Enchanted by freckles - Garre...

Por Caelie_Caladea

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Garreth Weasley and Caelie Lewis have been friends since day one at Hogwarts. A lot has changed since then. C... M谩s

1st chapter
2nd chapter
3rd chapter
4th chapter
5th chapter
6th chapter
7th chapter
8th chapter
9th chapter
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11th chapter
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14th chapter
15th chapter
no chapter, just a few words + AI pictures
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22nd chapter
23rd chapter
24th chapter
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29th chapter
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32nd chapter
33rd chapter
34th chapter
No chapter: AI pictures of new and old characters
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39th chapter
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50th chapter
No chapter, more AI pictures
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No chapter, but new AI images
68th chapter
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79th chapter
80th chapter
81st chapter
82nd chapter
83rd chapter
84th chapter
no chapter - just new AI pictures + info
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88th chapter
89th chapter
90th chapter
91st chapter
92nd chapter
No chapter - new AI pictures
93rd chapter
94th chapter
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96th chapter
97th chapter
98th chapter
99th chapter
100th chapter
101st chapter
102nd chapter
no chapter - last AI pictures
103rd chapter
104th chapter
105th & final chapter
A few final words of thanks + new project
New project!

85th chapter

57 6 1
Por Caelie_Caladea

Garreth gently guided me back to our chairs as Edvin levitated a cake that exceeded all my expectations. It was beautifully decorated and flowers adorned it. There were five small tiers and my first thought was that I would probably be eating cake for the next three weeks, but that didn't bother me given my pregnancy cravings.

Garreth gave me a proud look. "Aaaaand? What do you think of my masterpiece?" he asked smiling.

"Stunning. Really," I said softly, staring at Garreth in surprise. "Edvin helped me a bit, otherwise I wouldn't have finished in time, but all the flavor compositions are from your husband's hands.", he said, chuckling softly.

Husband. How weird it sounded. Mrs. Caelie Weasley. That was my name now. Truly surreal. It sounded beautiful, but it didn't sound real. I looked at my ring. It was so well thought out. Surely Garreth and Sebastian had chosen them together.

The cake slowly lowered itself onto the table in front of us. Gwen handed me a knife and Garreth put his hand on mine and together we cut this beautiful cake.

On top of the cake were two small figures that were probably made of marzipan. A little Garreth and a little Caelie. Obviously Garreth had made these figures, because he had even made my little belly visible.

While we let the knife slide through the cake together, I also saw it flash in several corners.

I looked over to Garreth. My lipstick was still smeared across his mouth. Once we had the cake cut, Gwen and Fayette distributed the small pieces to all the guests.

Garreth and I exchanged a look. I put my hand on his cheek and tried to wipe the lipstick from his mouth when suddenly he pushed my hand aside and kissed me again.

When he broke the kiss, it was even more smeared than before.

"So does the color suit me?" he asked, laughing as he pulled me back towards him.

"I love you, my husband," I said. I just wasn't able to say any more. I still couldn't believe it. My brain continued to work overtime trying to figure out if this was all real or if I was just dreaming.

"My Mrs. Weasley, I will always love you." He said softly and kissed me again. Oh Merlin, I really would have liked to have gone with him for an hour. But he so lovingly prepared the celebration and I really did my best to enjoy it.

The cake was of course fantastic, but I wasn't expecting anything else. Garreth knew exactly what he was doing and he knew what I liked.

We ate, sat together and really had a good time. Again and again I thought of Sebastian but tried to shake the thought of him. As much as I loved him, I wanted at least to have one happy day.

After the cake, Matilda turned up the magic orchestra's volume.

"Then I suppose it's time for the wedding dance. May I ask, Mrs. Weasley?" Garreth said while holding out his hand.

"Of course, Professor Weasley," I said, smiling.

We walked in to the empty space between the tables. Garreth held me and started counting. We really tried our best, but we hadn't practiced so I kept stepping on his feet.

"I know a solution for that. Take off your shoes," he said quietly. I kicked off my shoes, he lifted me up a little, and set me down on his feet.

He continued to dance while I stood on his feet. We both had to laugh a little, but enjoyed being so close and hugging each other.

I saw that Elva and Kay danced with each other, half hugging. "Something's brewing.", Garreth said, giggling softly, "Ereck won't like it at all if his brother comes home with a Half-Veela. But I think it's cute."

Kay had grown quite a bit in the past few months and was a head taller than Elva. Jennie and Ellie were dancing wildly alongside each other and Poppy had taken Larena from Louis and was wiggling her back and forth in delight.

It was so harmonious. There were no arguments, as far as I could see everyone was really happy and so we spent the day until it was time for dinner. Garreth and I were now seated again and he gently massaged and cooled my feet.

Edvin summoned a large stone grill, similar to those found in Iceland, and lit the wood beneath.

As the wood burned, Sirona, Edvin, Matilda, and Gwen Apparated back and forth between the three broomsticks and our feast area to get all the food.

I saw that Garreth thought of everything I liked. The children distributed herb butter, bread and the various salads along the tables. They all went out of their way to make our day a great one.

I looked over at Garreth who was totally focused watching the others dance, despite having grown up so much he still looked very cute. I just watched him as he kept glancing at my feet which were on his lap and at the others.

His facial expression changed every second between sad and pure joy. I wondered what was going on in his head so I asked him quietly just as he was looking a little sad again, "Garreth, what's the matter? You look so unhappy."

He looked at me a little confused. Apparently he hadn't even noticed that he was looking sad."I wish Grandpa was here... I wonder if he would be proud of me," he said quietly.

"Oh Gary, of course he'd be proud of you. You've achieved so much in the past few years. You're perhaps the youngest professor Hogwarts has ever had, and in Dad's core area at that. He would have burst with joy. And besides, you have a wonderful woman by your side who loves you just as sincerely as your mother loved me, or mum dad. And besides, you're going to have two little babies. Why shouldn't he be proud of you?" Yvain asked, crouching beside us.

"I don't know either. I just miss him. And I miss Sebastian too.", Garreth continued to say quietly.

"I have news, but I don't know if this is the right moment to talk to you about it," Yvain said quietly, too. "Is the trial over?" I asked immediately. Yvain nodded, "I just wanted to wait until after the wedding to talk to you guys because I don't know how you guys are taking it."

"Dad, please say so. We're expecting the worst anyway," Garreth said, and I saw his eyes begin to moisten again.

Yvain took a deep breath. "Come with me for a moment," he said softly and led us to the benches where the wedding ceremony was taking place.

He pushed two benches together so we could talk without being disturbed. We sat down and waited for his information. Yvain sat down as well and took a deep breath.

"Based on what we have said in court, the sentence has been set at 15 years. And that's actually not bad considering that using the Unforgivables normally carries a life sentence. They accepted in court his young age, after all he was only six months of age, and the years of torture by Solomon. I think it's a relatively good result, but I can imagine you don't see it that way," Yvain said quietly.

"We'll be reunited in 15 years at most. Even if it's a bloody long time, there's a goal in sight," Garreth said, tears streaming down his face.

"Thank you Dad. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for trying everything you could. But I have one question. Who reported him?"

Yvain looked down, "Ominis Gaunt. Betrayed by his former best friend."

Garreth and I stared at each other with open mouths. Ominis, who was there when Anne did it, framed Sebastian for Solomon's murder at the Ministry. Why? The two were so close again. Why did he do it?

"Does Sebastian know? How did he react?" I asked, appalled. Yvain nodded. "He started screaming. In the middle of the courtroom. Of course, the judge didn't think that was very positive, but I understand him. Ominis sat and cried while making his statement, which made Sebastian even more angry. Had to cast Relaxia nonverbally to calm him down."

"And how did he react to the verdict?" Garreth asked. "He cried and hugged me. He reacted almost the same as you, actually. He's looking forward to the day when he's free and can come back to you. He says this motivate drive him. Even though his body is in a really miserable state, he's still in his right mind. I have never witnessed anything like this."

"Let's hope it stays that way for the next 15 years. We have to catch up on a party with him.", Garreth said quietly and squeezed my hand.

We both cried but it felt good to know that someday we will be reunited. Even if it was a long time. In 15 years I would be 33 and Garreth and Sebastian 34. Then we would still have many years together. Now all that was left to do was hope that one day he wouldn't go nuts.

"And I have a message for you guys. I'll just quote him straight out: 'If they don't enjoy their wedding, I'll be pissed off and then they won't be able to sit for two weeks once I get back with them.' I really don't want to get into that with you any further, but that's exactly what he said to me." Yvain said and looked at us slightly embarrassed.

Garreth and I both burst out laughing. Yes, that sounded like our Sebastian. We squeezed our hands tightly and looked at each other. Garreth's eyes shone even brighter than before.

"Thank you, Yvain. Thank you for representing Sebastian and thank you for standing up for him. And thank you for telling us," I said, feeling a few tears trickle down my cheeks .

Ominis Gaunt, if I can get my hands on you, you'll know my special magic.

"Garreth, can we Apparate to Feldcroft shortly?" I asked. "I was just thinking about it too. I think we need to have a quick chat. Dad, please distract the guests. We won't be long," Garreth said before he got up and we were in Feldcroft.

We went to the Sallows' house and knocked. Nobody opened. Garreth pounded furiously on the door. "Ominis Gaunt, you fucking coward, open the door or I'll kick it in!" he yelled. Still no reaction. Garreth attempted to open the door, but it was locked.

We didn't have our wands with us, so Garreth shoved me aside and gave the door lock a hard kick. The door sprang open and we saw that the house was completely empty. All furniture, all furnishings, everything was gone.

They were gone. "Are you looking for Anne Sallow?" an older gentleman asked as we were closing the door.

"Yes," Garreth said, trying his best to appear friendly. "Anne and her blind boyfriend moved out two days ago. They didn't say where they were moving to. But after Sebastian's murder of his uncle, Anne just wanted to get away. I don't know how she's going to get through it."

"Sebastian didn't kill Solomon." Garreth said and Apparated us back.

"That was quick," said Yvain, irritated, "Ominis and Anne have left Feldcroft." Garreth snorted furiously, "That miserable coward."

"Come on Garreth, let's try to enjoy the celebration. It's Sebastian's wish. We can hate and beat up Ominis another time." I said softly.

"Dad, can you please pass me my drops?" Garreth said. His father took a small bottle out of his pocket. "Thanks," Garreth said, patting a few drops onto his tongue. He turned to me and very gently pulled my chin down with his thumb before giving me a few drops as well.

"Good. Let's go back then." Garreth said, lighting a cigarette and smiling. "I'm going to kill Ominis.", I said quietly when we had moved away. "It's fine. If you don't do it, I will. That filthy son of a bitch can't get away with that. Such a miserable bastard," Garreth said, inhaling deeply.

Garreth's cigarette got him a few skeptical looks, but he didn't care at that moment. Since Sebastian was gone, Garreth always had some with him and smoked whenever he felt like it.

We sat down again and after a few minutes our mood brightened, we ate together the delicious meat that Edvin grilled and the salads that Garreth, Edvin and Sirona had prepared. Garreth drank a little while I had to settle for elderflower juice.

His mood was actually very good for the rest of the evening. Garreth danced with all sorts of guests while unfortunately I was not very mobile due to my feet. But I loved watching him have some fun. Someone always sat down with me for a little chat, so I never got bored. 

It was already dark and Garreth was already quite drunk when he wanted to go home. Matilda apparated us home as she didn't want Garreth to make a mistake due to his drunkenness. She dropped us off at home and disappeared again.

Garreth opened the door and just as I was about to go inside he grabbed me and lifted me up. He put me in his arms and carried me into the house. Although he was swaying before, he actually walked very steadily carrying me. "Don't worry, I would never let you fall, ma moitiée," he said softly as he kissed me as he walked.

He didn't drop me off in the living room, he put me straight to bed.

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