Enchanted by freckles - Garre...

By Caelie_Caladea

20.5K 1.1K 233

Garreth Weasley and Caelie Lewis have been friends since day one at Hogwarts. A lot has changed since then. C... More

1st chapter
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3rd chapter
4th chapter
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15th chapter
no chapter, just a few words + AI pictures
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34th chapter
No chapter: AI pictures of new and old characters
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no chapter - just new AI pictures + info
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101st chapter
102nd chapter
no chapter - last AI pictures
103rd chapter
104th chapter
105th & final chapter
A few final words of thanks + new project
New project!

63rd chapter

104 10 0
By Caelie_Caladea

We walked to the edge of town and got on our broomsticks and kept flying north. It was a really hot day with the sun shining incessantly.

"Fascinating ability," Adaliz said. "It is. I haven't seen Elva this happy since we were little. And since Garreth did it to me, I feel freer than I've felt in years. It's harder for me to hide my feelings, but that's not necessarily a negative thing," said Sebastian.

We flew further and further north along the Scottish coast until we left the mainland behind. In Kirkwall we took a little break to buy something to eat. We even happened to find a Floo powder fireplace.

After a break full of fish, chips and a delicious cup of tea, we continued on our flight. We talked about all kinds of things while we were flying. They were pleasant conversations.

The sun was already low when we reached the Shetland Islands. In a small town, we decided to buy the ingredients for our evening meal. We were standing at a small market where Sebastian was buying for us from a friendly market vendor. We didn't quite understand what he was saying. He was conversing in Scots and we could only guess what they were discussing. All of a sudden, he whispered something in Sebastian's ear. Sebastian smiled, paid, and came back to us.

"The kind gentleman is a wizard. I know where there is a floo powder fireplace around here." he announced cheerfully. "Are we going home for the night, or are we staying here?" Garreth asked, but then added himself, "I think we should stay here. Take a little vacation in this heat.".

We flew around the islands and chose an uninhabited island for our night's camp. Adaliz pulled a tent from her bag and set it up with a flick of his wand. It was very small and we looked at each other in confusion.

"Weel, if we transform ourselves, we might fit in thare. Itherweys it'll be rather difficult.", said Sebastian, who suddenly had a very Scottish undertone. "Sorry, as soon as I hear people talking Scots, I do too. Sorry." He laughed.

"Transform?" Adaliz asked. Sebastian didn't say anything, just transformed into his lynx form. "You're animagi?!" she exclaimed in surprise. We nodded proudly. A second later, Adaliz was replaced by a red fox. A moment later, she stood before us as a human again. "It was taught to us in school. Not anymore, but Fayette and I spent a lot of time in our animal forms. She's in the form of a white rabbit. I used to chase her for fun while she hopped away from me."

Suddenly, scales fell from my eyes. I looked at Sebastian. "The rabbit and the wild dog! In the woods when Garreth was in the hospital and on New Year's Eve! Adaliz, does my mother keep her purple eyes as a rabbit?" I asked excitedly, even though I already knew the answer. She nodded.

I felt tears streaming down my face, "Adaliz, you were right! I saw them twice in the woods by Marlee's house! Apparently they were really looking for me!", I said, when Sebastian and Garreth came over to hug me. I felt amazing. I was so happy. I knew that we were on the right path.

I turned into my squirrel form and jumped into the water. Garreth transformed and rushed after me. Adaliz and Sebastian also came into the water as animals.

We splashed around in the water for a while before heading outside again. It was a perfect way to cool off on this hot summer day.

Once outside, Sebastian and I went gathering wood to build a small fire while Adaliz and Garreth prepared the food. Everything was so wonderful.

We ate together, played some music by the fire before we went into the tent. The tent was really tiny from the outside, however it was enchanted similarly to Garreth's bag and could accommodate 20 people. When we said goodbye, Adaliz went alone to a room near the exit while the three of us snuggled together in the largest bed.

"And you're sure you want to do this with me?" Sebastian asked carefully. "What do you mean exactly?" I asked back. "To marry." "Yeah, you're just part of it. So, if you want, we'll get married as a threesome." I said and gave Sebastian a kiss.

"What name do we take then?" he asked curiously. "What do you think of Weasley-Sallow? I have no connection to my last name. Even if we find my parents, I'd still like to have your names." I said quietly, "Sebastian Weasley-Sallow, Garreth Weasley-Sallow, and Caelie Weasley-Sallow. I think that sounds amazing."

"It does." Garreth said giving each of us a small kiss on the hair. "It's going to be perfect.", Sebastian said softly. I slowly drifted off to sleep while Sebastian and I were both snuggled into Garreth's chest.

When I woke up the next morning, Sebastian and Garreth were already awake and talking in whispers. They smiled happily at me when they noticed I was awake. We left our room and went outside. It was already terribly warm at this time.

Adaliz stood as a fox in the water and looked at us happily. She faced the water again and a moment later she brought a fish in her snout to the tent and transformed back. I saw that there was a big bucket next to the tent, in which some fish were already wriggling wildly.

"Good morning! There's fish for breakfast! It's going to be warm and sunny again today, but we're flying several hundred kilometers over water today, so I thought our food should contain as much water as possible so that we don't get dehydrated.

We can't take a big break until we reach Faroe Islands." Adaliz said with a smile.

We ate the fish together, which Garreth fried for us with the leftover vegetables before Adaliz folded the tent up again and stowed it away. We jumped on our broomsticks and left the Shetland Islands behind.

"If we don't take a long break we'll make it to the Icelandic coast today!" Garreth said excitedly.

I wished for some rain. The sun beat down on our heads incessantly. Garreth was already badly sunburned but he still looked very happy. However, the further north we flew, the cooler it got

Shortly after noon we saw mainland in the far distance. My joy was enormous. I've had to pee for hours. When we got to the mainland, Garreth and I ducked behind the first bush to relieve ourselves.

We didn't have any inhibitions towards each other in this regard. In the past, when we were playing in the woods and had to pee, we always went back to back behind the nearest bush.

Everyone looked in a different direction to make sure no one was watching. It might have been strange to outsiders, but we weren't ashamed of one another for such a natural thing.

It was that comfortable level of intimacy that only siblings and perhaps long-married couples had.

We returned to the other two and remounted our brooms. We flew to the next larger town before we took a break to eat and drink. Garreth dug an ointment out of his pocket, which he smeared all over our faces one at a time.

As he touched my face, I felt that I was also quite sunburned. Garreth's ointment immediately cooled my face comfortably and after a short while it felt normal again. "You're a genius," I said in amazement.

"Yes, you're right, but first and foremost I'm just a young, red-haired man with very light skin.I get sunburnt so easily, I mastered the recipe for this ointment before I even started school, and I've only improved it over the last few years.", he said laughing as he generously anointed himself. I could see the redness on his skin diminishing by the second.

We stowed our brooms, exchanged some muggle money, and ate foods we could only guess what. Garreth seemed to enjoy it as he munched vigorously while Sebastian wasn't overly fond of the meat. Adaliz looked more and more nervous as we got closer to Iceland.

We filled up our water bottles with fresh water and kept on flying. The sun was still shining strongly, but since the surrounding air was cooler, the flight was very comfortable. Garreth's hair shone almost as brightly in the sun as his happy face. Adaliz didn't talk much anymore. She was really nervous and could hardly eat.

"What did you actually say to Gawain?" Garreth asked curiously. Adaliz smiled slightly. "Actually, I didn't want to tell him, but I didn't want to lie to him. I told him the truth that there were three of us traveling.

I didn't know anything about Sebastian back then. He just didn't want to accompany us in case Louis and his small family needed help. But he knows. I'm going to bring him and Louis a souvenir too. Maybe we can find cute baby clothes in the capital too."

"How does it feel to be a grandma anyway?" Garreth asked laughing. "Wonderful. Larena is so incredibly sweet. Isaline and Louis are great parents," she said enthusiastically. "What? You have children and even a grandchild? I thought you might be thirty.", Sebastian said, visibly irritated.

"I'm actually almost 41. I have a son, Louis. He's 24 and his daughter was born in early December. I was pregnant when I graduated, but thanks for the compliment," Adaliz laughed."Are you going to accompany them both to our family this year?" she asked Sebastian, "Mum will be delighted of you." She smiled kindly at Sebastian.

"Sure! He has to! Just imagine that we had to explain to grandma on the wedding day why there are two grooms!" Garreth laughed and conjured up a sweet blush on Sebastian's face.

"But please stay away from the Roman Baths," Adaliz said, making Sebastian laugh out loud while Garreth and I exchanged embarrassed looks.

This route now, was even longer than that from Shetland to the Faroe Islands. We flew a few hours before we spotted what might have been mountain tops in the distance. But we had a good chat, and time flew by, literally.

We all looked at each other happily. We were almost there. It was still a while before the peaks grew larger and we saw the coast. The sun did not seem to want to go down. I had the feeling that it was already evening, but the coast was still as bright as day.

Garreth and Adaliz seemed just as irritated as I was, only Sebastian didn't look irritated. He looked at us and had to smile a little. "Am I the only one who has researched the country we are traveling to?" he asked, laughing.

"The sun hardly sets from June to August. Depending on the region, for a few days it doesn't even set at all. In winter, however, it stays dark for a very long time. So, assuming Garreth still has some non-aphrodisiac stimulants on him, we can search at night as well. I also looked at the language a bit, but Icelandic is really, really difficult. We'll have to hope to meet someone who speaks English or French." Sebastian explained with a smile as we neared the coast.

"You're such a nerd, Sallow. It's a miracle you didn't end up in Ravenclaw," Garreth said, laughing, "And for the language problem, I probably have the solution with me. I improved my language potion a little more. Until now, you had to have at least some knowledge of the language in order for it to work. After boiling it down further and adding some special ingredients, including your ginkgo leaves, Sebastian, you should be able to understand any language, but I haven't been able to cook very much of it. It took me eight of the normal potion to make one bottle of this. And for more bottles of the regular potion, I was missing ingredients that I haven't been able to buy anywhere for the past few months."

"And then you call me nerd, Weasley." Sebastian said laughing and flew down. The rocky shore was now directly in front of us. We had made it.

We were in Iceland.

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