12: The Family

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Gayatri's POV
I am really nervous about seeing my parents tonight. They will have many questions for me. It's their mission to pry as hard as possible. They don't stop until they have enough ammunition to fire at me because in their own words: there is always room for improvement.

I took in a deep breath as I posed at the front door of Diya's house. I can already smell curry in the air. She must have gone out of her way to outdo my mother in her own recipes. She lives in the heart of Manhattan. When I came to America, I had it in my head that I'll leave in her luxurious apartment with 360° views. I was surprised when she left me at the airport with a little cash and told me to figure it out. Diya can be a little selfish.

I reached for the door bell but a hand caught mine. "Can we please not do that just yet?" Karan asked me.

I threw my arms around my favorite brother. He hugged me back tightly. "My heart stopped beating!"

"My heart stopped beating too!" This is how we tell each other we miss each other. "Did you get taller?"

I showed him my heels. Abby gave them to me. "They are actual red bottoms! Christian Louboutins!"

"I can't believe you are excited about black pointy things. I have bigger problems! Come. I'll buy you coffee!" He took my wrist and dragged me away.

We entered the cafe downstairs. We found a place by the window. "What's wrong? What did you do Karan?"

"I messed up."

"I don't follow."

"I got Prisha pregnant."

"Okay... Okay. Who is Prisha?"

"The scheming bitch I proposed to."

I covered my mouth to keep myself from exploding with loud laughter. He looks pale and stressed out. Karan is dramatic to some extent and right now, we might as well be in a Bollywood scene. He's a mess.

"Why did you propose to a scheme bish."

"Just day the word. Bitch."

"That term is derogatory. Bish."


"Tell me the dirty details." I leaned closer.

"So... I went partying in Paris. It was an underground club and I'm talking a long string of vices. That's where I met her and dulled senses later, we got intimate. Two months down the line she shows up in Switzerland, at my doorstep,I don't even know how she found me." He spoke quickly. "She told me about the pregnancy. I told her I'm not interested-"

"Karan!" I slapped his forehead.

"It's true! What kind of a father do you think I'll make? I can't even take care of myself!" He stomped his feet like a child.

"As a woman, this is wrong. You need to take responsibility-"

"I proposed."


"She blackmailed me into it." He crossed his arms on his chest. "She had blackmail from Paris. It's the kind of stuff I don't want-"

"Raj Senior to see?" I asked. He calls my father Raj Senior behind his back.

"I don't care about how Raj Senior will feel. You know I live to vex him, right? It's about my reputation at the University. They respect me and my boss is really sensitive about his employees having a good public image! What Prisha had on me is the kind of stuff that will ruin my life."

He's clearly freaking out.

"I knew it! I knew there was no way Karan Varma would get engaged!"

"Save me."

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