Risk // Sebastian Sallow

By orangemochafrapp

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Olive is distraught after the events of her first year attending Hogwarts. Just when she thought things were... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Sunrise
Chapter 3: Crossed Wands
Chapter 4: The Room
Chapter 5: St Mungos
Chapter 6: You Love Her
Chapter 7: The Bet
Chapter 8: Shit Families
Chapter 9: Hungover
Chapter 10: Treasure Hunters
Chapter 11: Date*
Chapter 12: Reconciliation*
Chapter 13: Potions
Chapter 14: Detention*
Chapter 15: The Promise
Chapter 16: I've Never*
Chapter 17: Mandrakes
Chapter 18: Recovery
Chapter 19: Scones
Chapter 20: Jealous Games*
Chapter 21: Confessions
Chapter 22: The Boat House
Chapter 23: Second Date
Chapter 24: Third Date*
Chapter 25: Library*
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: Christmas Pt. 2
Chapter 28: Christmas Pt. 3*
Chapter 29: Fort
Chapter 30: Grovelling
Chapter 31: Goblin Deals
Chapter 32: Gaunt
Chapter 33: Done Deal*
Chapter 34: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 35: Bittersweet
Chapter 36: Sebastian's Return*
Chapter 37: Empty Hourglass
Chapter 38: The Stages of Grief
Chapter 39: The Third Artefact
Chapter 40: Gaunt Manor
Chapter 41: No One Else*
Chapter 42: Realm
Chapter 43: Chivalrous
Chapter 44: Marvolo
Chapter 45: The Heist
Chapter 46: Pain
Chapter 47: Changes
Chapter 48: Big Choices
Chapter 49: The Perfect Day*
Chapter 50: The Last Night
Chapter 51: Veela
Chapter 52: New Places*
Chapter 53: Careers
Chapter 54: Space
Chapter 55: All Hallows Eve*
Chapter 56: The Morning After
Chapter 57: End of an Era
Chapter 58: New York
Chapter 59: The Auror Programme
Chapter 60: Learning*
Chapter 61: Letters
Chapter 62: Rebelling
Chapter 63: The Task
Chapter 64: Liberation
Chapter 65: I'm Ready*
Chapter 66: Three Galleons
Chapter 67: Excitement
Chapter 68: Delaying
Chapter 69: Trial
Chapter 70: I Screamed
Chapter 71: Home
Chapter 72: Adjusting
Chapter 73: Eloise's First Day
Chapter 74: Building Bridges
Chapter 75: Rekindling*
Chapter 76: Growing
Chapter 77: Old Names
Chapter 78: Reckless Sebastian
Chapter 79: Deja Vu
Chapter 80: Escape
Chapter 81: Commitments
Chapter 82: Professor
Chapter 83: The Countdown
Chapter 84: The Sallow Home*
Chapter 86: Epilogue Part 2 - Ominis & Lawson

Chapter 85: Epilogue

1K 17 101
By orangemochafrapp

Eight years later

"Dad, come on!" Eloise bellowed from the front door their home in Aranshire.

Sebastian almost barrelled down the stairs, rushing to put his shoes on to appease his eager eleven year old daughter.

"Alright. I'm here. Let's go." Sebastian panted, catching his breath from the exertion of having to lace up his shoes on the go.

As Sebastian and Eloise walked through the hamlet of Aranshire together, Sebastian couldn't help but sigh a little.

Memories spun through his head of all the happy moments he'd spent here with his first born. When the Sallows packed up and left Feldcroft behind him with a 2 year old Eloise and infant Emma and Archie.

Taking Eloise for strolls to pick up bread for the week.

Ellie's first incident of accidental magic when she got so mad that Sebastian wouldn't let her take home a stray cat, she shot a burst of a spell from her hand that singed the poor feline's tail.

As if my daughter has nailed wandless magic at the ripe age of 9... he thought to himself.

It did take him 22 years, after all.

But all those memories culminated to create a swell in his heart. He'd done what he always wanted to do. Have a family, and see that family through to starting Hogwarts. Something his parents didn't get to see.

Eloise's letter came just as expected on her 11th birthday, and instead of getting excited like most students would, she simply groaned and tossed the letter to the floor.

"What's wrong?" Sebastian said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You don't want to go to Hogwarts?"

"I do... but you teach there! It's going to be soooo embarrassing." Eloise said, throwing her head into her hands.

"I think it's great! I can't wait to go!" Emma said, her face beaming and she picked the letter up off the floor and began to read it. "With dad there, you'll never be able to get in trouble!"

"Hey! That's not how that works!" Sebastian chided.

Olive simply sat at the dining table and laughed. She did sympathise with Ellie, it would have been weird if one of her parents had been teaching at Hogwarts when she was a student, though she supposed if her in laws were still alive, they would have been teaching while Anne and Sebastian were enrolled.

"You'll be fine, let's go before all the good owls are taken." Sebastian said.

The pair travelled by floo powder to London. Could they have gone to Hogsmeade? Sure. But Sebastian said he wanted nothing but the best for his "baby girl" and Diagon Alley had better options.


They had Eloise's list of required items in Sebastian's pocket and a separate piece of parchment with a plan of attack laid out.

Owl from Eeylops Owl Emporium
Wand from Ollivanders
Books from Flourish and Blotts
Robes from Madam Malkin's
The rest from Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment

They made their way through the bustling town, trying to navigate around the other Hogwarts students also collecting all of their equipment for the start of the school year.

Sebastian's list was perfectly curated to ensure efficiency and get them back in a timely manner. Eloise rolled her eyes, as if saying no was going to change her stubborn fathers mind.

"So we'll get your books, then your robes, then get your owl and finally your wand." Sebastian said, drawing his fingers across the list as if he were mapping it out and heading straight towards the lesser shops, the one's that weren't as exciting according to him.

Once the more mundane, boring items like cauldrons, scales and books were collected, Eloise's mood shifted and she began to grow more excited.

They entered Eeylops Owl Emporium where Eloise was met with many owls beady eyes staring at her. It was quite the intimidating sight. Sure, she'd visited the owlery at Hogwarts with her father when she'd visit sometimes, but there was something about all these flapping wings and staring eyes in a confined space that was mildly unsettling.

"It's alright, find the least scary looking one." Sebastian said, noticing Eloise's hesitancy with a small smirk on his face.

Eloise didn't find the joke as funny, walking around, eyeing each owl carefully. She approached a small, brown owl perched well below the others. It was significantly tinier than the other ones, but it's eyes looked kind. When Eloise bent down to look at her and held her arm out, the tiny owl hopped straight onto it.

Sebastian watched from a few metres back, observing his daughter bond with the creature.

"I think you found the one." He smiled.

Eloise stood up and walked back to Sebastian, the little owl still happily perched on her and moving further up her arm towards her shoulder, nuzzling it's head under her ear.

"I think this is the one." Eloise smiled, giving the owl a scratch behind the head.

"Well, why don't you think of a name for her while I get her paid for." Sebastian said, walking over to the shopkeeper.

Eloise looked the owl up and down as she leaned into her neck, giving her a scratch.

"What's your name?" she said softly. "How about... Pudge? Because you're so small and cute."

The small owl let out a small coo of delight, eyes flickering as she enjoyed the scratch.

Sebastian returned with a small cage for Pudge and Eloise gently placed her inside, moving on to their last shop. Ollivanders.

They entered to silence and an empty store, unusual for a day like today where hundreds of students were lining the streets for supplies. Sebastian rang the bell, Gervaise Ollivander approaching the shop front from the back of the store.

"Ah, a young Sallow." He said.

Sebastian looked bewildered, he'd dealt with Gerbold Ollivander when he got his wand prior to his first year at Hogwarts and was unsure how his son knew them by name.

"Don't look so confused, Mr. Sallow. I'd recognise you and your wife anywhere. I'm Gervaise, Gerbold Ollivanders son."

Sebastian extended his hand and shook Gervaise's firmly, still looking confused as much as he tried not to.

"Now, you're here for your wand, I assume." Mr. Ollivander said, turning his attention to Eloise.

"Yes, sir." Eloise said, trying to sound confident.

"Perfect." Ollivander said as he began to drag his finger across the rows of hundreds of wands lining the shelves, collecting one particular wand and handing it Eloise. "Try this."

Eloise opened the delicate box, removing the wand and holding it cautiously in her hand, giving it a small flick. Red sparks shot out, Eloise almost dropping the wand due to the intense heat it created against her palm.

"Maybe not. But... hmm... perhaps this." Ollivander said, collecting the previous wand and handing her another from a pile he had begun to collect on the counter.

This time, when she flicked it, a gentle cascade of silver stars floated from the tip, hanging in the air for a moment before fading away.

"Ah, interesting, very interesting," Ollivander mumbled to himself, his eyes squinting as if trying to decipher some invisible code.

Eloise looked at the wand with wonder, a smile forming on her face. It felt right in her hand, as if it had been waiting for her all along.

"That is a wand made of cedar wood with a dragon heartstring core. Eleven and a half inches, slightly springy. A good match, I'd say," Ollivander said with a satisfied nod.

Sebastian smiled, though in his heart he worried. His wand was dragon heartstring core, after all, and they say those types of wand cores wield the most power. Of course, he didn't want to blame his wand for his previous shortcomings, but he certainly believed it made it easier for him to learn and master forbidden spells.

But Eloise wasn't like that. She didn't need to be like Sebastian was.

As they left Ollivanders, Eloise cradling her new wand with a sense of excitement, Sebastian couldn't help but think about the responsibility that came with it. He had seen firsthand how magic, especially of the darker kind, could have consequences and he prayed that she never met anyone like him.

"Alright, Pudge and the wand secured. We're all set, Ellie," Sebastian said, ruffling Eloise's hair affectionately.

"Dad, doooooon't." Eloise chided, pulling herself away from Sebastian's grip.

Sebastian chuckled, "Alright, alright, no more hair ruffling. You're not a little girl anymore, are you?"

Eloise rolled her eyes with a playful grin, adjusting the strap of her newly acquired owl cage. Pudge hooted softly from within, seemingly content in her new home.

Sebastian led the way, navigating through the crowd with ease. "Should we head to the Leaky Cauldron for a quick bite before we head back home? I hear they've got a new batch of butterbeer."

Eloise's eyes lit up at the mention of butterbeer, and she nodded enthusiastically. "I'd like that."

The Leaky Cauldron welcomed them with its characteristic warmth and charm. They found a cozy corner table, and Sebastian ordered a round of butterbeers and a meal for them both.

"So, Pudge, huh? That's a unique name," Sebastian remarked while they waited for their beverages.

"Well, she's small and cute, just like a little pudgy thing. And she seemed to like it when I suggested it." Eloise said with confidence.

Sebastian nodded in agreement. "A fitting name, then. It suits her well."

They talked more about all the things they'd gathered that day, Sebastian probably going too in depth for what was expected of a first year in Defence Against the Dark Arts.



"I'm nervous."

Sebastian looked at Eloise, his gaze turning sympathetic. "It's normal to feel nervous, Ellie. Hogwarts is a big place, and it can be a bit overwhelming. But you're a Sallow. You'll do just fine."

Eloise smiled, appreciating her father's reassuring words. "Thanks, Dad. I guess it's just... What if I'm not as good as everyone else? What if I can't keep up?"

Sebastian leaned back, sipping his butterbeer thoughtfully. "You know, when I first started at Hogwarts, I had similar worries. But you don't have to compare yourself to others. You have your own strengths and talents. Hogwarts is a place to learn and grow, and everyone does it at their own pace. Just be yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I'll be there whenever you need me."

"But there's that too... I'm worried people will pick on me knowing my dad is a Professor."

Sebastian sighed softly. "Ellie, being my daughter is something to be proud of, not something to worry about. Sure, some might be curious or make assumptions, but you have the power to define your own experience at Hogwarts. People will see you for who you are, not just as my daughter."

Eloise smiled and tapped her fingers on the cool steel of the butterbeer stein. "Alright."

She didn't believe him.

"You know your grandparents that we go and visit in Feldcroft sometimes?" Sebastian said.

Ellie cocked her head to the side. "Your mum and dad? Yeah?"

"They were Professors at Hogwarts too. If they were alive when I got my letter, I would have attended school with both of my parents there. Imagine! Four eyes to follow me everywhere!"

Eloise chuckled at the thought. "That sounds awful. But it sounds nice having family around."

"Exactly. So while you don't need to go around screaming from the rooftops that we are related, I'll always be close by if you need me. No one else gets that privilege and I promise, I won't be snooping. Maybe only occasionally."


"I'm kidding! Mostly..."

Eloise laughed, a warmth settling in her chest. "Well, I appreciate the 'mostly' part. Thanks, Dad. It's just a lot to take in, you know?"

Sebastian nodded, understanding in his eyes. "I get it, Ellie. But you're not alone. You've got Pudge, you'll have your friends and me, occasionally snooping around."

She grinned. "I'm counting on you not to embarrass me too much."

Sebastian raised his hand, as if taking an oath. "I promise not to embarrass you more than necessary."

Ellie snorted back another laugh and finished up her meal with Sebastian paying their bill and picking up the armfuls of all the required Hogwarts items.

Sebastian doesn't remember there being this much stuff required.

Then he wondered how Solomon did it for two of them at once.

Then he remember that he was going to have to do it for two of them at once in a few years.


They headed home with tired legs and full bellies, Sebastian barely managing to make it through the front door without dumping all of Eloise's equipment right in the entry way.

"Excuse me!" Olive called from the kitchen, watching him lazily toss the supplies to the side.

Sebastian grinned sheepishly as Olive's stern wife voice echoed through the house. He carefully set down the items in a more organised manner.

"Sorry, Olive," he called back, "You know I like to make an entrance."

Olive appeared in the doorway, her eyes widening at the sight of the magical items strewn about. "What did you buy, the entire store?"

Sebastian chuckled, "I had the same thoughts. Why do they need so much? But anyway, Eloise is all set for her first year now."

"Excellent." Olive said, pulling her daughter in for a hug and placing a delicate kiss on her head, her hand stroking the delicate, long and dark brown locks that cascaded down her shoulders. Eloise was almost as tall as her now. "So are you feeling ready for Hogwarts, my love?"

Eloise nodded against her mothers chest. "Yeah, I think so. Dad gave me a good pep talk."

Olive raised an eyebrow at Sebastian, who shrugged. "What can I say, I'm good at pep talks."

"Well, as long as it worked," Olive said.

Sebastian leaned over and kissed Olive on the lips. "Always does."

"Ew! I'm going to bed." Eloise declared, taking Pudge into her room with her.

Sebastian chuckled at Eloise's reaction. "Goodnight, Ellie!"

As Eloise disappeared into her room, Olive looked at Sebastian with a playful smirk. "You and your dramatic entrances and public displays of affection. You're going to embarrass her more than you promised, aren't you?"

Sebastian grinned, unapologetically. "Maybe a little. Keeps life interesting, doesn't it?"

Olive shook her head in mock disapproval but couldn't hide the playfulness in her eyes. "You're lucky she adores you so much."

Sebastian wrapped his arms around Olive, pulling her into a warm embrace. "I am the lucky one, no doubt about that."

As the night wound down and all three of the children went to bed, Sebastian and Olive sat in their lounge, savouring the quiet moments that seemed to become more regular the older their children got. The soft glow of the fireplace illuminated their faces as they found solace in the shared silence, sharing a glass of firewhisky each.

Olive leaned against Sebastian, her head resting on his shoulder. "I can't believe our little girl is going to Hogwarts."

Sebastian sighed, his chin finding the top of her head. "Seems like just yesterday she was chasing butterflies and picking all my flowers in the garden. Now, she's off to learn magic."

"You'll make sure she's okay, right?" Olive said softly, nuzzling closer into her husband.

"Of course," Sebastian replied, "And I promise I'll do it discreetly. She's so worried about people knowing I'm her dad."

Olive laughed. "Well, she's a teenager now, worried about her image and all that."

Sebastian nodded, taking a sip of his firewhisky. "Teenagers. It's like a whole new adventure."

"Do you remember when we first met?" Olive asked, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

Sebastian grinned widely. "How could I forget? You just waltzed right up to me in the common room, I had no idea who you were!"

"And aren't you glad I did? Made kicking your arse in my first ever duel much more sweeter being on a first name basis." Olive added, a playful glint in her eyes.

"That's when I knew you were the one for me," Sebastian said, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

Olive chuckled. "Hah. Smooth talker, even back then."

Sebastian laughed. Then his smile faded. "I wouldn't change a thing, though. Everything we went through, everything we suffered for. It was worth it. For all of this."

Olive didn't respond, she simply wrapped her arms around Sebastian tighter and he heard the distinct sounds of sniffling coming from her.

Sebastian tightened his embrace, recognising the soft tears coming from his wife. "I love you," he whispered.

Olive looked up at him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears but reflecting the warmth of a love that had survived years. "I love you too, Sebastian. Always."

They spent every night for the next week in a similar fashion. Getting nostalgic and teary eyed at their lives and the future until the morning of Eloise's departure dawned.

Even though they lived in Aranshire and the castle was quite literally within walking distance, the Sallows came to an agreement that their children could catch the Hogwarts Express at least once. Eloise chose now.

"Why not?" She once said at the dinner table. "It's like a proper Hogwarts welcome to do it in your first year!"

Sebastian sighed and agreed. He'd go with them to Kings Cross, fight every urge to simply jump on the train with her, then return to Aranshire before making his way to the castle for the sorting ceremony.

The Sallow's gathered at King's Cross Station alongside the rest of the students, a few of the returning students recognising Sebastian and casting strange looks at him, wondering why on Earth there was a teacher at the station. The platform buzzed with excitement as families bid farewell to their children, and the Hogwarts Express awaited its passengers, the smoke getting heavier as it prepared to leave.

Eloise, her trunk and belongings neatly packed, stood with Sebastian, Olive, Emma and Archie with Pudge by her side. Sebastian tried to hide the emotions swirling within him, but the proud yet wistful smile on his face betrayed him.

"Ready, Ellie?" Olive asked, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

Eloise nodded, her own eyes betraying a hint of nervousness beneath the excitement. "Yeah, I'm ready. I've got everything."

Olive pulled her in for a tight hug, whispering words of love and advice into her ear. Emma and Archie clung to their big sister, the reality of her leaving sinking in.

"Can I have your room?" Emma asked as she patted Eloise's back gently.

"What? No! I'll be back all the time!"

"Aww..." Emma pouted, but the playful banter lightened the mood.

"Come on, you better get on board, get yourself a good seat." Sebastian interrupted, though he didn't want to. The idea his three babies wouldn't be there every weekend morning was shattering his heart into tiny pieces.

Eloise nodded, wiping away a tear, and exchanged a final round of hugs with her family. Pudge hooted, as if sensing the sadness and Eloise gave him a gentle pat.

"I'll see you at the sorting ceremony, okay?" Sebastian whispered, bending down to pull her into his shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you too, Dad. Thank you for everything." Eloise sniffled into his jumper.

As Eloise pulled away and boarded the train, finding a window seat near the front, Sebastian, Olive, Emma, and Archie waved from the platform. The whistle blew, signaling the departure, and the Hogwarts Express began to move. They watched with glistening eyes until the train became a distant speck, disappearing into the horizon.

A boy with bright red hair had joined Eloise in the carriage, plonking himself down right in front of her.

"Sorry, I should have asked. Can I sit here?"

Eloise looked at the red-haired boy, a genuine smile on her face. "Of course. It's an open compartment."

The boy grinned and settled in, his eyes focusing on Eloise.

"I'm George Weasley, by the way," he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Eloise Sallow," she replied, extending a hand.

George shook her hand firmly and Eloise felt herself relax for the first time all day. George was easy to talk to, he did most of it. George talked about his family and Eloise learned that his mother played Quidditch for Puddlemere United. She then told him that her mother was an ex-Auror turned florist, growing flowers in our garden and arranging them to be sold to people in the hamlets around the Highlands.

Eloise found herself laughing genuinely, the worries of the day fading away as it seemed she had actually made a new friend and in her first few hours.

As the train pulled into Hogsmeade station, George waited for Eloise, making sure he got a boat with her.

They sat next to each other, George's eyes sparkling with wonder as he took in the expansiveness of the castle, illuminated at night.

Eloise, of course, had seen this numerous times from both the hamlet she lived in and on her trips to the castle with Sebastian, but witnessing it from the boats with her peers was something she would never forget.

As they approached the castle, the groups disembarked from the boats and entered the entrance hall. Eloise and George joined the flow of students heading into the Great Hall for the sorting ceremony.

She felt nervous, like all eyes were watching her as the fresh meat wandered into the halls.

"Where do you think you'll be sorted?" George asked, linking his arms through Eloise's as if he sensed her nervousness.

"Slytherin, I suppose." Eloise said with a sigh. She had come to realise that Slytherins carried a certain stigma around them, one she didn't really feel she aligned with. But both her parents were Slytherins, so it made sense... right? "What about you?"

"Hm, I'm not sure. My dad was a Gryffindor, but my mum was a Slytherin. So it could go either way." George said casually, clearly not giving it as much thought as Eloise had.

As they inched closer to the front of the hall, getting closer to Sorting Hat that was held in Professor Weasley's hand, she felt more nervous than ever before. But as they came to a halt, she caught the eye of Sebastian sitting at the staff table. He was already looking at her and flicked her a reassuring smile.

Eloise returned her father's grin, feeling a surge of comfort. The familiar face in the crowd was actually more appreciated than she thought it would be, and she suddenly wondered how the rest of the kids did it without their parents.

Eloise listened intently as the ceremony began, her gaze fixed on the tattered old hat as names began to be called and students sorted.

"Eloise Sallow."

She swallowed the gigantic lump in her throat and could have sworn she heard chatter from the tables of existing students, clearing making the link between her name and the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor sitting at the table.

The similarities were obvious enough that no one would suspect it were a mere coincidence. Eloise bared the same almost unmanageable mane of hair and her face was smeared with delicate freckles across the bridge of her nose.

She took her seat on the stool, being extra careful not to trip up the stairs on the way.

"Ah! A new generation of Sallow!" The hat boomed, almost taking Eloise by surprise. "A bit of ambition, a dash of courage, and a sprinkle of mischief. Interesting, very interesting. You've got the traits of several houses. But where to place you?"

Eloise anxiously awaited the sorting hat's decision, her heartbeat thumping in her ears, almost drowning out the whispers though she could still feel the collective gaze of her peers on her.

Then, after what felt like an eternity, the sorting hat finally declared, "Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table erupted in applause, welcoming Eloise to her newfound house. She couldn't help but exhale deeply, almost as if she were relived. Perhaps she did carry more Slytherin traits than she initially thought. I mean, it made sense she was sorted there.

As Eloise joined her new housemates, her robes transformed to be adorned in a green trim, she spotted George still waiting for his turn. She offered him an encouraging smile, silently wishing him the best.

George was sorted shortly after, and the sorting hat declared him a Gryffindor quickly. Eloise did feel a tinge of sadness her new friend wasn't going to be with her, but she didn't mind. She knew Gryffindor had gained a fine addition, and she was sure they would still be great friends.

She relaxed a little, conversing with some of the other freshly sorted first years and enjoyed her first of many Hogwarts feasts.

She occasionally looked up and exchanged glances with her father, who was seemingly beaming with pride.

As the feast ended, she waved a subtle goodbye to Sebastian and followed her prefects down to the dungeons and learning the password before being shown to their dormitories.

Eloise's room was up the stairs and the first door on the left, her bed also located on the left side of the room.

She noticed her trunk had been placed at the foot of her bed already and she began to unpack some of her belongings, but when no one was looking, she collected her Sophie doll and slipped her under her pillow.

The first night at Hogwarts passed in a blur of excitement and nervous energy. Eloise lay in her four-poster bed, staring up at the canopy above her. The sounds of the castle settling for the night were a lullaby, and soon enough, exhaustion overtook her. She tucked her well-loved and worn doll under her arm and smiled.

What had she ever doubted? She was a Slytherin. Just like her parents were and she swore to herself there and then, she was going to change the stereotypes of Slytherins, of Rosiers. She was going to make everyone proud and become the best witch she could.

And she did.

AN: that's a wrap! It's over! If you made it this far, please know I love you so much. I cannot believe anyone wanted to read any of my chapters let alone 85 of them!

I did have an alternate ending planned that I may still write but it is SAD.

I also might throw in a few more little chapters in the future like the twins starting at Hogwarts, maybe Ellie sneaks into the restricted section... but we'll see.

For now I'm taking a break from writing every single day for 4 months straight!

A very special thank you to Karamelles and lillytayy for sticking with me from day one. I adore you both so much and when there was moments I didn't want to write, I thought of you both. Thank you again ❤️

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