Chuck & The Girl From 4B

By jmhallewell

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Chuck only wants two things crossed off his bucket list: to be absolutely ordinary and to find love. The only... More

Author's Note
Part 1
1: "Be On Your Own" she said...
2: Chuck The Bodyguard
3: No Pressure To Succeed
4: Second Strike...
5: Geanette with a G
6: I have an early morning!
7: The Best Friend
9: To Lovers & Friends Part 1
10: Lovers and Friends part 2
11: Rich Friends
12: The Family
13: Missing Chuck
14: First Date?
15: Jealous Girlfriend
16: Scandals & Consequences
17: Well Meaning Father?
Chapter 18: I Love You
Chapter 19: The Girls In His Life
Chapter Twenty: Cuffed
Chapter Twenty One: All The Right Friends
Chapter Twenty Two: Bursted!
Chapter Twenty Three: The Ugly Truth
Part 2
Chapter 24: Roommate
Chapter 25: Daring Best Friend
Chapter 26: Away With Me
Chapter 27: Show You Love Part 1
Chapter 28: Phinney & Gaya Part 1
Chapter 29: Family Drama Part 1
Chapter 30: Family Drama Part 2
Chapter 31: Ma's Advice
Chapter 32: Show You Love Part 2
Chapter 33: Sweet Morning After
Chapter 34: Phinney and Gaya Part 2
Chapter 35: The St Patrick Heir Part 1
Chapter 36: The St Patrick Heir Part 2
Chapter 37: A Prisoner!
Chapter 38: New Face
Chapter 39: Jealous Ex boyfriend Part 1
Chapter 40: Jealous Ex boyfriend Part 2
Chapter 41: I know Him!
Chapter 42: Remind Me Please!
Chapter 43: Intoxicated
Chapter 44: Out of The Shadows
Chapter 45: Camera, Lights... Paparazzi Part 1
Chapter 46: Camera, Lights... Paparazzi Part 2
Chapter 47: A Father's Intervention
Chapter 48: Reunited
Chapter 49: No Ring?
Chapter 50: Madness
Chapter 51: Team Effort
Chapter 52: Lanai Part 1
Chapter 53: Lanai Part 2
Chapter 54: Abby's Secrets Part 1
Chapter 55: Not Your Decision

8: The Girl From 4B

232 41 16
By jmhallewell

Chuck's POV
I'm winding up my shift. The guys are talking about going for drinks. I would love to join them but I have a board meeting with the directors of the St Patrick Group at 6pm.

"Next time, I promise."

"You are one flaky dude!" One of the guys I work with gave me a playful punch.

I don't take unnecessary risks. I don't want to run into my friends. If I do, they will blow my cover. So I mostly stick to my own company or Phinney's or someone new. I have to be careful.

"Next time. I get to pick a place. My treat." They all roared with excitement. If I pick a place, I pick somewhere my rich friends won't be.

I got my bag together and headed out. I have about an hour until my meeting. It's a big meeting.

"Excuse me!" A police officer called out to me.

"How can I help you offer?"

"I'm looking for a Chuck De la Cruz."

"You found him."

"Do you live in this address?" He showed me the address of the small apartment I live in.

"Yes I do."

"A complaint was filed against you concerning missing jewelry."

"Missing jewelry?" I frowned.

"Will you come down to the station and talk to us?"

I glanced over my shoulder at my friends who are watching on. One of them, the one I answer to came down to where I am. "Officer, is there a problem?"

"Just having a friendly conversation with Mr De la Cruz."

"Are you good Chuck?"

"Yeah. It's just a conversation. I'll drive down. Meet you there."

"I would prefer if you get in the back of the car." He opened the back of the police car.


"It's cool. It's cool." I assured my boss.

I got into the car. He closed the door. I have never been in the back of a police car before. As he drive away, all U can think of is not what lies ahead but the fact that the board of directors at the St Patrick Group don't fuck around. They mean business. They drove Charlie out. If I mess this up well and good. My business with the St Patrick Group will be over but my father will be very disappointed.

Dude, I'm in the back of a cop car.

I pressed send and waited.

I muted my phone to keep it silent. The officers are glancing back at me. I'm sure that as soon as I reach the station they may confiscate my phone.

Dude what did you do?

They say missing jewelry.
They want to know where I was that day you were at my place.

That day there was smoke from the apartment upstairs!

That bitch Gael probably called the cops on you! The nerve! I'm headed to your place now. Should I come to the station?

My place? Were we hanging out tonight?

Calm down buckaroo. It's just a movie and cuddling. I promise little Chuck down south won't be at my service tonight. Do you want a conjugal visit in case this shit is serious?

I'm starting to wonder if you are sane.

This shit is serious dude!

Should I come there?


Who should I call? The General or Dani?

If I'm not back in an hour call the General.
I'm here. Switching off my phone.

I switched off my phone. I was led to an interrogation room. A man came in. "Chuck De la Cruz. Where are you from Chuck?"

"What is this about?"

"Not a fan of a small talk." He smiled. "Let's get to the point then. Your upstairs neighbor..." he frowned as he read something on a sheet of paper. "...says she was robbed. Do you have anything to say about that?"


"Your neighbors gave collaborating statements that they saw you breaking down her door after which you entered the premises. Can you confirm that?"

"My upstairs neighbor at 4C came knocking at my door at 9:38pm. She said the apartment upstairs, apartment 4B, the one next to hers is burning. I was with my friend Phinney at the time. She can collaborate this. There was the smell of something burning in the air when I got to the 4B door. The owner of the apartment did not respond when I called out. I was concerned. I broke down the door out of concern that she could be in harm's way. I saw that the oven was on and was the source of the smoke. I turned it off, called out for her, looked around the house for her and when I realized she wasn't home, I left the apartment. I met the caretaker outside the apartment and I informed him of the situation and asked him to repair the broken door. End of my statement concerning this matter."

He smiled at me. "Why didn't you call 911 if you thought her life was in danger?"

"I'm a fireman. I went to assess the situation before wasting resources over something that was as simple as switching off an oven. The only damage was to the poor bird that was getting roasted."

"You did not touch anything in her apartment."

"I did not touch anything else except the oven and the door knob."

He made some notes. "I like firemen. I think it takes a lot of balls to run into burning buildings. Just last week, my pops was saved from a burning building by a fireman. I hear he was stubborn about leaving his possessions."

"Was he wearing pajamas?" I remember that because it was high noon and the old man was till in his pajamas.

"Checked purple ones."

"I remember him. He smacked the back of my head so many times." I chuckled.

"That was you? No shit! You saved my pops!"

"It's just another day at the job."

"No man! You are a hero. I owe you. How can I help you out of this situation. I know the salary isn't so good. If you took it, give it back and everything will be settled out of court."

I have millions in my trust fund. My salary from the St Patrick Group remains untouched in my bank account. I live on the meager morsels I earn for a salary. Why would I steal jewelry? What for? But I can't tell him all this.

"I didn't take anything from apartment 4B."

"Do you serve?"

"No." Charles Christopher St Patrick is enlisted. This alias isn't.

"You talk like you do. I'm going to let you go. I don't have enough evidence to hold you. Everything is circumstantial. Should any new evidence come up, you'll be hearing from us. You are free to go."

I have never left a place more happily.

Gayatri's POV
I got my door back. The caretaker delivered it early the next morning after I had spent the night guarding the gaping opening of my apartment. I have never been so scared in my life.

I haven't heard anything from the police and my jewelry is still missing. They were gifts from my dad. That is the part that irritates and upsets me the most! They were gifts from my father. Those pieces of jewelry have been passed on from grandmothers and aunts for generations in our family! I have lost family heirlooms! It's worse than losing my life!

I ran to the door when someone knocked. I opened hastily hoping to see the police with my jewelry but instead I saw a pretty girl with curly brown hair staring at me. "Hi."

"You don't get to be reckless and destroy my friend's life! It is your recklessness that brought him to this apartment! You left the fucking oven on! Who does that? Then you left and there was smoke everywhere! He did you a solid by breaking down your door to switch off the oven and what have you done in return? You called the police on him! He's the most honest guy I know! He would never steal! He doesn't have a reason to! Now he's under arrest because of you!"

"I did not accuse anyone! The police made their conclusion so back of girlie! Don't come to my door to shout at me! Back off." I slammed the door so hard it could have come off it's hinges.

I tried to still my trembling hand. I got someone arrested! They arrested him? I did not point any fingers. I only told them someone robbed me. I opened the door to see if she's still there but she's gone.

Should I go down and apologize?

Where will I even start?

But if he isn't the one who stole from me then who stole my jewelry?

Chuck's POV

He barely looked up. He's reading a book. I remained at the doorway of his office unsure of whether I should walk in. I got his message that he wanted to see me. I know why I'm here. I just don't know how it will play out.


"You asked to see me."

"Yes." Monologue replies. He is upset. He doesn't engage me in shouting battles like he does with my sisters. We speak reasonably. He closed the book. "When you said you need to be on your own, I respected that. I also expected that you would strike a balance between this life you are pursuing and your responsibilities. It goes without saying that I am deeply disappointed in you Charles. You missed a crucial board meeting."

The traffic was a bitch!

By the time I was getting to the St Patrick Group, the board members had left. Of course dad heard about it and he is pissed. His message "I want to see you" made my blood freeze over. I hate disappointing my father but if I do everything he wants, I won't have a life of my own.

"I'm aware and I apologize for that."

"I hear you got arrested." I raised my eyebrow at him. It has only been a day since. How did he find out? "Just because you have disowned us doesn't mean I stopped caring about you."

"I did not disown you."

"Whatever. I took care of the board meeting. I picked up your slack. This is the first and last time Charles. Do this again and you are done. I mean done. No salary. No trust fund. Nothing. You can ask Renee how it felt when she was out on her own."

She ended up marrying a reigning king. It worked out great for her! But I won't tell him that!

"I understand General. It is won't happened again."

"Dismissed." He turned his chair away from me, showing me his back. I'm not used to this kind of treatment from my own father.

It cannot be a pattern.

I want to get into bed and go to sleep. I'm tired.

I paused at my door step. There is a glass dish covered with a checked kitchen towel. I came down to pick up the note placed at the center.

Dear neighbor,
I want to start with thanking you
for saving my house from burning down.
I also owe you a BIG apology for the arrest.
I promise I did not point a finger at you.
To make it up to you, I will make you dinner everyday for as long as you deem it necessary. I'll do this to earn your forgiveness for the misunderstanding.
Please leave the dish at my doorstep. I think I'm too ashamed to even face you.

Your neighbor from 4B.

I peeled off the kitchen towel. It smells great. Now I seriously would like to meet this girl from 4B.

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