Risk // Sebastian Sallow

By orangemochafrapp

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Olive is distraught after the events of her first year attending Hogwarts. Just when she thought things were... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Sunrise
Chapter 3: Crossed Wands
Chapter 4: The Room
Chapter 5: St Mungos
Chapter 6: You Love Her
Chapter 7: The Bet
Chapter 8: Shit Families
Chapter 9: Hungover
Chapter 10: Treasure Hunters
Chapter 11: Date*
Chapter 12: Reconciliation*
Chapter 13: Potions
Chapter 14: Detention*
Chapter 15: The Promise
Chapter 16: I've Never*
Chapter 17: Mandrakes
Chapter 18: Recovery
Chapter 19: Scones
Chapter 20: Jealous Games*
Chapter 21: Confessions
Chapter 22: The Boat House
Chapter 23: Second Date
Chapter 24: Third Date*
Chapter 25: Library*
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: Christmas Pt. 2
Chapter 28: Christmas Pt. 3*
Chapter 29: Fort
Chapter 30: Grovelling
Chapter 31: Goblin Deals
Chapter 32: Gaunt
Chapter 33: Done Deal*
Chapter 34: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 35: Bittersweet
Chapter 36: Sebastian's Return*
Chapter 37: Empty Hourglass
Chapter 38: The Stages of Grief
Chapter 39: The Third Artefact
Chapter 40: Gaunt Manor
Chapter 41: No One Else*
Chapter 42: Realm
Chapter 43: Chivalrous
Chapter 44: Marvolo
Chapter 45: The Heist
Chapter 46: Pain
Chapter 47: Changes
Chapter 48: Big Choices
Chapter 50: The Last Night
Chapter 51: Veela
Chapter 52: New Places*
Chapter 53: Careers
Chapter 54: Space
Chapter 55: All Hallows Eve*
Chapter 56: The Morning After
Chapter 57: End of an Era
Chapter 58: New York
Chapter 59: The Auror Programme
Chapter 60: Learning*
Chapter 61: Letters
Chapter 62: Rebelling
Chapter 63: The Task
Chapter 64: Liberation
Chapter 65: I'm Ready*
Chapter 66: Three Galleons
Chapter 67: Excitement
Chapter 68: Delaying
Chapter 69: Trial
Chapter 70: I Screamed
Chapter 71: Home
Chapter 72: Adjusting
Chapter 73: Eloise's First Day
Chapter 74: Building Bridges
Chapter 75: Rekindling*
Chapter 76: Growing
Chapter 77: Old Names
Chapter 78: Reckless Sebastian
Chapter 79: Deja Vu
Chapter 80: Escape
Chapter 81: Commitments
Chapter 82: Professor
Chapter 83: The Countdown
Chapter 84: The Sallow Home*
Chapter 85: Epilogue
Chapter 86: Epilogue Part 2 - Ominis & Lawson

Chapter 49: The Perfect Day*

1.4K 21 78
By orangemochafrapp

Warning: marital activities ahead (sex, it's sex)

P.S. Strap yourself in, this is almost 7k words 🙃


"Does she know we're coming?" I asked Olive as we made our way to London.

"No. I don't think I want her to. She'd probably lock me out."

"Soooo, why are we paying her a visit then?" I asked.

"Because she's my mother and if I'm getting transferred to another country, I should at least say goodbye to her. No matter how awful she has been to me."

I nodded like I understood what she was saying... but I didn't agree with it.

The trip to Olive's home was slightly uncomfortable. We were told not to leave Hogwarts without an escort and only if it were absolutely necessary. We didn't have an escort and I would argue that this probably wasn't necessary, but when Olive wanted something, there was no changing her mind.

Sounds like someone else I know...

So we walked the streets on the outskirts of London with our hoods over our heads, holding onto each other closely for fear of any stray apparition from unwanted passer-by's.

I was glad Olive know where she was going because I was absolutely lost. I won't lie, I was shocked when she led me up the doorway to a rather charming and well presented town home. The way Olive spoke about her mother, I had assumed she'd lived in squalor. But this had a quaint little garden, well-manicured too and looked immaculate.

Olive's hand in mine tensed as she braced herself to knock on the door.

"You can do it, love." I whispered in her ear, squeezing her hand softly.

She nodded softly and dropped my hand before raising hers to knock. Her knock was gentle. I could tell she was terrified.

The door creaked open, revealing a woman who appeared quite elegant. She looked Olive up and down, looking half surprised and half annoyed.

"Well, well, what a surprise," the woman said coolly. "I wasn't expecting you, Olive."

"I'm sorry this is so random. There's a few things we need to talk about." Olive explained.

The woman furrowed her brows and peered past Olive's shoulder at me before raising an eyebrow.

"Oh. Right. This is Sebastian Sallow. We attend Hogwarts together." Olive explained with a nervous shuffle of her feet.

Her mothers eyes narrowed at me and I could tell she was feeling uncomfortable. From my understanding, magic made her uneasy. So having both a witch and a wizard standing on her doorstep was probably quite confronting.

"Sebastian," she repeated, "Hogwarts... I see. I'm Juliette." Her gaze remained fixed on me for a moment longer before she turned her attention back to Olive.

"Well, come in then. If you've gone through all this trouble to visit, I suppose we should have a conversation." She stepped back to allow us to enter, and Olive led the way inside.

As we stepped inside, the home was presented beautifully. There were photos lining the walls of Olive and a man I could only presume was her father, wedding photos, baby photos, books in every room. If I was completely honest, it felt homely. The decor looked refined, a life that seemed sharply different with the stories Olive had shared about her recent upbringing.

Olive's mother motioned for us to take a seat in the living room. As we settled onto the plush chairs, there was an awkward silence.

"So, what is so important you've had to leave school and interrupt my day for?" She spoke harshly.

"There's a few things. But I suppose the biggest reason is that I am being transferred to a different school." Olive said softly, like she was trying not to overstep the mark.

"What? A different school? Was one magic school not enough for you?" She said sarcastically. Olive winced slightly.

"It's not like that, mum. A lot has happened and it's been decided that for my safety, I need to move... I really needed you this year, mum." Olive said shakily.

Her mother simply raised an eyebrow, inviting her to elaborate as her fingers tapped impatiently on the arm of the lounge.

"I found out. About you. About our family."

Juliette's eyes widened, realising Olive was aware of her family. And the awful things they did to her.

"We're Rosiers, mum. But someone else also knew. A powerful Dark Wizard, a pureblood supremacist. He found out about our ancestors, but he didn't know about dad. It put a target on my back and... and..."

Olive squeezed her eyes closed and when she opened them again, the tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"S... Seb?" She choked out, presumably wanting me to finish the story.

"Uh, she was taken. He had intentions to marry her for her name. We managed to get her back safely, but they have decided she needs to move as a temporary solution." I stepped in and explained with as little detail as I could. I wasn't sure how much Olive wanted me to divulge to her mother.

"Where are you moving?" Juliette's tone seemed to relax slightly, maybe even quiver with an inch of concern though she didn't pry for more details.

"Ilvermorny." Olive said.

"America?" Her mother asked.

I know she didn't like magic so I will admit I was shocked she knew about the school.


There was a brief silence that engulfed the room, the tension fairly obvious. None of us knew what to say next.

"And... I'm going to be changing my name." Olive added, wiping tears with her knuckle.

Juliette's eyes opened even wider, "What? Change your name? Why!? I named you Olive for a reason! I think it's a beautiful name!"

"No, mum. I am still going to be Olive. I'm just... changing my surname."

"And you would abandon your dead fathers name? Just like that?" Juliette's voice was growing angrier.

"I don't want to, mum. I miss father dearly and I wish I could hold onto every bit of his legacy... but if I don't want to be tracked down, this needs to happen."

"So what ridiculous name have you chosen?" Juliette bit back.


Fuck. I guess we are telling her we're engaged then...

"S... Sallow? That's your last name!" She pointed a finger at me accusingly.

"Y-yeah. It is." I stammered.

"Why on Earth are you taking his last name?" She barked.

Olive took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before she spoke.

"Mum, there's a reason behind it. Sebastian and I are engaged," she admitted.

Juliette's eyes widened again, "Engaged? You're getting married? Why on God's green Earth would you make such a decision? You're still so young!"

Olive took a moment to compose herself before responding. "I know it might seem sudden, Mum, but the situation we're in... it's complicated. With the knowledge of our family's history and the threat from that Dark Wizard, Sebastian and I need to take every precaution to protect ourselves."

Juliette crossed her arms, clearly still skeptical. "And changing your last name to Sallow is going to solve all your problems?"

"No. But it helps. We're not just doing this for convenience. Sebastian and I are in love. We suspected we'd always get married eventually, this is just slightly earlier than we thought. I could have just run away and done it and not told you... but you're my mother. I thought I at least needed to let you know." Olive said.

Juliette sunk into the chair, pressing her palms to her temples. "Oh, Edward... what do I do..." she muttered.

"Mum..." Olive extended a hand out for her mother, who reluctantly accepted it.

"I've missed your father so much more since you've been gone... I am so, so lonely, Olive. I know I have been awful to you and I apologise deeply... but I never thought you'd leave me for abroad. I always figured you'd just be there whenever I got my act together and called you home."

Tears welled in Juliette's eyes as she dug her palm into her head harder and harder.

"Oh my sweet girl... I've really messed up, haven't I?"

"No, mum... you haven't..." Olive spoke softly.

"I have. I pushed everybody away after your father died. My friends... my only daughter. And now she's found the comfort I should have provided her in the hardest times of her life with someone else. I am so glad you were there for her, Sebastian. But I should have also been there too. To talk my daughter through experiencing her first love, to..."

She trailed off into sobs. Olive jumped out of her seat and crouched down in front of her. She cupped both of Juliette's hands in her own, stroking the tops of her hands with her thumbs.

"It's alright. You went through something terrible. We can't control how we cope with them. I'm sorry I ended up being magic. I'm sorry dad died. I'm sorry I got engaged and didn't let you know."

Juliette wiped her tears with the back of her hand, "It's not your fault, I understand that now. I don't want to lose my daughter, Olive. And it's clear that you've found someone who loves and supports you."

Olive nodded softly, "You're not losing me, Mum. I'll always be your daughter, no matter where I am. And I'll always need you in my life."

Juliette wiped her tears with the back of her hand, her sobs slowly subsiding. She looked into Olive's eyes, "I'm so proud of the person you've become, Olive. Even though I wasn't there for you in the ways I should have been, you've grown into someone strong, resilient, and full of love."

They hugged. Hard.

I was unsure of my place in all of this, but I was certainly glad Olive had dragged me here to talk it out with her mother. I knew that heading off to America knowing things were patched with her mother would make the decision easier on Olive.

"We're getting married tomorrow. If you want to come." Olive said into her mothers shoulder.

Juliette pulled Olive back and her eyes widened in surprise. "Tomorrow?"

Olive nodded. "We have to get it done before we leave next week."

Juliette wiped away another tear and smiled back at Olive. "I'll be there. Do you have a dress?"

"Um, no. I hadn't even considered that." Olive uttered.

Juliette nearly damn well threw Olive off the chair, leaping to her feet. "Come! I have something to show you!"

I debated whether to get up too, but I was directed to stay put by Olive and not go anywhere near the pair. Secret womens business I suppose.

Olive went off, dragged upstairs by her mother, leaving me alone and bored.

I paced around the room for a short while, admiring their shelves lined with tonnes of books. They were all muggle books, naturally, but there were loads of titles I hadn't seen before. I couldn't say fiction was my preferred choice in a book, but I'd read anything to be honest. But amongst the books, there was one labelled 'Olive Emmeline Raywood.' I took it from the shelf and opened it carefully and curiously. Inside, I found a collection of letters, photographs, and other memories. As I leafed through the pages, I realised that this was a scrapbook of Olive's life. From her birth and early childhood, right up until her father died.

The pages were filled with handwritten notes from Juliette with wishes for her life, along with pictures of Olive's first steps, birthdays and every other achievement. Tucked right in the very back page, a folded up bit of paper that had been previously scrunched before being straightened back out and slipped inside.

Her Hogwarts letter.

The care and dedication that went into creating that scrapbook was obvious with every little detail. It was clear the Raywood's loved their daughter very much and losing her father was the moment that shattered their family. But I smiled, being able to catch of glimpse of the childhood of the woman I love and just how deeply she was loved.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise how much time had passed until I heard footsteps approaching. Quickly placing the scrapbook back on the shelf, I turned to see Olive and her mother returning. They both had bright smiles on their faces, Olive holding a large bag under her arm.

"Snooping around, were you?" Olive teased.

I flushed slightly, feeling caught. "I... um, I was just looking at your books. Sorry."

"Don't apologise dear. You found her baby book." Juliette's face lit up in a smile.

She walked over and picked up the scrapbook, cradling it in her hands. "We started this when she was born, I suppose I got slack when her father died. But perhaps we can keep adding to it, starting with tomorrow. I'll be sure to bring the camera."

Olive stood next to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, sighing deeply. She mouthed a soft 'thank you' at me as we watched her mothers face light up.

We left not long after, eager to get back to Hogwarts and under the safety of the wards, which we managed to do unscathed, though we did cop a hefty scolding from Ominis. And Olive had suddenly decided she wanted to be traditional, not showing me the contents of the bag she brought with her. And choosing to sleep apart.

Bloody societal expectations.


"Get up, groom. You need to get ready." Ominis chirped, throwing back the curtains I'd drawn on my bed to try and stop everyone else from waking up from my tossing and turning all night.

"Now?" I groaned, dragging my hands down my face.

"Yes. She's already been up and moving for an hour. You better try and look at least half as good as her." Ominis said, tossing my sheets off me.

Thank god I chose to wear pants last night...

I'm not quite sure what I was supposed to do differently that required so much time... I certainly didn't have to spend hours doing my hair. Surely she'd only expect me to wash it?

So I showered and made sure to scrub every inch of skin, making sure I was squeaky clean. I even made my daily trip to Nurse Blainey early so my dressing was fresh too.

And then I had to wait.

And waiting was excruciating. I had already gotten dressed in my best suit and fiddled with my tie, adjusted my collar, then checked my reflection in the mirror at least six times. My heart was pounding.

"Is it 10am yet?" I asked Ominis, fiddling with my hair for the 6th time that hour.

"It's close enough. Should we head off?" He confirmed.

"Yeah. I can't bare to sit here another minute." I groaned.

We made our way out to the gardens, perfectly manicured. It was also the first time I'd seen the weather. It was a beautiful day. Clear blue skies, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves, and sunlight dancing on the grounds. Highly unusual for Scotland, but I was glad the weather decided to behave.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart as I saw our very few guests gather around. Imelda and Ominis stood together, both beaming as their best friends were about to get married. It made me smile to see Ominis come around to the idea. I had heard he gave Olive quite a hard time about it, thinking it was just to save us from his brother, but I suppose we'd convinced him otherwise.

A silence fell upon everyone as I felt my heart jump into my throat. I knew Olive was approaching. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, unable to stand still, my eyes glued to the garden bed before me.

And then, there she was.

Olive emerged from around a corner of the garden, her arm linked with her mother's. My breath caught in my chest as I took in the sight of her. She was absolutely breathtaking. Her wedding gown flowed so gracefully as she walked. It was so Olive. It was delicate and lacy with a flowy silhouette, the sleeves draped off her shoulders, cascading down her arms. It was beyond anything I ever imaged her wearing, but it was so perfect for her.

Her eyes met mine, and in that moment, every nervous feeling seemed to fade away. All the uncertainty, all the anxiety, it all melted away as I locked eyes with the woman I was about to marry.

As she reached me, her mother gently released her arm, and she stood before me. I held out my shaky hand, and she placed hers in mine, and I felt myself instantly calm.

"You look beautiful." I whispered, fighting the urge to kiss her there and then.

"Shh. I'll cry this makeup off." She whispered, throwing me a smile of her own.

The ceremony began, and I hardly heard anything that was going on around me until I heard my name called, formed as a question.

"Seb... vows." Olive squeezed my hands to bring me back to reality.

"Oh. Right."

I shifted my feet and cleared my throat, locking my eyes back onto Olive's gorgeous green ones, the one's that have captivated me since the day I first spoke to her in our common room.

"Olive, from the moment we met, you've brought the missing light and laughter back into my life. You've shown me what it means to truly care for someone, to stand by them no matter what happens. The good and the bad. And I promise to do the same for you. I promise to be your partner in all things, to support you, to listen to you, and to always have your back. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when we're laughing together and when we're facing challenges. With you, I've found a family I never had, somewhere I truly belong. And I can't wait to build upon the life we've only just started to create together. I love you."

Olive's eyes filled with tears as she smiled at me, and it took all my willpower not to tear up myself. Yet.

"Are you alright, love?" I asked, as she let go of one of my hands and dabbed her eyes with her index finger.

"Yeah... I'm amazing." She smiled softly before taking a deep breath, to say her own vows.

"Sebastian... I used to think that life was about finding yourself, about figuring out who you are and what you want. But then you came into my life, and I realised that life is about so much more than that. It's about finding that person who helps you discover all of that and even more. From the moment we met, I felt this deep pull towards you that I couldn't explain. And as I got to know you, it grew stronger and stronger and I finally realised it was because you are my soul mate. You've shown me what it means to love and to be loved. You've stood by me through every tear, every laugh, every emotional outburst. You've seen me at my lowest and still loved me with every inch of your heart, and for that, I thank you. I promise to love you every single day. I promise to listen to every ridiculous idea you come up with and explain to you gently why it's not a good idea. I promise to cherish every moment we have together, to laugh with you, to cry with you, and deal with everything that comes our way holding your hand. With you, I've found my forever, and I can't wait to continue our story together. I love you."


I couldn't keep my tears back any longer, and I let them fall, sliding down my cheeks as I looked at the woman who had just poured her heart out to me.

Ominis passed me the rings, ones I'd paid Lucan Brattleby to go and pick up yesterday to surprise Olive. He did so well, I even tipped him a few extra knuts for his troubles.

With trembling hands, I took Olive's left hand in mine and slid the delicate gold ring that matched the existing one onto her finger. It fit perfectly, as if it had always belonged there. And then it was her turn to slide the ring onto my finger. She gentle as she tapped it in place on my hand. I took a moment to flex my fingers and get a feel for the ring nestled on my ring finger, eliciting a small laugh from our attendees.

"It feels weird, alright?" I defended myself to everyone.

Finally, we were pronounced as husband and wife. Now was the time. I could finally kiss her. And she was my wife.

I pulled her in towards me by the waist and slid one hand to cup her cheek. Her hands traveled to my own waist as I finally pressed my lips to hers, our tears mingling as our kiss deepened. Claps and small cheers erupted from our small group of witnesses and Olive let out a laugh in the form of a puff of air that blew my hair out of place. It broke our kiss and I joined her in her laughter, turning to face everyone.

Hand in hand, Olive and I walked back down the aisle together. As we reached the end of the aisle, I couldn't help but peer across at Olive. Her eyes were shining, she was beaming with joy and bore a wide grin. It was hard to believe she was now my wife. She agreed to marry me. Though, I'll never understand why.

Professor Weasley had heard of our nuptials and organised a private area of the garden to enjoy a few hours together with everyone to celebrate. She'd organised the elves to bring food and drinks out and we settled into the garden surrounded by friends and family.

Olive's mum even offered to take some photos of us with each other and everyone using her box camera.

I was so fucking grateful Olive managed to mend the relationship with her mother before that day. She was so blissfully happy. I would never tell her that it made me sad watching her and Juliette. I missed Anne and my parents so much. More than any other day in my life.

As the food dwindled, we bid farewell to everyone, leaving them to do whatever the fuck they wanted to do. I had a wife to attend to now. I pushed Olive through her goodbyes quickly, eager to get a moment alone with her.

After a teary farewell with her mum, I finally managed to drag Olive away and pulled her quickly through the castle. It was fairly quiet being a Saturday evening, but those who did see us threw quite strange looks our way. It wasn't everyday you saw two eighteen year old's running through a magic castle in wedding attire. But I ignored them, finally reaching where I wanted to take her.

The door to the Room of Requirement opened for me and when I pushed it open, it was unlike anything I had seen before. It had transformed itself into a honeymoon suite.

The room was filled with soft, warm candles, the air giving of a gentle aroma of florals and a plush king-sized bed adorned with rose petals stood in the center of the room.

Olive's eyes widened as she took in the extravagant room. "Seb, how did you...?"

"I don't even know." I laughed, struggling to take in the sight myself.

When I peered to my left, there was a soft, plush chaise lounge with a small table in front and two wine glasses. Lucky I had come prepared knowing the room didn't conjure food.

"Ah, here's something I prepared earlier." I said, pulling a bag from the corner like it was a magic trick. I'd collected a bottle of red wine, strawberries and chocolate. The most romantic shit I could think of.

"Wow. You were prepared." Olive laughed.

She threw her body down on the lounge and sunk into it, letting out a deep breath. I poured two glasses of the wine and joined her, passing one across.

"Did you have to get red? I'm in a white dress!" She exclaimed.

"Mmm. White does look good on you I must say." I said, clinking our glasses together.

Olive grinned and took a sip of the wine, her eyes never leaving mine. "Smooth talker, aren't you?"

I chuckled, feeling the warmth of the wine beginning to spread through me. "Just speaking the truth."

We leaned back on the lounge, relishing in the moment, finally alone with my wife.

I'll never get sick of calling her that.

"More wine?" I asked, topping up her glass.

"Be careful, one might think you're trying to get me drunk, Mr. Sallow." She laughed, though she allowed me to continue filling it up.

"And what's wrong with getting the new Mrs. Sallow utterly wasted, huh? I'd say this is the perfect time."

She frowned at me before downing her drink quickly and slamming her glass on the table.

"So, when did you get the rings? You haven't left me or Ominis' side since you left the hospital." She quizzed me, resting her elbow on the back on the lounge.

"One of our biggest match makers may have done me a little favour."

She cocked an eyebrow at me, inviting me to elaborate.

"Alright, I paid Lucan to go pick them up for me." I admitted.

She stifled back a deep laugh and shook her head.

"What?" I laughed back.

"Nothing. I suppose we owe Lucan then." She smirked.

"I said I paid him! What more does he need?"

Our laughs softened until we were sat in front of each other, simply enjoying each others presence. My fingers caressed the bottom of the dress, feeling the lace between my fingers.

"You really did look beautiful today. Is this what you took from your mums?" I asked, bundling a bit more of the fabric in my hands.

"It sure is. It was mums dress. It fit me like a glove, like I was meant to wear it." She said, her head dipping slightly. "I did miss dad a lot today. I'm so grateful mum was there but... it should have been him walking me down the aisle to you."

"I know. It has been hard. I missed my parents but, I missed Anne the most. She was your biggest fan. She'd probably be shaking her head questioning how I even managed to convince you to marry me."

I shifted closer to Olive, placing a gentle hand on her cheek, my thumb brushing away a stray tear. "I think they were there in spirit, Olive. They would have been so happy for us."

Olive nodded and poured herself one more glass of wine, this time sipping it a bit more delicately. "To us. And to our parents and Anne." She said, holding out the glass.

I clinked mine against hers as we sipped, thinking fondly of the ones we loved most who couldn't be there.

She nestled into my arms and wrapped herself around my waist, listening to my heart beat.

"I love you so much, Seb." She said into my chest.

"And I love you too. Olive. My wiiiiife."

"That isn't going to get super annoying fast, is it?" She rolled her eyes, lifting her head up to meet mine.

"Nope. And you can't return me now. It's too late. You're my... wiiiiiiife."

"Oh for Merlin's sake." She rolled her eyes and pressed her mouth to mine, pulling me in deeply by my neck.

Something told me she just wanted me to shut the fuck up. But that was fine. Because it meant I was kissing my... wiiiiiife.

She pulled herself up slowly, lifting the dress and swinging her leg over me so she was sitting on me. Well, attempting to. The dress was rather large at the bottom and was gathering in all the wrong places.

I needed to get rid of it.

Without pulling our mouths apart, my fingers worked the buttons of her dress, one by one. Her lips pressed against mine hungrily, like we were both starved. I loosened the dress enough to slide it down her shoulders and she sat up on her knees to allow me to slide it down her body enough for her to pull each of her legs out one by one.

She leaned down to capture my lips once again, her hands exploring my suit, scrambling to undo buttons and get me as naked as she was. With deft fingers, the buttons gave way quickly and she explored my chest and abdomen. As her fingertips danced over my skin, avoiding the brand-spanking new dressing I'd had changed just for her, I felt a growing ache between us that couldn't be ignored for much longer.

I quickly flipped us over so that I was now hovering above her, our bodies pressed tightly together. I slipped my jacket, vest and shirt off with one motion, leaving nothing but my tie that I tugged looser and looser until I could slip it over my head. I brought my face back down to meet hers, our lips meeting once more.

I left her lips and kissed a trail down her neck, nipping and sucking at the delicate skin there. Her soft moans spurred me on as I trailed my fingers down her torso, feeling the rapid rise and fall of her chest.

"Sebastian," she whispered. 

I captured her lips once more, my hand sliding between us to find the heat pooling between her thighs. The fabric of her lingerie was damp, and I slipped a finger beneath the lace, making her gasp and arch her back off the bed.

"All this and I've barely touched you," I commented, relishing in the soft and gentle moans I was earning from her.

With a wicked smile, I dipped my head lower, trailing a path of soft, lingering kisses along her collarbone and down the gentle slope of her breasts, kissing on top of the delicate, lacy bra she'd worn to match her undergarments. I arched her back with one hand and undid the bra with another, discarding it to the side and running a hand across the perfect mounds before I continued kissing down her abdomen, reaching the waistband of her underwear. Gritting my teeth, I pulled them down, revealing just how fucking wet she was for me. Fuck. It was hot.

I took it upon myself to not tear this particular pair of underwear. I wanted to keep these ones, it was clear she'd selected these just for tonight.

With the undergarments discarded, I let my mouth finally explore what it was searching for, nestling my head perfectly between her thighs.

My mouth descended upon her, absolutely famished and my tongue tracing the lines of her inner thighs before finding its way to her core. Her gasps and moans filled the air and I reveled in the sweet taste of her, the way she quivered and writhed beneath my mouth.

As my tongue finally danced over her, I slipped two fingers inside, feeling her walls clench around me at the intrusion. I traced perfect circles on her clit with my thumb as my fingers worked skillfully together, her breathing to become shallow and hitched.

Her cries grew louder as I picked up my pace, her fingers gripping the sheets in a white-knuckled hold as she teetered on the brink.

With every flick of my tongue, every curl of my fingers, I brought her closer to the edge, until she shattered with a cry of my name that echoed through the air. She rode the waves of pleasure, her body trembling as I gently eased her down.

As her breathing gradually slowed, I moved up her body, capturing her lips again, letting her taste her own arousal.

"Sebastian," she whispered as she caught her breath, "I want to feel you, all of you."

My eyes widened at her sudden directness and I lifted her into my arms. I carried her to the bed, the soft sheets offering a welcomed coolness against our heated bodies. Gently, I laid her down, my eyes never leaving hers as I climbed atop her again.

She reached a hand down between us and I flinched as her hand brushed against the hardness threatening to bust through my pants. She deftly undid the button and shrugged my trousers and underwear down, my hardness springing free. I kicked off my pants the rest of the way and pressed our bodies together once more.

Our lips met as her fingers traced the contours of my chest. As our mouths continued to move together my hand found its way between us, guiding my length to her entrance. I slicked myself against her a few times, gathering the delicious mix of her and my mouth. Gently, so gently, I eased myself into her, groaning loudly at the sensation I had so dearly missed. She let out a deep, breathy moan, her back arching to meet my hips.

"Fuck, you always feel so amazing." I grunted as I began to pump myself slowly in and out of her.

Her nails raked down my back as I quickened my pace with each inward thrust until I was literally pounding her. I sat up slightly and grabbed the bed frame to steady myself, our hips colliding again and again in pure bliss.

"Oh... my... god...Se... bas... tian..." She cried out, unable to get out more than one syllable between each thrust.

My name rolling off her tongue had me feeling the bubbling urge in my belly. But not yet. I wasn't coming until she did again.

I quickly pulled myself out of her, earning a slight whimper from Olive. She looked pissed off when I'd jumped off the bed and walked over to my discarded clothing. But I didn't say a word. I collected my tie and approached her again, yanking her hips and turning her to face the tall post on the four-poster bed frame. I knelt in front of her and bound her wrists together before pulling the tie around the post, securing her firmly in place. She shifted against the tie, testing the restraints.

"Sebastian..." she murmured.

I didn't answer her, instead I leaned down, pressing a kiss to the nape of her neck, my teeth grazing her sensitive skin. A soft moan escaping her as I continued my exploration, mapping out every single inch of her skin with my lips and tongue.

My hand trailed down her back, fingers dipping between her thighs to find her slick and eager for my touch again. I began to circle around her entrance, feeling her pulse against my fingers. Her hips moved toward my hand, almost pleading for me. But with her hands bound, she was helpless. She was under my control.

I shifted closer, my hardness brushing against her thigh as my fingers continued their exploration, teasing and circling until she was literally panting.

But I finally obliged, I positioned myself at her entrance once more, pressing my length against her slick folds. She arched her back, offering herself to me and with a deep, guttural moan, I pushed into her again, leaving us both gasping.

My hands found her hips, fingers digging into her soft flesh as I set a rough rhythm.

Her cries grew louder, mingling with my own desperate moans as I felt her walls clenching around me, telling me that her climax was approaching. I quickened my pace, eager to finally push us both to the edge.

"Sebastian," she cried out.

I held onto her hips with a bruising grip, my own control slipping as I felt her walls pulsating around me. With a final, powerful thrust, I pushed her over the edge, her body trembling as she shattered once again.

The sight of her unraveling beneath me was my undoing, my own release crashing over me as I groaned her name again and again as I spilled my seed within her, nearly collapsing on top of her.

As our breathing slowly returned to normal, I carefully untied her, allowing her to turn and face me. I pulled her into my arms and sunk us down into the bed, slipping her delicately under the covers.

I laid delicate kisses over her sweaty head, tucking stray hairs behind her ear until she drifted off into a well-earned slumber safely in my arms.

"I love you. Wife." I whispered into her ear, finally allowing sleep to take me too.

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