Chapter 18: I Love You

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Gayatri's POV
Never in my life have I ever been so useless.

I'm unemployed.

I have a sprained wrist that won't function.

The only good thing about this period of uselessness is when Chuck drops in every evening with take out. He's been the greatest support system a girl can ask for.

But even when my life looks up when I see Chuck, I still have BIG problems.

One, my father is mad at me. After our shouting battle and running away from him, we haven't spoken. My mother called me but I didn't answer. Diya and I are texting back and forth. She says they are fuming mad. I'm steering clear of them.

Two, Aryan! I do not want to marry that boy! If he would have asked me when I was sixteen I would agreed. I got over him. On top of that, Chuck has ruined it for every man. I have been thinking about it and I have made a decision to pursue Chuck. He's single and I'm single. We could work. We are both easy going and we get along effortlessly.

Three, I'm BROKE. I begged the caretaker to let me stay this month and pay rent later. I haven't told Chuck about that. He's already doing too much for me. I don't have to worry about food. He takes care of that without me even asking. I thought that he would stop buying food once I stop cooking for him but he keeps bringing me breakfast and dinner. He orders lunch as well and it's delivered to me. He never forgets. But even with a full stomach I have things to worry about. I'm BROKE.

"Abby." I answered the phone as soon as it rang. "Hi."

"I'm so sorry Gayatri. I'm so sorry about what happened. How are you holding up?"

"Honestly, not so good."

"What can I do to help?"

"Put me on a payroll and don't expect me to work. I sprained my wrist. I can't do anything much."

"What happened?"

"I punched Beverly and then I punched Aryan."

"Who is Aryan?"

"Long story short, some jerk I used to like."

"I'm missing out! This drama sounds juicy! I'm thinking I'll be back sooner than I thought. In the meantime, if you need anything, anything at all, call me."

"Thank you Abby." How about rent? Can I ask her for that? "Bye."

We hanged up.

Maybe I should ask Diya of she can take me in. But I will have to live with pappa and maa as well. No. My best shot is to stay here.

Can you spot me some cash?

Diya will probably laugh if I ask her. But Karan owes me. He owes me for getting him out if that twisted marriage.


Cuz i need it!

What for???

I'm low on rent!!!!!

Get a job.

😑 I'm your baby sister! You should he throwing money at me without asking me questions!

LOL. Get a sugar daddy.

Raj Senior will die! 😂

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