
By Beijing_Aru

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4 ordinary girls' lives become more whimsical beyond imagination when they each follow a watercolor butterfly... More

Amy: The Adventure Begins
Piper: The Adventure Begins
Rowan: The Adventure Begins
Christina: The Adventure Begins
Amy: The Book
Piper: Alternete Universe
Dan: A Dark Secret
Rowan: Shattered Hearts
Christina: The 5 Spirits of Legend
Amy: Stone Empress
Piper: Diamond Queen
Rowan: Gold Lady
Christina: Sliver Princess
Dan: Emerald Knight
Amy: The Prophecy
Piper: Fishing
Rowan: Navagation
Christina: Cooking
Dan: Leaving
Amy: Twister
Piper: Useful
Rowan: Sharks
Christina: The Dark Totem of the Sea
Dan: Rescue Mission
Amy: No Worries
Amy: Nightmares
Rowan: Nightmares
Dan: Nightmares
Piper: Nightmares
Christina: Nightmares
Rowan/Christina: Hope
Dan/Christina: Hope
Amy/Christina: Hope
Piper/Christina: Hope
Amy: United
Piper: Truth Dare and Water
Rowan: Flying!
Christina: Air Sick
Dan: A Quote a Day Keeps the Depression at Bay
Amy/Piper: Pineapples CAN Fly!
Piper: Anime is Life (Extra Chapter)
Rowan: The Sky is Falling!!!!
Dan: Eyes
Christina: Doppelgänger
Amy/Rowan: Jade Mist
Dan: Voices in My Head
Piper: Inner Darkness
Christina/Piper: Control
Piper/Christina: Angels and Demons
Some Facts About the Characters
Rowan: The Forest of Memories
Dan: Foggy Past
Amy: Through Space and Time
Piper: Through Space and Time
Dan: Through Space and Time
Christina: Through Space and Time
Rowan: Stars in my Sky
Rowan: How the End Began
Chrisitna: Even When all Hope is Lost.....

Piper: The Trap

19 1 5
By Beijing_Aru

Ugh so sorry, Wattpad is being sucky and published the chapter after this first so this is supposed to come before the previous chapter, sorry!
Piper's POV
"So here's the plan, we go in at night and do a sneak attack" Dan says,
"Question," Christina says while raising her hand, "How do we know where the castle is?" She asks
"Well we know it's not all that far away, I heard her voice a little while ago" Dan answers
"How do we know you are not crazy?" Rowan asks
"I heard it too, and besides Amy keeps telling me that if any of us are going crazy that means she is already crazy, do you think Amy is crazy?" I ask
"Yes!" Everyone says in unison
"Ugh, never mind you get my point" I say while rolling my eyes
"So Christina you will transform and fly over everywhere within range and if you see anything resembling a castle come back and tell us" Dan says while Christina gives a nod, "Good, once you find it" Dan says but is cut off
"If she finds it" Rowan cuts in
"Rowan! Let's try to stay positive" I scold her
"Whatever" Rowan says while rolling her eyes
"Anyway, once you find it I will open a portal going in that direction with my transformation" Dan continues, "Once we get there Christina will transform again and look for anywhere that Amy might be hidden from above while Piper will look for anywhere on or under the ground" Dan says while me and Christina nod. "Once you guys find it we will move in discreetly, Christina I am asking a lot of you but I have to tell you to be very quiet" Dan says very drastically, I don't think Christina understood the sarcasm though so she just pretended to zip her lips and throw the key away. "So we will all take one side of the area and move in and battle our way to Amy, they won't know what hit them!" Dan says in a triumphant voice.
"Let's not ahead of ourselves" Rowan says, bringing Dan back down to Earth.
"Your such a downer" Dan says with a pout, but quickly turns into a smirk, "Time for the power of the hugs!" He says with a smirk
"No," Rowan says and hastily stands up and backs away slowly
"THERE IS NO ESCAPING MY AWESOMENESS!!!!!!" Dan yells as he glomps Rowan, tackling her to the ground.
"Ugh get off of me" Rowan says as she wrestles him off
"Awww, your no fun" Dan pouts while Rowan rolls her eyes
"Anyway, we will set our plan into action tonight" I pipe up and everyone else nods. "Don't worry Amy, were coming" I think to myself with determination.
~Time Skip brought to you by lychee(lol inside joke)~
"Let's move in" Dan says right now we were all in our assigned positions around the tower that Christina found. Finding the castle was rather easy being that a large castle on a nearly deserted island kinda sticks out like a sore thumb. In addition to that searching the grounds of the castle was an un-needed step since we are again, on a island and if you dig too deep on an island you will submerge it. I keep thinking that something wrong, that this has been too easy. We have literally faced zero foes so far and the castle grounds look absolutely deserted. When I tried bringing this up with Dan he just ignored me and continued on with his plan, I must be imagining things.
"On my mark" Dan says and we all nod, he then holds up the number three and counts down. "ONE!" He shouts and we all charge in. When we aren't attacked right in the spot we become fairly confused, however we weren't waiting for too long afterwards.
"Well look what the crocodile dragged in" James' says and turns on all the lights, temporarily blinding us all. When my eyes finally adjust to the lighting I find myself and the others shackled to a cold, metal sheet.
"Let us go!" Rowan says while thrashing at the chains
"Don't worry lass, all I want is your dark energy" James says, "Soon you'll end up just like your little mate there" James says while pointing to a small and frail figure on the ground.
"AMY!" We all shout upon seeing her, Amy is now very frail and meek(that is more than before, that girl is a walking stick! And this is coming from me!)
"What have you done to her?" Dan asks through gritted teeth.
"Oh I didn't do anything to her, she just did what would have inevitably would have happened, with a little help from those chains that is" James responds while pointing to the dark shackles around her and our wrists, "Those chains bring out the dark energy within you, the giant ball of negativity that gets bigger and bigger with every emotional hit we take. That ball of negativity will eventually consume you, left unchecked that is." James explains, "Those chains takes the negativity and harnesses it until you become nothing more than a dark power source." James finishes with a smirk
"LET US GO YOU CREEP!!!!!!" Rowan says and continues to thrash
"Oh, I can't do that, but I must take my leave now, oh and don't thrash too much it will only speed up the process. Actually on second thought, thrash all you want" James says and with that he takes his leave
"Come on! We have to get out of here!" Rowan says and thrashes around even more
"Rowan! Stop! You heard what he said you are only making it worse!" I try to reason with her
"Well it's gonna happen eventually so let's try and get out as fast as we can before we turn!" Rowan says back and continues to pull on the chains
"But if we go slow then we will have time to think of a good plan!" I tell her but she ignores me
"Rowan is right about something" we hear a meek voice say
"Amy! Your ok!" Dan shouts to her
"It's no use, you will turn either way, might as well make it quick and painless" Amy says in a voice dripping with sorrow
"That's not the Amy we know!" Dan shouts, trying to get through to her
"This is all my fault" Amy says and starts to sob
"Amy! Cut it out!" I yell to her
"It's no use, she can't hear you" we hear Rowan say, except now her voice has lost it's vigor
"Rowan! Not you too!" Dan shouts and thrashes around my instinct
"Dan stop! You are moving around too much!" I say, trying to make sure he doesn't turn too, he just ignores me. Suddenly something snaps, his eyes start to become void of emotion, blank souls.
"Dan? Dan?!" I try yelling at him but he doesn't respond
"Dan! No....." I say as tears start to brim my eyes. Soon the darkness comes to me too. I can see the darkness creeping in the corner of my eyes, moving until it is the only thing I see.

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