A girl and 4 rescue bots💖❤️�...

By FerValentine96

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The only daughter of a famous Griffin Rock architect, Sooha Otoha, was proud, selfish and capricious because... More

Main characters of the story
Watercolor paintings of the characters
Data of the characters in the story
Chapter 1:The beginning(part 1)
Chapter 2:The beginning(part 2)
Chapter 3:Flying Locusts at the Festival
Chapter 4:The alien invasion of griffin rock
Chapter 5:The appearance of the heroine
Chapter 6:Cody patrolling
Chapter 7:Four bots and a baby
Chapter 8:Christmas in July
Chapter 9:The return of the dino bot
Chapter 10:Doctor Morocco(part 1)
Chapter 11:Doctor Morocco(part 2)
Chapter 12:Small Blessings
Chapter 13:The Griffin Rock Triangle
Chapter 14:Rules and Regulations
Chapter 15:The Lost Bell
Chapter 16:Bumblebee to the rescue
Chapter 17:You were globalized
Chapter 18:Countdown
Chapter 19:Griffin Rock's Lair
Chapter 20:The Masquerade Debut Ball
Chapter 21:White Lies
Chapter 22:The shake
Chapter 23:Date in the square
Chapter 24:Chris
Chapter 25:The truth comes out
Chapter 26:Vampires?!
Chapter 27:It's a bot time
Chapter 28:Bot for the future
Chapter 29:Sooha's Final Fate
Thanks for reading season 1
Start of season 2
Chapter 1:Travel
Chapter 2:Beach day
Chapter 3:Let's go to the main character's house
Chapter 4:Forest of Heaven
Chapter 5:For posterity
Chapter 6:The tip of the iceberg
Chapter 7:A virtual disaster
Chapter 8:Enchanted
Chapter 9:Blame the Gremlins
Chapter 10:What lies below
Chapter 11:What Rises Above
Chapter 12:Space Bots
Chapter 13:The Island of Misfit Technology
Chapter 14:The Watchful Village
Chapter 15:Friend System
Chapter 16:Bots and thieves
Chapter 17:Changes
Chapter 18:Movers and Shakers
Chapter 19:Chief Woodrow
Chapter 20:The Griffin Rock Express
Chapter 21:Double Villainy
Chapter 22:The Rise of Heroes
Thanks for reading season 2
Start of season 3
Chapter 1:Earth Before Prime
Chapter 2:Big Game
Chapter 3:Too Many Kades
Chapter 4:Ghost of the Sea
Chapter 5:Unfinished Business
Chapter 6:There is no place like the dome
Chapter 7:Errors in the system
Chapter 8:Exchange(Part 1)
Chapter 9:Exchange(Part 2)
Chapter 10:Quarry's Quarry
Chapter 11:Did you see what I thawed out?
Chapter 13:All the big and small bots
Chapter 14:Over and over again
Chapter 15:Pirates Ahoy
Chapter 16:Turning the tide
Chapter 17:The Last of Morocco
Chapter 18:The New Recruits
Chapter 19:Rescue Bots Academy
Chapter 20:A New Hero
Chapter 21:Endangered Species
Chapter 22:More than meets the eye
Chapter 23:I have heard the robots sing
Chapter 24:The Nightball Match
Chapter 25:The Ghost of Decelis Academy
Chapter 26:From time to time
Chapter 27:Today and forever
Thanks for reading season 3
Start of season 4
Chapter 1:New normal
Chapter 2:Building Bridges
Chapter 3:Arrivals
Chapter 4:Plus Two, Quickshadow and Aris
Chapter 5:Ghost in the machine
Chapter 6:Cody's 11
Chapter 7:Enemy of my enemy
Chapter 8:Back to virtual reality
Chapter 9:Mayor May Not
Chapter 10:All Spark Day
Chapter 11:Part-time Heroes
Chapter 12:The more things change
Chapter 13:The More Things Stay the Same
Special 1:Sooha's birthday🎉🎂🎀🎁
Special 2: Soolicia in Botwonderland🐰☕🎩🌹♥️♦️♣️♠️
Chapter 14:Hot Rod Bot
Chapter 15:Rose is the reincarnation of Ah-yeong?!
Chapter 16:Pizza Pi Party
Chapter 17:The return to the mainland
Chapter 18:Uninvited Guest and Joana Hubert
Chapter 19:Sooha and Chase's Date
Chapter 20:The Need for Speed
Chapter 21:A brush with danger
Chapter 22:Family Business and Marge's Return
Chapter 23:Updates, Megatron's Awakening
Chapter 24:Transformations, Sooha's Final Decision (Part 1)
Chapter 25:Transformations, Sooha's Final Decision (Part 2)
Epilogue:The Wedding
Thanks for reading the season 4
Side Story 1:Honeymoon (Part 1)
Side Story 2:Honeymoon (Part 2)
Side Story 3:Homecoming
Side Story 4:Pregnant🤰
Side Story 5:Birth
Special 3: the phantom manor
Side Story 6:The Coronation
Side Story 7:The Dance
Side story 8:Since childhood
Side Story 9:Optimus Prime's Past
Side Story 10:The Twins Birthday
Extra 1:The question
Sooha, anime version #1
Sooha, anime version #2
Sooha, anime version #3
Sooha, anime version #4
Sooha, anime version #5
Sooha, anime version #6
Sooha, anime version #7

Chapter 12:Humungado's Attack

20 3 0
By FerValentine96

It's night at griffin rock and up the hill to the drive-in, the rescue team is enjoying a classic movie called: attack of the humungado.

Dani: Someone please explain to me, why do we have to watch a...silly monster movie at the drive-in? It's freezing out here.

Kade: Sorry, Humungado's attack...it's not some dumb monster movie, it's a classic kaiju, which means it was made to be seen at the drive-in.

Kade: Big screen, lots of goodies, and no talking!

Cody: *chewing popcorn* nothing better than popcorn.

Heatwave: Just make sure they don't fall into my seat.

Kade: Come on, don't be like that, look at Sooha.

*Sooha is wearing the heatwave jacket and is sitting on her hood*

Sooha: *eating popcorn and paying close attention to the movie* 🍿.

Heatwave: *Cautious* Do you really like those things?

Sooha: Yes, a lot! In Tokyo I really liked watching these movies with Acchan and Hiro.

Kade: Ha, see? Even Sooha likes it, so stop being a killjoy.

Sooha: Fufu...

Graham: Sometimes the old technology is the best, watching a movie, through a projector.

Boulder: Yes, it makes you feel connected to the history of cinema.

Blades: Haha, old story, how fake monsters look, I've cleaned scarier things off my windshield.

But apparently not enough not to scream when Moisture roars.

Kade and heatwave: *laughs*.

Heatwave: Blades is lucky he's not going head to head with Humungado, his yellow belly would be the perfect target for a fireball.

Blades: My belly isn't yellow! It's sky blue thanks.

Charlie: Guys, if you don't stop arguing, you're going to miss the movie.

Chase: For example, I already lost the subtext.

Chase: but Sooha, are you sure you don't want to come to my cabin? It's cold.

Boulder: No, sit with me! I think I have a blanket on my seat.

Blades: No, come with me, with me!

Sooha: *nervous* ehm...

Kade: ...Heh, not a day goes by where you want to woo Sooha, right?

Mr Bunty is soon called away from the projection booth to sell popcorn, only for a gust of wind to knock a Humungado stand against the projector and start a fire.


Then they see that the movie is interrupted.

Kade: Hey, what happened to the movie?

Sooha:!! Look!

And they see the smoke.

Charlie: Fire! Rescue team, let's go!

*Sooha comes down from the hood, the rescue team goes there and Sooha follows them*

Chase: *robotic voice* everyone please leave the drive-in in an orderly manner.

*Everyone leaves*

Sooha: Are you alright?!

Sir: Yes, but Mr. Bunty is still inside the projection booth.

Sooha: what...?

Kade: Fire-bot, transform and lift me up to the window!

Kade and Heatwave lead Mr. Bunty out of the projection booth where he is trying to extinguish the fire himself. As Mr. Bunty is taken to a doctor, the team puts out the fire and Kade sadly picks up the tape of the Moogle's film.

The next day:

The building that houses the projector has been restored to its previous state by the rescue team.

Sooha: Ok, that was the last coat of paint.

Cody: wow, you hardly know there was a fire.

Graham: Good job guys, all right, ready for the roof.

*Blades and Dani place the new roof*

Mr bunty:thank you that old friend has never looked better i wish it was the same with my projector.

And the projector had been destroyed.

Charlie: sorry mr bunty, building a projector from scratch is beyond our capabilities.

Doc: *appears* but not mine.

Sooha: Doc, Frankie, what are you doing here?

Doc: I brought a small gift, using the same technology as the imaging camera, I have created a holomorphic projector, it recalibrates the polarized light of normal two-dimensional film, converts it using only patent-pending lenses and voila, a holographic film.

Cody: So the monsters will walk in the audience?

Frankie: They'll look so close they'll be able to grab your popcorn.

Sooha: Sugoi.

Kade: Excellent.

Kade: Hey doc, if I find another copy of Humungado, do you think we can screen it?

Doc: Undoubtedly, and, she's going to look more alive than you ever imagined.

Time after:

Kade manages to get a hold of a new copy of Attack of the Swarm and Its Aftermath and Mr. Bunty soon turns on the projector for another late night screening.

And they both look at her.

Kade: Wait, you can't see a kaiju without some Kade nachos.

And Kade makes a batch of Nachos à la Kade and microwaves it, when Mr. Bunty activates the projector to produce a 3D image of the monster Rayvenous, the microwave overloads, sending a shock of energy to the projector and allowing it to Rayvenous flies off while Bunty and Kade tend to the microwave.

mr bunty: oh look what you did you blew a fuse.

Kade: It's not a total loss *eats* hmm, they're the best nachos, or what?

The next day:

The team gets a call from the mayor complaining that a monster is attacking his house, though they assume it's a raccoon, they head there to find Rayvenous vandalizing the mansion, blades is in favor of letting Rayvenous fly, but when Heatwave sprays the beast with water, plunges into the ground.

Blades: As if he couldn't get scarier.

Charlie: We have to go after him *uses his intercom* Cody, look for the map of the tunnels under the mayor's house.

Cody: I'll check the data, and I'll also call Sooha, we'll need her new power to stop it.

Blades: Or we can not follow a horrible monster in a dark tunnel, I'm just saying, we have options.

Change of scene:

Location: tunnels

The rescue team follows him into the tunnels.

Blades: Nobody ever wants to hear the options.

Kade: In the movies, Rayven's eyes are her weak point, blinding him with a beam of light will temporarily knock him down.

Charlie: Very well team, let's split up, each one will take a quadrant.

And they divide to search.

Soon, Blades finds the creature and almost eats it, but the rest of the team arrives in time to help him, first Chase puts him to sleep with a flash of light before Sooha uses the poison ability.

Sooha: *uses her magic* Onenev.

And she pins him asleep.

Charlie: Cody, call doc and tell him to meet us at the drive-in, we've got a movie monster ready to come home.

And Sooha starts caressing the rayvenous, because she found it cute to see him asleep.

Heatwave: Hey, please stop petting that thing...

Change of scene:

Location: drive-in

Sooha: and what do you think? Do you already know what was the cause of why the rayvenous came to life, doc?

Doc: I think a power fluctuation caused the photonic component of the lenses to overload. The power discharge turned Rayvenous's hologram into a solid creature.

Doc: Materializing the monster from the movie with everything and his original instincts.

Charlie:doc How can we return it?

Frankie: Daddy and I hooked up a generator to replicate the shock conditions, when the power reaches the critical level, we'll reverse the polarity.

Doc: That way the solid creature will go back to its holographic state and we can send it back to any moment in the movie.

And when Doc demonstrates it on the projector, a knob falls out.

Doc: Oh boy, that wasn't in the plan.

Doc: Find him, hurry up!

And they are still looking for it when the projector brings the humungado himself into the real world.

Sooha: oh no...

Heatwave: Guess what we're doing tonight?

After beating up the rescue team, the Humpback hits Rayvenous's tank in the driveway, Heatwave and Chase try to stop him.

Chase: Dummy beast, you're resisting a law enforcement officer.

And the humungado throws Chase.

Sooha: Chase!!

And then he does the same thing with heatwave.

Sooha: Heatwave!!

And when Blades also tries it, the humungado tramples him.

Blades: I don't have it anymore.

*Boulder grabs him by the tail*

Boulder: Alright big guy, time to calm down.

And he throws it too.

Sooha: Boulder!!

Sooha: *gets angry* Alright, it's over!

And Sooha literally jumps at him and tries to pin him but throws her too.

Sooha: *screams*

All four: Sooha!!

And they manage to catch her.

Heatwave: Are you okay?

Sooha: yes...

Sooha: But seriously, that humungado and his tail are so rude!

Kade: I should have told them, be careful with his tail.

And the humungado escapes.

Sooha: He's running away!

Charlie: We can't let it get to town.

*Bots transform into vehicle mode*

Charlie: Doc, we need to go after Humungado. Would you take care of Rayvenous? Locked up, he won't cause any problems.

Doc: Sure chief, and once I fix the projector I'll send you straight back to your movie.

*The team leaves*

With the rescue team in pursuit, they catch up with Moot in the middle of griffin rock, and Blades tries to use his winch on the creature, though it doesn't work very well, moments later, Moot stops at a sign showing a dinosaur and breaks it, giving him set fire.

Cody: Whoa, humungado must hate dinosaurs, or signs.

Kade: dinosaurs, everyone knows that, from the second sequel, where humungado and rayvenous team up against the super saurian.

Sooha: That's it! Kade, you're a genius!

Kade: Yeah, but... Until now you realize what an important character I am in this game?

Cody: What's on your mind sooha?

Sooha: if the bots turn into dinosaurs maybe humungado will go after them and leave the village.

Charlie: worth a try, there's no one on the streets so...rescue bots mind going prehistoric?

Heatwave: You heard it, let's tell the big guy that the dinobots are back in town!

*Bots transform into dino mode*

The four: *roar*.

Soon the four use their dino-powers to push Humungado back into the sea and succeed.

Boulders: It works.

And they arrive at the beach for the humungado to start another fight.

Charlie: I hope doc has better luck than us.

While at the drive-in:

Doc Greene completed repairing the projector and prepares to send Rayvenous back into the movie, however, the creature uses its freeze ray on the cage's lock and breaks free.

While on the beach:

*hear a noise*

Cody: What was that?

Kade: Sounds like rayvenous's call home.

Graham: Humungado must still want a piece of it.

Heatwave: So why not give Breath of Fire a chance?

Boulder: We'll use rayvenous as bait.

Chase: A clever strategy, let's guide humungado straight to the drive-in.

Dani: And let's send it straight to the movie.

Kade: Movie? It's a super production.

Chase: And the difference is... what?

Sooha: Enough, don't give them reasons to fight anymore, we don't want to hurt him either.

Heatwave: Oh no?

Sooha: *glares*


Charlie: *uses his intercom* doc How is it going with rayvenous?

Doc: *voice* well, we have a small complication.

Doc:rayvenous has escaped and is...Wha!

And he throws ice bolts at them, but they dodge.

Doc: he is behaving very badly, I guess they can't come...

Frankie: Get us out of here!!

Cody: *voice* Frankie Are you near the Jeep?

Frankie: He's in no condition to drive himself.

Cody: *voice* no, the lights, that will knock him down, aim at his eyes.

And they do it by putting it to sleep and falling back into the cage.

Doc: Apparently he just required a light touch.

Frankie: well said dad, thanks Cody.

Soon, Blades is sent to pick up Rayvenous and hangs the cage as bait in front of Humungado, they successfully bring Humungado to the drive-in, where Blades manages to drop Rayvenous before an explosion from Humungado causes him to crash.

Sooha: *runs towards them* Blades, Dani! Are you alright?!

Kade: Talk to me.

Graham: Are you okay?

Daniel: I'm fine, I'm fine.

Blades: Almost hit me on the wobbler.

Although Rayvenous is free again.

Blades:Rayvenous is on the loose again.

Kade: Great, they'll keep busy fighting.

Heatwave:Doc, everyone to the rescue.

And that was the perfect moment to return them to the movie, but the projector was still short of charge, however, the duo stop and look at each other.

Graham: Ahm, I thought you said they fought each other.

Sooha: *Realizes something*.

Sooha: He also said... that they team up against the super saurus.

Boulder: And the rhinoctopus.

Graham: and now apparently, against us!

Dani: So when humungado tried to attack rayvenous's box he tried to free him?

Blades: Are these two friends?

Kade: Hell no, that...makes a lot of sense actually.

Chase: And we are their common enemy.

Doc: Boss, you'll have to keep them inside the holographic field.

Blades: It's okay, belly with spikes! Enough! You've exhausted my patience!

And Blades manages to jump onto Rayvenous's back, and the other rescue bots hold Humungado back long enough for the projector to charge up and send the two Kaiju back into the movie.

Kade: And this is what a sequel should look like!

Sooha: Wow guys, that was amazing!

Boulder: Thank you, and... I think I should remove that lens, doc.

Dani: o, only use it in cute animal movies.

Kade: Smoky and rayvenous friends? This gives it a whole new meaning, I'll have to watch the whole series again!

Chase: But the two creatures were fighting too. How can they be friends?

Blades: just like some humans I know, without mentioning names...Dani and Kade.

Dani: Us? What about you and heatwave? They always keep fighting over sooha.


Blades: heatwave and I don't...

Heatwave: We don't...!

Blades: Actually, I think so.

Heatwave: Yes, you're right.

Kade: alright, tomorrow night, we're showing humungado and all the sequels, this time, without doc's special lens. Who's okay?

And no one says anything.

Kade: I think I'll call bunty.

The next night:

And in the end, they agreed to his idea.

Kade: thanks guys, it makes more sense with you here.

Cody: that's the family.

Sooha: and friends.

Dani: We can also complain, right? Because...it's not warmer than before.

Blades: And where are the cute little animals? Heatwave, you said...

Heatwave: *laughs*

Sooha: *laughs too*

Days after:

Location: decelis academy

Heatwave(human): Hey sooha!

Heatwave(human): Do you want to go to the drive-in with me this weekend?

Sooha: Huh... Why all of a sudden?

Heatwave(human): I thought after everything that happened, we might have a diversion.

Heatwave(human): We can go see one of those movies you like and go together, just you and me, tonight, what do you say?

Sooha: yes, sure, it's a good plan.

Sooha: but...

Heatwave(human): Don't worry, doc fixed the projector and there will be no more...real kaijus coming off the screen.

Sooha: fufu...Ok! See you there!

Time after:

Sooha finishes taking a bubble bath and then begins to get ready, put on makeup and dress.

Sooha: Mom, I'm leaving now!

Change of scene:

*At night*

Location: drive-in

*Sooha's heart is pounding*

Sooha: (wow, I can't believe it...My first date at the drive-in!)

She then sees Heatwave waiting for her by the store.

Sooha: (ah, there it is).

Sooha: *waves* Heatwave!👋🏻.

Heatwave(human): Sooha!

Sooha: *blushes* (wow...so handsome).

Sooha: sorry for making you wait.

Heatwave(human): It's okay, I just got here.

Heatwave(human): You look beautiful tonight.

Sooha: Aw, thank you, you... you look handsome too.

*Both hold hands*

Sooha: (hehe, I feel in seventh heaven...).

And they both go and buy their popcorn, then they start watching a thriller/romance movie.

Sooha: wow that was so nice of kade to let you use her old fire truck.

Heatwave(human): Yeah, right? For the first time, I'm glad I don't have to be the vehicle here.

Sooha: *chuckles*

And at one point in the movie they put a scary scene, sooha freaks out.

Sooha: *screams* Aaahh!! *hugs heatwave*.

Then she realizes what she did.

Sooha: *looks at him*

Heatwave(human): *Smiles*.


*Sooha pulls away*

Sooha:>///<(ugh, my heart won't stop beating so fast, but what am I doing?!).

Suddenly in the movie there is a scene of a kiss.

Sooha: (What?! A kiss? Now?! Really?!).

Sooha: *looks at him*

Heatwave (human): *Looks at her*.

Sooha: *shocked*

Suddenly they feel their hands touch.


Both: *look at each other*

Sooha: *blushes*

Suddenly, little by little, they both bring their faces closer and kiss.

And the kiss increases in intensity, and then it is on top of Sooha.

Sooha: *looking at him*

Heatwave(human): You know, we vampires, on full moon nights like this, feel very thirsty, and an uncontrollable desire to drink energon, that's why...

*gets closer*

Heatwave(human):...I want to have you, and taste all of you.

Sooha: *blushes*

And she uncovers her clothes up to her shoulders and starts biting her and drinking her energon.

Sooha: ahh...

And when he finished biting her, he passionately kisses her again, and some time later, they stop kissing to catch their breath.

Heatwave(human): Haa...I love you sooha, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I don't want to spend a second away from you.

Sooha: Aah, m-me too...I love you.

*they kiss again*

Sooha: *blushes* (I...want to be by her side, no matter what, my heart...wants you too).

And at a moment when they sit down again and heatwave was about to bite Sooha again, she immediately sees Sheila and Chris together in another car.

Heatwave(human):Hey...Aren't those your friends?

Sooha: huh?

And that's when she sees them.

Sooha: Huh?! Those are...?!

Sooha: Sheila-san and Chris??!


End of chapter, thank you♥️.

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