Forces of Fate

By SashaSkoog

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Crosshair+Force wielder OC Version one All her life she has been someone's weapon. Weather her wielder was t... More

A Traveler from afar
Capture on Kiros
Life on Kiros
Servitude Begins
Breaking the Chains
Discovering a new World
Commando in Action
Rescuing a Batch
Temple of the Force
The Chancellor's Ball
Zandra joins a Squad
Tension among the Group
Slumber in the Dark
The Wronged Jedi
Finding the Fox
Republic Security Bureau
Rescue & Reunion
Revealing the Truth
King Killer
Fighting a Losing Battle
The Fall of A Jedi
Escaping Coruscant
Help on Batuu
Searching Serenno
A New Era
Rescue on Kallar
The Path Begins
Treasure among Trash
Proof of the Sith
The Raising Action
Ending it where it Began
Epilogue ๏ฟผ
Im rewriting
It's your turn

Final day

350 18 1
By SashaSkoog

Name: Seren Skywalker
Titles: Lieutenant Commando or RC2617
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 138
Hair color: red Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Crosshair's pov three days later
Seren's unmoving head lay on my chest peacefully as she slept away. However, no matter how long she slept the large dark circles beneath her eyes would not go away. Her breathing raspy and weakened echoed off the walls of the stone room. I could feel Seren's chest moving slower with each breath she took. They had stopped delivering water and food to us a while ago not that it would help Seren who needed severe medical treatment if she was to live at all. I knew tonight was most likely the last time I would ever see her again if my eyes closed. I lifted my shaking hand to her dark red hair and carefully scratched it. Her red lips glowed in the limited light as did her pale, grayish skin. "Seren" I began with a shaking voice with hot tears streaming down my cheeks. "I don't know if you are in pain at all, but you are. I want you to know that it's can let go. You can march on. I won't be mad at you, I know you've fought hard and yes it would be great if you had more time to have a better life. But I have to realize that you may not get that opportunity. But before you go, I want you to know that I love you....I want you to know that I acted like a complete dick to you and that it wasn't because you are anything but an amazing person. It was because I was a douche and didn't know how to handle it. Maybe you are dying because I don't deserve you and maybe it's my punishment. But I don't care if I don't deserve you, I love you Seren and there is nothing I can do to stop it." I professed as I held Seren's head to my shoulder. "I love you Seren, but it's okay if you have to leave," I whispered into her ear. I held her close as she took in weak breaths. Suddenly the doors opened revealing the doctor and Queen of Zygerria waltzed into the room like it was just another day as if it wasn't Seren's final day. I moved myself to protect her from them. "Stay away from her," I growled out menacingly. The Queen furrowed her brow and looked me up and down. "Hmm how curious. A sentient being has never shown to care for the Executioner before." She furrowed. "Yeah well, clearly they aren't smart." I snapped as I moved her closer to the wall. "Just let her leave in peace." I hissed with tears coursing down my cheeks and into her boney spine. "I just need to ensure that she is dying." The doctor explained plainly. When a barely audible exhale escaped Seren's lips and she went still. My eyes widened and I pulled her limp form closer into my frame. I placed my hand on her head and felt my emotions explode.

Third person
A heart-wrenching scream exploded from Crosshair's lips, as the weight of his loss crashed into him. Even though he had been closed off to her, she opened up and let him comfort her when she was at her worst. "Leave him to rot with her corpse." The queen snarled. The doctor and queen slammed the door behind them, leaving the pair in silence. A part of him was grateful she was no longer in pain, but the other part of him broke at the loss. Tears streamed down his cheeks when he suddenly heard a quiet inhale. Crosshair's eyes widened and he snatched Seren's redhead away from his shoulder. He gently put his finger up to her nose and silenced himself as he waited for any sign that maybe the impossible had happened. Then to his disbelief, a small exhale escaped her nose. Crosshair's tears paused and hugged her tightly. Seren's head fell into the crook of Crosshair's neck as she continued to sleep. Crosshair rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Allowing the wave of relief to crash into him, his eyes drifted shut as he finally succumbed to his exhaustion.

Hunter's pov
"Where do you think they are?" Wrecker asked. "Most likely down below in the dungeon," Tech replied. "Alright let's go," I affirmed. I shot and killed the Zygerrians who came at us as we made our way down into the palace's lower levels. Soon we arrived at the dimly lit floor that had the smell of rot, decay, and death streaming off the walls. I followed the faintly familiar smell of Crosshair because Seren's smell was completely gone. "I can't smell Seren," I whispered. Wrecker paused as a look of complete fear crossed his face. "Is she gone?" Wrecker asked in disbelief. "I don't know." "Perhaps we were too late," Tech muttered. "No, we can't be!" Wrecker boomed as he ripped the door off the hinges the door that had a smell coming from the cell. I turned on my flashlight and was immediately greeted by a wall of scratch marks. "What the?" Wrecker gapped. Just then I spotted a small lump in the corner of the room. I snapped towards the lump and the light hit Crosshair and Seren clinging onto each other. Crosshair seemingly lost all of his body weight, while Seren looked like a corpse. I hurried up to them and immediately checked my little brother's pulse. I let out a sigh of relief when I felt his slow, but steady pulse. Tech checked Seren's and frowned. "What's wrong?" I questioned. "Her pulse is barely there," Tech whispered. I caught the sight of the purple and black vine-like bruises around her temples and frowned at them. Her broken ribs caved into her chest as she slept on Crosshair. "Why would they do this to them?" Wrecker asked. "Because my theory was correct." Tech breathed out. "What theory?" I snapped. "The reason why Seren knew so much about Zygerria and the Executioner is that she is the Executioner and that is why I cannot access her file through GAR." He proclaimed. Wrecker's eyes widened and he stared in shock at Tech. "Okay let's discuss this later. Right now let's get them out of here." I ordered. "Wrecker be careful with them," Tech instructed as Wrecker began to pick them up. Suddenly Crosshair awoke with legs flying out to kick Wrecker and held onto Seren. "Just leave us alone!" Crosshair screamed out. "Cross, it's us." I blurted out as I tried to touch him. He squinted to look at us, so I hurriedly turned off my light to allow Crosshair to look at us. His eyes widened as he saw my outline. "Hunter?" He asked in disbelief. "Hey Cross, can we take you and Seren back to the ship?" I asked hesitantly. "Yes, but nowhere else." He croaked out. "Why?" Tech questioned suddenly. "He..he'll kill her.." He gasped. "Okay, I will ensure that no one knows about you or Seren condition," Tech promised. My head snapped towards him, but my focus on Tech washed away as Wrecker picked the two of them up. "They are soo small Hunter." Wrecker whispered. Crosshair's head fell into Wrecker's chest and we began our dash for the ship again. Tech and I fired at anyone who tried to attack us. The guards began to attack us mercilessly, making us dodge their fire constantly. "STOP THEM!" A stern feminine voice proclaimed. Wrecker whipped around when suddenly a shot rained out and a Zygerrian in gold and blue stared wide eye gripping the hole in her chest. I turned to who fired the shot and saw Crosshair holding the slightly oversized blaster belonging to Wrecker.  "You won't hurt her again." Crosshair snarled. The woman dropped to the floor and Crosshair lowered the blaster. Placing it back into Wrecker's holster. "Now let's go!" Wrecker boomed. I nodded my head at my brothers and we started for the Marauder.

Crosshair's pov
Time skip
I felt the ship move back and forth in the hyperspace lanes as Seren continued to sleep. "How long will she be like that?" Wrecker asked as he looked over her small frail frame. "That cannot be determined at this time. However, due to us having all the medical equipment we need on board there is no need for Seren to go to a medical facility." Tech affirmed. I leaned into Wrecker as the Iv slowly dripped nutrients into my bloodstream. "I'm sorry we weren't fast enough Cross." Hunter apologized. "She had been there in that hell for years and no one attempted to save her." I breathed out. Hunter looked down and nodded his head. "At least you guys came back." I sighed. "Of course we did, we will always come back for our family." Wrecker grinned.

Seren's pov
Two days later
I felt warmth surround me as I lay on the familiar surface of my bed with my team and Crosshair. A sudden ray of pain crashed into me, I grimaced in pain and turned my head towards my left. I saw Crosshair holding my hand with his head hanging low to his chest. I smiled at him as I recalled what he had whispered when the world was nothing but black. A cold chill rained down my spine. I rubbed my thumb over his hand to let him know I was awake. His head snapped upright, his dark brown eyes stared into my own.

Crosshair's pov
I stared in disbelief at Seren as she stared at me with her wide, alert, and OPEN blue eyes. Just then a warm smile spread across her dark lips. "Hey, douche." She teased. I felt a strange feeling creeping up from my chest as I held her hand. "You heard all of that?" I asked dumbfounded. Seren nodded her head and then tapped the mattress beneath her. "Come on in, I'm cold." She whispered. I let out a sigh as I stood up, I carefully scooped up Seren's frame and slide In beneath her. Seren made sure to keep the IV in her arm as she rolled into her side and sunk into my chest. I smiled at her notion and rested my hand on her shoulder. Just as my eyes are drifting shut I heard Seren mutter. "I love you too."

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