Enchanted by freckles - Garre...

By Caelie_Caladea

19.8K 1.1K 232

Garreth Weasley and Caelie Lewis have been friends since day one at Hogwarts. A lot has changed since then. C... More

1st chapter
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no chapter, just a few words + AI pictures
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no chapter - just new AI pictures + info
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102nd chapter
no chapter - last AI pictures
103rd chapter
104th chapter
105th & final chapter
A few final words of thanks + new project
New project!

31st chapter

160 8 0
By Caelie_Caladea

The next morning, I woke up before Garreth. I freshened up and headed down the stairs. Jennie sat on the floor and practiced diligently again. All of the other Weasleys seemed to be still asleep.

"Good morning Jennie." I said with a smile. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining gently through the window. "Oh, good morning," she said, going back to her spells.

I decided to prepare breakfast to relieve Mrs. Weasley of some work. How many people were we? I did a mental count. There were seven of us.

I turned on the gramophone softly and let it play while I cooked. I made Garreth's and his father's portions a little larger, as Garreth was still busy growing and Mr. Weasley, I suspected, would need more nutrition with his legs healing.

When I was almost done, everyone came into the kitchen one by one. After I'd arranged the plates and Garreth still wasn't in the kitchen, I went upstairs. He was still in bed, sleeping softly, snoring. It was an adorable sight. His hair was criss-crossed, his strong but slender arms were folded behind his head and part of his chest was sticking out of the ceiling. I leaned against the door frame and just looked at him.

Suddenly there was a loud bang behind me. Armed with pot lids and spoons, Hector and Kay were making a lot of noise to wake Garreth. His snoring stopped and he took a deep breath. "SHUT OFF OR I'LL HIT YOU," he shouted at the top of his voice. The two boys ran as fast as they could down the stairs. Garreth stretched and looked at me.

"I didn't instigate them. I just stood there and looked at you as they came up behind me. Good morning, my Garreth." I said as I walked up to him and kissed him, "I've got breakfast done. Everyone is waiting for you.".

He slipped his pants on. He gave up his shirt and went shirtless downstairs and took his place. Every time I looked at him so intensely, the butterflies danced in my stomach. He was just so outrageously handsome.

"You did all this?" Garreth asked enthusiastically. I nodded contentedly. I wasn't a gifted cook, but I always gave my best. And today's breakfast tasted really good, unexpectedly.

After the meal everyone thanked me. "When do you want to go?" Mrs. Weasley asked me. "Depending on when you have time. We have nothing planned." I said. "Good, then get dressed and then we'll fly."

We went upstairs and dressed appropriately, grabbed our wands, Garreth his bag and then we went back downstairs. We went outside and started flying together. I had a queasy feeling. I haven't been in this house since Marlee's death. Back then, the Weasleys picked up everything I owned and brought it to their house. This house has been empty since then. I didn't know whose it was now, but that person obviously preferred to let it rot rather than sell or tear it down.

We arrived. It looked exactly as I remembered it. As soon as I put my broom in front of the house, I started to cry. Garreth took my hand while Mr. Weasley opened the door.

I entered. It also smelled just like I remembered it. It felt as if Marlee had been here yesterday. If I hadn't seen her body at the time, I wouldn't have believed that she had been dead that long. I took a deep breath and looked around. Nothing has changed. There wasn't even more dust lying around than there was before. The rustic wooden furniture hasn't changed, and even the plants that were scattered around didn't dry up. The stone walls were still light and unpolluted. I didn't understand how that could have been possible, but apparently Marlee used spells to make the job do itself.

"I'm looking for information about my parents. Marlee knew them and I'm hoping to find out something about them here. I want to know why they left me.",I said while wiping the tears from my face.

We split into two groups and started searching. Garreth and I started in the living room while Mrs. and Mr. Weasley started in the bedroom. We pulled out each book and looked to see if there were any relevant slips of paper. Marlee had a habit of keeping notes in books. To this day, I still have no idea why she did it.

"Caelie, I think I found a picture of Marlee's husband," Garreth held a photo in front of me. The picture showed a handsome young man with a birthmark under his left eye and dimples. "No, that's not Mr. Fox," I said, confused. Somehow the face looked familiar to me, but I couldn't place it at all. "I know pictures of Marlee's husband, but he didn't have such a square face. His face was a lot rounder. Also, this one seems to be called Edvin, at least that's what it says on the back."

Garreth studied the picture for a while longer. It also almost seemed like he was wondering if he had seen this person before. He put the picture in his pocket and kept looking, but we found nothing.

I went to my old childhood room. It looked exactly the same as it did then. I saw some of the books that Marlee read to me when I was a kid. The room was small but I loved it. I have loved everything about this house.

I walked out the door and the memories kept coming back. I saw myself romping across the meadows with Garreth. I saw Marlee standing in the doorway, calling us and giving us ice cream when it was unbearably warm again.

All of these memories went through my head. I sat down on the ground behind the house and leaned against the wall of the house and started to cry. After a few seconds, Garreth came over and squatted down next to me, looking at me. Exactly as in the past.

Garreth sat down next to me, put his head against mine and took my hand. He didn't say anything, he was just there, warming my body. It really was just like it used to be. "I'm sorry. It's just so overwhelming. I remember so much." I said while crying. "It's alright, you don't have to apologize. But I'm here for you." Garreth said softly. 

That's exactly what he used to say all along. "And I will always be there for you. You are not alone. You never have to be alone again. I am here." He whispered. I wiped the tears from my face and stayed in the position for a moment. "Thank you. Thanks for everything Garreth. I love you." I whispered. "You don't have to say thank you either. I promised you I would. I love you Caelie, more than anything in this world," he breathed on my head.

We were joined by Mr and Mrs Weasley. "We didn't find anything either. No papers, nothing," said Mr. Weasley.

Garreth got up and pulled me to my feet. He put his arm around my waist. "Would you like to stay here a little longer or do you prefer to go back?" Garreth asked me. "I think that's enough for now. We should get back before Kay sets something on fire," I said, trying to distract myself emotionally.

So we got on our brooms. Mr. Weasley locked the door and then we flew back again.

Once there, we saw that Garreth's uncle Pelleas and his wife Elaine have also arrived. Pelleas resembled his brother very much. However, he didn't wear glasses and he was also a little lanky. Elaine was a beautiful woman. She was a few years younger than her husband and had long, flowing blond hair, which is why Ereck and Kay's hair was a little lighter than that of Garreth and his siblings.

We greeted them warmly. I decided to go to bed and get some rest due to the emotional strain. After a while Garreth came up and snuggled up to me from behind and put his arm around me.

I felt on my buttocks that Garreth's penis was slowly erecting. "I'm sorry, but your skin is so soft," he said, giggling slightly, "don't worry, I don't feel like it at the moment. Right now I just want to be there for you and cuddle with you.

We lay there like that for a while. In the meantime, we fell asleep again and again.

We slept through lunch, but ate even more at dinner before we went back to Garreth's room. Now we wanted to take a shower because we wanted to leave for France in the morning.Garreth sat down on the bed, took off his shirt and demonstrated his perfect body. It was now time to catch up, where we were interrupted yesterday. I sat down on his lap and we kissed deeply. Garreth's fingers quickly slipped under my shirt. He stripped it off and stroked my breasts. He pushed me off of him and laid me on my back on the bed.

"Pshh." He whispered to me. He undressed me and knelt down next to me on the bed. He pushed my legs apart and leaned forward to kiss me, penetrating me during the kiss. He moved slowly at first and then got faster. We were in a hurry so he didn't waste any more time before thrusting hard and fast. When I began to moan softly, he covered my mouth and smiled at me.

"I'd really like to avoid anyone hearing us," he said, smiling before thrusting particularly hard. I could see that he also required some body control from him not to moan loudly. He changed his rhythm from fast and hard to slow and especially hard. It almost drove me crazy. Stroke by stroking I was getting closer to my climax and I could see that Garreth was enjoying it as much as I was.

He continued to thrust at this rate and continued to cover my mouth. I breathed in and out very quickly through my nose. I had my hands on his arms and when it came over me I clawed into his upper arms. My whole body was pulsing. Garreth let out a loud groan as he came.

"Oops," he laughed and hurried into the bathroom naked. He threw me a towel, which I wrapped around myself and followed him. "Ladies first," he said, pointing to the bathtub.

He knelt down in front of the bathtub, took a sponge and lathered my body. He looked lovingly at me. "You don't have to do this." I said confused. "I know. But I want to. We don't have enough time for two during these holidays. Then let's at least enjoy the time we have as much as possible.", he said softly and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

After we finish washing, Garreth and I switch places. He was really pretty lying in the tub. His soft, freckled skin shimmered after being wetted with water, adding another beautiful nuance to his appearance.

When we were done, we scurried back to Garreth's room and changed into fresh, comfortable clothes.

Late that evening, as we were all sitting and talking in the large living room with the kitchen attached, there was a knock on the door. "Oh Matilda, glad you're here already!" I heard Mr. Weasley say. "Yes, of course Geoffrey. I only had to brief Prof. Garlick as she is taking over my post for the holidays. She's staying at the castle anyway to look after her plants."

I looked at Garreth, confused. "His middle name is Geoffrey, but Aunt Matilda likes that name more than Yvain, so she always calls him by his middle name," he whispered to me.

Prof. Weasley entered the room and was greeted warmly immediately. "Aunt Matilda, will you sleep with me in my room? Please, Caelie prefers to sleep with Gary now and the two boys are annoying." Jennie pointed to Hector and Kay. "Of course," Prof. Weasley answered.

I blushed. Pelleas and Elaine looked at us with a smile. "Oh, now you share a bed? That explains the strange noise before," laughed Pelleas. "That's when I stubbed my little toe on my closet." Garreth said confidently, blushing as well.

"Certainly Garreth. Of course you stubbed your toe. Sure. You most certainly did," Prof. Weasley said, nodding in agreement. All the adult Weasleys burst out laughing while Garreth and I tried to sink into the ground.

"Did you stub your toe on the Quidditch pitch too?" his father asked, smiling, taking a sip of his whiskey while giving Garreth a cheeky smile. Garreth's eyes widened and he looked at his father in horror. His mouth dropped. He just threw himself backwards on the floor and covered his eyes with his arms. Rarely have I seen him so embarrassed.

Now that the eyes of the adults were on me, I just let my head fall on Garreth's stomach.

After some more laughter, everyone calmed down. I felt Garreth bend his legs and cross them. "Garreth, get up," his uncle said, laughing. "No, I'd really like to not do that now," Garreth said and instead started talking about the last few weeks of Prof. Binn's classes, which led to more loud laughter from Garreth's father and me.

After that they refrained from making any more jokes about us and talked about the planning for the next few days.

First it was going to Paris for a few days, then the trip was supposed to be to Toulouse to see some more relatives, but Garreth interjected that we'd be returning to England on December 29th. "Oh Garreth, why is that?" his aunt Elaine asked interested. "Two friends of ours celebrate their birthdays on December 30th," he said casually. "Two?" his uncle asked confused. Garreth nodded, "Yeah, they're twins." "Oh, you two are going to see the Sallows? That's lovely. And so unexpected," Prof. Weasley interjected, smiling softly while raising an eyebrow and sipping at her drink.

"Yeah and Ominis Gaunt is there too. And her uncle." I said. "Oh yes, Solomon Sallow, the ultimate sympathizer. What does he actually do?" asked Mr. Weasley.

"Well, unless he's kicking his underage nephew out of his house or getting drunk, probably nothing," I said judgmentally. Pelleas laughed out loud. "Yes, that sounds like Solomon. He must have thrown his classmates out of his room on a regular basis when he wasn't researching dark magic. Very strange guy. His brother was nice. We were in the same year and we had a lot of classes together. He was really all right for a Slytherin. He was charming and always had a small crowd of female students around, but he was a good student and a very friendly classmate."

"That really sounds like Sebastian.", Jennie said, "He's really sweet and kind to me and sometimes he carries me on his back through the castle.". Jennie turned bright red.

"What do you have to do with a 6th year Slytherin?" Pelleas asked confused. I guessed what she was going to answer now and felt myself blushing as well.

"Sebastian is our mutual friend, Uncle. We spend a lot of time together. And since he doesn't have a large family, we've sort of added him and Ominis to our group." Garreth said with a laugh, preventing Jennie from blabbering everything. He emphasized the word 'mutual' very clearly to distract from the fact that the situation was a bit more complex. Garreth's parents and Professor Weasley sipped their drinks.

Merlin's beard, it was all embarrassing. Inwardly I was ashamed of my emotional world again and thought of Sebastian. While we were all looking forward to tomorrow, he had to go back to a house where he was not at home, to his sick sister whom he could not help and to his uncle who hated him. I really felt sorry for him.

I was looking forward to seeing his eyes shine again when we got back together. I felt the butterflies in my stomach dancing wildly at the thought.

After a while, I retired to Garreth's room.

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