Enchanted by freckles - Garre...

By Caelie_Caladea

19.8K 1.1K 232

Garreth Weasley and Caelie Lewis have been friends since day one at Hogwarts. A lot has changed since then. C... More

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105th & final chapter
A few final words of thanks + new project
New project!

101st chapter

72 6 4
By Caelie_Caladea

And suddenly we were a couple. And finally I had everything I ever wanted, namely Caelie. My precious darling little Caelie. Then we had our first time together. I have never felt so close to a person ever before. It was overwhelming. I thought everything was going to be okay now, and we could start our life together that I had been dreaming of for so long.

But then, a few weeks later, when Sebastian was back, I realized that she was interested in him again. I wanted to kill him, but I was trying to get him to attack me so that I could "accidentally" kill him in the process of self-defence.

Why did she show any interest in him? Was I not good enough? After all, I was trying to do everything to make her very happy. What else was I supposed to do? I was willing to give her all. Why wasn't that enough? Was I just not worth it? Why couldn't I just be happy with the one woman I was making all the effort for? Why wasn't I good enough for her? Why not?

My schoolmates always thought I was stupid and not paying attention, but no, I was noticing a lot more than I was admitting. My grandpa always said it was better not to comment on everything.

Then Caelie was going with him to Feldcroft. I knew something was definitely going to happen. Sebastian had announced it to me that he would also try his luck. But I really tried to believe in Caelie's love for me.

When Caelie returned and told me she had feelings for him, I was shattered inside. All I really wanted to do was just die. My whole life had no meaning any more. All those years felt lost.

I always carried a vial of poison in my robe, and as I looked into the void by the little herb garden, I considered just emptying the vial. What else did I have to lose?

When she said she would love me and wouldn't leave me, I tried to accept her feelings for Sebastian and hoped they would fade away. But they didn't. It hurt that I wasn't sufficient for her. It really hurted a lot, but I noticed how she tortured herself with it, so I didn't say anything again.

And suddenly, from one second to another, I didn't hate Sebastian no more. I started to like him. I saw that he was very good for her. And that she truly desired both of us. We actually got along really well and were very like each other in many aspects.

At some point I began to have thoughts about Sebastian. I began to have sexual fantasies with him. It was a foreign feeling and I tried to block it out. I had only known sexual arousal before at the thought of Caelie.

Over Christmas I was able to distract myself perfectly. It was nice that my whole family could see that I wasn't a completely useless idiot after all, but that I was actually able to achieve something.

The night in the Roman bath, was nevertheless discussed and reviewed every Christmas. Of course, it was still embarrassing for me, but I also found it hilarious.

After our first threesome in Feldcroft, I could accept it. Suddenly in the Crypt, Sebastian revealed that he was in love with me. I honestly didn't know what it was that I was feeling for him.It gradually got better and better. I no longer had to think about my feelings. Sebastian had no problem openly showing me his feelings, which allowed me to explore, sort out and uninhibitedly pursue what I was feeling. I was really glad that he wasn't as big a coward as I was. 

It was ironic that I, of all people, an unconfident wimpy little shit, was in Gryffindor house. The house to which courage was attributed.

And then, in one morning, I knew, yes, it's love. I love Caelie and Sebastian. Godric Gryffindor finally confirmed that I was right.

I was glad that I could free Sebastian from his darkness, although his thoughts and his darkness frightened me. In the end, however, it was clear that he was simply a traumatised, young and desperate man.

Well, then, from now on we would share happiness not just as a couple, but as a threesome. Sebastian ended up being my fiancé and we really had a lot of fun planning the wedding together and putting in lots of surprises for Caelie.

Everything was absolutely perfect. And then he was gone. I missed him so badly. And it hurt me so much to see Caelie suffer like that. So I accidentally drove us into a drug addiction. It really wasn't intentional. We just wanted to feel better, but when we stopped taking the drops we realised how hard it was. So we kept taking them.

Our wedding was really wonderful. Everyone helped me plan and make it happen. The unicorn-drawn carriage was so cheesy and quirky, but I thought it was, still really cute somehow. When Caelie saw it, she turned bright red. A really adorable moment.

The wedding ceremony in general was wonderful. I was so grateful to everyone. And the fact that Dad was able to tell us on that very day that Sebastian would be returning one day, and that Matilda and Aesop wanted me to come to Hogwarts as a teacher, was just incredible. I, who had made such a mess of things at school, was going to come back as a professor.

Then the babies were born. I had Sebbi in my arms and when my parents told us that the other one was mine, I was stunned.

The children grew rapidly, but our grief didn't reduce. One day, we gave the twins to my parents, and stopped the drugs. Those were really some shitty days, we spent mostly getting drunk and fucking, because it was the only thing that distracted us well enough. And I think in one of these days, we made Sammy.

Slowly, we started to heal a bit. We knew someday it would be the three of us again, and then we'd bring Sebastian into our great life. We wanted him to stop worrying when he came back. We still missed him, no question, but the pain was becoming more bearable.

How could it be that after only a year of being together as a threesome, we were grieving for such a long period of time? Sebbi started to show his magic after just one year. With Eddie it happened after two years.

Caelie and I gave birth to Sammy all by ourselves. It was Caelie's wish that we gave birth to him all alone. For the kids, I had let Mum teach me even more about the healing arts and was now really a passable healer. I was still very scared. Even though I was much more confident by now, I knew that many mothers died in the process of giving birth.

But fortunately the birth was uncomplicated and quick. Even though I went back to school the next morning after only two hours sleep until I passed out there.

Aunt Matilda took me home. I was truly embarrassed, but luckily the students knew what was going on. It was in Jennie's seventh grade class when I collapsed, completely exhausted, and she took over for me for a few short days. The feedback from my students, however, told me that they were very happy when I was back, because Jennie was probably less into teaching than I was. That made me a bit proud.

Even though Jennie was always a prodigy who had everything fall into her lap, the teaching didn't. The teaching itself was not the issue, but Jennie had no sense of either the students who were good or the ones who were struggling.

In general, I have really experienced many nice moments at school as a teacher. But also unpleasant ones. I had to break some students' hearts when they really openly flirted with me. A girl in seventh grade had even groped me in the crotch and I slapped her in the face out of reflex. I was sorry that I had reacted that way, but after the incident we suddenly understood each other on a normal teacher-student level. We did not report each other and the thing was resolved.

However, many students, especially those who struggled in Potions, gave me small gifts after the successful exams, which I kept all neatly in my office.

I had, in the castle alone, countless opportunities to do shady things with students, but apart from the fact that they were my students, I never even considered cheating on Caelie. I may have had many naughty thoughts, but never with others. Not once with anyone who wasn't Caelie or Sebastian.

I could be blamed for many things, but I am a genuinely loyal spirit.

I was sorry that Sebbi was unable to use my wand, or Caelie's either. I never wanted him not to see himself as a complete member of the family, because I loved him as much as I loved Eddie and Sammy, but for him I'm sure that moment was quite depressing when he became aware that I wasn't his real father.

He knew it, but I think at a moment like that, when you're getting your nose pushed in, it's still a bit more tragic.

I was remembering Sebastian's return. It was a really unbelievable moment. I thought I was hallucinating, but no. He was finally, finally back with us. My love for him was the same as it had been before he left. I had missed him so much. And all of a sudden, we were finally three again. It was wonderful to finally hear him, see him or feel him again.

I suddenly felt like I was 16 years old again, as needy as I was all the time. I was a little ashamed of it, but the other two didn't complain. On the contrary, especially Sebastian, was just as horny as I was.

We were already preparing our wedding again, and I was really sorry that this time it was me who couldn't take part. I was looking forward to it so much.

And now here we are. In the present. In the second of my death.

I wondered how my students would react to my death. What my family would say. Mum was absolutely right. And I didn't even say goodbye to her properly, I didn't take her and her worries seriously. What would Jennie say? Hector? Kay? Dad? Ellie? Matilda? Adaliz? Grandma?

How would Sebastian and Caelie afford to feed the kids? Sure, I saved up well, but one day they'd have to work. Would they find good jobs? What houses would my children go to? I was sorry that I was not able to teach them. Eddie in particular was always looking forward to me being his teacher one day.

I would have loved to see what they all did with their own lives. What would they do for a career? Would Eddie be able to hold a candle to me, or even surpass me in my core area of expertise? They were still so young. I hoped Sammy would be able to remember me when he grew up.

I hoped the boys would take my death well. After all, they had Sebastian now. Even though he wasn't a replacement, of course, it was good to know that the three of them had a father at home.

My grandpa appeared next to me again. "You have made a lot of you, Gary. I am very proud of you. You had the life I always wished for you. A job you enjoy, a wife who truly loves you, and wonderful children. And you even have a partner in addition who loves you just as sincerely," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you grandpa. Thank you for everything. Without you, I would never have become who I am today. Or was." "You're more than welcome Gary." "Grandpa, what happens now?" "You can watch the others. But you can also meet your ancestors. The world here is very different, but I think it's quite nice, actually. This nonsense about heaven and hell that the Muggles always talk about doesn't exist. There are many different levels, and people who were really abysmally evil will never have a chance to get to the purest, and best people. But they will not be tortured." "Where are we?" " On top. Gary, you've mastered pure magic. You think someone that good ends up at the bottom?

"I've made a lot of bad mistakes, Grandpa. Really bad mistakes. I killed you, I tried to kill Sebastian." "But not because you're a evil person. You have to get the difference in your little curly head one day," Grandpa said, grinning at me.

Suddenly everything around me brightened up. "Well Gary, I guess you're not done down there after all. I hope we don't meet each other again for many years. I love you, my little Gary. And just remember, I'm very proud of you!"

Suddenly I heard noises. Screaming. Weeping, sobbing. Laughter?

I heard the voice I loved most in this entire world. Caelie. She screamed, "SEBASTIAN! IT WORKED!"

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