Enchanted by freckles - Garre...

By Caelie_Caladea

20.5K 1.1K 233

Garreth Weasley and Caelie Lewis have been friends since day one at Hogwarts. A lot has changed since then. C... More

1st chapter
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no chapter, just a few words + AI pictures
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No chapter: AI pictures of new and old characters
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no chapter - just new AI pictures + info
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101st chapter
102nd chapter
no chapter - last AI pictures
103rd chapter
104th chapter
105th & final chapter
A few final words of thanks + new project
New project!

38th chapter

153 11 3
By Caelie_Caladea

Departure was getting closer and when we weren't eating with the family, Garreth and I spent most of our time in our room enjoying each other's company. Most of the time, Garreth's little gramophone was playing in the background while we talked, read or just cuddled up in bed.

Garreth and I went shopping together on the morning of the departure day to buy gifts for the Sallows and Ominis. He showed me the Parisian wizarding shopping street, which was untraceable for muggles and where, like Hogsmeade, you could get everything to make a wizard's heart beat faster.

We returned to the Weasley Mansion and headed to our room to pack our things when there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and Adaliz entered.

"I may have a lead on Fayette. I've gone through all my papers and school notes. And sure enough, I was able to find a small note in her handwriting," she said, holding the note out to me. It read 'Ef þú veist ekki hvar ég er, leitaðu að mér í ísnum og goshverjunum. Eg elska þig besti vinur.'

"What language is that?" I asked, frowning. "Unfortunately, I don't know that either. I only found the note yesterday and didn't have time for further research. But maybe you can find out at Hogwarts. You have so many books there, I'd be surprised if you wouldn't find anything. But I think it's realistic that the language was a hint."

With a dexterous movement, she duplicated the note and pocketed the copy. I thanked her warmly.
We took our suitcases, looked around again to make sure we had packed everything and went downstairs.
"Aunt Matilda, can you give us our brooms, please? We'll be leaving soon." Garreth called to his aunt. She nodded and headed for her bag. We left our suitcases at the big door and said goodbye to everyone.
Adaliz whispered in my ear again that we should send her a message as soon as we had information.
Jennie seemed a little dissatisfied that we went to see Sebastian without her. She begged her parents several times to be allowed to accompany them, which, fortunately for us, was unsuccessful.

Garreth and I walked to the Floo powder fireplace and a moment later we were in Feldcroft.It was significantly snowier than in Paris and generally it was significantly cooler. Together we went to the Sallows' house and knocked. Ominis opened the door for us: "Yes? Who is there?" he asked cautiously. We said nothing and saw him frown slightly and take a deep breath. He started to smile, "Ah, nice that you are here, but Sebastian is still sleeping.". He went back inside the house where Solomon was looking at us from the table.

He lowered his newspaper and raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?" he snapped at us, pointing at Garreth. Garreth looked at him charmingly and smiled, "Mr. Sallow, sir, I'm Garreth Weasley. I'm supposed to say hello to you from my parents. They told me that they were at Hogwarts at the same time. Yvain Weasley and then Gwenaelle Ross. You might remember them.", Garreth rarely tried to sound so friendly.

Solomon's eyes darkened even more. "Indeed. I remember those two very well," he said, and without a word walked into his bedroom with his newspaper."

"Did I say something wrong?" Garreth asked confused. Ominis smiled softly, "Well, you can hardly say anything right. I think he just hates everyone in this world, except maybe Anne.".

"Where is Anne actually?" I asked Ominis. "She's still asleep, too," he replied, pointing in the direction of the other room.

We sat next to him and talked as quietly as possible when the door to the next room creaked. Anne came out and, despite her pale skin, began to glow. "Garreth, we haven't seen each other in ages!", she said happily and hugged Garreth warmly. "You've grown up over the last few years.", she said surprised when Garreth stood up to make room for her. He scratched his head, a little embarrassed. "Yeah, puberty came late, but it came," he laughed.

"Caelie, nice that you're back. Sebastian really misses you. He has hardly slept in the last three nights and when he does he seems to have violent nightmares. And since yesterday he's only been talking about how much he is looking forward to today," Anne said. "Yeah, that's really, really annoying," Ominis said, taking a sip of tea. "Go to him. He'll be surprised that you're already here." Anne said and smiled softly at me.

I nodded, gave Garreth a kiss on the forehead and went into the small next room where the twins and Ominis slept.

Sebastian was lying on his side, facing the wall. His torso was bare and he held my tie tightly and pressed it to his face. I quietly took off my shoes and coat and laid down next to him. I pressed my forehead to his back and breathed in his scent. I really did miss him.

After a short time he rolled onto his back and continued to snore. I took my chance, knelt over him and laid on top of him. Immediately his arms wrapped around me. I wasn't sure whether he was awake or still asleep.

From the living room I could hear Garreth telling funny stories and entertaining the other two.I could feel Sebastian stroking my hair. "Caelie," he said softly. "Hello Sebastian," I whispered, but he didn't react anymore. "Caelie. My Caelie." He said quietly again. There was a touch of panic in his voice. "I'm here," I whispered. He squirmed and I saw that he was starting to sweat. "Caelie, where are you? Caelie, did I hurt you?! Please don't leave me," he murmured a little louder and more panicked.

I decided to wake him up, he was obviously having a nightmare. I straightened up and began to shake him gently and speak to him a little louder. "Sebastian, open your eyes. I'm with you.". I kept repeating myself and shaking him harder.

Suddenly he widened his eyes and looked into my face. The panic immediately gave way to a wide and slightly sweaty smile. The corners of his mouth threw back those cute little wrinkles I loved.

He hugged me tightly and gave me a long, loving kiss. "I missed you so much," he said softly. I put my head on his neck. "I missed you too. It just isn't the same without you." "And those glasses suit you perfectly, by the way," he murmured.

I raised my head and looked back at him. His smile was still very wide and I could see his eyes looked a little wet as well.

"What did you dream about?" I asked cautiously. "I keep having dreams of using the Cruciatus Curse on you, or someone hurting you while I can't move," he said softly, "Even though I didn't realize it at first due to my euphoria that Ominis had right. I shouldn't have used the curse on you." "But what would have been the alternative? To die? I didn't want to follow Noctua's lead. I'm glad you did it to me."

He caressed my cheek. "You're just too good, Caelie. I love you," he whispered. He had said it to me before, and I never replied. I didn't know whether I really loved him. In the last few months I have been able to sort my feelings and came to a decision. Although the feelings for Sebastian were different than those for Garreth, it was love.

With Garreth I wanted to have a loving family life in peace and quiet. With Sebastian I wanted to experience dangerous adventures and uncover all the mysteries of the world.

"I love you too, Sebastian. But you should get up slowly. The others are probably already waiting for us.", I said and gave him another kiss. His whole face beamed.

"Go ahead, I'll be right behind you," he said. I got up and went back into the living room.

"Did you wake him up?" Anne asked concerned. I nodded, "But his nightmares really seem to torture him," I said sadly. Anne and Ominis both nodded. "Hopefully it's getting better now that you're here," Anne said. "And Garreth, I think you must really get on his nerves again. He called me dull the other day because I don't talk to him all the time like you do," Ominis remarked. We burst out laughing.

Sebastian came out of the adjoining room. He was wearing a shirt and had my tie on again. "Well, I think if you just show up in the Gryffindor common room after the holidays, no one will notice. I think we could just send Lawrence or Eric to Slytherin. I know at least one little young lady who'd be very happy about that.", Garreth laughed and greeted Sebastian with a handshake. I saw there were only four chairs at the table, so I stood up and let Sebastian sit down. He thanked me and pulled me onto his lap.

"Is Jennie really into me?" Sebastian asked ashamed. "And like, she just blabbed our situation in front of my mother and mentioned how cute and smart you are." Garreth said laughing. Sebastian blushed bright red while Anne and Ominis laughed loudly.

"She's only 11, isn't she? Since when do you think about the opposite sex when you're 11?" Sebastian asked desperately, leaning his head on my back.

"So first of all she's 12 and do I really need to remind you that we were fighting over Caelie when we were the same age?" Garreth asked. "Merlin's beard, you're right. That doesn't make it any less awkward, though."

"The only thing that's really awkward here is you," Solomon said, and left the house.

"Very personable," Garreth said quietly, frowning, "My parents were absolutely right about him.". "Your parents know Uncle Solomon?" asked Anne, surprised. "Yep. They went to Hogwarts with him and your parents. Your parents were totally fine, but your uncle was equally... friendly back at Hogwarts," he replied.

"And speaking of parents, at least Caelie now knows who her parents are. She doesn't know if or where they live, but that's a step forward," Garreth said, stroking my leg. "Really? Tell me!", Sebastian said surprised. "Wait, I just have to go to my suitcase, then I can even show them to you." I stood up and pulled out the two pictures. And handed them to Sebastian.

"Wow, you look almost exactly like your mum. But I prefer the dark hair." He laughed. "I want to see her too!" Anne called from across the table. I took the pictures and walked over to her. "They were both beautiful," she said in astonishment. As I was about to put the pictures back in my suitcase, she held my hand. "Same as your ring," she said, looking at my engagement ring. "Well, I've got taste," Garreth said, clasping his hands behind his head.

"It's from you? Are you engaged?!", she asked excitedly. Garreth and I both nodded. Anne's look became a little skeptical. "Are you really okay with that, Sebby?" she asked cautiously. Sebastian nodded. "Sure. I respect and accept her decisions almost unreservedly, as long as I can be at Caelie's side.", Sebastian said and blushed brightly. "Will you go by my side too?" Garreth asked. "What do you mean?" asked Sebastian, whose head was getting redder and raised an eyebrow. "You can be my best man if you want," Garreth said, smiling kindly at him.

"Deal.", Sebastian said smiling broadly and held out his hand to Garreth. Garreth grabbed Sebastians hand and said, laughing, "But on the wedding night, she'll be mine alone, Sallow.". "We'll see about that, Weasley."

Suddenly I heard choking noises. Ominis pretended to throw up, "Sorry guys, but I don't think either Anne or I want to know.". "Oh, I don't mind. I find it strange, but kinda cute. I think they actually like each other and just don't want to admit it," Anne said. While Garreth and Sebastian, who was still blushing, looked at each other in disgust, I nodded to her.

"But congratulations. When is the party supposed to take place? Do you know that already?" Anne asked curiously. "In the summer of our graduation. We chose June 8th." Garreth smiled softly at me as he said this.

"Well, then I'll be there too. By then the curse may have been broken. And may I help you choose a wedding dress? I'll probably never get married myself. Who would want to have such a frail wife?", she huffed and rested her head on her hands. The boys both looked at Anne pityingly and I saw Omini out of the corner of my eye.

His facial expression was unchanged, but his pale cheeks were tinted a delicate pink. Could Anne be the girl Ominis was in love with? How cute, I thought to myself and started to grin slightly.

"Anne, I have no doubt that one day you will have the most wonderful man by your side. You have a good heart and even if your body is not as strong as it used to be, someone who loves you doesn't care.", I said and saw how Omini's cheeks colored even more intensely.

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