Secret Twins of Oh Sehun

By SGPresents

274K 7.7K 1.1K

Exo Sehun is a father and It's a secret. More



7.9K 263 40
By SGPresents

C H A P T E R   F O U R T E E N

Another week has passed by. It became their usual routine. Mostly, Sehun would come every morning to see and send the kids to school. He will pick them up after his recent schedule for the day.

Though he really have a tight schedule in the following days. He has become more consistent with his duties. He make sure that he have before the day ends. They always come to an argument about that. Because Haeun was worried of his health. He looks more tired than his typical complexion before.

They have recent concerts and shows to fulfill. The kids were proudly amazed by that. They would see him on TV with his members and they would freak out every time Sehun would get flicker by the camera.

Haeun, on the other part, felt happy about his accomplishments. Being a father and an idol at the same time. He did a very good job. However, She's more concern about his health. He would genuinely smile to hide that grief and exhaustion. Even though it was very apparent through his composure.

She couldn't help but speak for what bothers her. She appreciates his consistent handling of the kids. But if it's worsening his state, She would glad to make him focus on his work first.

"When was the last time you had a good sleep?"

It's a fortunate coincidence that he came today. He said he wanted to have some time seeing the kids before he leave for another schedule.

It took him seconds to reply. Sehun was sitting on the couch looking weak and distress. He shrug.

"I-I don't know. We're too busy to have that."

Haeun sigh and check the clock. They still have a few hours to wait until the kids gets home.

"Why don't you go to Jiwoo's room and have a sleep first?" She sincerely suggested.

Sehun eyed her for a mere second. He smiled, admiring her concern.

"It's okay. I can manage."

Her eyes cringe. Obviously, not persuaded with his words.

"No. You should stand up and go have some rest, Sehun."

Stop lying about how you really feel- She suddenly wants to continue but kept her mouth shut.

"I'm perfectly fine. You don't have to worry about me, Haeun." His obstinate behavior insist.

She glared. "You don't look fine to me. I mean- look at you. You look so tired yourself yet here you are arguing that you can manage it all. Ugh. I get Sehun. Stop being stubborn."

He turn away his eyes feeling guilty with his cheeks turning ruddy.

"But I want to see the kids. They will be here in a few hours."

"Three more hours, Sehun. That's long. Take it as an advantage."

Sehun look undecided giving her no other choice but to threaten him.

"Don't test my patience, Sehun. It's either you follow my command or you're out of the house this instant."

She crosses her arms feeling so confident. "You're in my territory. So i have all the right to kick you out if i want too."

Sehun couldn't argue more. He stood up from the couch and went upstairs. He doesn't want to get kicked out of course. It wasn't on his plan.

Haeun shakes her head following him behind. "Where's Jiwoo? He is supposed to be here on Tuesday's right?"

"He went to hangout with some of his friends. You know how much he love adventures."

"Will he be here tonight?"

Haeun gape at him and shrug. "I don't know. Whatever his decision is, I'm fine with it. As long as he won't get involved with drugs and gangs at school."

Sehun glance at her, disbelief. "Jiwoo is too smart to join them, Haeun." Mostly, Try drugs. He can never imagine that.

"We never know. Kids these days are very secretive. Though, I trust my brother for not doing it. Maybe he just really look like someone who take drugs. Like a psycho."

Sehun chuckled when they reach the second level of there house. They turned left to reach Jiwoo's room. He let Haeun open it. A sign of reverence for the household.

"You could have some rest now." Haeun faced him. She couldn't recognize the emotions in his complexion. "What?"

"Are you sure you could take care of the things out there. I could help you out if you need something."

She shake her head. Absolutely disagreeing with him.

"I can do it on my own. Don't worry, I will tell the kids that you came by when they arrive. But now, just.. Take a rest."

The corner of lips raise up a bit. "Thanks for your concern. I really appreciate it, Haeun."

There goes the words that she kept refuting inside. Why is she so bothered about him when this set up is all for the kid's sake. She should raise her guards well!

"Y-Yeah. No problem." Haeun averted her gaze and left without giving Sehun a glimpse. He grins as he watches her disappear at the narrow hallway.

HAEUN was preparing the table for lunch when she heard a school bus passing by. She check the window and saw the kids running from the vehicle to the door after seeing there father's car in front of the gate. She left the table and open the door to welcome them.


They both scream. Feeling so delighted and eager to sneak in. Jieun blurted the question.

"Is daddy here?!"

The twins rush to her. Giving her a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. She smiled at their sweet gestures.

"What do you guess, hmm?"

"Daddy's car is here, Mommy!" Jihun acknowledged with impatience. "Is he here?" His eyes started roaming the place.

"Daddy is here but first of all, How was school?"

"Me and Oppa have stars, Mommy!"

"We both have three, Look!"

They raise both of their hands with red stamps. It only means they have been gaining a lot on school recently than before.

"Wow! Should mommy buy some ice cream for celebration?" There faces lit up making her chuckle.

"Yehey!" Her hands went to pinch there cheeks making the twins giggle in her touch.

"Daddy will be so happy to see that stars. You should show it to him!"

"But where is he?" Jihun's frown made him look like a perfect rendition of Sehun. But with more small height and fragile body.

"Daddy is sleeping in Uncle Jiwoo's room."

"Why isn't he sleeping in your room?" His question made her pause. "You're our Mommy and He is our Daddy. Teacher said parents sleep together in one room."

Haeun was surprised with his sharp memory. Asking God why did he give her such kids like them.

"Jihun.." She sigh. "Daddy is too tired to go in mommy's room and.. Uncle Jiwoo is not around. So, it's fine." He slowly nods his head. Satisfying himself with her answers.

"I will go and see daddy now, Mommy!"

Before Haeun could even protest, Jieun left running to the stairs already. Jihun then shrug his shoulders and went next to his twin.

"Jieun, we should change first!"

SEHUN was all ragged weak from work. He could feel his veins igniting and his muscles shrieking in pain. He would endure what he truly feel behind every performances. Especially, when he's up to see the kids for the day. He has to keep it.

Though it reduce the grief whenever he sees their smiles. It would always come back when he returned to their dorm at night.

Two hours of sleep wasn't bad to retrieve his energy. It's enough to fill his vitality. Thanks to Haeun's concern. He went back to his complete state for a while.


Sehun was busy mending his thoughts over the white ceiling in Jiwoo's room when he heard a gentle voice breaking his atmosphere.

He turned at the door. Jihun came running to the bed. He was fast to catch her in his arms.

"Hi princess." He lend a smile and kiss her forehead. "How was school, hmm?"

Sehun's voice was still hoarse from sleep. Jieun sneak at his face. She cup his cheeks with her tiny hands.

"Daddy, You look so tired."

It plastered a genuine smile on his face. He thought Haeun would be the only one recognizing it. Jieun is very observant then

"Do I ugly now?"

"No." Her tiny features frown. "You're the most handsome daddy in the whole world!"

Sehun let himself savor the sensation of her daughter's calm touch. It felt like she just saves him from the drastic reality.

"I love you, baby." He smooch the tip of her nose. It made her giggle.

"I love you too, Daddy!"

Once he thought, Having fortune and fame could fulfill what was lacking inside. He was in search of it for the longest time. Yearning and Seeking every day. Until Jihun and Jieun appeared in the picture. Haeun. The family he was supposed to build if he was more responsible for his actions. They were the ones who fulfilled his deficit. The unknown mystery he has been trying to solve.

"Daddy, Look!" Jieun raised her arms to him. "I have three-star stamps! The teacher said I did great at school and Jihun too!"

He couldn't understand the emotions inside after learning that they were doing really good at school. Call him emotional, but he really is. He's just so proud.

"Wah! Baby, That's really amazing! Good job!"

Sehun showered her kisses and hug. Jieun's laughter consumed the tiny space.

"Me and Jihun did our best so we could show it to you and mommy!" Jieun claps her arms around his neck.

Her hug would always be the most vulnerable. Her and Jihun's. It always made him feel liable of something. Their hugs send him a message of Protection and Safety, and he have to keep that way. He is even more eager to give them more than that.

"And you don't know how you made daddy so happy right now, Baby. You did so great in school!"

He heard her chuckle between the hugs.

"I will always be good at school. So, you will not go far away from us again!"

His heart was devastated in those words. He regret it. He regrets being inconsistent. He regret for not being a man.

"Jieun.." Sehun cup her cheeks. He cherished her virtues for a bit. "Daddy will never leave you again, Understand? I love you and your twin.. forever and always, Darling."

She moves away and couldn't resist the confection smile.

"I love you too but.. Mommy told me that we should go to the kitchen because it's lunchtime."

It made him laugh. She just broke his dilemma that way.

"Lunch time it is."

He carried her in his arm. They walk out of the room and pass by the hallway. When his eyes caught the other door opened from the twins bedroom. He saw Jihun pouting over his bed.

He grimace and thought, What's wrong with his mini-him?

Sehun send Jieun to the kitchen first. There he saw Haeun getting busy with preparing the table, she was also packing some food inside a small container. But hid it when she notice someone coming in.

He cleared his throat to get her awareness. Haeun turned and she was completely shaken up to see Jieun on his arms.

"Oh no! I'm sorry i didn't have time stop the kids. I was still busy with something in here."


It made her stop. He wanted to smile at her panicked reaction but he is sure it would make her more anxious.

"It's okay. There is nothing to worry about."

Her tauten physique lessen a bit. He saw it through her tricky almond eyes.


Sehun gave her a convincing smile. He went to the table to settle Jieun on her seat.

"I'll be right back.. I'll go get Jihun first." Haeun look at him for a second before consenting. "O-Okay.."

He kiss his daughter's forehead before jogging upstairs. Once he got in front of the door, He seized a low breath before knocking over it. It gradually open making him see his tinier rendition, fixing his things from school.

Sehun can't help smiling while gazing at him. He made this kid. He did a good job for making a good version of him. There is no doubt he is the father. Even a child could tell.

"Hey, Young Man."

He said calling his notoriety while infiltrating the room. Jihun glimpse at him for a second but didn't say a word. He prohibited his eyes just like that.

Sehun sigh. He forward to the bed and sat at the edge. "So, you don't want to talk with daddy?"

Sehun watch how Jihun maintain his neat backpack at his age. He's five years old. Yet he knew more of being clean than his father who is old enough to know things.

He inherited Haeun's personality and he is grateful for that.

"Do you have stars in your hand too?"

Jihun pout and suppressed his hand. It was too late for his father already sneak in. Sehun reached despite his tantrums.

The small boy kept modest. He shake his head. "So, what's that your hiding?"

There was a long silence before Sehun have the courage to think of a way to get his side. Jihun might be in need of attention like his twin. But sometimes, They go through tempers and moody days. It's very normal for a kid his age. Though it's hard dealing with it, A parent should be able to handle that.

"You know what? Daddy also want a star like yours." Sehun was hoping. "But I never really have one when I was your age."

It caught Jihun's attention, fully. He look at his father, perplex. "Why?"

Oh, how we wanted to pinch his cheeks so bad. But he need to tend his mood first.

"Daddy is a little bit naughty when he was a kid. So, the teacher doesn't want me to give me star like what you have."

Jihun finally showed his arms. He started caressing that one that has a stamp. He walk to his direction and showed it to him.

"I got stars because i was good in school." He was solely amused. "Are you that bad, Daddy?"

Sehun shiver his head and laugh. "I'm not. Well, daddy just want to have fun when I was a kid. I always love to play with my classmates."

"Mommy told me to behave when i'm in school or i won't have any pancakes."

Sehun wanted to cackle at his scowling tone. However, he kept it to himself. He didn't want to ruin the conversation.

"You love pancakes?"

Impossible. He also love those.

"I'm so in love with pancakes, Daddy. Pancake is life!"

Jihun's eye held in passion for the pancakes. It making him grin. He wasn't just his twin over physical appearance after all. Everything about him is inherited from Sehun. Except for the tidiness part.

Sehun is honestly frank that he is not the cleanest person he know. That's a fact.

"Do you know Daddy love pancakes too?" His eyes glow in amusement.

"We both have the same favorites, Daddy? That's cool!"

Sehun can't help but kiss his forehead. "Yeap, We both do. But we have a tiny problem at this moment.."

His face grew confuse. "What is it, Daddy?"

"Well, Mommy said we need to leave for lunch already or she won't get us pancakes tomorrow. Do you want that?"

"No, I don't want too!"

"Then let's go downstairs. Daddy will also buy you some box of pancakes tomorrow." Jihun nod before acknowledging his hand.

He doesn't really like to be carried. Unlike his twin. He said that he's a young man. He also preferred to be named that way. So, Sehun and Haeun moved to deal with that.

Reaching to the kitchen, They saw Haeun assisting Jieun with her food. Jieun felt happy after seeing her twin. She motioned the other seat beside her.

"Jihun come here!" Her tiny voice called. Jihun ran next to his twin. While Sehun went to Haeun's side.

"I-I made you some food that you could bring to your work. Is that okay?" Her question caught him off guard.

"You did?"

"Yeah, Is it that bad? I mean i could-"

"No, It's fine. Thank you, Haeun."

She blink twice before preventing his stare. "Y-Your welcome."

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