5: Geanette with a G

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Chuck's POV
"Do you remember that favor you owe me?"

Mom stared at me with the biggest eyes. Her mouth is full. She loves Chinese takeout. Dani isn't the kind of mother who cooks. She orders takeout and pays gourmet chefs to cook. She doesn't clean either. It seems it's a pattern among the women of this family. My grandmother is was the same way. Reina, Charle and Renée also don't cook and they don't clean. Only Laila seems to be different.

"What favor?" She spoke with her mouth full. She chewed hurriedly and cleaned her mouth with a paper napkin. "What favor? I paid all my favors to you!"

"I went out on a date with Mrs Davidson's daughter. You remember her? The clingy girl who wouldn't let go of me? She stalked me for two weeks straight after our date? I had to take out a restraining order after she roofied me. Remember?"

She cringed. "Oh boy! In my defense I did not know she would be so dramatic!"

"Ma! She roofied me! She had her brothers put me in the trunk of her car and if the bodyguards had not arrived at that moment, I would be a missing person! It is more than dramatic! She was loco!"

"At least she was cute." She tilted her head adorably. "They say the prettier they are... I'm sorry for that horrible experience. What do you want?"

I crashed on the sofa next to her. I draped my arm o er her. "I want an alias that can withstand scrutiny."

"Oh boy! Who did you kill mijo?"

"No one! Why does your mind go to the darkest places?"

"Are you a criminal?"


"A spy?"

"Ma! No!"

"Then why do you want an alias?"

I gave itasome thought after coming from Bolivia. Those three months were the best I have ever had. It wasn't just Beverly but the freedom I extensively enjoyed. I want that freedom to be permanent.


"Oh no! Dios mios mijo you joined the cartel!" She freaked out and even stood up. "Only Renee and Laila are straight! The rest of you are crooked!"

Dani's mind moves at the speed of light. When she gets an idea, she moves it along very fast and it keeps escalating. At this point she will even tell me what my eulogy will say.

"I did not join the cartel. Ma, sit down!" She took a seat. "I just want something new for some time. That's all."

"Are you bored? Is your life that uneventful? Should I ask Bruce to make some calls and have you deployed like right now?"

"No! No deployment. I'm not looking for an adventure and I'm not bored. I just want something that is my own without St Patrick, fours star general and your big job at the NSA labelled on it. I just want something simple that is mine. My story to tell. Do you understand?"

"Oh boy you hate us!"


"You hate us! Did Bruce embarrass you? Is that it?"

This will never get anywhere.

"It's not the General. It's not you. It's me."

"You sound like those douche bags who break up with women for flimsy reasons."

"We are not breaking up."

"Then why would you want an identity separate from who you are? Is this a dual personality thing? I know a great shrink-"

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