Chapter 19: The Girls In His Life

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Beverly's POV
What I saw still bugs me. Seeing that girl eating off Chuck's ice cream cone pisses me off. The way he was holding her and looking at her upsets me. As if it's not enough, I found out that she lives in the same building he does. Chuck has been kind of withdrawn and I have a strong feeling that she has a lot to do with it. I don't want to share Chuck. The things he makes me feel... no other woman should. My fiancé fails me in the bedroom but Chuck knows how to give it to me right. I cannot let go of that.

I pressed charges for assault. It's only a matter if time before she's arrested for it. Once she's out of the way, I can relax. But for now, I have something special planned out. I will give Chuck what he wants. I will tell him what he wants to hear.

"Beverly, are you home?"

I looked myself over. I think I look good enough with the exception of the swollen nose.

"In here!" I answered.

He looks better each time. I wish he had a couple more zeroes in his bank account. Maybe I would give him a chance.

"What's all this?"

I kissed his addictive lips, enjoying the smoothness of our embrace. But why does it feel like he's not giving me 100%? When Chuck kisses me it's demanding. It's rough. It's possessive. This feels like something vanilla. Is it that girl? Is he kissing her too? They looked too cozy to just be friends. "I wanted us to have something romantic tonight."

"That's sweet..." He flashed his sexy smile. "Are you okay?" What happened to your nose?"

"A stupid girl assaulted me."

I want to tell him that it's the girl he was canoodling with but I don't want to play that card with him. Not yet.


"It's some girl a friend of mine befriended. She has it in for me. She's jealous of my friendship with Abby. She attacked me."

Abby gave me an earful about the incident. She asked me to stop bullying her Indian friend. She even threatened to make my life a living hell. I don't care what Abby does. Either way, I'm making it in life courtesy of my marriage to a rich guy.

"Are you okay?" He cupped one side of my face.

"I'll be fine... Chuck, I wanted to tell you something."

"What?" He held my waist and drew me closer to him.

It's time to tell him what he has always wanted to hear. I hope it convinces him to ditch the girl I saw hime with. "I... Chuck I love you." His eyes widened. This is not the response I was counting on. I expected him to be excited about this. "Chuck-"

"I love you too." He kissed my lips.

Again, it does not feel the same. That girl has really gotten her claws deep in him. I broke away. "Chuck, is something wrong?"

"No... why?"

"Your kisses feel different. It's almost as though you don't want to."

"It's not that. I feel overwhelmed, that's all."

"Dinner?" I turned my back to him. Something is definitely wrong.

"Yeah. I'd love that." He pulled out a chair for me. He sat facing me.

Something is off.

Chuck's POV
I haven't been home in weeks.

I arrived sometime after 2am and I have been sitting by the pool side staring at the water. I stayed for dinner at Beverly's place. After that we made love but I couldn't fall asleep. I sneaked out at 2am as opposed to staying till morning.  It didn't feel the same. The sex was different. Something inside me has changed.

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