When The Spring Arrives (Ohmf...

By Mystical_twilight

26.3K 2.4K 209

Spring is known as the season of love. When the spring arrives in one's life, nothing can stop them from bein... More

Author's Note
1. The rising idol
2. Got selected
3. Cousins Bond
4. Poached
5.Dream came true
6. Gossip gang meeting
7. Love story from past
9. First meeting
10. Car ride
11.Crew meeting
12. Meeting after a long time
13. Let the past go
14. Situation-ship
15.Just some sibling things
16. Exposing his cousin
17. Did you meet him?
18. Where the journey began
19. Where the journey began 2
20. Where the journey began 3
21 Where the journey began 4
22. Where the story began 5
23. Scandal
24. Sasaeng
Not a chapter
25. You let him go?
26. Hide out or a holiday
27. Waste of talent
28. Star Gazing
29. Supportive articles
30. Plan of action
31. Confrontation
32. Kidnapping and escape
33. Press conference
34. Brave citizen award
35. Attack on Hospital
36. Have to Find him
37. He is innocent
38. Lab results
39. Suicide
40. Traumatized
41. Little Muffin
42. Shopping spree with ladies
43. Nu
44. Music therapy
45. Ice cream platter
46. Housemates
47. Nomination
48. Teaser shooting
49. Brand Ambassodors
50. Jealousy
51. Father's disappointment
52. Husband or brother in law
53. Race against time
54.Award ceremony
55. Dance Partner from Highschool
56. Meeting His Family
57. Uncle
58. Babysitter
59. Complicated complications
60. Return Victorious
61. Surprise turned to shock
62. Bad news
63. Heartbreak
64. Engagement Proposal
65. Mimic
66. Bye
67. I quit
68. Beach
69. Engagement Day
70. Fame
71. Hospital
72. OT
73. First love
74. Misunderstanding
75. NG
76. So it begins
77. Surprise
78. First
79. Unforgettable night
80. Day one
81. The Talk
82. Nephew
83. Doubts
84. Netherlands
85. From Day to Sky
86. Drug named love
87. Hospital visit
88. Sign language
89. Interview
90. Versions
91. Milk stew
93. Lake-view villa
94. Sleep alone
95. Get together
Special Chapter 1
Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3
Sneak Peek 1.0
Sneak Peak 1.1
Sneak Peak 1.2
Sneak peek 2
Sneak Peak 2.2
Sneak Peak 3
Sneak Peak 4
Sneak Peak 5
Not an update-update

92. Engagement ceremony

256 20 4
By Mystical_twilight

“I can’t believe that Earth had the guts to miss my engagement.” Sammy fumed wearing the traditional Chut Thai [1].

“I can’t believe that P’ Ton has the guts to get engaged to you,” Prem said with a smile.

“You moron.” Sammy slapped Prem’s hand heavily. “Don’t make me turn this engagement ceremony into your funeral ceremony.” Sammy glared at Prem.

“See. This is exactly what I was talking about. Poor P’ Ton.” Prem said massaging the hand that got hit.

“You…” Sammy felt her blood pressure raising.

“Sammy, calm down. Don’t listen to him.” Fluke who was standing beside the two said.

“Fluke, I am so nervous.” Sammy held Fluke’s both hands.

“I can see that. But don’t worry. Everything is going to be alright. There is no need to be nervous. You look really beautiful today.” Fluke consoled his friend.

“I know. P’ Ton picked this dress for me.” Sammy smiled despite her nervousness.

“See. He knows you very well. He also knows how clumsy you can be. So, don’t worry about messing up things. He will handle it.” Fluke assured.

Sammy nodded and took deep breaths to calm down.

Ohm, Fluke, Boun and Prem had flown to Chiang Mai to attend Sammy’s and Bosston’s engagement ceremony. The couple had flown in a few days prior to the ceremony to make merits and finish other rituals prior to the ceremony.

Bosston’s family was staying at the Dechapatthanakun Mansion that Kao offered. Ohm used the excuse that he didn’t want to disturb Bosston’s family to not staying in the mansion owned by his grandparents and stay at Fluke’s place instead.

Boun and Prem were staying at Prem’s place along with Prem’s parents and Mix.
The Khan Maak Procession[2]  arrived at Sammy’s place, which was the engagement venue. Bosston was wearing a Raj pattern costume [3] that matched Sammy’s. He travelled on foot from the mansion to Sammy’s home, accompanied by a procession of his family, friends, and other well-wishers. His paraders were carrying offerings for the bride’s family. They were singing songs and playing instruments such as traditional Thai long drums, and basically have a traveling party as they entered the venue.

All the guests and relatives were gathered in the hall. As the wedding would be taking place in Phichit [4], Bosston’s hometown, the engagement ceremony was grander for Sammy’s party.

According to the tradition, before the Bosston reach the family home he had to pass through a number of ‘Gates’, (traditionally a silver chain then a gold chain). The chains are held by Sammy’s female cousins and aunts. To get through the chains, Bosston had to offer money and some other gifts to the women.
The tradition is the women holding the chains to make it difficult for the bridegroom, refusing access and demanding more money and gifts in a playful way as part of the Thai sense of ‘Sanuk’ [5].

Before entering Sammy’s family home, the Bosston’s feet are washed as a ritual. This ritual was a deeply symbolic act in many cultures and means the same thing here: the washing away of not only dirt but of past sins, and a cleansing process before embarking on a new life.

Before you can get married the dowry must be given. Both the groom’s and bride’s families sat down to act out the Sin Sod [6] ceremony. The engagement was formalised.

The dowry which was generally money and gold, was given on a special tray, Khan Maak Man. The elders of the family inspect the contents of the Khan Maak Man along with Sammy’s father. The normal show was made of counting money. Bosston wasn’t offended as it has nothing to do with trust – it is a formal part of the ceremony.

Since the dowry has been given, then the joining of the couple was acknowledged by the tying of white thread Sai Sin around the wrists of Sammy and Bosston. Their parent went first and then the elders of the family and so on. The process took about an hour and a half to complete as everyone, including the children, wanted to tie the string to acknowledge the union.

The Sai Sin was meant to be left on the wrist for three days after the ceremony for good luck.

Fluke was watching the ceremonies take place with full attention.

“Should we also go for a traditional engagement?” Ohm whispered in Fluke’s ear.

Fluke glanced at Ohm and asked. “Don’t you think that it is too early to be thinking of that, Khun? You are yet to propose to me.”

“So will you say yes if I do?” Ohm asked playfully.

“Maybe. Maybe not.” Fluke shrugged.

“I don’t think you have an option,” Ohm smirked.

“Oh really?” Fluke raised his eyebrows.

“Can the two of you stop flirting and pay attention to the ceremonies?” Prem asked.

Fluke stuck his tongue out at Prem and turned his attention back to the ceremony.

After the ceremony, everyone was eating and drinking. Sammy and Bosston were surrounded by people so was Fluke. Being the favourite kid in the neighbourhood in the past the locals were very enthusiastic to meet Fluke again.

Some were even introducing their daughters, nieces and granddaughters to Fluke in the hope that they could actually get into a serious relationship.

The people there didn’t recognise Ohm or Boun as they hadn’t stayed in the neighbourhood for long even in their childhood. If people knew that the two were the grandchildren of the richest family in the neighbourhood, they might have come swamping towards them like there was no tomorrow.

Prem noticed Ohm’s bulging veins as the elder watched Fluke being surrounded by people.

“P’ Ohm” Prem tried to grab Ohm’s attention but failed.

“Ai Ohm.” Boun patted Ohm on his shoulder. “Cool down dude. He is just interacting with them. Nothing more. He is wholly yours.”

“Can’t you see those girls are touching him?” Ohm gritted his teeth.

“He is not made of ice, Ohm. He will not melt away by their touch.” Boun was afraid that Ohm might create a scene there if he didn’t calm his cousin down.

Fluke had already noticed his boyfriend fuming. Honestly, he wasn’t enjoying being in the middle of the crowd either. He tried his best to make excuses and leave the crowd. After a few attempts, he finally managed to do it.

Ohm stormed away from the crowd seeing Fluke approach him. Fluke knew that Ohm was going to explode at any moment. So he followed his boyfriend who stopped at the balcony on the second floor. There was no one around.

“P’ Ohm, I think we should go with the traditional style for our engagement. I think you would look sexier in traditional.’” Fluke whispered in Ohm’s ears seductively, successfully calming his boyfriend.

“Really? I thought you didn’t want to discuss the engagement details.” Ohm wrapped his hands around Fluke’s tiny waist and pulled him closer.

“I was just saying. Not discussing anything.” Fluke tried to wiggle out of Ohm’s hug as the elder was busy stealing sniff kisses on his cheeks. “P’ Ohm, we are in public. Control yourself.”

“Then, why don’t we go somewhere private?” Before Fluke could reply, Ohm dragged him back to his house.

[1]Chut thai - traditional thai clothes

[2]Khan Maak Procession - the bridegroom's troop

[3]Raj pattern - traditional thai designs in men's wear

[4]Phichit - a province in Thailand

[5]Sanuk - something akin to having fun in everyday situations

[6]Sin sod- Dowry

(A/N: I personally have no idea about these ceremonies. I got it all from the internet. If I had miss interpreted any information them I am sorry)

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