Risk // Sebastian Sallow

By orangemochafrapp

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Olive is distraught after the events of her first year attending Hogwarts. Just when she thought things were... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Sunrise
Chapter 3: Crossed Wands
Chapter 4: The Room
Chapter 5: St Mungos
Chapter 6: You Love Her
Chapter 7: The Bet
Chapter 8: Shit Families
Chapter 9: Hungover
Chapter 10: Treasure Hunters
Chapter 11: Date*
Chapter 12: Reconciliation*
Chapter 13: Potions
Chapter 14: Detention*
Chapter 15: The Promise
Chapter 16: I've Never*
Chapter 17: Mandrakes
Chapter 18: Recovery
Chapter 20: Jealous Games*
Chapter 21: Confessions
Chapter 22: The Boat House
Chapter 23: Second Date
Chapter 24: Third Date*
Chapter 25: Library*
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: Christmas Pt. 2
Chapter 28: Christmas Pt. 3*
Chapter 29: Fort
Chapter 30: Grovelling
Chapter 31: Goblin Deals
Chapter 32: Gaunt
Chapter 33: Done Deal*
Chapter 34: Wishful Thinking
Chapter 35: Bittersweet
Chapter 36: Sebastian's Return*
Chapter 37: Empty Hourglass
Chapter 38: The Stages of Grief
Chapter 39: The Third Artefact
Chapter 40: Gaunt Manor
Chapter 41: No One Else*
Chapter 42: Realm
Chapter 43: Chivalrous
Chapter 44: Marvolo
Chapter 45: The Heist
Chapter 46: Pain
Chapter 47: Changes
Chapter 48: Big Choices
Chapter 49: The Perfect Day*
Chapter 50: The Last Night
Chapter 51: Veela
Chapter 52: New Places*
Chapter 53: Careers
Chapter 54: Space
Chapter 55: All Hallows Eve*
Chapter 56: The Morning After
Chapter 57: End of an Era
Chapter 58: New York
Chapter 59: The Auror Programme
Chapter 60: Learning*
Chapter 61: Letters
Chapter 62: Rebelling
Chapter 63: The Task
Chapter 64: Liberation
Chapter 65: I'm Ready*
Chapter 66: Three Galleons
Chapter 67: Excitement
Chapter 68: Delaying
Chapter 69: Trial
Chapter 70: I Screamed
Chapter 71: Home
Chapter 72: Adjusting
Chapter 73: Eloise's First Day
Chapter 74: Building Bridges
Chapter 75: Rekindling*
Chapter 76: Growing
Chapter 77: Old Names
Chapter 78: Reckless Sebastian
Chapter 79: Deja Vu
Chapter 80: Escape
Chapter 81: Commitments
Chapter 82: Professor
Chapter 83: The Countdown
Chapter 84: The Sallow Home*
Chapter 85: Epilogue
Chapter 86: Epilogue Part 2 - Ominis & Lawson

Chapter 19: Scones

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By orangemochafrapp

"Olive, are you ready to go back to Hogwarts?" One of the more kinder healers asked me later in the afternoon.

I nodded and she helped me lift myself out of the bed, though my stomach was screaming at me to stop and get back into the bed.

They travelled me via some really weird suitcase thing to avoid me feeling the tug and pull of the apparition and I managed to get back to the hospital wing and into the cold, not very comfortable bed with not too much pain.

"Rest up, Miss Raywood. I'm glad you're alright." Nurse Blainey spoke as she finished her rounds before returning to her little room off the side.

Just as I thought I could close my eyes and finally rest, I heard the rustling of something coming through the door and frantic footsteps approaching.

They ceased and I knew whoever it was, was now standing right by my bedside.

"I'm not asleep." I mumbled, keeping my eyes closed.

"Then open your eyes."

I obeyed and turned my head to my right to see a wildly disheveled looking Sebastian presenting me with what seemed to be a hand picked bundle of flowers. My eyes widened as I admired the various colours and greenery he'd picked and bunched together. They were beautiful.

"What's a hospital stay without some flowers?" He smiled as he placed them in a small vase next to the bed, quickly casting aguamenti to give them some water. "How are you feeling?"

"Thank you. I'm feeling much better now I'm back here. Did you manage to get some sleep?"



"Alright, no." He smiled.

I yanked one of the pillows from behind me and tossed it in his direction.

"Then what are you doing here? Go and sleep!"

"No. I needed to see you." He smiled again.

I groaned and shuffled over slightly, lifting the blanket and patting the bed beside me. It was awfully small but I could use his touch and comfort right now.

He smiled and took off his robe, laying it on a chair and jumped into the bed beside me and held out his arms, letting me slide into them. It reminded me of when I slept in his bed only days ago, I had assumed that I had felt so safe and warm in his arms because we had literally just had sex for the first time but this felt exactly the same, if not better. It was like I belonged here. In Sebastian's arms.

I closed my eyes and tucked my head under his chin, inhaling his scent, feeling his light stubble on my forehead and found myself being lulled into a gentle sleep. I realised he must have felt the same as a soft snore came from his mouth, startling me a little.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the soft morning light filtering through the windows of the hospital wing. He'd stayed all night. Sebastian was still asleep, his face relaxed and peaceful, and I couldn't help the swelling feeling in my heart.

I gently brushed a strand of his hair away from his forehead and pressed a soft kiss there.

As Sebastian began to stir, I snuggled closer to him, not wanting to wake him up just yet even though I had to so he could get to class. But he soon opened his eyes, and a warm smile spread across his face as he looked down at me.

"Hey," he whispered softly.

"Hey," I replied with a contented sigh.

Sebastian placed a tender kiss on my forehead. "I'm glad you're okay, Olive."

I smiled up at him. "And I'm glad you're here."

"How are you feeling today?" He asked gently.

"I'm feeling really good. Want to see what they did to me?" I said with a grin.

Sebastian scoffed a small laugh and sat up slightly, giving me space, "Alright."

I lifted my night gown and revealed the stitches in my gut and upper legs. I was grateful for magic because they were mostly healed, they told me the stitches were a precaution.

"Shit, Olive!" Sebastian's face dropped as he traced his fingers along my stomach, feeling every stitch, "I can't believe I did that to you."

"Sebastian, you didn't do anything to me. It was an accident and perhaps I should have held onto the wand better. But you can't blame yourself. I am here alive and well." I said, taking one of his hands with my own and running my thumb along the top of it.

"I just feel awful. I thought I had lost you. When you collapsed to the floor, I looked at the mandrake and thought you were dead."

"Wait, how did you not faint from the mandrake?"

"I saw the pot start to crack and covered my ears. I was about to call out to you but I was too late. It was my fault."

"If you say it's your fault one more time, I swear-"

"I know, I'm sorry. I just feel guilty. I manage to get everyone close to me hurt or killed. My parents, Anne, Solomon. It's why I can't be with you. Because I am scared it will happen to you too. And it already has."

"What are you trying to say, Sebastian?" I said frustration overwhelming me.

"I'm saying..." he sighed, "I can't be with you, be close to you. Because this always happens. I have to close myself off because I don't think my heart can take anymore loss and pain."

"So, what is all of this, then? I understand you don't want a relationship and I've come to terms with that, but now you're telling me you can't even be best friends with me again? Why are you here then, in my bed, cuddling me, kissing me? Why are you leading me on?" I felt myself growing upset.

"I just... I..."

"You are using me for your sexual desires, is that it? I'm just some object you can have sex with whenever you like? That's why you're all over me?"

"No, it's not like that-"

"Bullshit, Sebastian! You don't want to be with me, you can't be close to me but you'll happily have your hands all over my body!"

"Olive, please, I-"

"I think you should go, Sebastian. Don't bother coming back." I said, turning my head away from him.

Sebastian had climbed off the bed now and I could see he was trying to find something to diffuse the situation, but I was livid.

"Just go!" I said, pointing towards the door. I was sitting up now despite the pain in my stomach.

Sebastian grabbed his robe without saying a word and threw it over his shoulder, leaving quickly.

I threw my head back onto the bed and began to cry. I'd pulled on the stitches in my rage and now my heart hurt too. How could I be so blind to not realise I was being used? And now it was too late to go back. I'd already given him all of me. I was tainted.

As much as I begged Nurse Blainey to let me go, she told me two more days at least.

"You've just had surgery! I'll get your class work sent up if you're bored." She said.

So I agreed. I needed something to keep my mind occupied.

A mere few hours later after a woeful attempt at a nap, I heard footsteps approaching me. But these were different. They were lighter, perkier.

I tipped my head to the side and saw that familiar, bouncy head of red hair approaching me, arms full of papers and books.


"Hey, Olive. Imelda told me you were here. I hope you're alright." He said, slamming all my work down on the table next to me.

"I'm fine, Garreth. Just a little accident with a mandrake doing some Herbology homework. Thanks for bringing up my work."

"My pleasure. Sebastian collected it all for you but said he was busy so asked me to take it up for you." He smiled.

So I guess Sebastian took what I said literally. Good.

"Well, I appreciate it."

"Ah, one more thing..."

Garreth opened his robe and reached in, digging out a small brown bag. He handed it to me and the smell instantly swamped my nostrils. It was divine. I had been eating bland hospital for food or nothing at all for the past two days.

I was right. I opened the bag to fresh scones with jam and cream from Madam Puddifoots. He'd remembered how much I enjoyed them when he took me there on our date.

The incredibly kind gesture had tears welling in my eyes. I hardly cried, but this tipped me over the edge. Between the pain, the talks with Anne while I was in the hospital as she stayed with me and the fight with Sebastian... I was a wreck.

"I'm sorry, you don't like them?" Garreth asked softly.

"No! I love them, they're perfect. They're just what I needed. Thank you."

Garreth smiled at me and looked around the room, neither of us apparently knowing how to small talk anymore.

"Did you... want to eat them with me?" I asked, shifting over in the bed and making space for him.

Garreth's face lit up and he jumped onto the bed, crossing his legs. Our elbows bumped against each other as I dug into the bag and handed him a scone. I lathered them both in the fresh cream and jam and he clinked them together in a cheers motion.

We demolished the bag with the only sounds the dull chatter coming from the other beds in the hospital wing and the smacking of our lips as we tried to avoid dropping crumbs in the sheets.

"Mmh," Garreth said, trying to speak through a mouthful of food, "I can help you fly through your school work if you like."

My face grew into a smile, "Really? That would be amazing, I could use all the help I can get to catch up after being stuck in here."

Garreth grinned, his eyes shining with excitement. "Consider it done! I'll make sure you're back on track in no time."

"Thank you, Garreth. You're a lifesaver," I said sincerely.

He blushed slightly and shrugged off the compliment. "It's no problem, really."

Garreth helped me with my work, though I had him leave the potions papers alone so I could do it myself, until Nurse Blainey kicked him out for the night.

Over the next few days, I'd had a few visitors, Imelda, a few of my Professor's, but Garreth made sure to visit every moment he could and he always brought me a little treat he'd managed to snag from the kitchens. It was such a small gesture but it made my day, every single day and I found myself wanting to be around Garreth more and more.

On my day of my apparent discharge, according to Nurse Blainey, Ominis paid me an unexpected visit.

"Hello, Olive. I do hope you're feeling better." He spoke softly as he approached, pulling up a chair for himself.

"Hello, Ominis. I am, I'm well and truly over this. I told her I was fine to leave two days ago." I groaned.

"Well, you did go through something quite serious. We were all really worried there for a while."

Our conversation lulled briefly as I got the feeling Ominis knew about the small... disagreement Sebastian and I had. Ominis inhaled then exhaled deeply, as if he was preparing himself to say something.

"I did want to ask, what happened with Sebastian? He was here with you, then suddenly he wasn't and he's become a recluse in our dormitory. He refuses to talk about you at all."

I debated whether to even tell Ominis what the fuck had gone on here. But there was a part of me itching to know how he was, if he was suffering with the consequences of his own actions and if he regretted it at all.

"It's complicated, Ominis. He's complicated. He's told me he can't and won't be in a relationship with me, then he smothers me in kisses and acts like we are a couple. I sometimes wonder if he only wants me for one thing."

"Olive... please don't you ever let Sebastian know I've told you this but... he is in love with you."

I laughed. So hard I thought I'd popped open the remaining stitches in my gut.

"Why would he love me? He doesn't want to be with me."

"That's precisely the reason. He doesn't want to be with you because he loves you. I've tried to tell him he's being ridiculous... but I'll be honest, I do understand why he's hesitant."

To be completely truthful, I did too. He had experienced a lot of loss in his life and I was certain living under the care of Solomon Sallow did a lot of damage to his self-worth. I knew he felt like he was at fault for his parents death and Anne's curse. And Ominis and I had told him a thousand times that wasn't true, but Solomon's words and actions haunted him. They corrupted him. He blamed himself for everything. So I really did understand why he didn't want to have me close to him. But it didn't mean I was okay with it.

"I get it, Ominis. I really do. But I don't have time to sit and wait around for a maybe and end up with a broken heart. I don't want to be his friend."

"I understand, Olive. Thank you for telling me what happened. I'll let you rest and I look forward to your return to classes tomorrow."

Ominis excused himself just in time for Garreth to return and help me carry all my belongings out of the hospital wing.

He led me all the way down to the dungeons, lugging books, flowers and snacks, leaving them in a pile by the door. I assured him he would be alright to come in with me, but he was hesitant.

"I'd better not. I'm sure Sallow can help you bring the rest in if you ask."

Not bloody likely.

"Thank you, Garreth. For everything. You've been a great help over the past week and I've appreciated your company."

This time, I decided to be brave. I was going to be the one to initiate this. I stepped forward and stood on the tips of my toes, tracing my fingers up Garreth's shoulders to wrap around the back of his neck. His eyes were wider than normal as he looked at me and I felt the rapid heartbeat pounding against his ribs as I pressed our chests together. I pushed my mouth against his and I felt Garreth's initial surprise melt away as he hesitantly but eagerly kissed me back. The kiss was gentle, soft, and full of unspoken emotions. It wasn't the fiery passion I had experienced with Sebastian, but it was something tender and sweet.

As we pulled back, Garreth looked into my eyes, his cheeks flushed.

"That... wasn't what I was expecting," he choked out, clearing his throat.

"Me neither," I admitted, my heart still racing from the unexpected but pleasant kiss.

Garreth's eyes searched mine, trying to gauge my feelings, and I could tell he was unsure about what had just happened. "I... I hope I didn't overstep any boundaries. I know things have been a bit strange between us lately."

"No, not at all," I reassured him, offering a warm smile. "I initiated the kiss, didn't I? Besides, I really liked it."

His face brightened and a grin spread across his lips. "You did?"

"Yeah," I replied, my cheeks flushing slightly. "I mean, I hope you liked it too."

Garreth nodded, his smile growing wider. "Oh I did, Olive. I really did."

We both stood in front of each other, grinning widely like two idiots.

"I guess... I'll see you at breakfast then." Garreth spoke, pulling my head forward to lay a gentle kiss on my forehead before turning on his heels and walking away.

My head was spinning as I gathered the rest of my belongings, taking them straight to my dormitory and throwing them into a corner to sort through later when I'd composed myself.

A week without seeing Sebastian at all actually did me a world of good and I could finally see that beneath the surface, there was something endearing about Garreth and he also wanted me back. It was straight forward. Hopefully I could continue to not see Sebastian and all of this would just simply fall into place.

But isn't that wishful thinking, especially when we shared a common room.

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