When The Spring Arrives (Ohmf...

By Mystical_twilight

26.3K 2.4K 209

Spring is known as the season of love. When the spring arrives in one's life, nothing can stop them from bein... More

Author's Note
1. The rising idol
2. Got selected
3. Cousins Bond
4. Poached
5.Dream came true
6. Gossip gang meeting
7. Love story from past
9. First meeting
10. Car ride
11.Crew meeting
12. Meeting after a long time
13. Let the past go
14. Situation-ship
15.Just some sibling things
16. Exposing his cousin
17. Did you meet him?
18. Where the journey began
19. Where the journey began 2
20. Where the journey began 3
21 Where the journey began 4
22. Where the story began 5
23. Scandal
24. Sasaeng
Not a chapter
25. You let him go?
26. Hide out or a holiday
27. Waste of talent
28. Star Gazing
29. Supportive articles
30. Plan of action
31. Confrontation
32. Kidnapping and escape
33. Press conference
34. Brave citizen award
35. Attack on Hospital
36. Have to Find him
37. He is innocent
38. Lab results
39. Suicide
40. Traumatized
41. Little Muffin
42. Shopping spree with ladies
43. Nu
44. Music therapy
45. Ice cream platter
46. Housemates
47. Nomination
48. Teaser shooting
49. Brand Ambassodors
50. Jealousy
51. Father's disappointment
52. Husband or brother in law
53. Race against time
54.Award ceremony
55. Dance Partner from Highschool
56. Meeting His Family
58. Babysitter
59. Complicated complications
60. Return Victorious
61. Surprise turned to shock
62. Bad news
63. Heartbreak
64. Engagement Proposal
65. Mimic
66. Bye
67. I quit
68. Beach
69. Engagement Day
70. Fame
71. Hospital
72. OT
73. First love
74. Misunderstanding
75. NG
76. So it begins
77. Surprise
78. First
79. Unforgettable night
80. Day one
81. The Talk
82. Nephew
83. Doubts
84. Netherlands
85. From Day to Sky
86. Drug named love
87. Hospital visit
88. Sign language
89. Interview
90. Versions
91. Milk stew
92. Engagement ceremony
93. Lake-view villa
94. Sleep alone
95. Get together
Special Chapter 1
Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3
Sneak Peek 1.0
Sneak Peak 1.1
Sneak Peak 1.2
Sneak peek 2
Sneak Peak 2.2
Sneak Peak 3
Sneak Peak 4
Sneak Peak 5
Not an update-update

57. Uncle

196 23 0
By Mystical_twilight


Pt 2


Fluke's performance was rewarded with a  loud round of applause.

Among the people who were cheering for him, Ohm was the most enthusiastic one.

This attracted a lot of attention from the guests attending the party.

As business partners and close friends, they have known Ohm for quite some time.

Ohm was not called the Ice Prince within the circle for no reason. It was the first time they got to see such a huge sincere smile on Ohm's face much to their surprise.

The Ritprasert family members were also pleased to see Fluke's performance.

Ann made Like stand next to Ohm along with their family as the old couple cut their wedding anniversary cake.

Ohm and Fluke didn't forget to feed each other slices of cake without garnering attention from the guests.

After the ceremony, people started gathering around the old couple wishing them their wedding anniversary.

Fluke slipped away to look for his friends.

Neither Prem nor Earth was seen there. Boun was also missing.

In the corner of his eye, Fluke saw Saen and Teases chatting with some people.
Upon seeing Boun's parents he concluded that Boun was upset due to their presence and Prem must most probably be by his side trying to cheer him up.

Fluke also realised that the Dechaphatthanakuns were also there and Earth was with them.

Fluke sighed.

Ohm approached Fluke, feeling a little guilty about his behaviour earlier.

As he was about to leave Fluke's side for a while, Ohm couldn't help but feel a little insecure. He was yet to confess his feelings to the younger one and there were many people eyeing Fluke, both men and women, much to his dismay.

Fluke gave Ohm a bright smile upon noticing his presence. He was happy that Ohm was not angry at him any longer.

The pair were having a happy conversation when the Nalatworasakuls approached them.

Seeing the way Fluke was being treated by the Ritprasert family, Mr Nalatworasakul had made a mental note to use Fluke as a backup option in case Ohm didn't agree to marry his daughter.

Both Ohm and Fluke were feeling uncomfortable by the family's flattering.

Ohm was in full guard mode as he noticed that Fame was trying to get
close to Fluke again.

Fluke bit his lips as he tried not to laugh out loud watching Ohm.

A few businessmen who had recognised  Fluke as the Young master of the Sirene group came forward to speak to him.

Fluke put on his well practiced professional smile and talked with them.
Through out the conversation, Fluke could feel a burning gaze on him.

Fluke turned around and located the person who was staring at him intently.

Fluke could only think of one word when his eyes met with the stranger- danger.

The bloodthirsty aura the person was emitting induced fear within Fluke's heart.

Before he knew it, the person  was standing right in front of him.

"You must be N' Fluke." the man's lips were slightly curled up.

The man appeared to be in his early thirties. His slightly tanned bronze skin, thick eyebrows, sharp dragon eyes and well defined jaw line made him look handsome.

Fluke had no ideas  who the he was, still he nodded in response .

"Swadee Khrab N' Fluke. My name is Simon. I am Ohm's Aa [1]. It is pleasure to make acquaintance with you." the man introduced  himself.

The name ringed a bell inside Fluke's head.

"Swadee Khrab." Fluke waied the elder with a small smile.

"You did a good job with the handling those pests." Fluke heard Simon say in his deep voice and responded with a smile.

" By the way, I heard that you were looking into me." Simon stared at Fluke.

Fluke could feel his heart drumming against  his ribs. He had never thought that the other party was aware of his actions.

"I was just look at it in general . Nothing special ." Fluke said hiding his nervousness.

Simon let out an airy chuckle.

Ohm who had gone to get drinks returned.

Never had he thought , out of all the people, his uncle will be the one hitting on Fluke the moment he left.

"Aa." Ohm called out interrupting the two people.

He stood protectively facing his uncle , pulling Fluke behind him.

Simon was amused to see his nephew barring his teeth at him for the boy.

Handing the drink to Fluke, Ohm said, " Nu, I saw Earth looking for you ."

Fluke was secretly relieved  to find an excuse to leave the place.

Excusing himself from the uncle-nephew  duo, Fluke left to find his friend.

Watching Fluke skip away, Simon turned to his nephew .

"That kid is quite interesting. He is braver than he looks. He managed to look me in the eye even when I tried to intimidate him ."

" And why would you do that?" Ohm shot a glance at his uncle.

"Nothing , I just wanted to meet the person who managed to enchant you to the extend that you are willing to go against the whole family for him."
Ohm didn't  speak.

"You have a good taste. He is perfect to stand  next to the next Head of Ritprasert family." Simon patted Ohm on his shoulders and walked away.

Ohm looked at his uncle's back lost in thought.

"What are you thinking  about?" Ohm heard Kao ask.

He saw his cousins standing next to him.

"What else will he think other than about his body." Boun bumped his first against Ohm's shoulders." You are leaving tomorrow right? Have made all the necessary preparations?"

Ohm nodded in response.

"Don't forget to bid the kid goodbye before you leave." Kao told his younger cousin.


" You should take good care of yourself. No matter how busy you are, you should eat in time. Also drink a lot of water and keep yourself hydrated." Fluke carefully instructed Ohm.

Both of them were currently in Ohm bedroom in the Ritprasert Mansion. The ancient European styled bedroom was bigger than the one in his villa in the suburbs.

Ohm had brought Fluke to his room to tell him that he would be leaving tomorrow and bidding farewell.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying this?" Ohm chuckled at Fluke who looked cute even when he was serious. " You have been over working yourself these days."

"I will phi."  Fluke smiled widely earning a head rub from Ohm. " It is just that there is not much time and I have so much work to complete. It is almost done. A few more days and I can go back to my daily routine."

"Stop trying to do everything by yourself. Let others share the responsibility too."

"I don't feel satisfied when others do it phi. Even though it is a bit tiring, the sense of satisfaction I get when the final results come out is really something else."

Ohm pulled Fluke into a tight hug.

"You better behave yourself when I am gone." Ohm whispered.

"I will." Fluke returned the hug

[1] Aa - father's younger brother, uncle

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