Chasing Liaison

By Brownsugawriting

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Liaison Harris is an aspiring chef. Her dream is to own her restaurant and she doesn't let anything deter her... More

I wish
New Job
Who's in my Home?
Clean That Shit Up!
A storm is comming
After The Storm
How I like it
Turned Up
Brave and Stupid
Silver Platter
Worth It
I Quit
New Start
Where I Stand
My Establishments
In Between
Hackles Rising
Familiar Face
The Truth
A New Day
One Last Fight
Wish Come Through


141 7 2
By Brownsugawriting

                                                           Corey Chapter- 32

Content is how I feel when I wake to find Liaison's warm body draped over mine. Outside of Beth, I've never done this, I never share a bed. I've never wanted to do it. Normally by now, I would have made an exit, but with Liaison, I want to lay here.

Coils of curls are fanning over her face, splaying across my chest and tickling my sides. Watching her sleep is one of my favorite past-time. God she's so beautiful. I can't pull my eyes off her. I could watch her for eternity.

But I can't wait for her to wake up so that I can pull her in my arms and kiss her senseless. Thinking about it makes my heart beats with excitement. She's so much more when she's awake. I would literally do anything to get a smile from her.

I don't know how I got here, yet the promises I make is true. I would never do anything to intentionally hurt her. She's cautious about the situation I have set up, but she will have to trust me. I can only prove what I say.

Staring at her, the mole on her chin peeps out to wink at me and like a magnet I'm drawn to it. Careful, I move so I don't wake her to kiss it and she stirs then she snuggles into me. Happy, I peck her shoulder blades. I love the beauty spots on her body. Someday, I plan to kiss every single one of them.

"You smell good." Her husky voice makes my cock stir.

She smiles looking at me and just like that my day begins.

"You're beautiful."

Unable to resist, my lips begin to trail along her collarbone in search of the beauty spot on her neck. She tilts her head to give me better access, and when I find it, I lap her throat

"Good morning to you too," she giggles rubbing her body against mine.

Reaching around her, I give her ass a firm squeeze then I push her down on me.

"It's not a good morning yet."

Laughing, she rolls on her back to stretch and I roll on top of her. Her breast juts in my face and it's the perfect distant for me to stick my tongue out and lick her beady nipples.

She shivers as I suckle one, and moving my hand to the other, I pinch it and she moans squirming. When I'm done playing with them, I plant a deep kiss on her.

"I hate that, Corey," she whines when I let her up for air, but she's smiling. It's wider and brighter than before.

"You will learn to love it," I say kissing her again. It's not something I do in the morning but it seems like I will go past any limits for her.

"At least let me brush my teeth first," she winges again and I smile down at her. It's just as wide and bright as well.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask tickling her sides, then I go back to kissing my way around her body.

She giggles, "I could do with some exercise. I've been lounging a lot lately."

Her answer gives me an idea so I suggest it. "It's Sunday and not many places are open, want to go to the zoo?"

"I haven't gone to the zoo in a long time. Yeah, ok, maybe we can have breakfast while we're there?" she answers and suggests.

"Great, I'll arrange lunch, get dress while I make a phone call."

When she moves, I stop her with my body. "But before that, I want in."


We're out the door few hours later. My sleek black BMW 3 series parked out front is covered in morning dew. We get in and due to hardly any traffic being on the roads, the twenty-minute drive to the zoo seems like a five-minute journey.

I don't take the normal entrance when I get there. I go around the long path and park in one of the private spots. Liaison finds it funny that there's a private space for me and jokes about it.

"Will you tell me how to get a membership and a private spot to park my flashy Lamborghini for next time?" She tease laughing.

I love how making fun of me makes her laugh. "Ha-Ha, you're not funny, come on."

I take her hand and lead her around a path, one not too many know about, unless they really know this place. In a minute or so, we will come out on a small hill that gives a perfect view of the lands below. It looks over the zoo and well-beyond if I take her further up the hill.

"Oh my God Corey, it's beautiful," she gushes gawking at the view.

I turn to look at her because I've seen what she's looking at many times before, and it doesn't compare to the beauty that I see in front of me.

"I know."

She blush when she sees me watching her. "How did you find this place?"

"It's a long story, come on."

I can't tell her yet. It might scare her off and I don't want that to happen so I take her hand, and we carry on walking until we eventually get into the zoo. For a Sunday there are a few people here and we blend in easily with the mass.

"You sneak, we didn't pay," she whispers lightly slapping my arm then she looks around worried.

"I know. Shh! The owners won't find out," I whisper back.

"Oh my god! I'm going to tell security on the way out."

When I roll my eyes, she says, "Careful they might take your membership away."


For couple of hours, we walk around the zoo spectating. There are few new animals that I haven't seen before so I take time to read about them and their journey here. The reptiles cage is one of my favorite place in the zoo. We got lucky and made it in time to watch them feed.

The short walk to the aquarium gave us the chance to see the Caribbean Flamingoes. Liaison love them, but I've always found bird off putting. We get to the aquarium and she sits on a bench in front of a huge built in tank that showcases the sea and marine life. Tranquility surrounds her as she stares at the view. There isn't a sight of worry on her face so I snap a picture for keep sakes.

We leave the aquarium and I take her to the restaurant, up to the private balcony for lunch and she orders chicken, sweet potato chips with salad and I order the same, but she can't decide if she wants, water, wine or an ice cooler so I instruct the waiter to bring all three. Then when our food came, we talk about more about her while we eat.

After that, we head back through the zoo to get to my car. That's when I hear a familiar voice calling my name. It makes the hair at the nape of my neck raise in awareness and I scrunch my face as the voice gets near. The one time I expect her not to be here, she is. I was hoping that I could get through the afternoon without running into anyone, but today is not the day.

In the next second, a golf cart pulls up besides us and my mother steps out. "Hello Darling, I didn't know you were coming today," she greets hugging me.

"Hi Mom. I wasn't expecting to see you here," I reply kissing her cheeks.

Through the corner of my eye, I see a confused Liaison looking from my mom to me as she tries to piece together what we're talking about.

"Darling why wouldn't I be here? I used to take you to the bird nests when you were a boy. That's where I'm coming from...Wait! You said you weren't expecting to see me, so were you going to come home, but not come inside?"

A gasp from Liaison makes us turn to look at her. She starts coughing when she realizes what my mother said.

"You've never brought home a ..."

The look I give mom, tell her not to finish that sentence. Smartening up, she smiles at Liaison then she looks at me with curiosity. "It's good to see you again Liaison," she says pushing pass me. "Come to the house, I'll make drinks and lunch for you."

Mom starts ushering us in the golf cart without our responses. Bewildered, Liaison says, "you live here?"

"Yes," Mom and I answer in unison, then when she starts the cart, she says, "and it's been a very long time since I visited the back garden," to anyone who's to listen.


Mom takes the long route to the house. She's giving Liaison a tour around the zoo's botanical gardens, one hardly anyone has ever seen, unless they're high up on the social ladder Now and then, she points out some of the high-profile projects in progress and when we drive past the small helipad, Liaison gets more astonished. It amazes her that I lived at a zoo.

As we get nearer to the house, the tour stops and my life stories begin as mom shows her the spots where I've had accidents, or where I was mischievous as a child.

"So, you're not just rich, you're crazy rich?" Liaison whispers to me.

She has no idea about the size of my wealth or my family's wealth. It stems back to generations upon generation of Parker men. My family own Corporations all over the world under the Parker brand, and we hold majorities of stocks in other big corporations too.

My family, along with few others are in the top one percent of the richest people in the world, but she doesn't need to know about that, not yet.

"You can say something like that," is my quiet response.

She already knows that I own my own company. One that I've built from the ground up to the empire that it is now. Some things were easy because of my family's name, and their influences, but it still doesn't take away from the fact that I work just as hard as any other man would.

That's why I never stepped in the family business when I left university. Signing my name over was too much pressure back then because being the owner of so many establishments was way over my head.

Father and I are always butting heads over the subject. He wants me to take over and I will when the time comes, but for now, I want to carry on down my path because I'm the owner of something that I created. Something that I'm proud of, something that wasn't just... given to me.

The pool comes in view when we reach the back of the house and when we get out of the cart, mom tells Liaison to make herself at home while she arranges dinner.

She leaves and we sit in the wicker chairs on the deck. They're set facing away from the house to look over the pool, down to the zoo gardens, where people mull around like tiny ants. The trees surrounding the area is a contrast of burnt orange and red, and the flowers makes a kaleidoscope of colors against the green grass.

"I love this pool; the water looks inviting, but I bet it will be too cold to even dip my toes in."

Even though the silence was comfortable, I feel like Liaison said that out of awkwardness. I understand bringing her here may give my parents, especially my mother, some sort of expectation, and Liaison might think that I'm trying to push her more, but I had no intention to bring her here today. Well, I did, to the zoo gardens, but not home.

"Come here," I say getting up.

She takes my hand and I kiss the inside of her wrist when she stands. "I didn't plan to bring you here. It's a coincidence that my mother was down there today. If you want to leave now, I will understand."

She's gives me a look before she says, "it's ok."

I want to ask her what that look was, but I dismiss it. I have another idea, one that I know she will like.

"There's something that I want to show you, come."

We walk across the patio and down few steps to the basement. The pool splits in two and half is down here. The part inside, isn't as wide as the outside but an aquarium is underneath. If we swim down, it'll be like swimming with the fishes.

Liaison spins as she takes in the water features decorating the room. "This is beautiful, I've never seen anything like it."

"Want to go for a swim? The water is warm in here," I ask starting to strip.

She wiggles her brows playfully and say, "I can't. I don't know how to, but you can. I don't mind watching you getting naked."

"That's outrageous. How do you not know how to swim? Wasn't it a mandatory requirement at your school?"

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Regret is forming on her face as she traces her fingers across her stomach. It makes me think about the scars. It can't be them. Swimming is a requirement in junior school, and she gained her scars way after that.

"The people who I was living with at that age hardly sent me to school so I missed out on those lessons," she answers when she sees me watching.

The day after I read her files, I ordered my investigators to pull all the intel on the first set of people who Liaison lived with before she moved into her last home. They discovered that the woman who adopted Liaison was using foster caring as a scam. She never took care of the kids, and she used the money that the state provided on herself.

I've made sure, and it's only a matter of time before the information is anonymously passed to the police and child protective services. I don't even give a shit about how old that woman is now. Her age means nothing to me, she hurt my girl, now she has to pay. Karma is a bitch in the most unexpected way.

Grinning I say, "I can teach you."

"Now!?" She asks looking around the room like in any moment someone will walk in.

"Yes, don't worry so much. No one ever comes down here, plus I'll lock the doors."

I give the command and the in-house system picks it up. There's a swishing sound when the doors shut, then the lock clicks in place.

"Now it's only the two of us."

She hesitantly undresses then she walks over to the pool and stares down at the water. My cock grows hard as I take her in. Her tone stomach dips into a narrow waist and her curvaceous hip rounds out to meet shapely legs. When she bends to test the water, her pussy calls to me. I have to dive in the pool, otherwise, I would have gone over and I would've eaten her out, bend over, just like that.


About twenty minutes in, we're in the middle of the pool. Liaison's feet are inches off the floor and I'm swimming around her. Far enough to give her room to do her thing, but close enough to reach her if she gets in any issues.

"You're a good swimmer, when did you learn how to swim?" she asks carefully turning so she can watch what I'm doing.

"Hmm, ever since I can remember but I think I took it seriously when I turned ten. I thought I was the best swimmer there was and wanted to try out for the Olympics. My dad thought so too and took me to a tryouts. That's where I found out I was not as great as I thought. My times weren't good enough and I didn't make the team. They told me to come back the next year, but by then I developed other interest."

"What other interest?" She asks engrossed in my story.

"Building, it just happened. My parent bought me a building kit one Christmas. It was a model of the titanic. There were over a thousand pieces to use. I can remember how frustrated I got with the damn thing, but I finished it. When I did, it was the proudest moment in my young life."

"How long did it take? I mean, with all those tiny parts, I guess it would have taken weeks, right?"

While I swim around her, I think back to that time in my life. That's when I learned patience and discipline. Building that kit taught me how to stay focus on the things that I that want. I stop swimming to look at Liaison. I want her.

"It actually took me three days. It surprised my parents that I did it in such a short amount of time and they got me more. That's how my passion for building began."

"Wow! That's amazing Corey." She says dipping her head back in the water, and her hair fans out like seaweed when she sways it from side to side.

"So, do you miss it? Swimming I mean," she asks leaning forwards again.

Captured by her beauty, I watch how her hair clumps into long curly locks as water streams from it. I find the wet look of her hair sexy.

"I haven't thought about it until now. I don't think that I do. I still love to swim, but I don't think being an Olympic swimmer was ever in my destiny."

She starts laughing and it brings joy to my ears. I love the sound and how happy she is. Laughing too, I dip under the water and moving in, I tickle her sides. She throws jabs to make me stop and when I come up for air, she splashes water in my face.

"You're outrageous for doing that. I could have drowned."

With confidence, I say, "That would never happen."

"If you're that certain about your skills, show me something amazing then. Let me see how good you really are fishman."

Feeling up to the challenge, I swim to her. "Only if you'll be the assistant in the wonderful show that I'm about to put on. It requires us getting back to the edge of the pool."

"What do you want me to do fishman?" she teases.

I tell her to lay back in the water and try to float. As she does it, I keep my hands under her for support, then I sink slowly down to position under her, but her hair keeps getting in the way. It's a good thing that I can hold my breath for long, because it's like wading through seagrass. I finally get the position right and float up on my back below her, then I start paddling us back to the edge of the pool.

"It's so calm and peaceful floating like this. I never thought swimming would be so relaxing."

When she turns to look at me, my heart skips a beat. She's so beautiful with droplets of water covering her face and glistening on her lips.

"Don't let me fall," she says licking them.

"Never." Is my assured response.

The minute we reach the edge of the pool, I take possession of her mouth. I want her to know that she can depend on, and trust me to take care of her, and I pour it into the kiss.

When we break apart, she says, "you literally take my breath away."

I wink at her then use the edge of the pool to pull myself out of the water and when I turn to get her, she swims away. Smiling, I watch her swim the last remaining lengths to the stairs.

She shrugs, "I just wanted to show you that I was paying attention."

Reaching the shallows, she climbs the stairs out of the water and the way she sashays over to the loungers makes me bite my lips. Just looking at her makes me horny.

When she reaches the chairs, she starts looking around. "Shit! I need something to dry off with."

I can hear how she's starting to fret. "Pull the awning out, there are warm towels behind it." I say to chase it away.

She pulls two oversized towels from the loungers and throws one to me then she sits, there she begins to dry herself and I go over and do the same.

"I don't get these, what are they?" she asks becoming fascinated by the egg shape loungers.

"They turn into a dome when the awning gets pulled out. A heating system is built behind it and the awning traps heat inside. My parent put them on the deck in the winter months when they host garden parties. They also give privacy to their guest if they ever needed it."

"Impressive" Liaison says leaning back on the lounger and I do the same.

"It must have been great growing up here and having everything that you wanted." She sounds sad saying that. "I envy you Corey. You have parents who love and care for you, like how parents should."

"Yeah, I count myself lucky that they're my parents. There are many unfortunate people out there."

Hearing that, she deflates and the moment turns somber. I wish I could take that back because I don't want her to feel bad about her childhood.

"I didn't mean it like that...I wasn't thinking."

She leans over to cover my mouth with her fingers. "Shh! Don't apologize for who your parents are Corey. You're lucky to have such wonderful people to call mom and dad."

As she speaks, she climbs on my lap and we begin to kiss. "Now...what were you saying about how these things provide privacy. Want to show me how it works?"

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