Risk // Sebastian Sallow

By orangemochafrapp

149K 2.7K 5.7K

Olive is distraught after the events of her first year attending Hogwarts. Just when she thought things were... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Sunrise
Chapter 3: Crossed Wands
Chapter 4: The Room
Chapter 5: St Mungos
Chapter 6: You Love Her
Chapter 7: The Bet
Chapter 8: Shit Families
Chapter 9: Hungover
Chapter 10: Treasure Hunters
Chapter 11: Date*
Chapter 12: Reconciliation*
Chapter 13: Potions
Chapter 14: Detention*
Chapter 15: The Promise
Chapter 16: I've Never*
Chapter 17: Mandrakes
Chapter 18: Recovery
Chapter 19: Scones
Chapter 20: Jealous Games*
Chapter 21: Confessions
Chapter 22: The Boat House
Chapter 23: Second Date
Chapter 24: Third Date*
Chapter 25: Library*
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: Christmas Pt. 2
Chapter 28: Christmas Pt. 3*
Chapter 29: Fort
Chapter 30: Grovelling
Chapter 31: Goblin Deals
Chapter 32: Gaunt
Chapter 33: Done Deal*
Chapter 34: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 35: Bittersweet
Chapter 36: Sebastian's Return*
Chapter 37: Empty Hourglass
Chapter 38: The Stages of Grief
Chapter 39: The Third Artefact
Chapter 40: Gaunt Manor
Chapter 41: No One Else*
Chapter 42: Realm
Chapter 43: Chivalrous
Chapter 44: Marvolo
Chapter 45: The Heist
Chapter 46: Pain
Chapter 47: Changes
Chapter 48: Big Choices
Chapter 49: The Perfect Day*
Chapter 50: The Last Night
Chapter 51: Veela
Chapter 52: New Places*
Chapter 53: Careers
Chapter 54: Space
Chapter 55: All Hallows Eve*
Chapter 56: The Morning After
Chapter 57: End of an Era
Chapter 58: New York
Chapter 59: The Auror Programme
Chapter 60: Learning*
Chapter 61: Letters
Chapter 62: Rebelling
Chapter 63: The Task
Chapter 64: Liberation
Chapter 65: I'm Ready*
Chapter 66: Three Galleons
Chapter 67: Excitement
Chapter 68: Delaying
Chapter 69: Trial
Chapter 70: I Screamed
Chapter 71: Home
Chapter 72: Adjusting
Chapter 73: Eloise's First Day
Chapter 74: Building Bridges
Chapter 75: Rekindling*
Chapter 76: Growing
Chapter 77: Old Names
Chapter 78: Reckless Sebastian
Chapter 79: Deja Vu
Chapter 80: Escape
Chapter 81: Commitments
Chapter 82: Professor
Chapter 83: The Countdown
Chapter 85: Epilogue
Chapter 86: Epilogue Part 2 - Ominis & Lawson

Chapter 84: The Sallow Home*

1.1K 12 82
By orangemochafrapp

Warning: your last ever smut for this fic ahead. I've decided to go all out for Kinktober in celebration. A bit of Subastian and Domlive throughout 🫢

The morning light shone through the cracked window of our bedroom, casting dancing shadows through the large oak tree that lingered just outside.

I felt a finger run down my cheek and stop on my jaw.

"Sebastian..." I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut even tighter, not wanting to open my eyes to face the realities of the day.

"Mmm." He mumbled right back.


I flittered my eyes open to see his honey brown eyes already staring at me, the sun dancing across his face making them glow a soft amber. Sebastian's messy, chestnut hair fell across his forehead, and the corners of his lips curled into a smile.

"Good morning." he whispered.

"Morning," I replied, stretching like a cat beneath the cozy blanket.

As my senses fully woke up, I noticed the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafting into the room.

"What time is it?" I wearily asked.

"Nine." He smiled casually.

"AM?!" I jolted up out of bed.

Sebastian laughed. "Don't worry, they're all still asleep."

"Even the twins?"

"Even the twins."

"Typical. On their best behaviour when you're back..." I scoffed.

Sebastian chuckled. "They must have missed me."

I rolled my eyes as I shrugged on my robe and made my way to the kitchen where Sebastian had already prepared a hot coffee for me. He walked it over to me, ushering me to the lounge.

"Drink then you can have a shower." He smiled, returning back to the kitchen.

He quickly whipped up blueberry pancakes and the smell must have roused Eloise from her sleep because she tiptoed into the kitchen, her tiny frame barely visible above the table.

"Morning, Mummy!" she squealed, her eyes wide with the innocence that only a small toddler possesses.

"Good morning, sweetheart," I said, scooping her up in my arms. "Did you sleep well?"

She responded with nothing more than a giggle because her attention was quickly diverted to the pancakes that Sebastian was expertly flipping on the stove.

"Blueberry pancakes?" she asked excitedly.

Sebastian grinned, "Absolutely, just the way you like them."

He served up plates for the three of us and we enjoyed a moment of peace, just us like it used to be until we heard the distant sounds of the twins cooing and whining at each other.

"Stay. I'll get them." Sebastian beamed, returning a few minutes later with them changed and dressed, ready to be fed.

He gently placed them in my lap, one in each arm as they drank, hand feeding me bits of pancake as if I were a baby bird.

"You know I can just wait until they're done, Seb." I said through a mouthful of pancake.

He laughed, "Don't be ridiculous. Here. Have more." He shoved another piece in, making me almost choke.

After breakfast and the morning chaos, Sebastian took Eloise, Emma and Archie to the yard to play, giving me a chance to actually have a warm shower child-free. I never realised how much I appreciated these small things until I couldn't do them.

When I was sufficiently relaxed and clean, I threw on a light dress and braided my hair, returning to the yard to see Eloise showing Sebastian how she picks the flowers that he'd worked so hard to grow before he left for Hogwarts. If I looked closely enough, I could almost see his eye twitching. But he appeased her and let her create small bouquets.

I smiled, looking down and seeing the twins giggling and grabbing at each other. "They're growing up so fast."

Sebastian looked up at me from his spot on the grass. "They are. Sometimes I wish we could freeze these moments."

"Me too," I whispered, sitting down myself to lean into him.

He tickled the babies toes for a moment then stood up quickly, almost knocking me over.

"I have an idea," Sebastian announced. "I heard there's a little festival going on in Brocburrow, should we spend the day there?"

"A festival? Could be exciting I suppose." I said, excited by the prospect but also nervous about an entire day out with all of our children.

Sebastian grinned. "Great! I heard there's lots to do like markets, music and food, it should be fun. Ellie will love it."

The twins gurgled happily from their mat, as if they were casting their vote in favour of going to the festival.

"Alright, let's get ready then," I said, lifting one of the twins while Sebastian took the other. Eloise skipped ahead.

We quickly gathered what we needed in a bag, nearly packing the entire nursery before we headed out to the floo powder point in Aranshire.

In a puff of green smoke, we arrived in Brocburrow, our noses instantly filled with the enticing aromas of various foods and ears hearing the lively music.

We strolled through the hamlet, a baby in each arm, with Eloise walking in front of us.

A stall with handmade dolls caught her eye and she snuck towards the stall, dragging Sebastian with her.

"Daddy, look! Can we get one?"

Sebastian chuckled. "Of course. Pick the one you like."

While Eloise scanned the stall, admiring the selections and I threw Sebastian a scowl.

"What?" He said, his eyebrows furrowing as I continued to stare him down.

"You can say 'no', you know?"

His face turned to sport a wide grin and he shook his head. "As if I could say no."

I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress a smile. Eloise eventually settled on a doll with vibrant colours and a twirly dress. Sebastian passed over the galleons, and Eloise cradled her new friend with the utmost care, just like she did with her siblings.

"What's your new dolls name?" Sebastian asked, taking her hand in his as we continued to walk.

"Um... Sophie."

"Sophie Sallow? Sounds good. Come on Sophie, let's go see where the music is coming from." He smiled, taking Eloise's hand.

With the doll in tow, we followed the sounds of flutes, gentle drums and guitars.

We ambled towards a small makeshift stage where a band was playing an assortment of instruments. I placed out our blanket, setting up camp for us for a while. Sebastian sat down next to me and Eloise stood in front of him, still holding his hand. The rhythmic beat of drums and the strumming of guitars had Ellie starting to dance to the music, doing twirls and dips.

Once she became dizzy enough, she sat between us and we watched the show all together. Sebastian held Archie in front of him, helping him bear weight on the ground. Archie's face lit up and he laughed, bouncing up and down on his legs, as if he were dancing to the music too.

Emma sat in my lap, watching her younger brother and giving him the same, identical grin he was sporting as she observed him bouncing and smiling.

I thought for a moment that I had done something right in my life to be sitting here and witnessing this.

As the band continued to play and we'd explored the other stalls, the sun finally began its descent, casting a warm and pretty orange glow over the hamlet. The colours of the stalls, the laughter of children, and the chatter of the crowd filled me with even more joy. The music slowed a little and Sebastian looked at Eloise.

"May I have this dance?" Sebastian said, extending a hand out for Ellie.

She smiled, popping her hand in his and the two of them made their way to the grass where many other villagers were dancing.

Archie and Emma sat on my lap, both growing weary as I watched Sebastian and Eloise twirl and sway to the gentle music. She stood on his shoes and he guided her around, their laughter gaining the attention of passersby who couldn't help but smile at them.

As the music dwindled and I noticed all our children's increasing weariness, we decided to call it a day and head back to Aranshire. All three of them fell asleep before we even reached the floo powder point and I watched Sebastian, the skillful father he was, wrangle Ellie over one shoulder and Archie over the other.

They each transferred straight to bed without so much as a stir, leaving Sebastian and I to finally have a moments peace.

I collapsed on the lounge, feeling quite exhausted myself.

"Oh, come on. Have one drink with me before you drift into unconsciousness?" Sebastian moaned, grabbing two glasses from the cupboard and locating his bottle of firewhisky.

"If I must." I groaned, sitting up and propping myself against a cushion.

Sebastian poured a modest amount of firewhisky into each glass, handing one to me before plonking down on the lounge so hard he almost knocked the glass out of my hand.

"To a successful day." He said, holding out his glass for me to clink mine against.

"Successful?" I asked before I committed to cheers-ing to anything.

"Well, we had fun, no one died and we didn't divorce. Successful."

I chuckled. "Fair enough. To a successful day, then."

We clinked our glasses and while I elected to take a sip of the firewhisky, Sebastian downed his whole glass in one swoop.

"Join me, won't you?" He smirked as he poured himself another glass.

"One might think you're trying to get me drunk." I said before screwing up my nose and downing my glass in a similar fashion, though I had to stifle coughs and splutters.


I threw him a glare. "And maybe I don't want to be carried to bed tonight."

Sebastian chuckled. "Well, I had planned on taking you there but I suppose I don't have to carry you."



I felt a warm blush across my cheeks, though I wasn't sure if it was from the alcohol or the suggestive way he was speaking.

Sebastian's eyes darkened as he watched my reaction, the corner of his lip upturning into a grin.

"I'll make sure you can walk," he added with a smirk, pouring another round. "But I can't say the same for a few hours from now."


Once he finished pouring my drink, I downed it again, not even bothering to focus on the burning sensation down my throat before I leaped into Sebastian's lap and crashed my mouth to his.

His own glass knocked from his hand, falling to the rug below with a thump.

"Oh. Should I-" He said, trying to worm his way out from underneath me and clean up the mess.

"Don't you fucking dare."

"Oh. Okay." He gulped.

Ah. So it was going to be like that tonight.

"Since you so graciously offered before, you can carry me to bed now."

Sebastian's eyes widened in surprise, then a slow, delighted smile spread across his face. He seemed more than happy to comply with my request.

"As you wish." he said, effortlessly standing up with me in his arms. I wrapped mine around his neck as he navigated through the living room towards the bedroom.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at how much the act had changed. From once being encouraged to be loud to now tip-toeing through our own house to avoid waking the kids.

He gently pushed the door open and closed it softly behind us before he dropped me down on the bed, leaning over the top of me to press our mouths together once more.

"So, Professor Sallow." I said between soft kisses, a mischievous grin on my lips. "You must be so stressed after teaching all week."

"I- uh, sure?"

I let the smile grow wider on my face and wrapped my legs around his hips, my hands trailing up his arms and around his neck before I flipped him over so I was now on top of him.

"What are you doing?" He chuckled.

"Helping you relieve some stress," I whispered, leaning down to kiss him again.

Sebastian's laughter turned into a moan as my lips met his and I pushed my weight against his waist.

"Do you trust me?" I whispered, sitting up on him a little.

He nodded, almost pathetically and shimmied back a little as if he were submitting himself to me.

"Good." I leaned down, my lips leaving a trail of heated kisses along his neck, stopping every few moments to take a piece of salty, sweaty skin between my teeth and nibble slightly.

Sebastian flinched but didn't stop me, he simply tilted his neck to the side and clenched his teeth. His hands lingered on my waist, squeezing and pinching the skin underneath my skirt every time I clamped down.

I relished the sensation of Sebastian coming undone beneath me, the mix of pleasure and a subtle hint of pain etched on his face. His reactions fueled me further as I continued my exploration, moving my desperate hands lower. I traced the contours of his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his rapid breaths through his shirt that was turning translucent from the drops of sweat beading beneath.

Sebastian's gasped as my fingers traced delicately across his chest, his nipples and I couldn't help but smile at the sweet torment I was inflicting upon him. My fingers danced down his torso, untucking the shirt from his pants and swiftly doing away with the buttons of his shirt. The fabric yielded to my touch quickly, revealing the expanse of his chest, glistening from sweat and entangled in the light dusting of chest hair that became thicker the further down his torso my fingers traced.

I stopped them at the waistband of his pants. "Let's make this more interesting." I suggested, my fingers tracing the fuzz just below his belly button.

"Interesting how?" he asked, cocking and eyebrow.

I smiled and guided his hands above his head, clasping them together. "You'll see," I whispered, my lips brushing against his earlobe.

He shivered as I reached into the pocket of my skirt and collected my wand, pointing it at his wrists and casting the binding charm on him. The ropes snaked around his wrists and found the bedposts. He was completely submitted to me now.

"Too tight?" I asked, making sure he was actually alright with me doing this.

"Could do with a little more to be honest." He smirked.

Ah. He's trying to assert a smidge of dominance here.

I gave my wand one last flick and the binds tightened and he groaned loudly.

"Much better." He grunted.

I went back to where I had left off and undid the button of his pants with a painful and deliberate slowness. I slowly lowered his pants, revealing the bulge straining against his underwear. Sebastian's eyes were locked on mine as I slid the fabric down, exposing his hardened length. His breath hitched as I took a moment to appreciate the sight before continuing my exploration, pulling his pants all the way down and throwing them somewhere across the room.

"I'm feeling awfully naked compared to you." He remarked.

"Ah, you talk like you have any control over that. Behave and be quiet like a good boy and I might lose my blouse."

He groaned and pressed his head back into the mattress, trying his hardest to comply.

My hands traced the lines of his thighs, feeling the heat emanating from his skin. I leaned in, placing gentle kisses along the inside of his thighs, teasingly avoiding the place where he desired me the most. Sebastian squirmed beneath me, his bound hands straining against the restraints.

"You enjoy being in control, don't you?" he commented, his voice almost an octave deeper than normal.

A wicked smile played on my lips as I glanced up at him, "I thought I told you to be quiet?"

I continued my teasing, letting my breath dance across the sensitive skin between his legs, feeling the shivers ripple through Sebastian's body. I flicked my tongue lightly along the edge of his arousal, relishing in the sharp intake of breath that escaped his lips as I collected the transparent beads that were starting to drip down the underside of it.

I peered up at him through my lashes, watching him fight the urges to say something. Anything.

"Good boy." I said, standing up in front of him and slowly undoing the buttons of my blouse. I shrugged it off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor and reached behind me, skillfully unlacing the corset strings and letting it fall down, keeping my eyes locked to his. I dropped to my knees once more and took him in my hand, running a soft finger along the underside, collecting more precum with my digits and placing them in my mouth.

"Ffff...." he muttered, struggling to keep his thoughts contained. But he complied. So I would too.

I let my tongue fall from my mouth and swirled it around the tip, savouring the taste of him. Then slowly, oh so slowly, I began to take more and more and more of him inside until my mouth reached the soft tufts of hair at his base.

His attempts to stifle his moans were futile as I took him deeper, relishing in the primal sounds escaping his lips. He tugged and tugged against the restraints, desperate to push me deeper, grab my hair, anything. But he wasn't allowed.

My fingers dug into his thighs and I continued to take him down the confines of my throat and beyond, leaving tiny crescent moons in the sensitive skin.

His change in breathing was letting me know he was getting close.

But he couldn't come yet. I didn't want him to.

"P-please." His mouth betrayed him, the beg for release pushing past his lips.

I removed my mouth with a pop, a string of saliva stretching from my lips to his cock.

"Not yet. I'm not finished."

I stood up, leaving him on the edge, bound and yearning for more. My fingers traced his body as I walked around the bed, climbing onto it when I reached his head. I knelt before him, hiking up my skirt and slipping down my undergarments tossing them in the ever growing pile of discarded clothing.

His eyes widened even further as I took it upon myself to straddle his chest, the skirt pooling around his throat.

"Well. I imagine you can see where this is going." I said, a filthy smirk on my face.

"I hope I know where it's going." He mumbled back. "Please untie me so I can touch you."

"I'll consider it." I hummed.

I shifted the skirt from my body and slid up on my knees until his hot breath met my dripping centre, desperately craving him.

I lowered myself onto Sebastian's eager mouth, relishing in the warmth and pressure of his tongue that wasted no time trying to please me. Probably to get what he asked for.

"Mmm, fuck..." I mumbled, my hands resting on my own thighs, digging divots into them with my nails.

Sebastian's bound hands strained against the restraints, a feeble attempt to touch and gain some control, but I denied him again. Instead, my fingers moved to thread through his hair, guiding and dictating the pace with tugs and pulls.

He moaned against me, the vibrations of his throat adding an extra layer of bliss to his already immaculate work.

As his tongue lapped every inch of me, his lips stopping to suck on my clit every few licks, I felt the bubbling sensation begin to boil in my stomach.

"God, Sebastian, don't stop." I moaned, my head tilting back as I tugged tighter on his chestnut locks.

"Let me touch you." He begged under my body weight, his deep voice driving me closer and closer. "Let me please you."

I didn't want to give up my game, I was having fun. But I desperately wanted his hands all over me. I reached beside me where I left my wand, fumbling over it through the pleasures his tongue was providing me and barely managed to utter the incantation to remove the binds.

In an instant, his hands flew to grip my arse, squeezing the flesh with a hunger that matched the pace of his tongue. The sudden freedom amplified every sensation and Sebastian's hands explored and claimed every inch of me now they were free

"Fuck, I'm going to..." I moaned, tugging even harder on his hair. "Fuck!"

My thighs trembled, my head fell back and the noises drawn out of my throat mixed with a pile of profanities and his name could hardly be classified as anything human and when the waves of bliss subsided, I fell forward and rolled off him, panting and searching for air.

"You fool, you shouldn't have untied me." He laughed, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"What?" I puffed, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Now it's my turn." He said, sitting up to climb over me.

He grinned down at me as his legs moved to either side of my body, his hands exploring every curve with a hunger that mirrored my own from earlier. Sebastian moved his mouth to my jaw, placing delicate pecks along it that extended down my neck, reaching the dip between my collarbone. He sucked gently, making sure he was leaving his mark on me as his hands traced up to cup a breast each, his thumbs brushing against hardened peaks.

Sebastian's mouth descended further, leaving a trail of wet kisses down the curve of my breasts. His tongue circled each nipple, teasing and taunting, drawing out my pleasure.

"Sebastian." I moaned, my hands gripping the sheets below.

"Nuh-uh. You must stay quiet." He said, removing his mouth from my skin and throwing me the filthiest smirk.

Dirty move! That was my trick!

I sighed and resigned to the fact I wasn't going to win here.

"Good girl." He said, resuming his delicate act of teasing the absolute shit out of me.

His mouth returned to my chest, his intensity growing as he clamped teeth down on one causing me to let out a small yelp that had me clasping a hand over my mouth to appease him and stay quiet.

"I can't wait anymore." He groaned against my skin.

I wanted to answer, but it might have been a trick question.

He smiled at my silence and sat up, quickly flipping me over so I was on my stomach.

"Let's see how you like it." He groaned.

As I went to lift myself up to see what he was talking about, he pushed my head back down into the mattress and collected both my wrists behind me with one hand.


I didn't even get to finish my question before he picked up my wand from the bed and cast the exact same spell on me that I'd done on him before.

"Just how I like you." He said, his hand tracing down my spine delicately.

The power dynamic shifted, leaving me at his mercy. I lay there, my body exposed and vulnerable, ready for whatever he had planned, which is exactly not how I expected this night to go.

He ran his hands lower, over the curve of my buttocks gently before he pressed a hard smack to the left cheek.

"Gah! Sebastian!" I yelled out in shock, writhing under the sting.

Sebastian ignored my questioning and positioned himself behind me, his fingers tracing patterns on my skin, caressing where he'd just left an impressive hand print on my skin to soothe the ache.

Without warning, he entered me, a gasp escaping my lips. The pleasure surged through me, and I bit down on the sheets to stifle any more sounds.

Sebastian was intentionally and painfully slow. He thrusted in and out gently, not even seating himself in fully as he teased me.

"Sebastian... please..." I groaned, completely ignoring his earlier demand to stop talking.

"Please what?" He said, grabbing my hair by the braid and pulling me back so my back was pressed flush against his chest. "What do you want?"

His hot breath in my ear almost had me forgetting I was needing more.


"Hm?" He said, his fingers squeezing the hair bundled between them harder.

"Fuck me harder. Please." I panted, the desperation spilling out of my throat.

He chuckled to himself and dropped me, letting me fall face first into the pillow.

His hands moved to my hips, squeezing hard with every inward thrust.

The sounds of skin slamming against skin echoed through the room, small moans being forced out of me as he buried himself into me completely.

"Fuck..." He moaned, hands leaving my hips.

He traced one up the front of my body, grabbing onto a breast while the other found it's way to my braid again, yanking me backwards so our sweaty skin was pressed together once more. He moaned and panted in my ear, his desperation pushing me closer and closer to my own release.

"You feel so fucking good, love." He groaned, his hand on my breast squeezing hard.

The relentless rhythm of Sebastian's movements pushed me to the brink, I couldn't hold back anymore.

Sebastian's primal groans and desperate words filled the room and I was done. The waves of pleasure built within me, I surrendered to the overwhelming sensations. My body tensed, my entire body trembling as he supported my weight, his name rolling off my tongue like a sweet symphony.

"Say it again, oh god..." He moaned, his own rhythm faltering as he reached his own release.

"Fill me, Sebastian. Come for me." I moaned, beginning to feel the effects of my overstimulation.

That was all the encouragement he needed as he dropped me, his thrusts coming to a slow as hot, thick ropes of release coated my walls and spilled within me.

Exhausted, he rolled onto his back, panting and groaning as he caught his breath.

"Ahem? Forgetting something?" I said, still laying their with my arse in the air and my hands bound.

"Maybe I like you like that." He grinned, turning to face me.

I shot him the look that only a wife knows and he changed his tune real quick, finding my wand and removing the binds from my wrists.

Free from the confines, he pulled back the blankets of the bed and pulled me in, tucking my head onto his chest.

"I love you so much." He mumbled into my hair.

"I love you too." I replied, pressing gentle kisses to his sticky and sweaty chest.

The release of sleep found me easily and we weren't disturbed until deep into the next morning.

"Mummy, I found this. It spilled."

I opened my eyes to see Eloise at the end of our bed holding Sebastian's glass from last night.

Maybe we should have picked it up.


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