The Lovers Connection (Monty...

By Unknownbunnny

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This is a story about four boys but mainly one specific boy. Monty. Monty is an insecure Gator with a harsh p... More

Vol 1: Ch1 Feelings
Ch2 Dreamy Bear
Ch3 Sweet Bunny
Ch4 Lovely Fox
Ch5 Instruments
Ch6 Support
Ch7 Writing
Ch8 Curiosity
Ch9 Chit Chat
Ch10 Invitation
Ch11 Practice
Ch12 Walk
Ch13 Home
Ch14 Party
Ch15 Midnight
Ch16 Talk
Ch17 Texts
Ch18 Pain
Ch19 Sorrow
Ch20 Destroyed
Ch21 Emotional
Ch22 Truth
Ch23 Powerless
Ch24 Book
Ch25 Rude
Ch26 Bullies
Ch27 Care
Ch28 Trust
Ch29 Problems
Ch30 Broken
Ch31 Car
Ch32 Fix
Ch33 Patience
Ch34 Motivation
Ch35 Street Light
Ch36 Restaurant
Ch37 Open
Ch38 Relationship
Ch39 Questioning
Ch40 Heart
Ch41 Ride
Ch42 Apartment
Ch43 Confession
Ch44 Argument
Ch45 Proud
Ch46 Plans
Ch47 Flirt
Ch48 Cupid
Ch49 Kisses
Ch50 Comfort
Ch51 Theme Park
Ch52 backstage
Ch53 Festival
Ch54 Afterparty
Vol 2: Ch55 Mornings
Ch56 Drive
Ch57 Stories
Ch58 Intoxicated
Ch59 Safety
Ch60 Removed
Ch61 Therapy
Ch62 Coming out
Ch63 Lovers
Ch64 Care
Ch65 Breakfast
Ch65 Theater
Ch67 Bed
Ch68 Fame
Ch70 Concern
Ch71 Passing
Ch72 Plug
Ch73 Smoke

Ch69 Attention

300 9 17
By Unknownbunnny

Rileys POV:

"Hey honey..." Glam greeted me as he got in the back seat with me. Monty just headed inside to catch up with Fritz and I guess Glam decided to stay with me for a moment. He closed the door and faced me. I was hugging my knees sitting up on the seat. "Honey..."
"I'll be ok. I just need a minute." I told him. He didn't let that slide. He scooted up next to me and moved my hand to hold it.
"I can call the school and tell them that we won't be able to make it today if you'd like. It'll give you some time to breathe." Glam told me. That sorta made me smile.
"I'm ok, Glam. We can go in, in a minute. Thank you though, honey." I thanked Glam.
"Of course. I want you to be comfortable and safe, hun." Glam told me. I shut my eyes for a minute and leaned up against Glam.
"I'm so lucky to have you." I told him, making him giggle.
"I'm so lucky to have you too, Ri." He hugged me and held me close to him. I just fell into his hug and sighed. "Just tell me whenever you'd like to head in, Ri. Or if you just need to stay like this, then we can stay here all day." Glam told me, once again. I hummed to his response and rested my head up against him. I could've fallen asleep in a heartbeat. I just felt so calm to be with him. I felt safe with him. After maybe a minute or two, I finally was ready.
"We can go in now." I told him as he sat up.
"Ok, honey." He replied with a smile on his face. He released me but I grabbed his hand before he could completely pull away and pulled him back to me to give him a quick kiss on the lips. It suprised him for a second. I then released him and gave him a little smile.
"Would it be ok if you held my hand when we walk in? I don't wanna embarrass you." I asked him, nervously. I really don't wanna leave him.
"Of course you can! You could never embarrass me." He told me. I smiled and then released his hand and hopped out of the car, locking my door behind me. Glam did the same to his side and then walked around the car to me. Without even a second, he slipped his hand into mine and held it. It warmed my whole soul feeling his soft paw in my hand. I love this bear so much. We started our walk towards the school, hand in hand.
"We'll head over to your class first, sweetie." Glam told me.
We walked in through one of the entrances to the building and we were immediately beamed down with stares from people in the halls. Fritz would've shut down if this would've happened to him.
"Lets get going." I asked Glam, hurrying him to move. I didn't like the look people gave us. At first I thought it was obviously because of the shit that the gator crew spread about me and Monty or something, or me walking in the building, holding a guys hand. But as soon as we started walking, a voice cut us off.
"Yo! Riley! Glam!" The voice called us. Our attention was turned over to it to see a boy walking over to us. "You guys rocked that shit out last night." The guy told us. That caught me and Glam completely off guard.
"Oh! Thank you." Glam thanked him.
"Hey! It's the rockstars themselves!" Anothet voice called out behind us. It was a girl with two of her friends. They came over and started talking with us too about the concert. Then more people walked over.
This definitely felt odd at first, but I honestly didn't expect this amount of "fame" from a little concert. From the small groups that kept walking up to us, it felt like everyone was there to watch us or something. With the amount of people staring us us in awe of our performance, I actually started to understand how Fritz feels when everyone stares at him. It's pretty uncomfortable. And this "fame" we were getting, didn't feel like it'd be a good kind of fame. Especally with who showed up next. As we were talking to some of the students around us, something caught my eye further down the hallway and it made me jump a little. It was the birds. Their eyes were darted towards our direction. I personally don't give a shit about them, but I know they weren't heading over just to pick on me. And Glam still hasn't released my hand either, so I guess the birds saw that too. So that'll be fun.
"Hey." I whispered to Glam as he was talking to a group about his lead role in the band. I caught Glam's attention but just gestured for him to look over towards the birds walking over towards us.
"So did you write your own songs?" A girl asked Glam. Glam didn't seem to pay much attention to her. I think he was worried about the birds. But he answered her.
"We do, our friend Moony does for us." He answered her. The girl was about to ask another question before someone interupted her.
"Hey!" The voice called. Of course it was one of those birds. I already didn't like how this was going to go. "Loved your proformance on Friday. Couldn't have been a better night for it." One of the birds said, obviously being sarcastic.
"Thanks. We tried really hard." Glam thanked him, but he seemed like he could see past his lie.
"Oh yea, you guys did... worse than expected." Another one said.
"Lets leave." I asked Glam trying to get him to leave with me.
"And how fucking hilarious was it to see you fags making out up there. And even after showing all of that, you still had the balls to walk into this school." They said.
"Leave us alone asshole." I argued with him. He laughed.
"You sound so pathetic. Why don't you go cry to your gator, bunny boy. Oh wait, he's not here, is he?" Daniel tried to make me uncomfortable. "And I guess you couldn't win that wanna be fox, huh faggot?" He then targeted Glam. "How sad. Now you pathetic sluts are together? How funny." He said.
"Yo, fuck off dude!" Someone said behind us towards Daniel and his group.
"Yea, asshole!" Someone else targeted them too. Then more of that little crowd fought against him. Telling him and his little friends to go bother someone else. Glam didn't like the situation anymore and once that group started arguing back at Daniel, Glam tried to order me to leave.
"Lets go before stuff gets worse." He told me. I joined him and split from that group.
"Were not done here, you fags!" One of the birds shouted to us. Glam didn't turn around, he wanted us to leave and we did so. We turned a corner down the hallway and slowed our pace.
"I hate the birds so much. They're all so rude." Glam said.
"Yea... I'm sorry, Glam." I said, knowing he's had to deal with them for so long.
"Its ok. Atleast they didn't go bother Fritz. Why'd they call him a wanna be?"
"I don't know. Sounded stupid when he said it."
"Heh, he always does." Glam joked, making me slightly giggle. That made him smile. "Oh and poor Fritz. How sad that I couldn't win that cute, handsome, sweet boys heart." Glam then jokes, making fun of what Daniel said earlier. I chuckled to that.
"And it so sucks that I couldn't win Monty's heart either. It's just so sad." I joked with him. He laughed and I laughed with him. Then we calmed our laughs.
"Well, I guess they know we're together." Glam said.
"Heh, yea. I guess. But those people seemed nice, so hopefully it'll just be the birds who push us about it." I said.
"Yea... The least thing that I want to happen is the school hating us for just... being us, I guess."
"Yea, me too, hun." I said. He giggled as we slowed down.
"I love you, Riley." Glam told me as we then stopped. I didn't hesitate to lean over and give him a quick kiss on the lips. He kissed back and then we pulled back and released our hands.
"I love you too, Glam." I said back. He gave me a sweet smile and I returned it.
"I'll see you during lunch?" He then asked me.
"Of course, sweetheart." He smiled and walked over to the class room door.
"See you later, honey buns." He said before opening the door and walking in the room. I walked past it and headed to my next class. For some reason though, something was tugging on my collar. That crowd of people acted like everyone came to our concert. Kinda worries me, but I highly doubt that we'd get that kind of fame. And for some reason, what he said about Fritz was bugging me. "Wanna be Fritz." I put a pin in the thought and then just headed off to my class.

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