SasuHina: Beyond The Camera

By Hina5enpai

11.3K 337 77

(IDOL/CELEBRITY AU) COMPLETE WITH SEQUEL! Debuting as a 4-person idol group, Hinata, Sakura, Sasuke, and Gaa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8-Mature Content
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13-Mature Content
Chapter 14
Flashback Chapter-Gaara and Sakura's First Encounter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22-Debut Performance
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35-Christmas Part 1
Chapter 36-Christmas Part 2
Chapter 37-Christmas Part 3
Chapter 38-Extremely Mature Content Warning
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41-Mature Content Warning
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Finale-Chapter 75

Chapter 67

75 1 0
By Hina5enpai

-Hinata's POV-

The very next day, Prestige went to the agency for vocal and dance lessons like always. What wasn't usual was the fact that Kakashi and Tenten arrived in the studio at the end of our practice with Sai and asked Sasuke and me to come to the CEO's office before leaving.

"Ooh, what'd you guys do?" Sakura taunted as she dabbed sweat from her forehead and grinned.

The Uchiha man and I glanced at one another, frowning. The only thing we've done wrong is date behind everyone's backs. If that's what this is about, we might be just minutes away from being dropped from Evolution Entertainment and subsequently tarnishing our careers.

When we both shrugged rather than verbally respond, Gaara offered in a reassuring tone, "Would you like us to wait up?"

Sasuke shook his head, "Nah, I can drive us back."

I've yet to purchase another vehicle since my wreck. In fact, I haven't driven a car at all. I guess I'm too afraid I'll have PTSD and freak out on the road, potentially putting myself and others in danger. So, at least for now, I'll be what I've often heard be referred to as a "passenger princess".

Those two and Sai offered their goodbyes, and then it was just my boyfriend and me taking a moment to mentally prepare ourselves for whatever was about to happen.

"S-Sasuke, if they-" "Just let me do the talking. Deny everything, Hyuuga." Despite the firm tone, the glint in his eye said he was also seriously concerned.

If we kept the CEO waiting too long, things would seem even more suspicious, so we reluctantly took the elevator downstairs and knocked on Kakashi's door. When Tenten let us in, we sat in two of the plush chairs before the silver-haired man's desk in silence. Our mentor stood beside where he sat with an unreadable expression.

Before I could decipher it, Kakashi broke the tension, "Have either of you seen this yet?"

He held up a magazine, one of the more popular tabloids in Konoha, famous for capturing their stories in not-so-professional ways. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach in dread. Right on the cover was a shot of Sasuke and me in his car at a stoplight. The title in bold letters said "More Than Just Bandmates".

Somehow, whoever captured the shot managed to do so from slightly above, so Sasuke's hand between my thighs was crystal clear; otherwise, we'd be able to say we were just out running errands as friends. The Uchiha man's mask was off, so there was no denying it was him, but luckily mine was still on. I also wore sunglasses, so my distinct eye color wasn't detectable. It still very much looked like me, though.

"Am I not allowed to date? What's the problem?"

Tenten's composure cracked, and she scoffed, "You can date, but not someone who could literally be Hinata's twin! What were you thinking?"

"I'll ask this only once because I trust you'll be honest: Hinata, is this you in the photo?" Kakashi interrupted whatever retort Sasuke was about to shoot at Tenten.

My hands were trembling, and my face felt hot. I knew I couldn't speak clearly, so I simply shook my head and tried to appear sincere.

"Well, that settles that, then. Let's get out of-" "Not so fast, Sasuke, sit back down." Tenten gestured wildly at him when he tried to hastily end this awkward meeting.

The room quieted for a long moment before Kakashi sighed and offered me a sympathetic frown, "I'm not sure if you've been online today, but this photo is trending everywhere. Sasuke's fans are not happy."

Brow furrowing, I managed to stutter out, "S-Sasuke's fans?"

He nodded, Tenten continuing, "Babe, they are attacking you on every social media outlet possible. I've never seen backlash this severe."

Tears welled in my eyes, and I grit my teeth to keep my expression straight.

Kakashi said more hopefully, "The fact that only a tabloid caught the photo is a blessing. If you two lay low and avoid being seen together in public for a while, I believe this will disappear."

Our mentor added, "And if either of you goes on dates, maybe try not to hide as much, so the paparazzi can get pictures of you with other people. That'll help speed this along."

So, the two of us left the agency with mixed feelings. The car was silent for a few minutes as we sat with our emotions. On the one hand, they believed it wasn't me in the photo. On the other, we're expected to keep more distance in public than we already do and are encouraged to see others of the opposite sex. The agency would never demand us to date anyone, but Tenten's logic was sound. If we're seen with others, people will believe we're involved less and less.

"Let's just go on one or two dates with other people and get it out of the way."

The way Sasuke said it was simply too casual for my liking, and I gave him a barely-masked look of disbelief. He noticed, glancing at me before turning his eyes back onto the road, "What's with that face? It'll just be for show."

Tears welled in my eyes, and I nodded, turning my face and body slightly toward the door so he couldn't see my hurt expression.

For once, I'm encountering something with which Sasuke can't empathize. Going on random, meaningless dates is something he's done for years, whereas I've been on dates with only three men in my entire life, one of which ended disastrously. Not only that, but the Uchiha man's approach to this conversation was borderline nonchalant, as though none of this was a big deal.

But it's a big deal to me.

I don't want to think or look at anyone how I do Sasuke. He has all of my affection. There isn't room for anyone else in that regard. Even faking it with another person for an hour or two so paparazzi can catch photos seems impossible.

Back at the house, we explained what happened to the others, minus the fact that it indeed was me in the tabloid photo. Then I excused myself upstairs to run a hot bath so I could soak and organize my jumbled thoughts. Sasuke had to have noticed my discomfort somewhere between the car ride home and my locking myself in the bathroom, but he didn't say or do anything about it.

It's not like I'm acting a certain way in hopes of earning his attention because that's a game I'm not interested in playing. I'm genuinely upset, and the fact that the person who's supposed to comfort me in times like this isn't doing so was just making it worse.

As I sank lower into the bubbles with a frown, I shook my head. This isn't Sasuke's fault, and I shouldn't be thinking negatively like this. He handles emotions differently than others. I know that. We've yet to encounter this sort of thing, so for all I know, he's in his bedroom stewing over it just like I am here.

This isn't me against him. This is him and me against a problem. We're a team, a couple, and I believe we're strong enough to make it through this. It's just a rough patch. We'll get past it, and things will be smooth sailing again once this is over.

My phone ringing on the tub's ledge tore me from deep thought. With a red face, I clicked the green "answer" button when Deidara's name appeared on the screen, "Hello?"

"Hinata! What's up, girl? I saw a scandalous photo of you and had to get the details from the source."

I pushed my wet bangs out of my face, frowning even though the blonde man couldn't see, "I-It wasn't me. Sasuke and I are kind of in hot water for it, though."

He chuckled warmly on the other side of the line, "Damn, that sucks. Do you think Uchiha has the hots for you or something, then? I mean, that girl could've been your twin!"

"A-A-Absolutely n-not! It's just a coincidence!" I sputtered.

Deidara laughed again, "Calm down; I'm just teasing. So, what'd our glorious CEO have to say about it?"

My disdain was almost palpable, "H-He told us to try and be seen with other people to chase the rumors away."

There was a short pause before the man replied more playfully, "Oh? Wanna go on a date, then? I'm happy to help." I was too stunned to respond, making him laugh again, "Hey, you'd better say yes before the news gets to Kisame that you need to be seen with guy friends. He's just starting to get over you."

My gaze danced hesitantly to the closed door that led to Sasuke's room, and I lowered my voice, "Just as friends, right?"

"Oh, Babe, you're gorgeous but a little too shy to be my type. How about it? We can get coffee and go shopping or something this weekend."

Humiliated at his bluntness, I sighed defeatedly, "A-Alright."

"Geez, don't sound so excited. I'll text you. Later!"

After saying goodbye, I clicked the call to an end and groaned with a hot face. Sasuke said to do one or two dates, so that'll be one. I'm not sure what I'll do for the other one, but for now, I'll just focus on not succumbing to my anxiety about the entire situation.

Things were awkward between Sasuke and me for the rest of the week, us barely speaking even though we slept in the same bed each night. Since I'd had some time to calm down, I'd intended to talk about how I felt the day after everything happened, but the Uchiha man didn't come home after dance practice. I found out barely an hour later, via Sakura loudly alerting Gaara and me, that he'd been photographed holding hands with one of Ino's model friends, Yugao, while on a date.

The fact that he didn't waste any time getting to it and didn't even warn me about it only made me feel that much more hurt. Then I couldn't bring myself to speak to him about it, or much else, for the remainder of the week.

As I smoothed out my skirt and did one last check on my overall appearance in the bathroom mirror on Saturday, I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach. A more confident woman might feel excited to give him a taste of his own medicine by not issuing a warning, but that's not me. If Sasuke wasn't at a meeting with his father and brother right now, I'm sure he'd be standing in that doorway with his arms crossed and a frown as he put the puzzle pieces together.

So, I left the house in silence when Deidara arrived. His long hair was completely down, for once, and he opened the door to the passenger seat of his car for me. I offered a nervous, grateful smile, and he grinned as he shut it behind me.

When he came to sit in the driver seat and backed out of the driveway, he glanced over my appearance momentarily before refocusing on the road, "You look cute!"

I anxiously clasped my hands in my lap, nodding slightly, "T-Thank you. You look nice, as well."

The blonde man turned the radio on lightly enough that it wouldn't override us speaking, "Relax, Hinata. We're just hanging out as friends, remember? It's just me."

My eyes widened at his blunt approach, but I allowed his words to sink in as I looked at his profile. It's true. This is Deidara. Since our first meeting, he's been flirty but harmless. He's one of my friends, someone I can trust.

So, we went to the mall and did some shopping, getting caught a couple times by fans and signing autographs so they wouldn't start yelling and draw more attention to us. An hour or two later, we left with armfuls of bags and stopped at a cafe. Despite my arguing, Deidara bought me a bunch of gifts, saying it's only the gentlemanly thing to do when taking someone on a date with as much money as he has. I'd rolled my eyes at him but gave in because he's too stubborn, and it'd be a waste of energy trying to convince him otherwise.

My poor closet at home is already stuffed to the brim because Tenten, Ino, and Sakura shower me with gifts, so I don't know how I'm going to get these items to fit.

"This wasn't so bad, right? And you were worried."

I smiled softly, glancing at his face before returning my gaze to my coffee cup, "You were right. Sorry. I'm just nervous by nature, I guess."

Deidara chuckled, resting his chin on his fist as he grinned, "I think the world's lucky. You'd be scary if you weren't."

Blue eyes darted to the right, out the window our booth was beside, and he suddenly came around to sit beside me, speaking under his breath, "There's a photographer out there. Don't freak out." My spine straightened when his arm came over my shoulders, and his leg brushed against mine.

I froze, mortified, "D-D-Deidara...."

He made a sound that wordlessly encouraged me to meet his eye, and I did, a humiliated blush on my face when I realized he was mere inches away. Warm blue eyes widened slightly before crinkling amusedly, "Oh...I think I get it now, your appeal."

My fingers tightened around my mug as he came closer, whispering what could've been a taunt just as much as it might not have, "You're even more beautiful up close like this, you know."

The breath in my lungs got stuck, and I nearly choked before he glanced out the window again and relaxed, pulling his arm away and reaching across the table to grab his mug so he could take a big swig of the hot tea within. My mouth remained half-open in shock as I stared at him. He flipped his sexuality on and off like a simple light switch.

He smirked knowingly when I finally managed to avert my eyes, "Don't fall for me, babe. I'll only break that pretty little heart of yours. It's not worth it."

His teasing cut through my embarrassment like a knife, and I lightly elbowed him in the ribs, irritated, "T-That's very much not the case, Jerk."

He snickered with a smug grin, "It wouldn't hurt to sugarcoat it a little."

The ride back to the house was much calmer than earlier in the day. We talked about whatever came up, mostly our bandmates. I was stunned to learn Deidara is big on gossip, just like his female-look-a-like, Ino.

The most notable piece of info he offered was a huge discovery, at least for me. His group leader, Yahiko, has been in love with Konan since their high school days. I'm also apparently one of the last people to find out about it, minus the blue-haired singer in question.

Quite the opposite of my perception of him, Deidara says Yahiko is incredibly shy. Every time he'd gather the courage and get ready to confess to his decade-long crush, she'd be photographed with a new beau on her arm, or something else would prevent it from happening. Nagato, who also went to high school with them, is his biggest supporter and is said to often act as a wingman, but it's like fate won't allow them to get together.

"You should see how red his face gets after she leaves the room. It's insane!"

I smiled, fingers over my lips as I tried to picture the sweet scenario, "Do you think she likes him, too?"

Deidara shrugged, turning into the driveway of my house and putting the car in park, "Hell, you or Sakura are more likely to figure that out than one of us."

He got out of the car and walked around to open my door, before hoisting the many shopping bags onto his arms and gesturing for me to lead the way inside, "By the way, do you think you can put some feelers out on Sasuke's big bro for me?"

Blushing like mad, I unlocked the front door and led him upstairs to my room, both of us greeting Gaara and Sakura as we passed since they were watching a movie on the sofa. Once out of earshot, I whispered, "I-I can try, but I'm not sure how h-he'll respond to that type of thing."

Thankfully, Sasuke wasn't in my room when I opened the door. Deidara dutifully placed the numerous shopping bags atop my bed before winking with his hands on his hips, "I wanna find out if the rumors about those Uchiha men are true." Rolling my eyes, I shoved him toward the door, and he laughed loudly as we walked back downstairs.

There, he offered a friendly hug before pulling away with a bright smile, "Next time, you'll plan the date. Got it?" I shook my head with a smile, offering one last wave before closing the door.

Sakura gave a low whistle, pausing the movie, "Sometimes I forget how fine that man is."

I blushed, "Gaara is sitting right there, Sakura."

The redhead shrugged when his girlfriend looked his way, wordlessly confirming that he didn't care. "I'm sure he thinks things like that about other women sometimes, too, but I'm okay with it. So long as he comes home to me and doesn't cheat, I'm good. Right, babe?" Gaara nodded, a warm look in his bright teal eyes.

After answering some of my pink-haired friend's nosy questions about the date, I excused myself and returned to my bedroom. Once the door was closed behind me, I leaned against it, closed my eyes, and took a calming breath as I ran a hand through my hair. It's been a very long day.

Opening my eyes again, I stared at the pile of shopping bags atop my bed for a moment before frowning and crossing the room to start searching for the one bag that held the items I personally purchased: some perfume and a pretty necklace I've had my eyes on for a while now.

After locating it, I separated it from the rest, only to jump in shock when Sasuke's voice suddenly came from behind me, "Hey."

A hand to my chest, I turned to see him leaning against the wall with arms crossed and a glare, but his voice wasn't as angry as his expression, so I offered as normal a smile as possible, "H-Hey. How was your day?"

I turned back to face the bags, wondering if I should wait to hang up any of the clothes now that my boyfriend was present. He may misinterpret Deidara's intentions and get upset, so I opened my closet door and moved them to the small space on the floor beneath my hanging clothing. The longer the silence drew on without Sasuke responding to my question, the more uncomfortable I felt.

Once the final bag was stored, I closed the closet door. A hand wrapped around my wrist, and I was yanked almost roughly around. My surprised gasp was muffled by the Uchiha man pressing his lips firmly to mine.

He hadn't kissed me like this in days, almost a week, and it threw me off guard enough to silence my confusion. All I could do was react to his passion with my own, trying to match the frantic energy he was giving off as he pushed me against the closet door and began letting his hands wander. His tongue was hot as it slid past my teeth to attack mine, his taste making my mind go blank. The expertise I've come to develop with him was like a ghost in the wind. All I could do was hold onto him as he kissed me like our lives depended on it.

As our tongues swirled and danced, he pressed a knee between my legs, making them part, before reaching down to lift my skirt so he could massage me above my underwear. I gasped, pulling my mouth from his and letting my head fall back as I panted for breath, "Sasuke..?"

The Uchiha man's lips attacked my neck hungrily, but he grumbled between kisses and nibbles, "You dressed up to go out with him."

My eyes shot open, but he didn't cease his relentless attack. Instead, he slid my underwear to the side to touch me unfiltered. I bit back a moan, closing my eyes again, "Y-You're jealous? Is that it?"

Hot breath dusted the moist skin of my neck as he growled almost angrily, "Of course, I'm fucking jealous." Teeth lightly bit down as he removed his hand from between my legs so he could pick me up and carry me to my bed, only for him to drop me recklessly atop it.

I lifted myself up on my elbows, staring in disbelief as he stood at the bed's edge with a hand on either of my legs, still parted around his hips. Sasuke glared down at me, that jawline flexed and attractive in his ire.

Rather than let my lust take over, I recalled how I felt when Sakura showed me the photo of him with that model, "You don't get to be jealous. Not after Yugao."

Those dark eyes narrowed further, and he climbed over me so we were face to face, my knees bent to make room for him, "We agreed to go on dates. That doesn't mean we have to like it."

I shoved against his shoulders, still turned on but also upset at his lack of effort to understand me, "That's not what I'm talking about, Sasuke." He froze in the process of untucking my shirt from my skirt, offering an expression that said he was waiting for me to elaborate.

Tears welled in my eyes as I averted my gaze and frowned, "I-It's just that you didn't seem all that bothered by the fact that you'd have t-to... N-No, you didn't warn me, and you even held her hand!" I grit my teeth, tears overflowing, as I realized how bitter my own voice sounded.

I'm disappointed in myself. I know the way I'm feeling is my own fault, my insecurity getting the better of me, yet here I am, taking it out on Sasuke.

When he didn't immediately respond, I closed my eyes, wiping at my tears with both hands, "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I didn't-" "Hyuuga."

My hands were wrestled to the bed, and I was forced to meet his dark gaze as he searched my face. He took his time coming up with a response, voice low and dangerous, "If you're mad at me, then just say that."

My brow furrowed as I took in his words, and they somehow ignited a fire in me that was equal parts angry and aroused. My voice mirrored his almost perfectly, "I-I'm...I'm pissed! You didn't consider how I feel at all!" Then his lips attacked mine again, somehow even more roughly than before.

For some reason, I didn't stop him. In fact, I wanted, liked, and returned it in kind. Sasuke was hard between my legs, and he pressed against me as he fumbled to lift my shirt and bra to fondle my chest. My fingers danced over his chest, his shoulders, and into his hair as my legs crossed around his hips to pull him more firmly against me.

My body moved in time against him as our jealous emotions got the better of us both. I've never wanted to fight a girl over a boy in my life, but the moment I saw that model's hand in his in that photo, that changed. I don't like her, and I've never met her in my life. At first, I thought I was more upset that he didn't acknowledge how hard seeing another man would be, but now I have to admit that the more significant issue is that I'm a big, jealous hypocrite.

Sasuke pulled his tongue from my mouth but continued kissing me as he lifted my skirt and lowered my underwear. I took his bottom lip between my teeth, releasing it with a gasp when his fingers pressed against the bundle of nerves between my legs expertly. The man's dark eyes were half-lidded, mouth half-open, as he watched me writhe beneath him, and I'm sure my face mirrored the expression.

I was snapped out of my lust-induced stupor when he spoke quietly, "Hinata Hyuuga gets jealous, too. Who would've guessed?"

I glared, brow furrowed, and he smirked, "I'm putting one in."

Before I could process his words, a new sensation came from down below. Sasuke slid a finger inside, something he's never done. It successfully distracted me from his taunt, my mouth clamping shut as my entire being focused on the odd friction the digit moving in and out created.

"You alright?"

Sasuke returned to hold himself up with one hand, the other still moving between my legs as he searched my face carefully. The anger was slowly disappearing between us, leaving just the lust.

I nodded, glancing between us a few times nervously. His jaw flexed as he pressed the finger in the rest of the way, further than before, and I tensed but didn't stop him as I adjusted to the new experience. It was weird at first, but it didn't feel bad. It didn't hurt.

Sasuke's voice was softer, unlike before, "Another?"

My fingers fumbled anxiously to unbutton his shirt, trying to distract myself from my nervousness, but I nodded. So he added another finger. My teeth gritted together as I felt how tightly my insides squeezed them.

Obviously, he felt it, too, and hissed, "Does it hurt?"

I shook my head, back arching slightly as a surprising burst of pleasure began to arise from the friction-induced sensation he was causing, "I-I think I like it...."

A look of realization came upon his face, and he sat back on his knees, my legs still over his hips as he undid his pants and pulled his sex into his free hand. Blush rose to my face as he began massaging himself in time to the movements he was making inside me. Those lustrous eyes danced over my body, and he nodded as a gesture, "Touch yourself, Hyuuga."

I don't know what possessed and gave me the courage to obey, but obey I did.

Unsure at first, I reached to massage the bundle of nerves above where his fingers moved steadily in and out of me. I've never done this to myself before, believe it or not. Sasuke's the only one to have touched me intimately, even more so than myself. As I tried to figure it out, I realized the issue was my legs' positioning and averted my gaze with a red face as I lifted them so my feet were against his abdomen.

The clear view I was giving him of my most private places made me a little uncomfortable, but the act made things line up, and suddenly I was struggling to contain moans and gasps of pleasure. I couldn't bring myself to look at him but could feel his burning gaze.

Humiliated, I came closer and closer to release and found my lips betraying me, "F-Faster!"

Without a word, Sasuke obeyed, and then I was at the deep end of the climax. Eyes shooting to his in surprise, my legs slightly shook, one falling to the side of his body and off the edge of the bed, and the other straightening so my foot was over his shoulder as my insides shook and convulsed around his fingers.

The Uchiha man took it all in with wide eyes, hand moving amidst his own flesh. The sight somehow aroused me further, mid-climax, and a sort of gasp or moan choked in my throat as my head fell back, eyes closing again.

The man cursed under his breath, and I felt him release on my stomach, making me look at him again. His head had fallen back this time, and I gasped for breath as I took in the miraculous image before me.

How many women would pay incredible prices to see him like this? I might be one of them at this point.

As we both came down from our highs, he slid his fingers out of me and released his sex so he could gently grab my leg, the one lifted to his shoulder. He kissed the inside of my ankle before guiding it down around his hip so he could come down and press his lips to mine. Exhausted from the heightened activity and emotions, I simply lay there and accepted the suddenly warm affection.

Between kisses, he whispered, "I should piss you off more often."

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