Amelia Walters' office, he could feel the tension building within him. He was running on pure adrenaline.

And just as luck would have it, Amelia Walters was walking down the halls. Laughing. Smiling.

Why did she get to live her life? Everything was her fault. She doomed Olive to her fate. She got her killed.

Amelia's laughter died down as she caught sight of Sebastian. Her smile faltered, replaced by a look of fear. "S-Sallow?"

"Olive is dead." Sebastian uttered.

Amelia stammered, her confident demeanour shattered. "She... she knew what she did. It is not my fault."

"Not your fault?" Sebastian laughed. "Not your fault!?"

"No. It's not." Walters said, trying to find even a lick of confidence.

Sebastian could feel eyes turning towards them, watching their conflict that was beginning to escalate.

But Sebastian didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. He came here to do one thing and one thing only.

His fingers traced to his back pocket, palming his wand.

"Sallow... wh-what are you doing?"

Sebastian didn't answer. His wand was in his palm, sweat making it hard to grip.

"You'll pay for this. For everything." Sebastian said, his voice husky.

"No, stop and think this through, you don't want to—"

"Don't tell me what to do."

Sebastian's hand trembled as he pointed his wand at Amelia. The air crackled with tension, and the onlookers in the hallway had fallen silent, realising the gravity of the situation unfolding before them.

Amelia's eyes widened with fear. "Sebastian, put the wand down. This won't solve anything."

"You'll pay for Olive's death," he repeated.

For a brief moment, Sebastian considered his options. He was almost second guessing himself. But no. He had come all this way. He needed to see this through. For Olive.

"Avada Kedavra."

A surge of green light erupted from Sebastian's wand, hurtling towards Walters. In that fraction of a second, time seemed to slow. The hallway witnesses gasped, realising the severity of what Sebastian had done.

Her lifeless body hit the floor with a thump and so did Sebastian as two MACUSA officials tackled him to the ground.

Sebastian didn't resist the officials who held him. He stared blankly at the lifeless form of Amelia Walters. She was dead.


Sebastian's trial was quick and short. There was no British Ministry of Magic stepping in to save him. He wasn't pregnant. His crime wasn't self-defence. What he had done was calculated and cruel.

His fate was sealed.

And it was happening tomorrow.

When he was taken into the Death Cell, all he thought about was Olive. They'd be reunited soon.

He cried.

Eloise was going to be just like he was. An orphan. But he was confident he had left her with the best people. There was no way Sebastian was going to be a fit parent knowing Olive was gone. He was going to fuck it up.

This was for the best.

As he was confined to the chair, memories of his were extracted and projected before him in the death potion below. He watched his first kiss with Olive. The one she didn't remember. He watched himself perform the worlds worst proposal from the hospital bed after she had saved him. He watched them get married, the best day of his life until the day he found out he was going to be a father.

As the memories twirled in his mind, he began to sink into the potion, the bubbling and corrosion beginning to occur beneath his feet.

But Sebastian closed his eyes and smiled as he saw Olive's hand was extended towards him, ready to carry him through to the other side.

They were together again.


I am so so so so sorry. This is almost what I went with in the main story but I couldn't bring myself to do it. As an apology, I'm going to do one last chapter with Ominis and Lawson's happy ending that follows the main story.

I AM SORRY AGAIN!!! Please forgive me.

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