Enchanted by freckles - Garre...

By Caelie_Caladea

19.8K 1.1K 232

Garreth Weasley and Caelie Lewis have been friends since day one at Hogwarts. A lot has changed since then. C... More

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no chapter - last AI pictures
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104th chapter
105th & final chapter
A few final words of thanks + new project
New project!

83rd chapter

52 6 0
By Caelie_Caladea

When I opened my eyes again, we were standing in sunny Hogsmeade. I saw a unicorn on a snow-white carriage, with Edvin as the driver. He was beaming with the same happiness as Garreth.

"But to the three broomsticks, isn't it far?" I asked confused. "That's true. But let yourself be surprised.", Garreth said and helped me to get into the carriage.

Insanity. Pure insanity. A unicorn? I felt like a princess. I kept looking at Garreth as we drove in the carriage. He looked so excited. So happy. His cheeks were permanently flushed a soft pink as he kept glancing at me. I slid a little closer to him and snuggled up to him.

"And?" he asked, smiling happily at me. "You're crazy. This must have cost a fortune. But it's wonderful," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I told you the wedding was paid for. And grandma told me to do whatever we wanted. But I wanted to surprise you. And I know what you like. Grandma is just happy. She really likes you." He said softly and kissed my forehead.

We got further away from Hogsmeade. I was irritated but I trusted Garreth and my dad. After all, he grew up near here and besides, they've been living in Scotland for almost a year now.

After a while, I saw a large marquee, also white, in the distance in a small field full of white flowers.

I looked at Garreth in shock, but he smiled widely. "You're so crazy." I said quietly, my mouth still hanging open.

"I know. But you should smile, there are quite a few cameras around," he said, grinning at me.

"You're a real romantic," he said, and for just a moment the smile faded from his face. "No, Caelie. Sebastian had planned this part. He had arranged this with Sirona long before. Sirona had no use for the field and wanted to sell it, so Sebastian asked her to wait another year. She agreed and then he planted the forget-me-not seeds. Too ironic. Of all things, forget-me-nots... I believe that somehow Dad will manage to get a light sentence."

Garreth got out first, lifted me off and set me on the floor.

We went to the marquee together. It was big and round. A part was hidden behind a wall. The toilets were probably there. The tables were set up in a semicircle. Right at the most central part were two larger and cozy looking chairs decorated with flowers.

I saw so many faces of people I liked. Ellie and Jennie ran up to us. They both wore the same bright pink dress and handed us a wreath of flowers and a single flower which Garreth slipped into his waistcoat pocket.

It was a beautiful wreath of flowers with white Astrantias. Garreth put it on me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

He took my hand and walked with me to our seats with the comfortable looking chairs. "Sit down, my lady," he said, pulling the chair back for me.

Everyone sat down in their seats and looked at us. My family, Garreth's family, Elva, Orla, Poppy, Nellie and Leander and Sirona.

I saw that three seats were empty. We knew about Natty's absence because she was already back in Uganda, but Anne and Ominis were also missing.

Garreth stood up."Dear friends, dear family. First of all we would like to thank you all for coming. You may be wondering why Sebastian is not with us. He didn't dump us, no.

Our love for each other is still strong and I really wish he could be with us.However, Sebastian made a mistake early last year and was arrested early this year. He's not a bad person. He had the right intentions and simply did the wrong thing to save his twin sister who was cursed four years ago.

Dad is representing him in court, but Sebastian asked us to celebrate the wedding anyway, so unfortunately there's just the two of us here today. Though no, that's not true," he said, smiling gently at me before pulling me to my feet by my hand.

"There are four of us standing here.", he said and smiled at the group, who now looked a bit confused.

"There are two little Weasley or Sallow babies growing in Caelie's belly right now. We're expecting twins in November," he said proudly, wiping a tear from his face.

There weren't a lot of guests. Maybe twenty, but the applause and congratulations were really loud. Jennie and Ellie got up and hopped around in circles before running over to us and hugging us.

"Yes, I didn't really want to say much more. Except thank you. For coming, for your help with the preparations or for financial support.", Garreth said and sat down again.

"Garreth, I've got news on that. I've got a job offer for you. It should get you more than J. Pippins and you wouldn't have to work that long." Matilda said, smiling at us.

Garreth frowned. "What is it?" he asked confused. Matilda's smile widened. "Prof. Sharp would like to work in the Ministry again. And we need a new potions teacher. After you behaved so well last year and delivered perfect results without exception, he actively suggested you as his successor."

Garreth and I both gaped, "I always thought Sharp hated me. But I just finished school? Is that even possible? I got into fights with some boys from the year below me several times," he said, irritated, which caused some loud laughs.

"I think you don't have to fight anymore, it should be enough to take house points away from them. But in the last 25 years, at least, there hasn't been a student with your skills who could take over his position. And he never hated you. He was just angry that you were wasting your talent on your shenanigans or stealing from him. But please don't blow up any cauldrons," Matilda said.

"I can't promise anything. But if I'm allowed to go home in the evening and Caelie is okay with it, then of course I would." He said, looking at me.

"Sure, I agree," I said immediately. "Yes, teachers are supposed to sleep in the castle, but I've already spoken to Black and due to Caelie's pregnancy, you're allowed to use his floo powder fireplace. He wasn't happy with it, but he didn't want to find another teacher either," Matilda added.

"Gary will be my teacher!" Jennie exclaimed happily. "If you call me Gary even once in front of the other students, I'll zero Gryffindor's house points," he said, looking serious for a moment before laughing himself.

Sirona brought us all a glass of champagne, and me and the children an elderflower juice.

Garreth was even more beaming than before. "I look forward to Pippin's face when I tell him he can find another slave," he said laughing.

We were already in a fantastic mood, and the ceremony hadn't even taken place yet.

It wasn't long before an employee from the ministry came to us. He was wearing a suit, and Merlin, I was glad it wasn't Perilian. Yvain had specifically asked his favorite Ministry colleague from the Family Department to marry us.

"Hello Garreth, we already know each other," said the black-haired man, about Yvain's age, as he greeted Garreth, "And then you must be Mrs. Caelie Aurélie Lewis."

"Aurélie?" I asked confused when Fayette interjected, "Yes, that's your middle name. Didn't you know that?"

I shook my head. Garreth looked at me brightly again. "Another beautiful name, for a beautiful lady."

"Um yes, then it's me. Apparently.", I said, still a bit confused and shook the gentleman's hand.

"Good. I'm Jonathan Longbottom, but you can just call me John. Nice to meet you.", he said, "Are you ready already, or do you need a moment?" he asked, still very friendly.

"I've been waiting for this moment for eight years, I'm so ready John." Garreth said with a grin.

"I'm ready too." I said. "Okay, then everyone follow me, the wedding isn't supposed to take place in the tent." Garreth said and jumped up. Garreth grabbed my hand and led me behind the tent. There was an arch overgrown with red roses, under which lay a small rug.

Opposite the arch there were many wooden benches on which everyone could sit. It was wonderful. The sun was shining, the sky was cloudless and all around us were beautiful flowers.The preparation must have taken so long. Garreth saw the excited expression on my face.

"Not always, when I said I was working, I was really just helping out at Sirona's. I don't like lying to you, and actually I was working. Just don't in the three broomsticks, but here.", he said and squeezed my hand a little tighter.

"You leave me speechless. You are really adorable." I said and smiled at him just as lovingly.

Garreth released my hand, "Stay here," he said, stepping under the rose arch. Suddenly Edvin was standing next to me while the others took their seats,

"If I've already missed so many other moments, I'm beyond grateful to be able to be by your side now," he said, wiping the tears from his eyes.

I heard music and saw that Matilda had summoned a small string orchestra. It was perfect. Almost everything was perfect at that moment.

I looked back at Garreth while everyone slowly took their seats. He was bouncing from one foot to the other, looking genuinely excited. The butterflies in my stomach were dancing so wildly and I felt like my heart would jump out of my chest at any moment.

Edvin took my arm and slowly we started walking towards Garreth. I was worried that I might pass out because my heart was beating so fast.

Step by step we got closer to Garreth and with every step his smile got bigger until we were finally standing in front of him.

Edvin gave my hand to Garreth and sat down. So we faced each other. We held each other's hands and looked deep into each other's eyes. I forgot for a second that there were over twenty guests besides us. My hands were starting to sweat from the excitement, which made Garreth smile even more.

John stepped beside us and turned to the guests.

"We are here today to marry two young people who were lucky enough to find each other at a young age. Two young people who still have their whole lives ahead of them. Two young people who are in the process of starting their own little family.

Garreth Tristram Weasley and Caelie Aurélie Lewis will leave this celebration today as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and will hopefully remain together forever.

Not so long ago, they were both children who needed their parents' protection to get on with their lives, but now they are adults who can take their lives into their own hands. They've grown up. Of course, it is difficult for parents, aunts and uncles to see their children fledge and leave their nest.

But for the former children, who are now standing next to me as adults, probably no step in their lives was as easy as this one. The last few weeks have certainly been stressful, after all, a nice celebration doesn't just plan itself, but they knew that it would be worth it.

But similar to a celebration like this, it's the same with a marriage and a family of your own. Of course it's stressful at times, but you know what you're doing it for and that it will be worth it at the end of the day.

Through the groom's father, I'm well informed about the relationship between the two. I'll just quote him here: Ever since Caelie first came to our house, in the summer after the first year of school, we knew that the two of them would end up together at some point.

Garreth was, as far as I could understand from Yvain, already crushing during the first grade winter break, and while Caelie needed more time, she knew what she had in Garreth, even if she didn't immediately notice her affection.

Yvain told me countless stories, about nonsense they both came up with together, or how they fell through the roof into the living room one night because they were jumping on it and Garreth broke his leg. Or how Caelie once accidentally set the kitchen on fire because she was going to bake a birthday cake for Garreth.

I've heard a lot of really sweet stories that have shown me that the two are made for each other.

So I would say let's get to what we're all waiting for. For the wedding."

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