
By thenextstepp_81

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How much are you willing to lose before you break? This may just be your last chance to fight for your life... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Bonus Scene
Bonus Scene

Chapter 50

66 2 0
By thenextstepp_81

Five minutes later, I arrive at Chloe's house again. Her lights are off. Hopefully her door is still unlocked. Fortunately enough, it is. I walk in without an alarm or waking someone up. My spot on the kitchen floor is still there and the tub of ice cream with a spoon sticking out of is waiting for me. That's when I remember Riley's dead. I add another reason onto my lists of why I should go over to that warehouse; because of Riley. I don't want to avenge her but I do need to put the murderer in her place.

I want to go but something stops me. Richelle said Amanda has back up, I won't be the idiot that shows up alone. No matter how much I will hate to do this, I will bring Eldon with me, that way, if I die, he'll die with me. It's selfish for me to be that way but I can't think of a better plan. Richelle is too young to die and Chloe doesn't know any of this; I don't need her to find out now. The police can be my sidekicks but a) who would show their face and spill about their crimes in front of the police, b) the first text I've ever recieved told me to keep all of this away from the police and c) they wouldn't believe me if I tried.

I walk over to my nest I've made on the cold tiles of Chloe's and start to clean it up. The ice cream is half melted but there isn't much left in the bucket so I throw the entire thing out into the garbage can. I pick up the books I've left scattered all over the floor. There are about ten of them and two more left in the basket of blankets. I pick up all of the bedding implements and fold them nicely then place then back inside Chloe's peticularly large basket.

I wash the spoon from my ice cream then dry it meticulously.

Even though I should feel tired, I don't. I'm just trying to work up the nerve to talk to Amanda. I'm trying to run every situation that can happen by putting on a one man show. Then I look over all the proof and ways to prove that I am innocent if the police get to Amanda before I do and she frames it on me. Then I go on my phone and search up directions. Luckily, it's only about an hour away, give or take twenty minutes depending on the traffic and how nice the street lights are.

By sunrise, I am all worked up and nervous. I find Chloe's coffee maker and make a big cup of caffenine, I'm going to need all the strength I can get.

Chloe comes down the stairs while I am making some waffles and trying to think of excuses for everyone I know.

"Hey." I greet my friend as I wait for the waffle maker to beep, telling me to flip the machine over.

"Emily, did you sleep at all?" Chloe eyes the area, trying to look for proof that I've slept.

"No, I was uh...it was a long night. That driving expedition really helped though." My voice is still nervous even though my lines are all rehearsed.

"Huh." Chloe seems tired. Her eyes are still the tiniest red and she isn't wearing any makeup like how I normally see her. She's in her Winnie-the-Pooh pyjamas - honestly, I didn't even know they made those kinds of pyjamas in adult sizes.

My friends goes straight to the coffee maker.

"So, how was your night?" I ask, trying to create normal banter.

"It was rough but I finally fell asleep. Ugh. What are you doing today?" Chloe groans as she sits down on the island.

"I'm going to meet up with Eldon." I say as I flip the waffle maker around.

"Okay, I need the house to myself today so don't call or text me unless you are being murdered." Chloe says with her eyes closed.

I laugh a bit in my head then wince because, ironically, Chloe's right. I am going to be murdered today. Never have I ever thought this is how I'm going to die. Most people want a romantic and heroic death, then an amazing funeral and a fabulous memorial. Me, I'll probably have a bullet in my head and there won't even be proof that I am dead - I'll only be presumed dead because I'll be gone for five years or my blood will be splattered all over some public place.

"Got it. I don't know when I'll be back. Don't worry if I don't show up, I uh, my parents told me to pick up something from my grandma's house." I didn't rehearse this part.

"Doesn't your grandma live in Vermont?" Chloe opens her eyes as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"That's the one on my dad's side. They like the rural better than the urban settings. My mom's parents live about five hours away from here, on a good day. If there is traffic, then I won't be back until next week. I might stay there for a while though. Their condo has an amazing pool. The school isn't opening back up any time soon so I might go on a well deserved vacation." All of that is the truth.

"Oh. Well, have fun. I'm going back to bed. I'm so tired. Are you going to tell them about...?" Chloe stands up from the bar stool then starts to exit the kitchen but in a slower pace so I can answer.

"No way! I won't break their hearts like that. My parents can't know either. This stays between us alright. If no one knows, she doesn't have to be...you know...." None of that is a lie either.

"Got it." Chloe gives me a thumbs up then heads up the stairs.

I take the waffles out of the contraption that is supposed to make them better but no matter how much it says that in the commercials, I will still be able to find a way to mess it up. In a cupboard I find a plate and place the four small peices of waffles on it. I don't feel very hungry so I leave the plate in the oven and write a note on a pad of sticky notes that are stuck on Chloe's fridge telling her that there is food in the oven.

I go over to my bag that is sitting on Chloe's couch. I dig out my phone. It's already 8:57, Eldon should be awake by now. I give Eldon a call and he picks up immediately.

"Emily!" He says in a hushed but excited voice into the speaker.

"Eldon. Hey. Are you awake? Actually, don't answer that, you are awake. That was a dumb question," I'm rushing to get everything in while I give quick glances up the staircase to make sure Chloe isn't listening, "What I meant was, can we meet up now? I have something to tell you that I can't over the phone."

"Okay, how about the old library?" Eldon suggests.

"I was hoping somewhere a little less public." I say.

"Um, I know a secret room we can go into."

I think about it for a second then second as I exit the nice warm air of Chloe's house and into the cold frost weather of the cold outdoors. There are slight flurries falling from the sky. It isn't sticking on the pavement but the grass looks like it has dandruff. I go into Chloe's car and drive down to the library to tell Eldon about my suicide mission.

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