Reborn for you [ff - Kinnpors...

By Devilananya5904

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Kinn : don't leave me please Porsche: I will back for you Do you ever think, PROMISES that we make in love c... More

Reborn for you (ff: kinnporche)
Author's note
chapter ---1
Chapter --2
Chapter - 3(jealousy)
chapter - 4(first kiss)
chapter - 5(best birthday gift)
chapter - 6(protecting you)
chapter - 7 (Reborn for you)
Chapter - 8 (Family meeting)
chapter - 9 (first meeting)
Chapter -10(As a professor)
chapter -11(friend's support)
chapter -12(Nightmare)
chapter -13(marriage proposal)
chapter-14(confusion clearance)
chapter-15(Freshers party)
chapter-16 (let me court you)
chapter-17(promise to protect)
chapter-18(give up on you)
chapter-20(you are mine)
chapter -21 (Boyfriends)
chapter - 22 (Glimpse of past)
chapter -23(Misunderstanding)
chapter - 24(Birthday)
Chapter - 25(Decision)
chapter -26 (past life memories)
chapter -27 (Mysterious man)
chapter - 28(ex-lover)
chapter-29 (change in feelings)
chapter -31 (Manipulate)
chapter - 32 (not a replacement)
chapter - 32 (Danger)
Chapter - 33 (sweet moments)
New story
chapter - 34 (kidnapped)
chapter - 35 (revealation)
chapter - 36 (history repeat)
chapter - 37(Missing you Kinn)
chapter - 38(Trauma)
chapter - 39 (flashback -1)
chapter - 40 (flashback 2)
chapter - 41 (wedding)
chapter - 42 (Panick attack)
chapter - 44(best birthday gift)
chapter - 45 (Triplets)

chapter - 43 (First night)

1.3K 56 44
By Devilananya5904




Two months later !!......

In a award venue!!

Kinnporsche, Kinn's parents, Porsche's parents, Kimchay, Vegas Pete, armpol  are sitting for award ceremony of Kinn. Host announce Kinn's name as No. 1 businessman of the year, smile of proud come on everyone's face. Porsche hold his hand while signing him congratulations. Kinn smile while putting hand on his hand get up from his seat go on stage.

Kinn: (to host with smile) if you don't mind I want to take this award from my wife......

Porsche become shocked listening him, tears of happiness brimmed in his eyes seeing his love for himself . Host happily agreed and call Porsche. Porsche get up while smiling in tears being overwhelmed......

Porsche come toward Kinn who is already looking at him with love filled eyes. He give him award. All claps hand adoring their love.....

Kinn : (smilingly) he is my wife, my backbone who always remain beside me in every time. He is the biggest strength of my life. People says human take birth once but he gave me a second life. He bring me out of darkness. He is my light, my lifeline I love you Mrs Pachara Anakinn theerapanyakul....

Porsche smile in tears being overwhelmed by his words.

Kinn : (in complaint tone) but I just
don't like one thing that he always become emotional whenever I say something.

Porsche : (complete his sentence) tears come in my eyes because your every words touch my heart. and only you can make me smile in tears together. (Kinn smile shook head unbelievably and hug himvwhile, Porsche hug him back smilingly)......

Host: (on mike) there is one more award of youngest businessman of the year who achieved this award in such a small time period and the person is Mr Pachara Anakinn theerapanyakul......

Porsche become stunned listening this. Kinn smile proudly listening it looks at Porsche who is looking at him while smilingly being stunned. Host give award to Kinn. Kinn take happily forward to Porsche, he smile happily while taking his first award from Kinn. Porsche wrap arms around his neck After getting award. Kinn hug him back. All clap hands Seeing their love....

Host insist Porsche to speak something about his success.....

Porsche : (while holding mike) I just wanna say one thing that usually all says there is a women behind every men 's success but behind my success It's my husband's efforts who didn't let me down. In every situation he remain beside me. And that's why I am here and I am feeling top of the world while receiving my first award from my husband. I love you Kinn. ( hug him emotionally, Kinn hug him back kiss on his hair, all adore their love).......


At Night!

In Kinnporsche's Room!!

Porsche enters in the room while calling Kinn's name but find all dark turn to switch on lights but amused to see lights on automatically. Porsche becomes stunned seeing scenario of the room. Everything is decorated beautifully with flowers and Candle. He see bed which is decorated beautifully with flower.

Porsche smile shyly while understanding what is coming for him and looks around for finding Kinn but his breath hitched when he feel hand on his waist. He smile shyly. Kinn looks at him intensely make him turn toward himself......

Kinn : (while holding his chin) are you ready for the next level of our marriage??......

Porsche : (while smilingly shyly) I waited for this only Kinn.......

Kinn smile intensely cups his face lovingly. Porsche looks at him whose eyes showing love, desires for him unable to meet his intense eyes. He lowers his eyes and turn but Kinn stop him while holding his hand......

Kinn hug him from back while holding his petite waist. Porsche close eyes feeling his hot breath on his neck. He kiss on his neck.

Porsche push him aside slide door which is in his room . They have Swimming pool attached to their room. He go toward swimming pool area while breathing heavily feeling his heart is beating fast......

Kinn is looking at him intensely with love filled eyes.

Kinn come behind him hold his hand trace hand over his bare arms  sensually make him insane by his intense touch. Porsche put head on his broad chest while moving in his arm. Kinn is moving together with him.......

Suddenly rain start falling make them drenched.....

Porsche : Kinn ! It's raining come inside. ( move to go but Kinn hold his hand pulls him closer to himself . He directly land on his broad chest)......

Rain are falling on them making their desires strong. Kinn put hand on his waist pulls him closer to him with jerk. Porsche wrap arm around his neck while looking at him intensely. Kinn start moving with him while dancing. Porsche put head on his chest......

Kinn lift him through waist make him twirl all around. Porsche is smiling happily in his arm.

Kinn put him down trace hand over his bare wet waist inside his shirt . Porsche close eyes feeling him. Kinn make him turn put hand on his stomach pinch sensually make his breath uneven. He kiss on his neck drinking water of Rain which making them aroused.....

He kissing Porsche's neck. He kissing, sucking, drinking water from his neck . Porsche is holding his shirt to control his moans by his intense touch feeling himself blessed.

Kinn open his shirt's button make Porsche shocked and blushed hard. He put hand on his chest and trace hand on his chest while kissing he put hand on his buds and circled it with his thumb make him shocked. Porsche is feeling himself melting in his arm, feeling highly shy he turn but Kinn remove his shirt completely leaving him in only is trouser. make him blushed. He looks at Kinn while breathing heavily putting hand on his body. Kinn looks at his naughtily......

Kinn come near him in his arm while looking at him intensely. Porsche is looking at him with same passion and love. He make Porsche lay on bed and come on him. Porsche side his face with shyness feeling him above himself. Kinn smile seeing his shy smile. Both are completely drenched in water, clothes are sticking to their body which increasing their desires to become each other's. Kinn is looking at him intensely seeing this Porsche blush.....

Kinn remove his shirt make Porsche close eyes feeling shy.....

He bend towards his neck and kiss on his neck softly make Porsche close eyes in pleasure. He start kissing his neck lovingly yet passionately take his skin start sucking his soft skin passionately. Porsche is feeling pleasure with little pain. He hold kinn's arm bite his lips to control his moans......

Kinn stop kissing his neck cups his face kneel towards him. Porsche close eyes caress his hairs in positive sign make him smile at his sweet gesture put his lips over his start smooching his lips passionately. Porsche kissing him back while ruffling his hairs make him more wild while kissing Kinn start tracing his finger on his bare stomach make him shiver by his intense touch slowly while kissing he put hand on his navel kissing him passionately.

Kinn broke kiss when out of breath unbuttoned his trousers' button, touch him sensually. while looking at him intensely.

Kinn smile seeing him blushing come on him bite his earlobe make him moan in pain. He suck his earlobe to reduce the pain make him moan in pleasure go down kiss on his chest make him breathing heavily by his intense touch over him. Kinn touch his stomach , kiss on it lick his navel which sends shiver in both 's body........

Kinn bent down kiss on his feet lovingly. Porsche close eyes in pleasure by his husband. He remove his trousers leaving him only in boxer, kiss his legs sensually make him moan in pleasure , again come on him , kiss on his lips passionately while twisting his buds sensually...

Soon he discharge Porsche's clothes and his , make themselves bare to each other......

Kinn : (asked touching his lips passionately with finger while kissing his neck) are you ready to become mine Porsche??......

Porsche : (smiling in tears ) I am all yours Kinn. I want to become your's in all sense......

Kinn smile seeing him , put his lips over his smooching his lips softly,  set his manhood on his creased hole soon enter inside him with a jerk make him cry in pain. Porsche is crying in pain seeing him like this Kinn is feeling bad......

Kinn : should I stop?.....(Porsche nod no while trying to smile in tears toward him).....

Porsche : I want to become your completely. Please make me your's......

Kinn smile seeing his unconditional love for him start kissing his neck to calm him,  soon his pain vanish when he adjusted to his size. Kinn start thrusting inside him slowly and deeply,  Porsche moans in pain and pleasure feeling himself complete with his love. Today he become kinn's in all sense......

Whole night both made love to each other passionately.....


6 months passed!!.....

In washroom!!

Porsche is sitting on the bed and looking at the pregnancy kit with teary eyes as which shows negative. This is the fifth time , he checked his pregnancy in these 3 months.......

Porsche : It's has been 6 months! Still I am unable to conceive.!! ( crying putting hand on his mouth to stop her voice).....

Porsche calm himself and come out where Kinn already waiting for him ask through eyes. Porsche nod no to him looking down hiding his tears. Kinn feels bad take sigh looks at his teary eyes feels more bad. He come near him , hug him. Porsche burst in tears start crying in his arm.

Kinn : (with wet eyes) calm down Porsche! Just have faith in God. Everything will be alright!....

Porsche : when Kinn, when?? Already we passed 5 months of my treatment and  still I am unable to conceive. Doctor also told it's has very less chance for me to conceive.....(crying)....

Kinn : less chance! He didn't said you have no chance remained! Porsche! Have faith in God and be positive so what if we again got negative. Next time you will surely conceive.......

Porsche : (teary eyes) I am loosing my hope Kinn...

Kinn : (breaking hug cups his face) then have faith in me and I know you will never lose your hope in me!!.....

Porsche nod yes emotionally hug him. Kinn kissed his hairs lovingly and wipes his own tears......

Six months passed, still Porsche can't be able to conceive. They consult to doctor about this after the first month of their consummation. Doctor does some tests of both of them then told them that Porsche can't be able to conceive because of the side-effects of those anti-depression pills that he tooks from passed 3 years.........

Doctor suggested them some treatment for Porsche but it takes time but still he is not sure that Porsche can conceive or not because there is very less chances for him to conceive. Kinn agreed for the treatment as he believes in God and Porsche but Porsche hesitate what if results is still negative, he can't see kinn's sad and disappoint face. Porsche always blamed himself and regrets for taking those anti-depression pills, Kinn makes him understand that it's not his fault and doctor also told him that there's still some chances for them to become parents.......





A/N : Never leave those people alone who is suffering from stress, fear or anxiety because that leads them to depression. In these times , it's become very common in youngters. They needs only love and peaceful environment. If they didn't get it from their parents, friends or family that pressurized them to take anti-depression pills. We all know that if one thing has good side then it's has their negative side too. Anti- depression pills can make your mind weak and also developed infertility or sterilization . So please be happy and stay safe. Don't take stress about those things that going to happen in future because you can't control it and never look back into past because you can't change it . So , live in present and live your life fully🤗🤗.......

Words - 2061

See you in next chapter.....

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I'm very sorry to those reader who waits for my other stories update....🙏💚💛....

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