A girl and 4 rescue bots💖❤️�...

By FerValentine96

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The only daughter of a famous Griffin Rock architect, Sooha Otoha, was proud, selfish and capricious because... More

Main characters of the story
Watercolor paintings of the characters
Data of the characters in the story
Chapter 1:The beginning(part 1)
Chapter 2:The beginning(part 2)
Chapter 3:Flying Locusts at the Festival
Chapter 4:The alien invasion of griffin rock
Chapter 5:The appearance of the heroine
Chapter 6:Cody patrolling
Chapter 7:Four bots and a baby
Chapter 8:Christmas in July
Chapter 9:The return of the dino bot
Chapter 10:Doctor Morocco(part 1)
Chapter 11:Doctor Morocco(part 2)
Chapter 12:Small Blessings
Chapter 13:The Griffin Rock Triangle
Chapter 14:Rules and Regulations
Chapter 15:The Lost Bell
Chapter 16:Bumblebee to the rescue
Chapter 17:You were globalized
Chapter 18:Countdown
Chapter 19:Griffin Rock's Lair
Chapter 20:The Masquerade Debut Ball
Chapter 21:White Lies
Chapter 22:The shake
Chapter 23:Date in the square
Chapter 24:Chris
Chapter 25:The truth comes out
Chapter 26:Vampires?!
Chapter 27:It's a bot time
Chapter 28:Bot for the future
Chapter 29:Sooha's Final Fate
Thanks for reading season 1
Start of season 2
Chapter 1:Travel
Chapter 2:Beach day
Chapter 3:Let's go to the main character's house
Chapter 4:Forest of Heaven
Chapter 5:For posterity
Chapter 6:The tip of the iceberg
Chapter 7:A virtual disaster
Chapter 8:Enchanted
Chapter 9:Blame the Gremlins
Chapter 10:What lies below
Chapter 11:What Rises Above
Chapter 12:Space Bots
Chapter 13:The Island of Misfit Technology
Chapter 14:The Watchful Village
Chapter 15:Friend System
Chapter 16:Bots and thieves
Chapter 17:Changes
Chapter 18:Movers and Shakers
Chapter 19:Chief Woodrow
Chapter 20:The Griffin Rock Express
Chapter 21:Double Villainy
Chapter 22:The Rise of Heroes
Thanks for reading season 2
Start of season 3
Chapter 1:Earth Before Prime
Chapter 2:Big Game
Chapter 3:Too Many Kades
Chapter 4:Ghost of the Sea
Chapter 5:Unfinished Business
Chapter 6:There is no place like the dome
Chapter 7:Errors in the system
Chapter 9:Exchange(Part 2)
Chapter 10:Quarry's Quarry
Chapter 11:Did you see what I thawed out?
Chapter 12:Humungado's Attack
Chapter 13:All the big and small bots
Chapter 14:Over and over again
Chapter 15:Pirates Ahoy
Chapter 16:Turning the tide
Chapter 17:The Last of Morocco
Chapter 18:The New Recruits
Chapter 19:Rescue Bots Academy
Chapter 20:A New Hero
Chapter 21:Endangered Species
Chapter 22:More than meets the eye
Chapter 23:I have heard the robots sing
Chapter 24:The Nightball Match
Chapter 25:The Ghost of Decelis Academy
Chapter 26:From time to time
Chapter 27:Today and forever
Thanks for reading season 3
Start of season 4
Chapter 1:New normal
Chapter 2:Building Bridges
Chapter 3:Arrivals
Chapter 4:Plus Two, Quickshadow and Aris
Chapter 5:Ghost in the machine
Chapter 6:Cody's 11
Chapter 7:Enemy of my enemy
Chapter 8:Back to virtual reality
Chapter 9:Mayor May Not
Chapter 10:All Spark Day
Chapter 11:Part-time Heroes
Chapter 12:The more things change
Chapter 13:The More Things Stay the Same
Special 1:Sooha's birthday🎉🎂🎀🎁
Special 2: Soolicia in Botwonderland🐰☕🎩🌹♥️♦️♣️♠️
Chapter 14:Hot Rod Bot
Chapter 15:Rose is the reincarnation of Ah-yeong?!
Chapter 16:Pizza Pi Party
Chapter 17:The return to the mainland
Chapter 18:Uninvited Guest and Joana Hubert
Chapter 19:Sooha and Chase's Date
Chapter 20:The Need for Speed
Chapter 21:A brush with danger
Chapter 22:Family Business and Marge's Return
Chapter 23:Updates, Megatron's Awakening
Chapter 24:Transformations, Sooha's Final Decision (Part 1)
Chapter 25:Transformations, Sooha's Final Decision (Part 2)
Epilogue:The Wedding
Thanks for reading the season 4
Side Story 1:Honeymoon (Part 1)
Side Story 2:Honeymoon (Part 2)
Side Story 3:Homecoming
Side Story 4:Pregnant🤰
Side Story 5:Birth
Special 3: the phantom manor
Side Story 6:The Coronation
Side Story 7:The Dance
Side story 8:Since childhood
Side Story 9:Optimus Prime's Past
Side Story 10:The Twins Birthday
Extra 1:The question
Sooha, anime version #1
Sooha, anime version #2
Sooha, anime version #3
Sooha, anime version #4
Sooha, anime version #5
Sooha, anime version #6
Sooha, anime version #7

Chapter 8:Exchange(Part 1)

22 3 0
By FerValentine96

Outside the firehouse, Chief Burns is playing chess with Chase, though...

Charlie: I appreciate the gift Chase, but next time, maybe you can make the chess human-sized.

And Chase has made the pieces a little too big for humans.

Charlie: It's supposed to be a mental game, not a *dropping a piece*...physical one.

Charlie: Check.

Chase: My apologies chief, I keep forgetting our physical disparity.

Chase: Checkmate.

*Heatwave and Kade return to the fire station*

Charlie: hi son, the next game is yours.

Kade: I can't do anything with this cavity hurting like this, Argh.

Kade: And my dentist can't see me until tomorrow.

Heatwave: What's wrong rude boy? *transforms into a bot* Can't stand a little pain?

Kade: *in a bad mood* I can take everything, except you *leaves*.

Kade: *bumps into Cody* Oh Cody, watch where you're walking!

Cody: What's wrong with Kade?

Charlie: Don't worry about Cody, you seem to have your own problems.

Cody: I want boulder to help me build a skateboard ramp, but he's too busy.

Charlie: Doing what?

And it turns out that Boulder is trying to learn to tap dance, which doesn't help the floor in the garage and makes everything shake.

Charlie: Boulder! Boulder!!

Boulder: *stops* hey chief, I've always wanted to learn to tap dance, it's fun, and a great workout.

Charlie: I agree with the training but I don't think the garage floor will hold up to it.

Boulder: *sigh* he's right, I'm not good anyway *transforms into human*.

Charlie: hey, I didn't say that boulder, I...

*Boulder leaves*

*Dani and blades arrive*

Dani:Sorry blades, I'm *yawning* too tired to lock you up now.

*Blades transforms into a human*

Blades(human): You said that yesterday too, you're always very tired.

Blades(human): I have needs, you know?

*Dani leaves*

Chase: Everyone seems to have a hard time getting along today.

Charlie: maybe you just have to put yourself in each other's shoes.

Chase: I don't wear or even own my own shoes, well, except when I'm human, but I don't see the point of lending them to someone else.

Cody: It's just an expression Chase, it means that you will never know what a person feels until you see things from his point of view.

Chase: I still don't see how wearing shoes has to do with it.

*intercom rings*

Cody: Hi Frankie, what's up?

Frankie: Cody, you have to come over right now, he's my dad, he... he's... I have to show you.

And he shows her that doc won't stop bouncing off the walls uncontrollably.


The team is soon called to the lab, where doc greene is having trouble with an anti-gravity patch he has developed, once Heatwave uses a tool to stop doc from jumping around the lab, Frankie removes the patch from him.

Doc: Now I know how he feels like a locust.

Charlie: What is this about doc?

Doc: It corresponds to a new invention so delicate that it requires zero gravity for its final assembly.

Graham: how astronauts experiment in space.

Doc: precisely, I was trying to replicate the experience with the anti-gravity patch, but I think I'll have to finish assembling the artifact the old fashioned way, by traveling into space.

Frankie: *gets excited* Can I go dad? You've promised me that you'll take me on the space elevator forever.

Doc: I don't see why not, my little Aldrin.

Doc: actually, why don't we all go? We can organize a picnic in Asgard.

Cody: Really?

Kade: Ah, about time to invite us.

Daniel: Thank you doc!

Charlie: Excellent.

Graham: Ahm, I already went, I got sick.

Heatwave: Field day? *sarcasm* wow, what a thrill, let's watch the humans eat.

Blades: It's not fair, Dani teases us with her frozen yogurt.

Dani: What can I say blades, if you have not tried the fresh strawberry flavor, you have not lived.

Boulder: I'm always ready for space action.

Chase: I'll go as a fellowship act, and I'll bring the pickles.

The group boards the Asgard and as they prepare for launch.

Doc: I think I brought everything, sandwiches, apples, the diagnostic link binary.

Charlie: And what is it for, doc?

Doc: It's designed for medical research, let's say you have a toothache.

Kade: How does my tooth hurt?

Frankie: You connect at one end, your doctor at the other, and the EDB lets you feel exactly what you feel.

Doc: therefore allows doctors to give the patient a more accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Cody: colossal.

Frankie: By the way, why didn't you invite Sooha?

Heatwave: She's busy working at her mom's boutique, she's done with her shift in a bit.

Heatwave: (I don't know why but......I miss her already).

The space elevator takes off and once it is in orbit, doc greene turns off the gravity simulators.

The team enjoy zero gravity for a while and eat, before Doc tries to install the crystal in his new invention.

Cody: Exactly. Why do you have to do it in the doc space?

Doc: the binary transfer effect is activated by this crystal, it is very delicate, any friction or even a sudden movement during its installation could cause the device to fail.

Graham: *voice* attention crew, I see a nebula approaching Asgard, you can see it to port.

And they begin to see her through the window.

Cody: wow, she's not dangerous, is she?

Frankie: no, it's made mostly of hydrogen and carbon particles, one day they'll form a star.

Graham: *voice* ah, guys, the air filtration system has been compromised, I'll get you back before you run out of air.

Doc: The particles must have got in somehow, I'm going to turn on the gravity simulator.

*Doc activates gravity again*

Doc: Ah, the oxygen compartment is only for two I'm afraid.

Charlie: We've been to smaller places, doc.

Charlie: Everyone, get into the bots, in your booths you'll be safe, Frankie you get into Chase.

Frankie goes up in Chase, Cody in Boulder, Kade in heatwave, and Dani in blades, while the boss and doc in the oxygen compartment.

As the re-entry begins, there is a flash of light, and the asgard land.

*Everyone comes down from Asgard*

Graham: Is everyone alright?

Heatwave: Hey, my tooth doesn't hurt anymore.

Kade: Now it hurts me, and I don't even have teeth.

Kade: Hey, who said that?

Blades: *yawns* I must have fallen asleep inside blades, what did I miss?

Charlie: By Fourier's law, this is amazing!

Charlie: Apparently somehow.

Dani: We all change places, just like that movie I saw, surely someone had a magic coin.

Chase: but daddy, how did this happen?

Doc: don't ask me, tell doc.

Cody: the particles of the nebula.

Charlie: Of course!

Charlie: They must have affected the glass on my EDB.

Doc: How about my EDB? You mean your EDB, well...

Frankie: There are no rules for dealing with a situation like this, it's loaded with potential, both comical and disturbing.

Boulder: colossal.

And it becomes clear that they have all swapped bodies: Chief Burns with Doc, Heatwave with Kade, Chase with Frankie, Blades with Dani and Boulder with Cody and confusion ensues.

Graham: I think staying down here was the right decision.

*everyone continues to argue*

Graham: Hey guys! Guys! Listen up everyone! Stop it!!

Graham: Uhm, who exactly is...where?

Graham: Dad?

Doc(Charlie): here I am son.

Graham: It means that doc is...

Charlie(doc): The chief, I don't know how he can wear this itchy mustache.

Chase(Frankie): Cody! Where are you?

Boulder(Cody): Here I am Chase👋🏻.

Chase(Frankie): I'm not Chase, I'm Francine.

Frankie(Chase): I'm a Chase boulder, and I must say how unusual it is to wear a skirt, or any clothing for that matter.

Graham: *scores* Ok, Chase, boulder, frankie, Cody and...

Kade(heatwave): heatwave.

Kade(heatwave): We have to do something with this tooth.

Heatwave(Kade): Oh, sure. Now who's the crybaby?

Graham: and Kade, only missing...

Blades(Dani): Don't you recognize your own sister?

Dani(blades): I've never been this close to the ground before, I feel so...safe.

Graham: Dani and blades, got it.

Heatwave(Kade): Now that you have everything sorted out, what do we do?

Graham: I have no idea, but I have a great diagram.

Doc(Charlie): Will this be temporary doc?

Charlie(doc): Hard to say, I'll go back to the lab to investigate, once I know exactly what caused this swapping effect, I'll know how to reverse it.

Charlie(doc): I hope.

Kade(heatwave): What do you expect?

Chase(Frankie): Do you want me to go with you daddy?

Charlie(doc): no thanks Chase, why would you want to...?

Charlie(doc): *remembers* oh, Frankie, yes of course.

*they both leave*

Cody(boulder): I have to go back to the station, there's something I want to try now.

Cody(boulder): oh, I forgot, I don't have vehicular mode, Cody, can you give me a ride?

Boulder(Cody): Sure boulder! but I'm not sure how...

Cody(boulder): just think of yourself as "bulldozer" and...

*Boulder(Cody) transforms into a vehicle*

Boulder(Cody): This,is,unbelievable!

Blades(Dani): I must try this.

*Blades(Dani) transforms into a helicopter*

But it is difficult for him to fly.

Dani(blades): See, Dani? Flying isn't that easy, right?

The team returns to the firehouse, where Boulder finds it much easier to tap dance in Cody's body.

while outside:

Kade(heatwave): *putting on a helmet* much better this way.

And Kade in the heatwave body, he was driving on the race track.

*Heatwave(Kade) transforms into a bot*

Heatwave(Kade): Oh yeah, I got you heatwave.

Heatwave(Kade): Ha ha! Hey, if he was that powerful, he'd be arrogant too!

*Transforms back into vehicle mode and races down the track again*

Kade(heatwave): Be careful Kade, don't go dent me.

Kade(heatwave): How can such a small part of a weak body hurt so much?

Heatwave(Kade): *brakes* you could go to the dentist for me...well, you know, for you.

Kade(heatwave): Will it take away the pain?

Heatwave(Kade): Sure...something like that *walks away*.

Kade(heatwave):Where's the dentist?

Sooha: *voice* Hello? Hellooooo? Is there anyone here?

Kade(heatwave): Sooha?! My love? *trips and falls*.

Kade (heatwave): I mean *clears his throat*...This way!

Sooha: *appears* ah, hi Kade, hey, haven't you seen...?

Kade(heatwave): Oh sooha, you are light to my eyes, I missed you so much, so good that you are here!

Sooha: Uh, Kade, are you alright? Why are you talking like that?

Sooha: you're acting something... different.

Sooha: Is something wrong?

Kade(heatwave): *hugs her* You don't know how happy I am to see you! This is a nightmare! But it doesn't matter, I can take any pain just to hug each other all day.

Sooha: Huh, what are you...?!

*He picks her up and tries to kiss*


Sooha: Eww!

Sooha: Kade! What's wrong, are you crazy?! If heatwave sees us like this, he's going to kill you!

Kade(heatwave): *puts her down* Huh? but cute, it's me, heatwave.

Kade(heatwave): hey *hugs her from behind* And since when do you think that about me? I'm not even crazy.

Sooha: Huh?!

Sooha: W-what are you... it's not funny Kade, I don't have time for your jokes, let me go.

Heatwave(Kade): Let's see, what's going on here?

Sooha: ...!Heatwave! I-I, I...i-it's not what you think! Kade started!

Kade(heatwave): Hey.

Heatwave(Kade): Huh? But he's Heatwave.

Sooha: Huh...let's see...what do you mean?

Sooha: you two are already going too far with your joke, and even you guys don't get along, weirder.

Heatwave(Kade): ...So what? Aren't you going to explain to your girlfriend genius?

Kade(heatwave): *Sigh* it's ok...

Kade(heatwave): sooha, by accident, somehow, now he's me, and I'm him, do you understand?

Sooha: *raises her eyebrow*

Kade(heatwave): and also...it feels horrible *chill*.

Heatwave(Kade): Hey, I'm offended, but it's true, and hey, for some strange reason I'm really thirsty.

Sooha: *looks at them*

Sooha:okayyy...this got weird.

*Sooha walks away and puts her fingers about to snap them*


Sooha: listen, if you don't want me to use hypnosis on you, you'd better tell me what's going on!

On the other hand:

Frankie(Chase): *putting on a badge*...at least I'm not totally out of uniform.

And he sees boulder (Cody) working on a skate ramp.

Frankie(Chase): boulder that's... uh, Cody, can I help you build, whatever it is?

Boulder(Cody): Got it Chase, now I'm big enough to build.

And he breaks a part of the ramp.

Boulder(Cody): But...I'm still having trouble getting used to this body.

Frankie(Chase): and I find it strange to be so small, humans are very fragile more than I imagined, I will apologize to the chief for chess.

On the other hand:

Blades(Dani): *from outside* Blades, get out of my room!

And Blades is in Dani's room, wearing a dress and bingeing on yogurt.

Dani(blades): This is amazing!

Dani(blades): It's cold, and it's soft on my tongue *you have an idea* Can I have French fries? I'll mix them with the yogurt.

Blades(Dani): You're going to make me sick.

Dani(blades): I always wanted to see where you lived.

Dani(blades): *looking at a book* How do you learn all these things?

Blades(Dani): That's why I never sleep, now come on, you have a lot of homework to do for me.

Dani(blades): Go to the pantry! *gets excited* I always wanted to push the cart!

Blades(Dani): Get out of my room, and take off my dress.

Change of scene:

Location: Doc Greene's Lab

Doc(Charlie): How's it going doc?

Charlie(doc): *starts*...sorry...I can't get used to seeing myself.

Chase(Frankie): Dad says the effect won't wear off so fast, we're doing tests on the nebula particles to reverse it.

Charlie(doc): This is taking longer than usual, no offense old friend but it doesn't have the fine motor skills I've developed over the years.

Doc(Charlie): Yeah, say it, I have fat chubby fingers, I know.

*The telephone rings*

Charlie(doc): *answers* Hello? Emergency? I'm afraid you got the wrong number, oh, I mean, it's the right number but...*passes the phone*it's for you.

Doc(Charlie):Griffin rock emergencies?

Doc(Charlie): Let's go there *hangs up*.

Doc(Charlie): Your intercom doc.

Charlie(doc): *gives it to him*.

Doc(Charlie): *uses the intercom* attention team, there's a fire in the bushes near the water tower, it's not big but we have to deal with it before it gets out of control.

Doc(Charlie): Remember, no matter who is where or who is who, we are still rescuers, first and foremost.

Doc(Charlie): and...Frankie, we need you to take us.

Place: station

Kade(heatwave):Rescue bots Roll to the rescue!

Heatwave(Kade): That sounded weird.

Blades(Dani): How can you not like flying blades? Feeling the wind go by, freedom...

Dani(blades): the moment you realize that there is nothing between you and the ground, more than thousands of meters of air.

Blades(Dani): I'm going to fly a little lower, okay?

Dani(blades): I'm going to let your sarcastic ironic comment slide.


Frankie(Chase): Experiencing traveling inside myself is more than this little brain can handle.

Chase(Frankie): Can you believe it? I'm a car! Hey, can I turn on the siren?

And they arrive at the scene, but, not used to the bodies of others, the team fails in their attempts to put out the fire, with Cody hitting the water tower and Dani inadvertently fanning the flames.

*Graham grabs the heatwave hose*

Kade(heatwave): Hey, that's my job.

And Graham puts out the fire and Sooha runs to protect the campers and Cody helps her.

Graham: All right, perfect folks, grab your stuff and get to safety.

*Campers leave*

*Chase, Chief Burns and Frankie arrive*

Frankie(Chase): My apologies, Francine decided to take the long way... the long way.

Chase(Frankie): I reached more than 50 km/h.

Doc(Charlie): We need to get this over with before there is a major emergency.

Time after:

Returning home, Dani forces Blades to exercise to burn off some of the food he has eaten.

Dani(blades): *running on the treadmill* Can I stop this now?

Blades(Dani): After that amount of yogurt? Hell no! Keeping fit is part of the job.

while outside:

Cody(bouldering): looks good, sorry for not helping you sooner Cody.

Boulder(Cody): Your tap dancing was as important to you as my skateboard ramp was to me, but now that I've finished it, I'm too old to enjoy it.

Cody(boulder): I'm not sure you wanted to, the feet of this human body hurt from tap dancing.

Boulder(Cody): I'll be glad to switch back, no offense boulder *means feet* but I don't know how you go around with this.

While outside the dentist, heatwave comes out but the doctor is angry.

Doctor bieber: *annoyed* Maybe it's time you found another dentist, Kade burns! *closes the door*.

And he gets on.

Sooha: whoa, what was that all about?

Heatwave(Kade): What did you do to doctor bieber?

Kade (heatwave): He put his hand on my mouth, I admit that I feel better.

Sooha: *sigh* (I can imagine what he could have done to her).

Heatwave(Kade): *Gets upset*.

Doc(Charlie): good news team, maybe doc found an answer, he's waiting for all of us at the space center, see you there.

Change of scene:

Location: space center

Charlie(doc): The swapping effect can be reversed, but...we'll have to go back into space to recreate the situation with the nebula.

Graham: And soon, there's only a short time before the cloud goes further into space.

Dani(blades): I'll be happy not to have to exercise again.

Dani(blades): I don't know how you do everything Dani, I'm exhausted, and my tummy...

Blades(Dani): oh great, but I promise you blades, as soon as this is over I'm going to wax you up, and I'll never give you problems with your flight again.

Blades(Dani): Well... maybe until Tuesday.

Graham: Where did dad go? *sigh* I mean...doc.

And listening to music, they find him doing a move and dancing, Doc Greene style, which everyone is surprised.

Sooha: Ehhh... Chief?

Doc(Charlie): *sees them*.

*Turn off the music*

Doc(Charlie): I got caught, ever since we were kids I wished I could move like you doc, and I thought, this is my last chance.

They then notice that the water tower is about to collapse, endangering two hikers.

Frankie(Chase): The water tower.

Graham: It must have been damaged during the rescue, I should have inspected it before we left.

Doc (Charlie): It's not your fault Graham, the important thing now is what do we do?

Kade(heatwave): We need to withdraw those scouts, that thing can land right on them.

Dani(blades): The asgard is on its way!

Charlie(doc): If the takeoff platform gets wet or the asgard gets damaged, the flight will be suspended guys.

Cody(boulder): and we will lose the nebula.

Sooha: And...they could stay like this forever.

Sooha: (Oh no, I don't want to kiss my boyfriend on Kade's body for the rest of my life!).

Boulder (Cody): No! We can stop her together, they've seen her teammates do her work hundreds of times, it's a matter of concentrating and helping each other.

Frankie and Chase help carry the hikers to safety, but they are swept down the mountain and Kade and Dani have to pick them up, as the water flows safely into the ditch that Cody and Boulder have built.

Hurriedly as the nebula passes, the asgard launches once more and the boss replaces the crystal on the diagnostic binary link, there is another flash of light and everyone returns to their normal bodies to full relief.

Frankie: Did it work dad?

Chase: I think Francine, you've answered your own question.

Everyone: *gets happy*.

Chase: And I should add, having worn your shoes, I realized how comfortable they are, I can understand that being human is quite nice.

Blades: True, it wasn't that bad.

Heatwave: Yeah, it was pretty terrible.

Boulder: Sorry if your feet hurt Cody.

Cody: No problem, there's a skate ramp waiting for me, and I built it myself, with help.

Kade: and there is no more pain.

Heatwave: You're welcome.

Kade: It means I can eat now. How about we finish the field day?

Dani: no thanks, for some reason...*looks at blades*I'm not hungry.

When they finally return to earth:

Sooha: So, what happened, did it work?

And they all say yes.

Sooha: *happy* Waa! Yatta!

Heatwave(human): Yes, and that's great, to finally do this.

And he takes Sooha by the waist and kisses her.

Sooha: *blushes*!

Sooha: *looks away blushing* hehe...

Time after:

Even being in the space center, everyone had their field day and Sooha was writing some things on her phone that apparently is a diary, and heatwave out of curiosity sees it, and snatches the phone from her to know that she was writing.

Sooha: Hey, give it back to me! *chases him*.

Heatwave(human): *Walking and reading* Heatwave is so cool and handsome that when I see him every day my heart races for him.

Sooha: Give it to me!! *trying to reach it*.

Heatwave(human): Nope.

Sooha: That's private!

Heatwave(human): When it comes to me it's not private, haha.

Sooha: Ouch!!

Sooha: Come here!

And they return to the chase.

Sooha: Agh, well, if you don't give it back to me...!

Then sooha, seeing that the asgard is empty, he gets a mischievous idea.

Heatwave(human): Hey, where are you going?!

Sooha: I'll go for a walk in the asgard, and you won't be able to stop me! *runs and laughs*.

Heatwave(human): Come back here!

And they both enter the asgard still continuing their chase, when suddenly there is a big pink glow in the asgard, and a bunch of shiny dust appears.

*Both leave Asgard*

Sooha(heatwave): hey, look what you did.

Heatwave(Sooha): Hey, you were the one who took my phone out of my hands to read my diary!

Heatwave(Sooha): Wait, why does my voice sound like yours?

And they both look at each other, and notice that they are not in their bodies.


Heatwave(Sooha): Wait...Why do I look like you? And why do I have fangs?!

Sooha(heatwave): And why do I have doll hands?

Heatwave(Sooha): Wait...it means...

Heatwave(Sooha): ...I'm in your body?!

Sooha(heatwave): And I'm in your body?!

And that now means, Sooha and heatwave have swapped bodies.

Both of them: *look at each other in shock*.



End of chapter, thank you♥️.

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