Their Omega [BOOK THREE]

By Hstowe

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My parents always told me to go after what I wanted. And I did. I went after both of them. But unfortunately... More



255 17 0
By Hstowe


"You want to go visit your grandparents?" My dad asked me later that afternoon once school was out.
I nodded looking at my parents frowning.
"It's been a while and I do have another aunt I'd like to see, even if she is ten years younger than me." I grinned.
My dad blinked before looking to my papa.

"What do you think, Magna?" He questioned.
My papa was quiet before looking at me.
"Did you get your homework for those three days?" He asked me.
I blinked before nodding.
"Yes sir, it's all in my bag." I responded.

My papa frowned.
"And this has nothing do to do with Cricket being attacked, right?" He asked.
My blood ran cold sitting there.
I still needed to check on him.
I had no idea Ambrose and Dexter would even go after him or Zell, but they did and it was making me even more on edge about what was going on.

"No, I wanted to do this before I even found out about Cricket." I answered.
My parents were quiet before my dad sighed softly.

"How about you skip this bonfire thing this weekend, and instead we make it a week visit? We'll pack our things and head there in a few hours and stay until Wednesday, that will give you five and a half days away from Crossroads." He told me.

I nibbled my lip.
I really did want to go to that bonfire party this weekend, but if I didn't want to worry my parents about the bullying that was happening at school, I'd have to go along with what they wanted.

"Sure." I smiled softly looking at the two.
"I'll go back a bag." I responded leaving the two and made my way to my room.

I wanted to call Lawless and let him know I would be missing out on this weekends plans, part of me wanted to invite him to go with us, but I felt like some family time would do me some good.
I did at least text him to let him know so he wouldn't get worried later.

"All packed?" My dad questioned standing at the front door waiting to pull it open.
I nodded adjusting my bag as he smiled softly pulling the front door open but froze.

Two men I've never seen before stood on the opposite side looking around.

"Can I help you?" My dad asked pushing me behind him with furrowed brows.
The brown haired man attempted to look inside of our house, but my dad blocked his view with a frown.

"We're looking for someone, have you seen this boy?" He held up a picture and I tried to hold my breath.
It was the same boy I saw from my vision a few days ago.

My dad frowned at the image.
"No I haven't seen this boy before in my life, is he in trouble?" He questioned holding the picture to get a better look.
"Nothing like that, he just ran away from home and his guardian is trying to get him back, if you happen to see this boy, give us a call." He handed my dad a card with a name and number written on it.
"We'd appreciate your cooperation in finding him." He said now.
My dad nodded with a frown.
"Sure." He replied as the two men walked away from the house and headed to a black car.

I stood there with knitted brows at the grip my dad had on my wrist.
"Dad..?" I looked at the other who blinked before he released the hold on my wrist and looked at me apologetic.
"Sorry Iggy, I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked me.
I shook my head.
"I'm okay." I reassured him.
It made him smile but it wasn't meeting his eyes for a moment.
Now this?
Had me worried.

"It was weird, Magna." Dad commented in the front seat while papa drove down the road.
"You should have called for me, did they give you a name or anything on that boy they showed you?" He questioned.
Dad shook his head.
"No, just that they were looking for him, but Magna," dad looked at him worried.
"They were vampires." He told the other.
Papa frowned deeply.
"Let's try not to think too much about it, I doubt we'll even run into that boy and if we do? We'll decide what to do with him when the time comes." He said driving into Moon Rose.

"You're not considering giving him over to those people, are you?" Dad asked him.
Papa frowned softly.
"If they weren't threatening you Mox, they could have been telling the truth. For all we know, that boy could be the Prince of somewhere supposed to marry someone he didn't want to, and ran for it. Honestly? I'd probably do the same thing if it were our son who was missing." He said now.
Dad frowned at the other.
"I know you would, you'd get the guys together and find him." He smiled softly now placing his hand on top of the others.
It made papa smile in response before pulling into my grandparents driveway.
I grinned kneeling down as my six year old aunt Gemini ran up to me, her arms wrapping around me with a big smile.
"I missed you!" The brunette told me as I smiled hugging her.
"I missed you too." I grinned.

I watched my dad walk up to my grandma hugging her then his dad who both looked happy to see the other.

Gemini crawled onto my back holding onto me as I joined up with the adults who smiled softly at us.
"Let's get inside, there's a lot for us to catch up on." My grandma said walking into the house as we followed after the other.

"Not that I don't mind seeing my children, but what's with the visit?" Grandma Laurie questioned looking at my dad for an explanation.
He smiled softly.
"Iggy needed a break from school and wanted to see you guys, I mean I did too, but he never asks for anything." He shrugged.
My grandma blinked before her eyes fell on me.

"Well I'm touched you wanted to come see us Iggy, it has been a while since our last visit. How are things at school?" She asked me.
I nibbled my lip.
"Things are good for the most part." I replied.
She made a face.
"And how are you and Lawless doing? Did you two stop with that silly idea of having a third partner?" She questioned.
My stomach sank.
I completely forgot my grandma was against what I wanted.

I remember my dad telling her about it years ago and the two ended up arguing over my dads parenting skills, they said a lot of hurtful things towards each other and my dad refused to talk to her for months.

I frowned at her.
"Actually, no, we found our third partner and a fourth." I responded.
My grandmas expression said it all.
She was disgusted but kept quiet about her opinion as she smiled in my dads direction, as if not wanting to fight the moment we just got here.

"Oh you won't believe it, these strange men showed up at our house two hours ago, inquiring about a boy missing." My grandma spoke up now getting to her feet as my dad frowned.
"Really? The same thing happened to us walking out of the house." He responded.
My grandma frowned at the other.
"I suppose it's a good thing they can't just waltz into our house and do a search in case they think we're lying." She said walking over to a door.
My parents stood to their feet watching her as she pushed open the door.

"Come out here sweetie, it's safe."

My heart was in my throat when this pale boy covered in bruises and bandages cautiously stepped out of the room, he wouldn't look at anyone but at my grandma who was offering him a kind smile.

"It's alright, those men are gone." She told him.
There was fear in his dark green eyes and his fists were balled as if any second now, he'd break down and cry.

"Mom..?" My dad looked at her with knitted brows as she looked at him.
"We found him near a dumpster Moxie, he was terrified out of his mind thinking we were these vampires trying to bring him, home." She frowned.
He frowned deeply at her.
"What if his family wants him home?" He asked.

My grandma frowned.
"I don't think this boy has family sweetie, and no kid would run away from home covered in bruises and wounds like the ones I had to cover, he was running away for a reason." She told him.

"Well that settles it, we won't be calling those guys back." My papa commented before he cautiously approached the boy who stepped back with fear and tears in his eyes.

"It's alright." My papa took a knee and looked up at the brunet.
"My name is Magna Grimes, can I know yours?" He asked him.
The boy's brows knitted as he stood there, his whole body was trembling.

"I-It's Omega Collins." He responded in a quiet voice.
It made my papa smile softly.
"Omega huh? That's a pretty unique name for someone like you, the only thing is, I can't tell what you are." My papa looked at him.
"Are you a little wolf or like me, a vampire?" He asked him.
Omega's brows knitted as tears slipped.
"B-Both." He answered and my eyes grew wide.

No one said a thing as my papa stared at him.
"You are an Eve?" He asked.
Omega was hesitant but nodded.
"Mhm, I ran away from the bad men who showed up here." He told the other.
My papa frowned deeply.
"So they were bad men? Are they who hurt you like this?" He questioned.

Omega's face flushed red before shaking his head.
"Nu uh, they would have been killed." He responded.
My papa frowned.
"Who hurt you like this, Omega?"
Omega looked at him.
"Mr. Montoya, I wasn't allowed to know his first name. It wasn't my purpose to know." He said.

"What was your purpose?" My dad cautiously approached the two so he wouldn't scare Omega.
The boy looked at him with tears in his eyes.
"U-Um, Mr. Montoya wanted me to create more eves.." He brought his hands to his stomach keeping them there as tears slipped.
"But anytime I defied his wants, h-he'd hurt me, Mitchy was my only friend there." He said.

My dad frowned at him.
"Is your friend still there?"
Omega stood there as more tears fell.
"Nu uh, the bad woman killed him after they found out I ran." He told him.
My dad looked at the other.
"How do you know that?"
Omega pointed at his own head.

"I-I have visions I can see the future, it's w-why bad men want me so I can be used. We have no other purpose in this life besides to serve and produce."
I felt sick hearing him say that.

My papa stood to his feet looking to my grandparents.
"When we leave here, we'll take Omega with us." He told them.
My grandma frowned.
"Laurie, you have enough on your plate right now by just raising Gemini. Omega will be safer if he's with us and I let the guys know what's going on, besides, I think it's better to keep eve's together and not a part." He said.

Omega looked at him.
"T-There are others where you live?" He asked.
This time it was my turn to step up cautiously with a soft smile.
"Just one." I answered looking at Omega who looked at me while everyone watched us.

"Me, like you Omega, I'm also an Eve, and my papa's right. You'll be safe where we live, especially in our house." I told him.

Omega was hesitant but he stepped forward looking at me.
"W-We'll be like brothers then..?" He asked me.
It made me smile at him asking me that.
"We won't be like, we will be brothers." I told him.
I watched this life try to come to his eyes but it dulled out as he just smiled softly at me.
"B-Brothers, I like that." He smiled.

I reached to take his hand as he jerked back with a flushed face.
"Don't." He told me.
I stepped back as Omega looked away.
"I-I don't like being touched." He added.

I frowned as my dad placed his hand on my shoulder looking at the two of us.
"Give it time Iggy, you two did just meet." He pointed out.
I blinked but nodded looking at Omega who was rubbing his upper arm.
I wanted to do something for him.
I just didn't know what.

Just like we didn't know that by having this other Eve move in with us.
Placed a very large target on our backs.
And it invites the one person no one was prepared for to Crossroads.

Not even papa.

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