Enchanted by freckles - Garre...

By Caelie_Caladea

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Garreth Weasley and Caelie Lewis have been friends since day one at Hogwarts. A lot has changed since then. C... More

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no chapter - last AI pictures
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105th & final chapter
A few final words of thanks + new project
New project!

84th chapter

54 6 2
By Caelie_Caladea

"Garreth, Caelie. It is now time to say your vows," John said, my heart sinking at the thought. I hated speaking in front of so many people, but I wanted to take the initiative at least for once.

"I would start if that's ok with you," I said quietly. Garreth looked surprised, but nodded cheerfully.

"Garreth, I want to apologise to you first. For not noticing the feelings for you until so late." I began when Yvain interrupted me. "Caelie, you have to speak louder, we hardly hear anything and we're sitting in the front row."

I nodded, blushing, and cleared my throat before continuing to speak louder:

"But please know that although I realized the feelings late, I could not imagine life without you for many years before. You were always with me and I am still grateful to you for that.

I am grateful not only to you but also to your parents for giving us the opportunity to spend three months at a time day and night together during the summer holidays.

When you were in the hospital, it was the worst time of my life. Not that the current time is much easier, but the knowledge that Matilda could come to us at any moment and tell us that you are dead has changed me forever.

Never in my life have I been so afraid. Sebastian and I ate next to nothing during the time you were in the coma. We had lost so much weight that she was even concerned. I also want to apologize for that, Matilda.

But time stood still without you. Your laughter, your bright eyes, the smell of your beautiful hair and also just hearing you breathe or snore softly. I missed all that so much.

It was all the nicer when you came back and the three of us were finally together again.

Suddenly, the world was more colorful than ever before. The year from your return to this February has been the best time of my life.

I hope that one day we'll all be together again, but until then, our time will not stand still. We're going to build the life we've always dreamed of with at least two beautiful, freckled kids.

I love you so much Garreth. I'd love to kiss every freckle on your body to show you that, but let's face it, by the time I'm done, my lips are sore. That's why I'm asking you to believe me as well.

I love your beautiful green eyes, especially when they're sparkling like they are right now. I love your red curls and how they look a little bit different every day. I love your soft voice when you wake me up, or your laughter when you're trying to tell me a joke you find funny yourself. I love that you're just as emotional as I am, and that you're not ashamed when you cry. I love that you don't pretend, but always are the way you are. Perfect.

I know you don't see it that way, but to me you are perfect. There would be nothing I would change about you, I would never even want to correct your little quirks. You are perfect just the way you are now.

I look forward to our future together. To more ingenuities you develop and more delicious food you serve me. And I'm going to do what I think I do best. I'll be by your side, loving you unconditionally.

I'll have your back if you need it. I will clean your stinking cauldrons when an experiment has gone wrong and you sadly sit on the sofa, and I'll collect your test spiders again the next time you forget to close the box properly and run out of the house screaming because a spider has roped down in front of you.

I will massage your shoulders if you are tense because you are stressed by your students. I will listen to you when you tell me something, even if I don't understand it, because I know how important it is for you to tell me everything that's on your mind. And I'll bear you a flock of red-haired children if you want it.

I will do anything for you that you ask me to do. From today until forever.

Professor Garreth Weasley, I love you more than words can express."

Garreth continued to hold my hands and tears rolled down both of our cheeks as we smiled fondly at each other. Garreth released our grip for a moment and turned away from the guests to wipe his tears.

Now he cleared his throat and tried to calm himself down. He grabbed my hands and closed his eyes for a moment.

Then he opened his eyes again and looked at me.

"Caelie, you make me the happiest man in the world. Always have been and always will be.

Ever since you came into my life, and finally Sebastian, I know what love really is and what love feels like. I never wanted another woman, I just wanted you. And even if I almost paid for it with my life, I would never have done it any differently.

We are both made for each other. Everyone who knows us knows that, too. I've never made a secret of my feelings for you, even though I haven't been able to tell you directly for a long time. The fear of being rejected was too great. I was just too insecure. Not sure you don't like my red hair or my mass of freckles. I wasn't sure if I was too childish for you or maybe too emotional. I was unsure I wasn't pretty enough or muscular enough.

I now know that it's about so much more than such banalities. It's about trust, deep love, and communication. I was a stupid kid, and maybe it was better that you didn't fall in love with this Garreth, but with the slightly more mature one who, while still a bit insecure, at least knows what he can give.

And I will give you everything in this world. I've told you before, I would poison every body of water and every animal in this world if it would save you. I would give anything for you, even if it were my own life. Without you, my life wouldn't be worth living anyway.

I know I made a lot of mistakes prior to our relationship by preventing anyone from taking you away from me, but I know that misconduct and the resulting emotional chaos has led to the best year of my life, even for me.

I continue to miss Sebastian every day. He was my best friend and my partner, but also the love I feel for him is very different from the love I feel for you.

I don't think anyone in this world has ever loved anyone as much as I love you Caelie.

I am so looking forward to our life together and our children. They will give us another meaning in life. Then we'll see them grow up and they'll make us proud. They will certainly get on our nerves, but when we stand in the children's room at night and see how they sleep, it will be worth it.

Merlin, I really hope there are two Sebastians, imagine two little Garreths. They'd tear our house apart before they could say Mum.

But even if that happens, I'll protect them as much as I'll protect you.

We're going to be a wonderful little family. You'll be able to stay at home if you want. With the professor's salary, I'll be able to finance both of our lives. Of course you can also work if you want, but you don't have to.

I look forward to seeing you fall asleep and wake up each day without being forced to sleep in separate dormitories.

I have a lot of flaws, I'm really not perfect, but I love you with all my heart.

You've been the center of my life since a long time. I will do anything to make you happy. Your smile means more to me than any money in the world. I would rather live happily with you under a bridge behind the Hogs Head than be rich when you were unhappy.

I'll always be there for you I will massage your feet, cook you food or brush your hair, no matter how often you ask me to do it. You're my number one priority.

Your well-being and that of our children is my mission in life. I'll sit down with the kids every night and tell them bedtime stories if you need some time to yourself.

I will do everything for you that ensures your safety, your happiness and your health.

I'll be there for you until the day I die. And, if I manage to come back as a ghost, then after that too. Then I won't be able to cook for you anymore, but at least I can talk to you and look at you. And that's pretty much all I need for eternity.

I love you, Caelie. And I look forward to growing old with you."

We both cried tremendously. I looked over to the guests for a moment. Some also wiped the tears from their eyes.

When we dried our faces, John continued. He looked over at Ellie and Jennie who were carrying a tiny little pillow with our rings over it. John accepted the rings.

"Well, then it's about time for the question of all questions. Garreth Tristram Weasley, would you like to take the present Caelie Aurélie Lewis as your legal wife?" "Yes, I do." Garreth said and nodded euphorically. I took Garreth's ring and slipped it over his ring finger.

"And now you. Caelie Aurélie Lewis, would you like to take the present Garreth Tristram Weasley as your legal husband and bear the name Caelie Aurélie Weasley in the future?"

At the sound of my new name, my heart skipped a beat. Finally the time had come.

"Yes, I do." I said, smiling. Garreth shakily took my ring, put my engagement ring on my middle finger, and slipped my wedding band over my ring finger.

I took a quick look at it. It was a band ring. It was golden and had three small stones set in it. One red, one green, and another red. He was perfect.

"Then you can now seal your marriage with a kiss."

Garreth and I just looked at each other without moving for a moment. We had done it. We really did.

At the same time, Garreth and I took a step towards each other. I put my hands on his hot, flushed cheeks. He wrapped one arm around my back, put the other on the back of my head and then we kissed.

It was a kiss full of emotions. Full of love, full of excitement, full of joy for our future together, but also full of pain.

We stood there for a while and held that kiss until I started again. Over and over again we kissed. The guests applauded loudly and I could hear some blowing their noses in their handkerchiefs.

After a few minutes, our mouths broke apart again. Garreth's mouth was now extensively smeared with my lipstick.

"Then I am pleased to hereby officially declare you Wizard and Witch, Husband and Wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley."

Garreth and I were still crying as we looked at each other and started to kiss again. It was a wild kiss. I'm sure Garreth would have loved to just slip away quietly as much as I did to relieve some tension, but we had a great celebration ahead of us.

Hand in hand we walked past the other guests and towards the tent, while Jennie and Elli threw rose petals at us.

We made it. We were married.

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