Chapter 29: Family Drama Part 1

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Amrita's POV
"It's amazing how a spread in a magazine can attract so much attention." My husband noted.

"What do you mean?" The only thing I'm thinking about is how unmarried four out of five of my children are! 
He showed me the page. It's Gayatri's pictures with Abigail Harrington. He's right. The pictures drew a lot of attention to our youngest daughter. "Don't tell me, another marriage proposal?"

"The fourth one this week." Raj shook his head. "Why doesn't she want to marry?"

"If you can tell me why Diya doesn't want to marry, I'll answer that." I laughed softly. "You know she should marry first."

"I know." He shook his head. He is full of dismay.

"All our peers,their children have had big beautiful weddings. Then we have our four children who are allergic to marriage. Only Nisha went through with it."

"How is she doing?"

"You don't talk?" I asked him.

"No. Does she talk to you?"

"Not really."

RJ is dutiful. He calls like clockwork,asks the same questions and barely shares details of his personal life. My firstborn is severely introverted. He completely keeps to himself. When he was a boy, we barely reprimanded him. He's sharp and disciplined.

Karan... oh dear! Rebel without a cause. He loved to torment us because it was funny. He tested our limits and still does! Karan would never agree to anything without us convincing him. Not even eating his vegetables. He is still out biggest tormenter! Our biggest failure yet somehow successful without us. I just don't understand.

Nisha is the one who lives to ignore us. For as long as I can remember, she's the daughter who thinks of herself as being above everyone else. She has the mannerisms of a feline and seems to think she's the smartest one in the room.

Diya, or miss independent as I like to call her is self reliable. Diya never asks for anything. She is quite resourceful. She finds anyone who does not meet her standards incompetent. Unfortunately, her wild opinionated naturale scares away suitors. No one can handle Diya, not even her own father.

My youngest, Gayatri has always been a sweetheart until she came to New York. All of s sudden she has opinions too. She is becoming hard headed and it's happening fast! But if anyone has potential to marry, it's Gayatri. She loves the idea of making a home and having a family. If anyone is to get married soon, it's Gayatri. But it should be Diya who is next after Nisha but she would rather die than be married.

"Sometimes I wonder if we failed as parents. RJ, Karan, Diya and now defiant Gayatri! She audit college! She wants to cook! She wants to cook!" Raj flipped out.

"But she has always loved to cook. If there's anyone who has spent time with me in the kitchen it's her. Karan was only there to eat but Gayatri was keen to learn. Maybe we should make an exception for the last born."

"At least the marriage proposals are endless. I still cannot understand why she is so stubborn about getting married."

I brought him his cup of tea. "I was just thinking that it's not marriage that she has a problem with but the people being chosen for her. Gayatri wants to pick her own man and something tells me she already has."

A mother can tell these things. She is aglow with love but we don't know who the subject of her love is. It is I'll let explain the fierceness she's fighting with. She's protecting her love for someone.

"She has? Who is it? Is it a family we know?"

If she's not telling us about it, then it's not anyone we know. It could even be someone Raj won't approve of. I don't care if she loves a man from our culture or a man from a different race. I want her to be happy. When I married Raj, it was because he asked my father and he said yes. I was told love will come later. That is what happened but not as soon as I thought. It was after we had Nisha, that my heart started to move to his rhythm. Before then I was scared I would never love him. I don't want Gayatri to have that fear.

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