Enchanted by freckles - Garre...

By Caelie_Caladea

19.8K 1.1K 232

Garreth Weasley and Caelie Lewis have been friends since day one at Hogwarts. A lot has changed since then. C... More

1st chapter
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no chapter, just a few words + AI pictures
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no chapter - just new AI pictures + info
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102nd chapter
no chapter - last AI pictures
103rd chapter
104th chapter
105th & final chapter
A few final words of thanks + new project
New project!

78th chapter

63 9 1
By Caelie_Caladea

In a nutshell, I explained to Ominis the situation with Philippe and why he had kidnapped me.

Together we walked in the direction of the great hall, where Sebastian and Garreth were waiting for me in the anteroom. I saw Sebastian's look when he saw Ominis. He looked distressed. When Ominis said a simple "Hello Sebastian, hello Garreth.", Sebastian started to beam.

Out of nowhere he grabbed Ominis, lifted him up and hugged him. "I've missed you," he said quietly. "Let go of me. People think I'm going to join you three.", Ominis said annoyed, but he blushed a little. I was sure he thought Sebastian's reaction was pretty sweet.

"Ominis, I have so much to tell you. So much has happened.", he said softly. "Then tell me.", Ominis said just as quietly. The two sat down at the very edge of the Slytherin table and I saw that Sebastian was barely eating as he described our summer vacation in seemingly great detail.We've all had Transfigurations together lately.

"Merlin's beard, Garreth. Did you infect him? He's been talking for thirty minutes without breathing," said Ominis as we walked to the Transfiguration Court together.

"Probably. Ever since I got rid of the darkness inside him, he's been a lot more open. I think that's cute." Garreth said, blushing.

Matilda was standing in front of the classroom door. "Aunt Matilda, you're an angel! I'm going to try my best to thank you!" Garreth said happily. "Gary, you don't have to try very hard. Just try to hit the target and don't overshoot the target." She said smiling. We all sat down next to each other and for a moment I had the feeling, and could be a really good final year.

The next few weeks passed like in flight. They always expired the same. We were at Hogwarts during the week, helping out at Sirona's as much as we could, while staying home at the weekends trying to relax.

The weeks have been really busy. It was already starting to get a little cooler and the days were getting shorter and shorter.

Everything went well. Ominis and Sebastian got along really well again because Ominis saw how much Sebastian had changed. Anne and Sebastian were now writing letters to each other again. She wasn't ready to see him yet, but she was ready to have contact with him. That alone was already worth a lot!

Elva always invited us over to show us her progress, and we often visited my parents, which made Ellie especially happy. Meanwhile, Ellie had managed to awaken her magical powers.

Fayette still stayed at home, and tutored Elva and Ellie a little. Edvin had gotten a well paying job at the best restaurant in Inverness and he was teaching Sebastian and Garreth some Scottish dishes, which of course made Sebastian particularly happy.

With the Weasleys, everything was the same as always. Hector started dating the girl who used to be in love with Garreth, and due to Garreth's good behavior, Hector emulated him a lot, which made Garreth immensely proud. Kay was still as wild as ever and Jennie's magical talent was showing more and more. She and Ellie saw each other frequently and despite Ellie being considerably younger, they were really good friends.

Things went really well for Leander and Nellie, and Natty and Amit also seemed to have really sparked.

At the moment, we all saw a wonderful future ahead.

"When are we going to buy our wedding clothes?" Garreth asked one evening as the three of us were cuddling on the sofa at home.

"Good question. We should really do that." I confirmed.

"Then I'd say, let's go shopping tomorrow.", Sebastian said happily. It was Friday, December 9, 1892. Our wedding was less than six months away, and I could feel myself getting more and more excited every day.

In the meantime we had distributed our invitation cards and without exception everyone accepted. Even Anne. Sebastian was over the moon that she would be there on the day.

We went to bed early and the next morning after breakfast we headed to Hogsmeade. It was really cold outside.

We strolled together through the streets of Hogsmeade. Many have already bought their Christmas presents. We went to a boutique and looked at the clothes that were available.

"What do you think is appropriate? Should Sebastian and I wear full suits, or will something simpler do? I expect it's going to be quite warm," Garreth said as he eyed a green vest.

"Something simpler," I said, and my eyes fell on a beautiful white dress. It was pretty simple. It had a lacing at the bust and the skirt had a beautiful floral lace pattern.

"What do you think of that?" I asked the two of them and showed them the dress.

"It's beautiful.", Sebastian said and smiled lovingly at me. Garreth agreed, "It's perfect.". Both of them blushed a little.

I went to one of the dressing rooms and changed. I checked myself in the mirror before stepping outside. It was beautiful.

I pushed the curtain aside and took a step outside. Sebastian and Garreth looked at me with their mouths open. "You're beautiful." Both said at the same time.

"We found our outfits too." Garreth said smiling. They rushed past me into the dressing rooms.

After a short while they came back outside. Garreth wore the green vest, which he had examined closely earlier, and Sebastian wore a red vest.

They both looked amazing. "It's perfect. The Slytherin in red and the Gryffindor in green. I like the idea behind it."

"Yes, it's just supposed to show our connection to each other and I think that reflects it quite well.", Garreth said and straightened Sebastian's tie.

"Good. Then we have our clothes. Then I just need some shoes. How about you?" I asked. "We're done. We have black shoes at home, they're still in perfect condition. We don't need new ones. What kind of jewelry would you like to wear?" asked Sebastian.

"I don't need any new jewelry. I got yours.", I said and laughed lightly. I thought my jewelry was absolutely perfect.

"Okay, then shoes and then the wedding can start. It's hard to believe that we have to wait another half a year.", Garreth said and went back to the changing room to take off his new clothes.

"Sebastian, can you please help me for a moment. I don't think I can get out of here on my own." I said, laughing. "Nothing better than that, our beautiful bride," he said, taking my hand. He helped me out of the dress, and then went outside to change himself.

We paid and walked a little further through Hogsmeade to the shoe shop.

It took a while before we found one. We entered it and let the friendly salesman advise us. A beautiful pair of high heels was easy to find, so we grabbed those, too, and went to Sirona's for a butterbeer.

"If those aren't my three favorite little helpers. What is it that drives you here today? You didn't even sign up for temporary help." Sirona said in greeting.

"We bought our clothes for the wedding." Sebastian said happily.

"Oh, that's so nice. I'm really happy that you want to celebrate at my place. I'll decorate everything beautifully. I promise!", she said and put three butter beers in front of us.

"We're also very excited. It's getting serious.", Garreth said and smiled softly, "But I'm so ready. I would love to get married today."

"Yes, I feel the same way. I didn't think I would ever get married. And then the two most amazing people in the world. Just magical.", said Sebastian and smiled just as gently.In the past few months, his emotional state has been improving steadily. His sexual fantasies were still painful, but since he and Anne started sending each other letters, he felt much better.Garreth also seemed to be doing a lot better since he confessed to us about his grandfather.After our break at Sirona, we strolled a bit through Hogsmeade before flying home again.Once there, we snuggled down on our sofa again, under a blanket. Everyone grabbed a book beforehand, so we all sat snuggled together and read.The harmony among the three of us was perfect. In the year that we've almost lived together, we haven't even really fought. Of course, there were minor frictions here and there, but they were mostly just unexplained misunderstandings that could be quickly resolved.

A few weeks later we flew to Paris together with the other Weasleys. Sebastian was very excited, but we received a friendly welcome from everyone. Of course, there were some irritated looks when Sebastian and Garreth walked around hand in hand, but we all didn't care. We knew that this was the life we wanted to live.

Christmas was lovely. Garreth and Sebastian had given me a pair of earrings and a small tiara set with emeralds and rubies. I was absolutely shocked, but Garreth assured me that financially it was absolutely fine.

"You're going to be the most beautiful bride of all." Sebastian said quietly as he put the tiara on my head.

We spent Sebastian's birthday with the Weasleys this year and Viviane had had a big cake baked especially, which brought Sebastian to tears.

It was a wonderful Christmas, and before we really realized it, it was already time to say goodbye.

When we got back home, we were almost completely absorbed by our school, the temp jobs at Sirona and the preparations for the exams. It was a really stressful time, so we decided to really enjoy at least the weekend after Valentine's Day and just do nothing for a few days except enjoy our threesome.

The Friday after Valentine's Day arrived and we flew home.

"You two up for some fun?" Garreth asked, giving us his trademark mischievous smile.

"I'm in," I said. "Me too." Sebastian remarked. Of course we were still intimate with each other, but we just didn't have the time for excessive sexual experiences at the moment.

Garreth went to his bag and pulled out three small bottles. He handed each of us one, and downed his in one go.

We drank ours and settled back on our sofa.

It only took a few minutes before I was overcome by an absolutely crushing arousal. I looked at Garreth and Sebastian and saw that they felt the same way as me.

I straightened up and sat on Sebastian's lap. He was still clothed but immediately started undressing me.

Garreth knelt down next to Sebastian and kissed him. They were kissing intensely and I could see their tongues moving. I was so aroused that I stuck my head to theirs. Merlin's beard, I already felt like I was dripping.

Sebastian's bulge kept pressing against my privates while Garreth had already begun to masturbate.

"Let's go to bed. We have more space there.", I said and moved my hips slightly on Sebastian's lap.

We got up, undressed and Sebastian immediately threw himself naked on the bed.

I sat down on him and let myself slide onto his hard cock. Garreth joined us right away, and with both of them inside my vagina, before long I had my absolutely mind-blowing orgasm, so I sat next to them for a moment and watched them as I slowly began to masturbate.

"Garreth, is that the potion we drank in Paris back then?" I asked him as he fucked Sebastian's head.

"Yeah, just improved a little," he replied, pulling me towards him. I knelt down next to him and he immediately started fingering me.

"I can tell he's improved. It's absolutely mind-blowing." I moaned loudly.

"Yes baby moan for me," he said, looking at me intensely. His face had matured even more in recent months.

He fingered my most intense point, which is why I quickly moaned loudly over and over again. He smiled at me and closed his eyes for a moment. He came into Sebastian's mouth, and laid down next to me. "Sit on me baby," he said, pointing to his face.

I knelt over his face as he spread his legs for Sebastian to enter him.Sebastian grabbed Garreth's lube and entered him. To the rhythm of Sebastian's thrusts, Garreth moaned again and again and let his hot breath glide over my clit.

"You taste so good.", he said in absolute ecstasy, while Sebastian kept thrusting hard.

The three of us moaned loudly and I began to pleasure Garreth with my mouth. After a short time, Sebastian came and lay down for a moment while he watched us lasciviously as we continued to do it.

I didn't know what time it was, what day it was, or anything else that had nothing to do with sex.

Again Sebastian and Garreth were inside me at the same time as they both came at the same time. As soon as I stood up, the cum started pouring out of me and down my thighs but I didn't care.

We moved our activities to the basement room where Sebastian whipped me vigorously while taking Garreth.

It was so overwhelming. I don't know how many times I'd come before the potion's effects wore off.

At some point we just fell completely exhausted but cuddled into bed and slept for a while.

Sunday afternoon we woke up, showered and flew back to the castle. 

Sebastian seemed a little absent the following week but reassured us several times that everything was fine. The three of us spent Friday snuggling on the sofa. But when I woke up Saturday morning, Sebastian wasn't in bed.

As I exited the bedroom I saw a scroll of parchment and two small vials. I had a really bad feeling.

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