Their Omega [BOOK THREE]

By Hstowe

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My parents always told me to go after what I wanted. And I did. I went after both of them. But unfortunately... More



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By Hstowe


The room was quiet and cold, the only sound you could hear was the whimpers coming from a pale boy who had his hand covering his own mouth, while the blond above him pressed his fangs into the others neck.
Blood oozed down the boy's neck who wanted to shove the other away, but he knew he couldn't do that.
He'd be killed in seconds for defying him.
So he just laid there like an obedient follower and let his body burn while his leader fed from him.

"Get dressed." The blond instructed moving from the blond haired omega who sat there.
"Did I displease you?" He carefully questioned.
The other paused pulling his shirt over his head, he turned as his red eyes pierced the other.
"Not yet, do not make me repeat myself. We're having a meeting and you're going to attend." He said walking out of the room to let the other change.

The blond sat there before looking away with a flushed face as he pressed the palm of his hand to his neck.
"Omega.. You fool.." He hissed before changing and walked out of the room next.

"Is everyone present?" The blond stopped by a taller male with jet black hair and cold red eyes.
"Yes Kaiser, we're all waiting for you sir." He responded.
Kaiser smirked with a nod as he adjusted his coat before making his way to the front of the room.

He had a full room, after that bitch Codie Lynn failed her mission and got herself killed like a dumb ass, it took no time for Kaiser to fill the spot and take over.
Of course he knew he was no match for her blood lust, but he knew how to make people follow him both with respect and fear.

That was why, between the nine vampires that lived in this home, there was only one omega.
He was going to be used to create more eve's.
Another thing that bitch failed to do.
She was obsessed with getting her stolen treasure back, that she lost focus on the main objective, and that was how she died.

This wouldn't be a repeat.
Kaiser already had one eve in his grasp and because of two lazy vampires not guarding the door properly.
He managed to escape, and now there was no telling where he was.
But those vampires wouldn't go unpunished.
Codie had higher blood lust than Kaiser did, but he still loved the thrill of the kill.
Even if it was against one of his own.

"Right okay, I would like Salem Hester and Trip Sawyer to step forward." He spoke up as his eyes fell on a side door that opened and his little treat stepped out.
It made him smirk because tonight would be the night to show an omega to never cross him in any way.

The brunette and red head stepped forward with confusion written on both of their faces as Kaiser smiled at them.

"You two rejoined The Black Rose after your last leader was killed, correct?" Kaiser questioned looking at Trip who was hesitant but nodded.
"Yes, we joined out of loyalty, we were under Codie's compulsion and-"

"Right, I don't care about your loyalty to a dead bitch." Kaiser smiled as Trip frowned.
"Of course not." He responded.
Kaiser smiled.
"What I care about is how you two could possibly let our ONLY eve escape this house and not even report it." Kaiser grinned crossing his arms.
"Do you two just simply not care, or is that you want to waste my fucking time with intolerable bullshit by being fucking lazy?" He growled at both of them now.

Salem frowned at the other.
"It's my fault Kaiser sir, I couldn't take it anymore from the constant crying that boy did, so I turned a blind eye." She said now.
Trip looked to her with wide eyes.
"Salem, what are you-"
"I would rather die than follow someone with the same goals as Codie, she was a merciless killer but I don't respect someone who kidnaps omegas and has them raped repeatedly in hopes of them being special like Moxie Grimes." She glared at Kaiser now.
"Those are innocent wolves you're killing all for the sake of some objective you and all of the other twisted sons of bitches want to create, what happens once you get your pile of eves? What will you do with them then?" She demanded in question.

Kaiser stood there smiling at her which sent a chill down her spine.
"Although you may not respect me or my objective here Salem Hester, I respect your honesty. It's rare and something I appreciate, however."
His red eyes closed to only reopen jet black as he watched Salem bend over backwards who let out a pained scream.

"What I don't respect is someone in lower class than me," he spoke up walking towards her as her screams grew louder.
"Or when I'm having to hear the name Codie on god damn repeat." He snarled as he listened to the others bones cracking.
"She may have been for blood lust, but do you know what I love Salem?" Kaiser crouched down and looked at the other vampire who had blood running out of her ears, nose, eyes and mouth.
"What?" She growled.
Kaiser smiled.
"Torture." He responded as he watched Salem's fingers bend awkwardly, until you heard each and every bone in her crack.

"I know you said you would rather die, which is why I'm making this insanely painful for you." Kaiser looked to the nearly deformed and broken vampire who could barely breathe looking at him.
"I don't like lazy insects Salem, and that's what you chose your role to be in this story, I'm surprised you made it this far." He sighed snapping his fingers as Salem's body bent completely together, snapping her spine and crushing her ribs.

Kaiser stared at the other who blinked at him.
"You're still alive?" He sighed snapping his fingers a second time, this time snapping her neck before walking up to her body with a stake in hand, not even hesitating he shoved it into her heart who let out a final scream.
Before she was no more.

Kaiser turned to Trip.
"Now, how to deal with you?" He questioned as Trip frowned at him.
"However you see fit." He responded.
Kaiser smiled at the other.
"I like that, are you sure you don't want to be mouthy like your friend there?" He questioned.
Trip shook his head.
"No sir, I failed to do a simple task and because of that, your eve got away. There is nothing I can say or do that would cause you to show mercy, unlike Salem. I would not rather die, but I did mess up and for that. I take responsibility." He said.

Kaiser looked at him for the longest time before stepping up.
"You know what, Trip Sawyer? I like that." He smirked pressing his hand on the others chest who tried his best not to flinch.
"But do you know what I hate more than a lazy person?" He asked him leaning up so his lips were close to the others ear.
"A kiss ass." Kaiser smiled and without hesitating, his fist shoved itself into Trips chest grabbing the others heart.
"Saying exactly what I want to hear for your own advantage, it's revolting." He said ripping the others heart clean out and tossed it on the floor, stomping on it like a bug.

Kaiser sighed turning to the nine vampires that remained standing.
"Did anyone have a problem with how I handled that situation?" He questioned.
No one spoke up as they looked at him in silence.
Kaiser smiled.
"Good, I'd hate to slaughter my whole clan, including my own baby brother." He said looking at the black haired vampire with berry red eyes.

"If you command it, I will die for you Kaiser." The teenager spoke up.
Kaiser smiled.
"I know you would Jinx, now, if no one has anything to add to this meet. Let's get started shall we?" He grinned.

"The eve we had in custody has been gone for nearly three days now, he's weak and halfway broken, so I know he hasn't gotten far." Kaiser looked at everyone.

"We are in Moon Fall, between here and where the eve could have gone and hid, would give him four options. One which would kill him, Sun Rise, the home of alphas." Kaiser spoke walking around with his arms crossed.
"If he somehow avoided that town, it would leave us with Moon Rose, Cross Fade and Crossroads." Kaiser turned to his clan.
"Three pacifist towns that now live in harmony with Ace Ellison locked away." He smirked softly.

"So I would like for the nine of us to explore those options, kill who gets in our way without hesitation, this will be a rather long trip considering it takes days to get to Sun Rise and Moon Rose-"
"Forgive my ignorance sir, but should we really go into Sun Rise if there's no chance that the eve will even be there?" His follower Malik Sloan questioned looking at him.
Kaiser smiled in response.
"You're forgiven this time Malik, but to answer your dumb ass question, yes we should go to Sun Rise." He answered looking at him.
"There is still that slight chance the boy hid in the least expecting town, so I would like for us to explore all four towns." He explained.

"And if the boy isn't in any of those towns?" His other follower Aiven Webb questioned.
Kaiser grasped his chin as if thinking about that.
"Well then I guess that would make him smarter than I thought, he is an eve so it should take him no time to heal those wounds I've inflicted, and if for some reason he wasn't in those four towns. I would just use my pet to create an eve." Kaiser shrugged as the blond from earlier dared to step back with knitted brows and fear in his blue eyes.

The clan looked in the boys direction.
"And if he isn't special enough to create eves?" Malik asked looking in the boys direction.
Kaiser smirked.
"Then I find a new pet." He shrugged.

Malik's eye twitched.
"So you wouldn't kill him?"
"Is that what you'd like me to do?" Kaiser smiled icily at the red headed vampire who had cold sweat roll down his face.
"No of course not, whatever you decide Kaiser, we respect it." He responded.

Kaiser smiled walking towards the blond haired omega who didn't move.
"Mitchie is special to me, if he cannot create eves, I will still keep him around." His stood directly in front of the other now.
"For his body and blood." He shrugged as Mitchie's brows knitted.
"Shh." Kaiser smirked at the other.
"We will talk about this later, for now, return to our room." He told him.

Mitchie was hesitant but nodded, he turned and walked out of the room.

"Kaiser, you really don't plan on keeping him alive, do you?" He turned to Pyro Dodson who looked at him with annoyance in her black eyes.
"He'll be of no use to you, what's the difference between keeping him alive and killing those two idiots?" She asked.
Kaiser smiled at her and in seconds.

His hand was wrapping around her throat.
"Must I repeat myself, my dear idiotic Pyro?" He questioned squeezing down on her throat as Pyro glared harshly at him.
"H-He's not special, he's a mutt with a low chance of creating eves." She growled.
Kaiser stared.
"I think I said I would find someone to replace him as the eve carrier, Mitchie is special-"

"You're letting your personal feelings blind you again." Volie Levine spoke up now with her arms crossed.
"If you hold onto something that will slow you down, get rid of it, that's what you told each of us before we slaughtered our own families to join up with you." The black haired vampire spoke up looking at him.

Kaiser stared before sighing as he let Pyro go who went into a coughing fit as she rubbed her neck, glaring at Kaiser.

"Fine, if it will make you shut up. I'll go kill him." He said walking out of the room.

His mind was blank as he walked down the hall and stopped in front of the bedroom door.
He could hear quiet grunts and hisses.
It made his brow arch up with curiosity as he pushed open the door.

Mitchie was holding some books and trying to place them on the bookshelf, they must have fallen during the time he was killing those two lazy vampires.

"What are you doing?" Kaiser questioned the blond who gasped turning around to face him as he dropped a book.
He was holding too many to begin with.
"T-They were on the ground, I wanted to clean the room so you wouldn't return to a-a mess." Mitchie responded.
Kaiser blinked but he moved fast and was slamming Mitchie into the wall as the books fell back down.

"K-Kaiser..?" Mitchie looked at him confused as Kaiser looked at him with jet black eyes.
"I'll make it painless for you, I refuse to lose followers simply because I have a fascination in you." Kaiser whispered into the others ear.
Mitchie's brows were knitting.
"O-Oh.. So you're going to kill me?" He asked him.
The question made Kaiser frown.
"Yes." He answered.
Mitchie stood there before he nodded.

"I understand, I don't want you to lose followers because of me, thank you for your kindness. I would rather it be you who killed me anyway." Mitchie told the other.
It made Kaiser ache before he grabbed Mitchie's shoulders and his fangs were piercing into the others neck.
He could hear the other gasping, but he wasn't fighting against the other.

The more blood he drank, the more limp the other was becoming.
It was a hard road to walk down.
And although Kaiser had no issue being cruel towards others.
Mitchie was the one he didn't want to be cruel towards.

And so he didn't.

He stepped back from the omega who was sheet white at this point and barely standing.
Kaiser stood there frowning.
"Go out the back door and run Mitchie, I won't kill you." He turned from him.
Mitchie looked at him confused but he moved towards the door and pulled it open.

"Kaiser." He called out to the other as Kaiser turned to look at Mitchie.
"I don't hate you." He smiled at the vampire as a gunshot went off and a bullet went right through Mitchie's head.

Kaiser stood there stunned before turning to the bedroom door where Pyro stood smiling as she held the gun.

"My finger slipped."

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