Forces of Fate

By SashaSolo28

11.1K 419 114

Crosshair+Force wielder OC Version one All her life she has been someone's weapon. Weather her wielder was t... More

A Traveler from afar
Capture on Kiros
Life on Kiros
Servitude Begins
Breaking the Chains
Discovering a new World
Commando in Action
Rescuing a Batch
Temple of the Force
The Chancellor's Ball
Zandra joins a Squad
Tension among the Group
Slumber in the Dark
Final day
The Wronged Jedi
Finding the Fox
Republic Security Bureau
Rescue & Reunion
King Killer
Fighting a Losing Battle
The Fall of A Jedi
Escaping Coruscant
Help on Batuu
Searching Serenno
A New Era
Rescue on Kallar
The Path Begins
Treasure among Trash
Proof of the Sith
The Raising Action
Ending it where it Began
Im rewriting
It's your turn

Revealing the Truth

199 9 2
By SashaSolo28

Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Director
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 120lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

A week later
Third person
The footsteps echoed through the hallway as the young director stormed down the hallway. The new nateborn Coruscant Guard looked over her form and shrugged their shoulders. "Who is that?" A guard whispered. "I don't know, but she has the authority to be here." The other proclaimed. "Unnecessarily chatter on the coms is not permitted, I will be writing this up troopers." Seren's voice growled over the com system. The troopers whipped around and watched as Seren stepped into Chancellor Palpatine's office. Palpatine's head lifted from his work with Mas Amedda and looked over the black helmeted figure. "Ah Director, just the person I wanted to see. Mas Amedda you and everyone else are excused." He waved off. Beneath her helmet, Seren raised her brow. "Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, how can I be of service to you?" She asked through the voice changer while the rest of the guards left the Oval Office. "Ah please sit and do take off your helmet dear." He requested with a gesture of his hand towards the seat in front of his desk. Seren nodded her head and stepped up the stairs to sit down. She placed her helmet on the floor and looked over the chancellor with her appointed blue eyes. "Well, Director as you are aware your bureau operates mainly out of Coruscant, and with that you are bound to make an appearance to the public." Chancellor Palpatine began. "Yes, I am aware of that possibility." She agreed. "I need you to look less menacing and a bit more human-like." He finished. Seren's neck straightened and she raised a brow at the older man. "I'm sorry...but what?" She questioned. "Well you see dear as of right now, you looked rather intimating and fearsome. As director of the RSB, you will be working with the public on a day-to-day basis. I need you to look approachable, so in order to achieve this I have ordered a weapons specialist, designer, and psychologist to assist you to become more approachable." Palpatine stated. Seren stared at the Supreme Chancellor in shock. "And there is another thing when you become the Director, it was mandatory to conduct some test to see if you are both physically and mentally healthy enough to be in this position of power and the doctor discovered something so curious. You appear to have an exact DNA copy of me, how this happened I have no idea. But you are my biologically my daughter." He stated with a smile on his face as he handed the datapad to the younger woman that contained the DNA test. Shock and disbelief were etched into her face, Sheev rose to his feet and moved around the desk. He gently lifted his hands to her soft cheeks and smoothed his thumbs over them. "I may not have been there for you when you were younger, but I promise I will be there for you now." He promised. Seren's chest shook slightly and she nodded her head in understanding. Sheev gingerly kissed her forehead, slight tears fell down her cheeks as the father-daughter pair separated. Seren whipped her face hurriedly attempting to hide her tears. "Well dear here is the physiologist," Sheev affirmed when the doors opened exposing the brown-haired, brown-eyed woman entering the room. "Hello Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and Director, I am Doctor Alana Gallagher and I will be working with you to help with your public image." She affirmed. "So what I can suggest, is hide all your weapons so you look approachable to the civilians, and do not wear a helmet to tap into your human sentient traits. I can advise that you wear your hair down and appear more trustworthy." She explained to the pair.

Seren's pov
I sat through the physiologist explaining how I should look when a designer barged into the room. "Now darling it is time to make you look fabulous!" The dark hair, the brown-eyed man shouted excitedly. I stared at him as he practically rushed me. "OOOHHHH girl you are so sexy, hmm so much potential." He fawned. "Okay, sooo I'm thinking your hair down." He began. "No, I have to have my hair up into a bun or a braid nothing else," I pronounced. The man sucked in a deep breath and bit his lip. "Hmm fine fine fine, but can it be a loose braid?" He asked. "My hair has to remain out of my face. I chase down separatist spies, I cannot be distracted by my hair." I explained. The man nodded his head and then waved off his hand. "Very well, but I'm thinking high healed black boots and a black trench coat to hide the weapons, but to look fabulous. A slim grey jacket, and pants that are tight at the knees, but slightly loose at the caves. Then of course holsters on your legs, hips, and chest for your lightsaber, blaster, and knives. Then I'm thinking padded gloves with steel knuckles." The designer said. "Well then let's get this started." Sheev beamed. The designer began to measure my frame and began to set it to work. "Here come with me dear, while they work." Chancell-my father pronounced. I nodded my head and stood up to follow him out of his office, while the designer and weapons specialist worked. Two guardsmen hurried up to us, but he held his hand up to them. "Don't worry men, the director here has me covered." Palpatine smiled. They nodded their heads and continued to walk away. "Is there anything you wish to know my darling daughter?" My father inquired. I placed my hands behind my back and straightened my back. "What was our family like?" I inquired. "Well my dear, our family originated from Naboo, we should go back there sometime soon my dear. That way I can show you our family's estate." He smiled. "Chancellor Palpatine." I heard someone shout. My father and I turned around when we spotted Senator Amidala rushing up to us. "Ahh Senator Amidala, how are you?" My father greeted her. "Chancellor Palpatine, why has the budget for the military increased exponentially?" She exclaimed. "Don't worry Senator that will be explained later by the proper authorities." He assured. A wave of frustration streamed off of the young Naboo senator. "Are you sure because for the past two weeks, all my questions have been ignored?" Amidala protested. "I can assure you Senator Amidala that your questions will be answered shortly," I affirmed. "Ah yes, in fact, the director here will explain them to you in tonight's Senate session." My father explained. My head snapped towards him, but I nodded my head cooly. "I look forwards to your explanation."  Padme glared before she hurried away. "Well now we have found something to talk about during our lunch break now haven't we?" My father beamed. I gave a slight smile back to him and nodded my head.

Time Skip
Third Person with Commander Fox
"Commander Fox, there is a development with case number SAV1." Captain Dogma proclaimed while he hurried up to the commander with a datapad in his hand. "Captain, what is it?" He inquired. "We have located the target, they are on the 163rd level of coruscant after purchasing an illegally acquired lightsaber." Captain Dogma proclaimed. Commander Fox turned to the Captain and studied his face. "The Director is busy at the moment, but this target is too important to ignore. Captain get dressed into civics and prepare to get into a physical fight with the force wielder." Commander Fox ordered. Captain Dogma nodded his head and hurried away to prepare for the interaction.

Time Skip
Captain Dogma sat in his armor with the black and silver paintings on the helmet. The Captain sat at the bar drinking his drink in solitude while he awaited for his target. On the other side of the bar the 501st members Fives, Jesse, Tup, and Rex drank their drinks laughing at jokes they shared amongst themselves. Dogma's com sat in his ear while he awaited the cue of his intervention. His curly locks hung just above his eye line while he glared at the wall in front of him. "Is everything alright Captain?" The female bartender inquired. "Yup, absolutely." He said with a firm tight-lipped smile. When suddenly there was an explosion outside the viewport, a figure tumbled through the viewport and rolled on the floor. Dogma threw his head back and chugged the last bit of his drink. He rose from his seat and settled into the crowd of his brothers. The feminine figure slowly began to rise up to her feet. The members of the 501st rose to their feet to the figure when Dogma ripped out his high-voltage electro-staff and swung it at her legs. The figure ripped out the yellow temple guard sable from her belt and blocked the incoming attack. Dogma's furious brown eyes glowed in the yellow glow of the lightsaber. His white teeth gleamed in the light, his black V-like facial tattoo outlined his furious expression. The members of the 501st watched in shock as their former members attacked the former separatist assassin. The assassin jumped to her feet and growled at the clone captain. "Well, it looks like we finally have a capable clone." Ventress hissed. "Oh, there is more than just me," Dogma smirked showing his glistening white teeth. Suddenly bright white searchlights were shinned into the viewports of the clone bar and dozens of black and silver armored troopers stormed into the bar with person projection shields activated and staffs pointed at the assassin. Dogma glared furiously at the assassin as he placed his hands behind his back and straightened his back. "Asajj Ventress you are under arrest for various different war crimes. Now you can either come with me peacefully or you can force my hand, the decision is yours." Dogma pronounced with a calm and steady voice. "And you truly believe you can stop me?" Ventress hissed out. "I've killed force wielders before," Dogma commented back. Ventress moved her saber and Dogma brought out what looked to be a blaster. His finger pushed the trigger and a loud bang echoed through the bar, Ventress swished to block the shot. When the black power exploded across her face, causing the assassin to release a painful cry. Dogma dashed towards her, and moved her saber away from him, before kneeing her in the stomach. She collapsed to her knees allowing the captain to yank her hands away and place them in cuffs. Another trooper jumped forwards and placed a collar that was sparkling onto Ventress's neck and connected the staff to it another trooper hurried forwards and connected another staff to the other side. Captain Dogma pulled back and glared down at the woman. "Captain?" A trooper pronounced as he began to approach Dogma with his captain's helmet in hand. The men of the 501st watched in awe as their former colleague stood before them wearing a dark silver pauldron to his right side. Dogma accepted the helmet and placed it on his head before standing at attention when he spotted his superior officer approaching him. "Commander sir, the target has been contained," Dogma spoke through his stern voice changer. The form of the now black and silver armored Commander Fox looked down at the assassin and smirked beneath his helmet. "Well isn't my boss going to have a fun time with you." He grinned.

The senate meeting
"Chancellor Palpatine claims the war is coming to an end, however, he has just added 32 million credits to the budget to support the new addition to the Republic's military which in official documents has only been referred to as the RSB. We the senate demand to have answers." Padme Amidala boomed. Anakin stood at the spot where her podium once rested. "Rest easy Senator you will get the answers you desire soon." Mas Amedda proclaimed when suddenly the podium contacting the Supreme Chancellor opened up to expose the red-haired director in her brand new outfit. "Greetings members of the Senate, I am Director Seren Palpatine of the Republic Security Bureau aka the RSB." Immediately there was murmuring among the senators at the reveal of the daughter to the Supreme Chancellor. Anakin stopped leaning against the doorway and stared at what he knew to be his sister in confusion. Seren looked around at the senators and then at her father for some form of guidance. Her father gave her a gentle smile and then nodded his head at her. "Some of you are questioning why the budget for the Bureau is too extensive and that is because we are monitoring the movement and communication of every citizen, military personnel, and politician of the Republic. The success of my RSB has already been tested as of this afternoon Captain Dogma and Commander Fox captured the infamous separatist assassin, Asajj Ventress. As for the budget increase, it is simply because of the multitude of the surveillance we are conducting and the necessary food, medical, heating, and day-to-day expenditures. I can assure you that my organization takes the security of this government seriously and every day my soldiers and I worked thanklessly to ensure the safety of the Republic's people." Seren proclaimed into the mic. The senate floor remained until Mas Amedda spoke up. "As a member of this senate, I would personally like to thank you Director Palpatine, and your soldiers for protecting our Republic." Vice Chair Amedda thanked. Seren nodded her head and stepped away from the mic and straightened her form. "The Director is now open for questions." Mas Amedda added. "Yes um, where did you get these men for your bureau?" Bail Organa questioned with a raised brow. Seren nodded her head and stepped forwards once more. "Thank you for asking Senator Organa. When it came to the Chancellor's attention that some senators were assaulting members of the Coruscant Guard he came to me and offered to switch them out with nateborn men. I was already familiar with Commander Fox and his men so I agreed to take on the Coruscant Guard and rebrand them into agents for the RSB." Seren announced. Protest erupted from the senate from furious senators at the accusation that the younger DIrector made. "How dare you accuse Senators of such acts." The Senator Kitana Saloon boomed. "Dare Senator Saloon? I believe you are inaccurate, I do not have to dare for anything when I have video evidence of you and a number of other senators physically assaulting my men." Seren corrected with a dead look in her eyes. The senator leaned back from the woman's gaze but quickly found that it still seemed to be consuming her. "You see Senator each one of my men is equipped with a body cam that stays on at all times, so when you decided to take advantage of your position of power that tiny little camera recorded it and caught you in the act. So you will find that very same trooper is waiting for you right by your station to arrest you after this session has concluded." She spoke calmly. "Following the arrest of you and your colleagues you will be taken to the prison where you will sit and wait for your trial like every single other criminal and spy I have arrested. Do you understand?" Director Palpatine growled out as she stared daggers into the woman. "I am a Senator you cannot arrest me." The senator protested. "It appears you do not understand how this republic works senator. It does not matter whether you are a senator, a weapons specialist, a soldier, a doctor, or a civilian. We all live under Republic law and we have to face the consequences when we break those laws, so I say to you as a simple servant of the people of the republic. Are you ready to face the consequences of your actions?" Director Palpatine pronounced. Beyond the walls of the Senate people watching the transmission began to cheer in the streets and chant. "Take them out," over and over. The troopers in the newly fixed bar watch in both horror and admiration as the director's men arrested their tormentors. "Thank you Director Palpatine for taking such swift action to stop the misuse of power within our ranks. I am sure we will be able to continue to rely on you for protecting our great republic." The Supreme Chancellor beamed. Director Palpatine looked at her father with wide eyes and nodded her head once.

Seren's pov
I stood next to my father as the droids floated around us and continued to stare forwards. My father sat down and then looked at me. "I think you did a fabulous job addressing the Senate tonight my dear daughter." He smiled as he squeezed my hand in a gentle, carrying manner. "Thank you, Father." I smiled back.

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