Chapter 40: Jealous Ex boyfriend Part 2

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Gayatri's POV
The hardest moment for me, is at night. Sleep is hard to come by because of how lonely I feel. It's funny how all these years I have been sleeping alone and I have been happy to,
until I shared a bed with Chuck. Things changed after our first night at the Harrington Hotel. I experienced not just my first time with a man but love. I experienced love. I experienced companionship, warmth and affection felt in his arms. I experienced how safe it can feel in his arms.

Whenever I can't sleep, I think of our first time. It's comforting but at the same time, heart breaking. I miss him terribly but I can't pick up the phone and tell him that. Ma's Advice is still stuck at the back of my mind. I owe it to myself and to Chuck to try and fix our relationship before I give myself to Roshan.

"Gayatri! Why so early little one?" Pappa paused at the kitchen entrance where I'm slacking away.

Everyone left and returned to their normal life except me. Pappa, na and my grandmother also stayed. I still cook a lot. Ma told me to stop or we will start feeding the masses. I can't stop. I cook when I'm happy,I cook even more when I'm frustrated.

"I wanted to get an early start pappa. Good morning." I received a kiss on my cheek.

He's staring at me strangely. "I'm so happy to see you around. I'm pleased you stayed Gayatri. America was making your rotten."

I'm running away from the man I love. It's just that simple.

"Pappa..." I want to tell him about Chuck. I have never kept things from pappa until I started dating Chuck. "Never mind."

"Tell me, how is it going with Roshan?"


"Will there be a wedding in s few weeks?"

"Pappa, I'm not in a hurry."

"His parents are. They hope that you establish something soon so that he can make it official before he leaves." I stopped kneading the floor for the puri. "I saw you two kissing. It must be going somewhere."

"When Roshan makes up his mind he will propose. Pappa?"

"Yes dear?"

"What makes a good husband?"

He chuckled. "Wow! That is a challenging one!" He ran his hand through his curly hair. "Let's see... Uh... He has to be faithful. He has to be generous to you. He has to be tender with your emotions. He has to be strong,not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. He has to be self sacrificing. A lot more is involved... like he has to be protect you... so much more."

"Must he love me?" He paused. "For all these things to occur naturally, isn't love the crucial part?"

Chuck loves me. Chuck is generous, tender with my emotions, strong in every aspect, self sacrificing and willing to protect me. Roshan is first of all going to be unfaithful with his lack of labels mantra. He won't make a good husband. I can't even believe that I considered it.

"When I married your mother, I wasn't in love with her. Regardless, I carried out all my duties to her. All of them."

"Duty or love pappa? What do you want my husband to feel for me now that you have experienced both? You do love ma,right?"

"I love her." He sighed deeply. "I see what you're doing little one. You are trying to convince me to get you out of an arranged marriage. The interesting thing is that you're not arguing with me."

I smiled at him. "Duty or love pappa?"

"Love." He answered. "But how practical is that?"

"If I was to present a man who meets all your qualifications for a good husband, versus Roshan who represents duty, who would you choose for me?"

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