Chapter 46: Camera, Lights... Paparazzi Part 2

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Before the award ceremony...

Bruce's POV
"When Nick and I were boys, the Colonel threw us into the deep end to teach us how to swim."

My wife frowned with her eyes still glued to the laptop, gingers hitting the keyboard at lightning speed. She's not finished dressing. The awards are in half an hour. Half of her pin straight hair is in a ponytail, the other half curled. She's wearing house slippers with a champagne coloured evening gown. "And you are telling me this because..."

"Because I want to throw Chuck into the deep end."

"Sorry to disappoint you General, but Chuck is a great swimmer. It's a wonder he didn't pick the navy.

"I don't mean it literally my dear."

That got her attention. She looked at me. "What have you done Bruce?"

"I convinced the chairman of the awards to make sure Chick takes first place."

"I'm going to pretend I don't understand this do that you can explain it to me."

"In simple words, I found a way to force Chuck to accept who he is. When he wind the award tonight, Chuck is going to be the subject of every tongue in New York. He will no longer be invisible."

"Oh Bruce, why would you force that on him?"

"He needs to be pushed Dani. That's the only way he will explore his full potential."

"I hate to admit it but I agree with you. He needs to accept who he is."

Gayatri's POV
I can't believe he left me. He left me here. He chose to do the noble thing instead of choosing me. I didn't care about pappa's feelings and I still don't.

One of his cousins threw me in my room and locked the door. It has been around three or four days so nice Chuck left. I'm no longer sure of anything other than my broken heart. The next time I get out of this house, they will never see me again. I will not go to Chuck. He will never see me again either.

I'm angry. I'm bitter that they think they can control my life like this! I'm mad at Chuck because he did not stand up for our love! He just left! He chose the easy way out and I hate him for that!

"Gayatri." Ma checks on me often. "Will you eat something?"

The answer hasn't changed. "No."

"Dear, you will waste away."

"Ma, the only thing that I will die from is a broken heart! Leave me alone!"

I had just turned away when the door slammed. I turned to see Nisha. Her eyes are wide with excitement. "You have to see this! Come on!"

She pulled me out of bed. She isn't stopping to care of I want to come with her or not. Since Chuck left the country, my father's cousins left. It's only him, uncle Arjun, Nisha's husband, Karan, RJ, ma, pappa, my grandmother and I. Those are enough people to crowd the living room.

"Move!" She pushed Karan out of the way. "Look! It's Chuck! Turn up the volume!"

They turned up the volume.

"...I feel the pressure to be as successful as Courtney St Patrick. Stepping up to her role is not something that has come naturally for me. If anything, I wouldn't be here if not for my father..."

"Everybody shut up!" Nisha demanded. "This is the part!"

"But no one other than you is-"

"Shut up Karan!" She screamed. "Gayatri, listen..."

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