Enchanted by freckles - Garre...

By Caelie_Caladea

20.5K 1.1K 233

Garreth Weasley and Caelie Lewis have been friends since day one at Hogwarts. A lot has changed since then. C... More

1st chapter
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3rd chapter
4th chapter
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15th chapter
no chapter, just a few words + AI pictures
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34th chapter
No chapter: AI pictures of new and old characters
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no chapter - just new AI pictures + info
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100th chapter
101st chapter
102nd chapter
no chapter - last AI pictures
103rd chapter
104th chapter
105th & final chapter
A few final words of thanks + new project
New project!

9th chapter

399 15 1
By Caelie_Caladea

We continued walking along the Seine until Garreth stopped at a small restaurant. "You're probably hungry too, aren't you?" he asked me. I nodded. My stomach had been growling for a while.

We entered the restaurant. Garreth sat me down at a candlelit table by the largest window, away from the other diners, and ordered for us. When the food came I was a little surprised as it was just a little baguette and cheese and a glass of wine for each. Garreth tore off a piece of the baguette and grinned at me. "Eat, that's just the appetizer. Don't worry, you'll get full." "Garreth, that's going to be very expensive for sure," I said, horrified. Garreth raised his index finger, swallowed his bite, and said, "Don't worry about it. I've got enough French muggle money on me." 

He handed me a piece of baguette. I accepted it gratefully. I tried my way through the individual types of cheese and found them delicious without exception.

As we finished the appetizer, Garreth took my hand. "Besides, I want our first real date to be perfect, ma moitiée." , he winked at me and smiled cheekily while turning his head towards the window. He seemed to have noticed that I found it attractive when he spoke French. He tried to provoke me. 

He was sitting in front of me. Still clad in the best clothes I've seen him wear over the years, his hair a little wild as always. I smiled at him and felt butterflies dancing in my stomach. He drove me insane with his mere presence.

The waiter brought our main course and placed it on the table. I looked at Garreth, startled. The waiter set out a large plate with a cooked lobster, squash bits and white sauce. He handed us each a smaller plate and poured each of us a glass of white wine before turning to serve other customers.

Garreth grabbed the lobster, twisted off one of the claws, and pointed it toward me. "Do you want these, or do you want to try it yourself?". I took the scissors from his hand and he pulled the other scissors off the rest of the lobster with a deft grip. This meal was too precious to me to risk making a mistake. Garreth peeled all the meat off the shell and placed it on my plate, piece by piece. Meanwhile we talked about ourselves and the last few days. He kept making slightly provocative statements and grinned at me while saying, among other things, clearly how he would like to make me happy on this table now.

That's not how I knew him. He's always been a bit rebellious and cheeky, but he's never been so deliberately provocative before. But it was just another shade of his character that I was hopelessly succumbing to.

Maybe it was the wine that got to my head, but I slipped my shoe off quietly, without Garreth noticing. Gently, I lifted my leg, trying to reach his privates with my toes. When I bumped into his warm body and saw him flinch, I knew I hit the right spot. As I shoved a forkful of pumpkin and gravy into my mouth, I cheekily raised my left eyebrow while this time it was me who smiled cheekily at him. I started stroking his crotch with my toes and the ball of my foot. I felt something getting harder and started to apply more pressure. I saw Garreth gripping his fork a lot tighter than before. "Are you still hungry?" he asked me. "Just for something we can't order here," I replied softly. He nodded and waved to a waiter.

Two minutes passed and the waiter came back and presented us with a bottle of red wine. Garreth paid the expenses incurred directly, so we took the wine and prepared to leave the restaurant. As he stood up, I could see the bulge in his dark brown pants. He clutched his coat to hide his noticeable erection from the other guests.

We left the restaurant. Garreth opened the bottle right away, took a few hits, and handed it to me, so I did the same. Our spirits were high and we ran laughing down the dark Parisian streets, but there was a distinct crackle nonetheless. Again and again we stopped to kiss.

Suddenly I saw a huge metal tower in front of us. It was illuminated and gleamed in the moonlight. I stopped to take a closer look at him. Garreth grabbed my waist from behind, pulled me tightly, brushed my hair aside and kissed my neck as he spoke, "I wanted to show you that. That's the Eiffel Tower, the tallest building in the world." his breath slid over my skin, giving me goose bumps. "I want to go up" I said.

Garreth released my waist, grabbed my hand and walked me towards the stairs. We stumbled up this, swaying a little, until we were halfway up the tower. When we reached a larger platform, he sat down, took another long sip of wine before flopping onto his back. I looked at him, his nose and cheeks were quite red and his eyes were closed.

I also took another big sip. I knew what I wanted now. I sat on him, leaned forward and kissed him. He took his hands and placed them on my hips. I leaned my upper body further down on his, feeling under my skirt that he wanted the same thing as me. So I slid down onto his thighs, unbuttoned his pants, and took hold of his magnificent penis. I took him into my mouth until he was really hard.

I heard Garreth moan slightly so I pulled my underwear aside and crouched over him and slowly let him slide into me. I moved up and down.

My movements were a little awkward at first, but it felt so good. Garreth took a deep breath and grabbed my buttocks to give me an even better push on him.

We worked together in a perfect rhythm. Garreth took a hand and began to stroke my neck and chest while I braced myself with both hands on his chest. He took the lead a bit, thrusting hard into me as I crouched over him. I leaned back and let him thrust as hard as he could until we both climaxed.

I lay down next to him and snuggled into his chest. We were both pretty drunk and extremely tired, so we fell asleep.

It was already light and Garreth was sitting next to me. He leaned against one of the steel beams and read a book.

I sat up, leaned towards him, gave him a kiss and breathed a "good morning" at him.

He put the book back in his bag and stood up. He gave me a hand and pulled me to my feet. We looked at each other, and fixed each other's hair and clothes, and descended the stairs.

We walked down a few streets hand in hand. Few of the cafes were already open, but the streets were very empty, despite the beautiful Sunday morning. I sensed danger. "Garreth, something is weird. Where are all the people? Do you know if there are any evil wizards around here?"

He looked at me and started to laugh heartily. "You serious?" he spluttered at it again. I looked at him a bit angry. It bothered me that he didn't take me seriously. "Caelie, it's Sunday. Most Muggles go to church on Sundays. It's all right. To be honest, I'd be more concerned if they were all walking the streets now."

We sat down in a cafe and Garreth ordered us breakfast. We chatted, ate croissants, drank coffee and then walked on.

"So it's going back to Hogwarts now?" I asked a little depressed. He nodded "Now it's definitely going to be really strange. Do you remember the morning before we left? Since then, many stories have been spun about why we're not there.". He looked up in annoyance and snorted. "And most importantly, we can't be as close physically as we are now. That's a pity. Now that I can finally be so close to you..." he hung his head a little. I stopped and stood in front of him, taking his hands in mine. 

"But Garreth, that's no problem. The castle is huge. As if we can't find a quiet place for ourselves there," I said, kissing his freckled cheek. "And besides, we've got the rest of our lives after we graduate," I added, tapping the tip of his nose. He started beaming, put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me.

We walked on and ended up back at the place with the floo powder fireplace and decided to go back to Hogsmeade and buy some little things for the class. We stood in the fireplace and a moment later were in Hogsmeade.

Garreth whipped out his wand and undid the enchantment on our clothes. We walked through the well-known streets of Hogsmeade, bought new rolls of parchment, got some ingredients and then mounted our broomsticks, which Garreth took out of his enchanted bag.

He grinned at me and said, "Who needs the Hogwarts Express when you can jump on your broom?". With those words, he pushed himself off the ground. I followed him immediately. And he was right, it was wonderful to fly. We used to always sneak off school grounds, play Quidditch, or just chase each other over the roofs and courtyards of the school. This earned us a couple of detentions, but even then we mostly spent it holding back our laughter.

We landed at the north gate of the school campus. We looked at each other, kissed, headed toward the school building.

"It's nice that you're comfortable going to school again." we heard a voice say behind us. I turned around. It was Poppy Sweeting, a young Hufflepuff student. And one of my favourite school friends.

"Oh Poppy, nice to see you!" I hugged her. "Where have you been for so long? Do you know what is being said about you?" she asked. "Even in my common room you're the talk of the town. They say you're together, you've done dirty things in the Gryffindor common room and you've taken vacations together."

Garreth had to laugh. He looked at me. "Well, actually, that's not all that wrong." Poppy frowned questioningly. I took over the explanation for Garreth. "So, Poppy, the first thing is right. Garreth and I are a couple. We've finally told each other our feelings. But we haven't done anything dirty in the common room." "But outside," Garreth interjected with a smirk. 

Poppy's mouth dropped open. I punched him in the stomach. "We didn't do anything in the common room. We just napped on the sofa for a bit. Me with my head on his lap. Clothed!" "Well, but not really, you have to admit that." "Garreth!" I glared at him. "Yes, sorry, I'm already quiet" he said with a cheeky grin.

"Well, we slept fully clothed in the common room. Then we got word that Garreth's father had been attacked, so we went to his family's house. It had nothing to do with vacation at first, but with helping his father."

Poppy still looked very confused. She thought for a moment and then asked, "But if Garreth's father was hurt, why are you going with him? Not even Professor Weasley can get Black to do that." I nodded. Poppy didn't know about my somewhat complicated family history. "Well, because Mr. Weasley is sort of like my foster father. That's why I had the right to visit him. He and Mrs. Weasley have been my official guardians since my godmother passed away. They took me in then."

Poppy looked startled. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know that. I didn't want to embarrass you by telling me something so private. I have to go now, then, see you."

It was perfectly okay for me to talk about it. I was sorry that Poppy was embarrassed, but I didn't want to rush her either, so we continued on towards the school.

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